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Re: S12E10 The Timeless Children

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The Doctor

1.3.2020 klo 18.23.331.3.2020
In article <>,
The True Doctor <> wrote:
>The talentless illiterate pile of festering that calls
>himself Chris Chibnall has totally destroyed Doctor Who in its entirety
>just so he can serve his own ego and spread his disgusting and sickening
>sexist and racist agenda and hatred against the fans in order to justify
>turning the Doctor into a woman!
>All the rumours were true! Chibnall has destroyed everything!

Chibnall the hack!!

>The entire episode was entirely composed of amateurish rubbish created
>by an imbecilic fool that doesn't have a clue how to write anything but
>bad soap opera and doesn't understand science fiction or the basic
>principles of good writing or story telling.

Unskilled people like Chibnall for you.

>There was no story, no plot, no characterisation, nothing linking
>anything together in a logical and rational manner, just a wholesale
>wanton destruction of Doctor Who canon, Gallifrey, the Shibogans, the
>Time Lords, the Cybermen, the Master and the character of the Doctor in
>their entirety!

And already Chibnall contradicts Invasion of Time.

>The acting was the worst I've ever seen. Jodie Whittaker was absolutely
>terrible and Sacha Dhawan completely ridiculous. No one could give a
>s*t about any of the protagonists they were so badly conceived, and
>characterised as complete morons.
>Everything was excreted out of Chibnall's arse and made no sense whatsoever.

What do you expect from Chris Chibnall?

>After watching this crap there is no reason to watch Doctor Who ever
>again. It has all been destroyed!
>The talentless illiterate hack Chibnall s*ts on the legacy and memory
>of Terrance Dicks by having a stupid moronic woman... it had to be
>woman, because female chauvinism and PC bigotry and intolerance forbids
>a man from being shown in a typical masculine role of leadership or as a
>pioneer... that's portrayed as nothing more than a peasant Shobogan
>farmer from Galllifey, and has no hint of any academic qualifications
>whosoever, build a spaceship, all by herself, capable of interstellar
>space travel, and go out to explore the universe alone.

All of which contradicts The 3 Doctors, The 5 Doctors and all canon
involving Omega and Rassilon!

>Who does Chibnall expect to believe this?

Simpletons like McKeown, Wilson and I might add in Sp
unless otherwise notified.

>Richard Branson, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos with
>all of their billions can't even get beyond Earth's orbit, and the
> piece of s*t Chibnall expects viewers to believe that this
>peasant woman, with no hint of technology around her, with no wealth,
>with no knowledge of science or engineering, builds this spaceship all
>by herself and goes out exploring the universe all single-handedly?


>On one of her trips she discovers the Timeless Child, standing there in
>front of some sort of obelisk, alone all by itself for no reason
>whatsoever, this black girl... it just had to be a girl and black to
>reinforce Chibnall's sexist agenda and send the messages that white
>people are inferior, and she takes it with her, takes this girl away
>from her own culture and people and adopts the child as her own.

This is the very first Doctor? A female girl from another dimension?

>How would anyone be allowed to travel in space all by
>themselves and bring back an alien being and adopt it by the authorities
>on Gallifrey?

The contradicts The Deadly Assassin,
Invasion of Time and other Gallifre episodes!

>Why would the whole of Gallifrey consist of just one race, the
>Shobogans, who presumably are all white, because that is what is meant
>by a race?

ANd in Invasion of Time, they reject Time Lord life style.

>After playing with a white boy the black girl falls off the edge of a
>cliff and regenerates. Why wasn't she supervised? Why was she
>allowed to play near the edge of a cliff? Why is a boy being made to
>blame for her fall? This all stinks of misandry and the writing is
>totally amateurish. All of it told in flashback rather than shown in an
>evolving narrative.

Good point.

>After seeing the child regenerate the women decides to experiment on the
>girl to find out how regeneration works, and makes her regenerate a few
>more times in the process, into different women and people of different
>So, from being a peasant farmer she becomes a space engineer and
>then she's a biologist, who steals the power of regeneration
>from this black Timeless Child, symbolizing white people appropriating
>black culture, and uses it to her own benefit by experimenting with it
>on herself.
>Totally ridiculous!

SJW plot for us.

>And there's no one supervising this women, she's not publishing any
>scientific papers about this child to be peer reviewed, there's no
>government authorities to stop her from engaging in this malpractice,
>the child isn't even being sent to school, and where the hell is she
>getting the funding from?

How was this ever accomplished?

>Now this woman after regenerating becomes the leader of the whole of
>Gallifrey. What? This becomes even more ridiculous, and she builds this
>single city, the Capitol, like there were no cities on Gallifrey ever
>before, where the fuck did they get their technology from, and creates
>an elite order who after selection are given the power of regeneration,
>but only for 12 cycles, who after obtaining time travel become the Time

and it gets worse.

>On top of that this woman, after setting up Gallifrey's constitution of
>non-intervention and regenerating into a man, creates a special
>intervention force,
>whose members include Brendan from the previous episode who after his
>service has his memory erased, and he turns out to be the Timeless Child
>who is in fact the Doctor! And every Time Lord is descended from the
>Doctor and there a dozens if not billions of previous incarnations of
>the Doctor, including Ruth, travelling around the universe, all before

And that makes no sense at all.

This contradicts Day of the Doctor clearly!

>The writing and worse than fanfic. Chibnall probably wrote it when he
>was 8 years old.
>This is pure garbage and an insult to William Hartnell, s*tting in his
>face and every actor that played the Doctor after him!

It is an insult to the legacy of DW!

>So the Shobogans were the original inhabitants of Gallifrey and no other
>race existed on the planet. One of them stole the power of regeneration
>from this black girl from an alien race and used it to create the Time
>Lords. And the Doctor is actually this black girl who regenerated into
>another girl, and then another one from another race, and then into a
>black boy, and somewhere along the line regenerated into Brendon, who
>had his memory erased and was turned back into a child again and forced
>to attend school with the Master, and he's not even from Gallifrey.

Contradictions layered upon contradictions!

>And the Master is supposed to have sent Whittaker the memories of being
>Brendon, but it's not even shown that Whittaker was even experiencing
>them in the previous episode. And the Time Lords kept this all sected in
>the Matrix except for the part they erased.
>Then not satisfied with destroying the Time Lords the Master takes over
>the Cybermen who have created this particle to destroy all organic life,
>despite being organic themselves, and turns the last remaining Time
>Lords who he has kept in deep freeze into Cybermen wearing Time Lord
>headdresses who have the power to regenerate.

The maniac for us all.

>How can a Time Lord regenerate into something mechanical like a
>Cyberman? We've already seen that when the Doctor lost his hand he
>regenerated it back, so a Time Lord converted into a Cyberman would have
>regenerated all of their limbs and organs back.
>And at the end the old man comes in from nowhere after TARDISes appear
>out of nowhere, to save Whittaker and blow up the whole of Gallifrey and
>release the death particle to kill the Master and the Time Lord
>Cybermen; this death particle which was made to destroy all organic life
>in the universe, so how can it be confined just to Gallifrey, especially
>when the explosion would have blown it into outer space.

Spot on!

>The Doctor only had 12 regenerations and that was the lot until the Time
>Lords gave him a new cycle making Capaldi into the first regeneration of
>the second cycle. The Timeless child on the other hand had unlimited
>regenerations. How did they turn it into the Doctor who was not able to
>regenerate at all until he became a Time Lord?
>The Doctor was in the Matrix and he had the Coralett of Rassilon which
>gave him access to the memory of every Time Lord and he didn't realise
>that he was not even Gallifreyan let along the Timeless Child.

Eactly! The canon contradictions are huge!

>Rassilon was the founder of the Time Lords along with Omega who gave
>them time travel, not some stupid peasant woman.

Full points!

>Rassilon was supposed to have searched for the secret of immortality,
>which now was in the possession of the Time Lords all the long, and
>neither Rassilion or Berusa found it even though it was staring them in
>the face all the long.

And the is from The 5 Doctors. Watch Stephen Wilson go into denial mode!

>Omega had the same genetic code as the Doctor and attempted to steal the
>Doctor's body which was the only one that was compatible with his, so
>how the hell can the Doctor not be Gallifreyan?
>The Doctor's mother was human. The Doctor had a father!


>How could the Time Lords fake the Doctor's birth and his entire
>The only alternative is that the Doctor was loomed and this shits in the
>face of Lungbarrow and The Other.
>Chibnall has shat on everyone!

This is why I beleive Moffat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chibnall!

This is why I beleive Moffat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chibnall!


Watch the defence from J-Bots like Wilson and that ilk.

>-|infinity^infinity^infinity^infinity...^infinity ad infinitum|/10

Spot on!

>Doctor Who ended in 2017 just before Capaldi began to regenerate. This
>crap isn't Doctor Who and it never will be!

Decanonise Chibnall and Whittaker.

>The first Doctor was William Hartnell and always will be. There were no
>others before him. He was born a boy to a human mother and a Gillifreyan
>father and grew up to become a Time Lord. He had only 12 regenerations
>until the Time Lords, who were founded by Rassilion and Omega, gave him
>another cycle, and Peter Capaldi was the first Doctor of the second
>cycle who died at the end of Twice Upon a Time and that was when Doctor
>Who ended!

Watch the J-Bots go on the defensive!

>The True Doctor
>"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it
>stands for." -William Shatner

Member - Liberal International This is Ici
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
Blind assertions are useful for fools, and swaying them. -unknown

The Doctor

4.3.2020 klo 17.35.314.3.2020
In article <>,
The True Doctor <> wrote:
>On 02/03/2020 17:52, wrote:
>> On Monday, March 2, 2020 at 12:45:17 PM UTC-5,
>> wrote:
>>> On Sunday, March 1, 2020 at 11:13:34 PM UTC-5, The True Doctor
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 02/03/2020 03:16, wrote:
>>>>> On Sunday, March 1, 2020 at 5:40:26 PM UTC-5, The True Doctor
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> This is all bull!
>>> Actually, the more objections you raise as someone more familiar
>>> with the continuity than I am, the less it seems to actually
>>> disrupt anything that's gone before. Chibnall seems a bit of a
>>> continuity bore - while Moffatt only really cared about remaining
>>> consistent with his own stuff and to a lesser extent with RTD,
>>> Chibnall seems to be more obsessive with retaining continuity with
>>> older Dr Who. As JNT proves, this needn't be a good thing.
>Cut the ignorance and stupidity and stop shilling for the woke bigots

You are sounding like Stephen Wilson there Bowles.

>There are no Doctor's before William Hartnell. The first Doctor
>explicitly states he is the first, "the original you might say" in The
>Five Doctor, and again in Twice Upon A Time.

And in T3D

>The entire story arc of the 11th Doctor is based on the fact that he is
>the 11th Doctor, and thus the fake Ruth Doctor cannot exist, and his
>erasure of all of his past history from the entire universe, would be
>impossible if he didn't know of any previous incarnations.

Hear! Hear!!

>Also Clara goes into the space-time vortex and sees every Doctor there
>is, as confirmed by Smith, in order to save them from the Great
>Intelligence, which is trying to erase them from history, and finally
>sees the War Doctor and those are the only Doctors there are.

Corect and that is FRom Name of the Doctor!

>River Song was born in the space-time vortex and that is how she gained
>the power of regeneration, not because of a mass murdering woman who
>repeatedly killed her own adopted child.

And exposure to the radiation.

>Matt Smith states he is the Doctor's final incarnation and uses all of
>his remaining regeneration energy to destroy the Daleks and save the
>planet Christmas, and Clara has to beg the Time Lords to give him
>another cycle which they do, Matt Smith is reset and regenerates and
>Capaldi states he is the first incarnation of the second Cycle. The
>Timeless Child, in other words Doomsday from DC Comics, cannot be the
>Doctor because it has infinite regenerations.

Therefore the Timeless Child is baseless.

>The Master needs all the energy from the Eye of Harmony to restart his
>regeneration cycle in The Deadly Assassin and the TVM. It is not a power
>you get by injecting yourself with alien DNA.


>The Doctor has a Gallifreyan father and a human Mother as explicitly
>stated in the TVM and a human retina, which is observed, shown, and
>commented on by the Master, which means only the Doctor can open up the
>Eye of Harmony in his TARDIS or a human companion. The Master's retina
>cannot open it.

That is a fact.

>We see the Doctor as a child in Listen and he refers to walking with his
>father as a child in the TVM, and we see his mother as one of the Time
>Lords in The End of Time as stared by RTD the writer himself. The Doctor
>was born of a woman, not memory wiped over and over again and forced to
>become a child. Something like that would have been impossible to fake
>and there is no evidence presented for any of this garbage outer than
>the Master's word, which is worthless.


>The Doctor fathered children who were Gallifreyan's, not Shobogans.
>Those children produced his grand daughter Susan. An alien from another
>dimension would not be able to breed with anyone on Gallifrey without
>genetic intervention and the Doctor would known if he was not
>Gallifreyan. The implications of the TMV are that the Gallifeyans must
>be closely related to humans if not descended from them.

Very logical!

>Shobogans were Time Lords who left the Capitol to become Outsiders. They
>were not the race which became the Time Lords.

Exactly! That is from Invasion of time. Argue that SP!

>The regenerations of Morbius were shown in The Brain of Morbius after
>those of the Doctor, and this is stated in the novelization by the
>writer of the original story Terrance Dick, who also created the Time Lords.

Stephen Wilson goes ballistic at this point.

>The Doctor became united with the Matrix and the minds of every past
>Time Lords when he wore the coralett of Rassilion in The Invasion of
>Time. If there was evidence of the Time Lords stealing regeneration from
>a little black girl from another inventions who repeatedly murdered by
>the woman who adopted her, he would have known about it, and he also
>would have known if he was that child from the minds of every other Time

And that are those Timelords that have passed on.

>Time Lord history was known from when the Gallifreyans developed
>writing, and it wouldn't have just been stored in the Matrix but also in
>books and other stand alone media that could not be changed or erased,
>such as in TARDIS databases including that of the Doctor's own TARDIS as
>stated in State of Decay, and in the Biologs of every single Time Lord,
>which were independent of the Matrix, as shown in The Deadly Assassin,
>and as implied in Ark of Infinity, where it is also stated that the
>Doctor's biological pattern matched that of Omega, so it would have been
>known to everyone including the Doctor if the Doctor was
>non-Gallifreyan, and it would not have been a surprise to find out that
>he was Doomsday.


>Omega did not posses the power of regeneration. That power only came to
>the Time Lords after he created the Eye of Harmony, as is clear from The
>Five Doctors, where Rassilon claimed to have discovered the power of
>immortality, which didn't amount to anything more than the regeneration
>cycle Time Lords were subsequently given.

Well said
>The Valleyard hacked the Matrix and was a better hacker than the Master.
>He found nothing of any tampering other than his own, or any Timeless Child.

Good point sir!

>The Curator was is a later incarnation of the Doctor told the 11th
>Doctor that Gallifrey had been saved from the Time War. He would not
>have given the Doctor false hope if the Master had destroyed it, and how
>could the Master succeed where the Daleks failed? It's not even time
>locked so why can't the Doctor go back and stop it from being destroyed
>and why didn't Whittaker go back when she was in the tree TARDIS and
>verify the facts?

Gallifrey falls no more.

>This is all a pack of incoherent lies. Chibnall is hack and an arrogant
>c*t, and what he is hacking instead of writing is not Doctor Who!

Chibnall Fans are all mentally ill;
they suffer from Chibnall derangement syndrome.
>The True Doctor
>"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it
>stands for." -William Shatner

Member - Liberal International This is Ici
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
An enlightened soul would not demand of another to believe lies. -unknown

Stephan Seitz

5.3.2020 klo
In The Doctor <> wrote:
> In article <>, The True Doctor <> wrote:
>>The regenerations of Morbius were shown in The Brain of Morbius after
>>those of the Doctor, and this is stated in the novelization by the
>>writer of the original story Terrance Dick, who also created the Time Lords.

Philip Hinchcliffe, producer of TV: The Brain of Morbius and himself
one of the faces, said on the faces: "We tried to get famous actors
for the faces of the Doctor. But because no one would volunteer, we
had to use backroom boys. And it is true to say that I attempted to
imply that William Hartnell was not the first Doctor."

You'll find other pros and cons for incarnations before Hartwell on
this page.

>>The Curator was is a later incarnation of the Doctor told the 11th
>>Doctor that Gallifrey had been saved from the Time War. He would not

I don't think that any episode of Dr. Who established that the Curator
is a future incarnation. This is the same wishful thinking as the
thought that the woman in End of Time is the Doctor's mother.

Even the old DW episodes are so contradicting that you can read
anything from it as it pleases you. It's a waste of time.

And concerning Susan: She is so stupid that I would never consider her
a Time Lady. Hell, even Vicky is smarter, and she is only a human from
the future. And she doesn't act better in Five Doctors.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz E-Mail: |
| If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it. |

The Doctor

5.3.2020 klo
In article <>,
Stephan Seitz <> wrote:
>In The Doctor <> wrote:
>> In article <>, The
>True Doctor <> wrote:
>>>The regenerations of Morbius were shown in The Brain of Morbius after
>>>those of the Doctor, and this is stated in the novelization by the
>>>writer of the original story Terrance Dick, who also created the Time Lords.
>Philip Hinchcliffe, producer of TV: The Brain of Morbius and himself
>one of the faces, said on the faces: "We tried to get famous actors
>for the faces of the Doctor. But because no one would volunteer, we
>had to use backroom boys. And it is true to say that I attempted to
>imply that William Hartnell was not the first Doctor."
>You'll find other pros and cons for incarnations before Hartwell on
>this page.

Ever read the Novel to Brain of Morbius?

>>>The Curator was is a later incarnation of the Doctor told the 11th
>>>Doctor that Gallifrey had been saved from the Time War. He would not
>I don't think that any episode of Dr. Who established that the Curator
>is a future incarnation. This is the same wishful thinking as the
>thought that the woman in End of Time is the Doctor's mother.
>Even the old DW episodes are so contradicting that you can read
>anything from it as it pleases you. It's a waste of time.


>And concerning Susan: She is so stupid that I would never consider her
>a Time Lady. Hell, even Vicky is smarter, and she is only a human from
>the future. And she doesn't act better in Five Doctors.
>Shade and sweet water!

Nice view on women.
> Stephan
>| Stephan Seitz E-Mail: |
>| If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it. |

The True Doctor

5.3.2020 klo
On 05/03/2020 15:50, Stephan Seitz wrote:
> In The Doctor <> wrote:
>> In article <>, The True Doctor <> wrote:
>>> The regenerations of Morbius were shown in The Brain of Morbius after
>>> those of the Doctor, and this is stated in the novelization by the
>>> writer of the original story Terrance Dick, who also created the Time Lords.
> From
> Philip Hinchcliffe, producer of TV: The Brain of Morbius and himself
> one of the faces, said on the faces: "We tried to get famous actors
> for the faces of the Doctor. But because no one would volunteer, we
> had to use backroom boys. And it is true to say that I attempted to
> imply that William Hartnell was not the first Doctor."
> You'll find other pros and cons for incarnations before Hartwell on
> this page.

Terrance Dicks wrote the script and there was no intention to show faces
before Hartnell. In the novelisation Dicks says the faces were those of

We also have Richard Hurndall confirming he is the first Doctor, 'the
original you might say' in the Five Doctors, also written by Terrance
Dicks, and this is also reiterated by Moffat in Twice Upon A Time.

There were no regenerations, and no Doctors before Hartnell, let alone
one travelling in a Police Box. We saw the fist Doctor leaving Gallifrey
with Susan in The Name of the Doctor, and Clara selecting the TARDIS for
him which is in it's original form as a cylinder.

Clara also saw ALL of the Doctor's incarnations when she was split into
all points in time in the space-time vortex.

>>> The Curator was is a later incarnation of the Doctor told the 11th
>>> Doctor that Gallifrey had been saved from the Time War. He would not
> I don't think that any episode of Dr. Who established that the Curator
> is a future incarnation. This is the same wishful thinking as the
> thought that the woman in End of Time is the Doctor's mother.

It's stated in the dialogue that he was trying on his favourite faces
again, and this one was Tom Baker's. Tom Baker is also back playing the
Curator in Paul McGann's new Big Finish series.

Big Finish was established as canon in The Night of the Doctor, just
like the BBC radio plays.

> Even the old DW episodes are so contradicting that you can read
> anything from it as it pleases you. It's a waste of time.

None of them totally destroy canon and totally destroy the character of
the Doctor, and the character of the Time Lords like Chibnall has done.

> And concerning Susan: She is so stupid that I would never consider her
> a Time Lady. Hell, even Vicky is smarter, and she is only a human from
> the future. And she doesn't act better in Five Doctors.
> Shade and sweet water!
> Stephan

Susan is the Doctor's granddaughter. How can he have children by
Gallifreyan's if he's a completely different lifeform?

River Song was born in the space-time vortex and that his how she
acquired regeneration, and the Time Lords all acquired it the same way
looking into the space-time vortex as established by RTD and Moffat.

Why would River Song be trying to kill the Doctor if the Doctor was the
Timeless Child, and she could just kill that?

Why would she give up all of her remaining regenerations to save the
Doctor in Let's Kill Hitler if he was the Timeless Child which had
unlimited regenerations?

What Chibnall has done totally destroys River Song and the Eleventh
Doctor's entire story arc.

solar penguin

5.3.2020 klo
The True Idiot truly insisted...

> On 05/03/2020 15:50, Stephan Seitz wrote:
>> In The Doctor <> wrote:
>>> In article <>, The
>>> True Doctor <> wrote:
>>>> The regenerations of Morbius were shown in The Brain of Morbius after
>>>> those of the Doctor, and this is stated in the novelization by the
>>>> writer of the original story Terrance Dick, who also created the Time Lords.
>> From
>> Philip Hinchcliffe, producer of TV: The Brain of Morbius and himself
>> one of the faces, said on the faces: "We tried to get famous actors
>> for the faces of the Doctor. But because no one would volunteer, we
>> had to use backroom boys. And it is true to say that I attempted to
>> imply that William Hartnell was not the first Doctor."
>> You'll find other pros and cons for incarnations before Hartwell on
>> this page.
> Terrance Dicks wrote the script

Terrance Dicks wrote _a_ script. Robert Holmes then changed
almost everything about it. There was very little of the
original script left, which is why Dicks had his name removed
and replaced with a bland pseudonym.

You can’t judge anything about the finished serial based
on what Dicks did or didn’t have in his script.

solar penguin

The True Doctor

5.3.2020 klo 16.07.535.3.2020
Terrance Dicks wrote the script and wrote the novelisation. There was
not intention to imply there were regeneration before Hartnell and Dicks
explicitly states in the Target novelization that the other faces were
those of Morbius and reaffirms that Hartnell/Hurndall was the First
Doctor in The Five Doctors, and Moffat reaffirms that to, along with the
fact that the First Doctor had never regenerated before and was afraid
of regenerating in Twice Upon A Time.

What Chibnall did was to kill Doctor Who in it's entirety by destroying
the character of the Doctor, destroying the entire premise of the show,
destroying the Doctor's origin story and creating a completely new
origin story and new show based on that of the character of Doomsday
from DC Comics, because the arrogant, bigoted, sexist and racist cunt
decided that an old while man who fled his home planet along with his
own granddaughter in a stolen TARDIS, which had endured for neatly 57
years was not good enough, nor were the show' fans, and he had to
replace the origin story and entire premise with a story about a
characterless little black girl from another dimension who was taken and
repeatedly experimented on and murdered by her surrogate mother, who
single-handedly invented interstellar space travel, so that she could
obtain the secret of regeneration and use it to create the Time Lords,
all single-handedly once again, and after multiple characterless
regenerations, that no one gives a fuck about, into every gender and
ethnicity from Earth, this characterless black girl had her memory wiped
and is actually the Doctor, just so he could justify turning the Doctor
into a woman and score woke points.

The Doctor

5.3.2020 klo 20.22.375.3.2020
In article <>,
The True Doctor <> wrote:
>On 05/03/2020 15:50, Stephan Seitz wrote:
>> In The Doctor <> wrote:
>>> In article <>, The
>True Doctor <> wrote:
>>>> The regenerations of Morbius were shown in The Brain of Morbius after
>>>> those of the Doctor, and this is stated in the novelization by the
>>>> writer of the original story Terrance Dick, who also created the Time Lords.
>> From
>> Philip Hinchcliffe, producer of TV: The Brain of Morbius and himself
>> one of the faces, said on the faces: "We tried to get famous actors
>> for the faces of the Doctor. But because no one would volunteer, we
>> had to use backroom boys. And it is true to say that I attempted to
>> imply that William Hartnell was not the first Doctor."
>> You'll find other pros and cons for incarnations before Hartwell on
>> this page.
>Terrance Dicks wrote the script and there was no intention to show faces
>before Hartnell. In the novelisation Dicks says the faces were those of

And we will go with that.

>We also have Richard Hurndall confirming he is the first Doctor, 'the
>original you might say' in the Five Doctors, also written by Terrance
>Dicks, and this is also reiterated by Moffat in Twice Upon A Time.

REinforced correctly.

>There were no regenerations, and no Doctors before Hartnell, let alone
>one travelling in a Police Box. We saw the fist Doctor leaving Gallifrey
>with Susan in The Name of the Doctor, and Clara selecting the TARDIS for
>him which is in it's original form as a cylinder.

And that is from Day of the Doctor!

>Clara also saw ALL of the Doctor's incarnations when she was split into
>all points in time in the space-time vortex.

FRom Name of the Doctor!

>>>> The Curator was is a later incarnation of the Doctor told the 11th
>>>> Doctor that Gallifrey had been saved from the Time War. He would not
>> I don't think that any episode of Dr. Who established that the Curator
>> is a future incarnation. This is the same wishful thinking as the
>> thought that the woman in End of Time is the Doctor's mother.
>It's stated in the dialogue that he was trying on his favourite faces
>again, and this one was Tom Baker's. Tom Baker is also back playing the
>Curator in Paul McGann's new Big Finish series.
>Big Finish was established as canon in The Night of the Doctor, just
>like the BBC radio plays.

Good point!

>> Even the old DW episodes are so contradicting that you can read
>> anything from it as it pleases you. It's a waste of time.
>None of them totally destroy canon and totally destroy the character of
>the Doctor, and the character of the Time Lords like Chibnall has done.

This why Chibnall has to go.

>> And concerning Susan: She is so stupid that I would never consider her
>> a Time Lady. Hell, even Vicky is smarter, and she is only a human from
>> the future. And she doesn't act better in Five Doctors.
>> Shade and sweet water!
>> Stephan
>Susan is the Doctor's granddaughter. How can he have children by
>Gallifreyan's if he's a completely different lifeform?
>River Song was born in the space-time vortex and that his how she
>acquired regeneration, and the Time Lords all acquired it the same way
>looking into the space-time vortex as established by RTD and Moffat.

And that is established.

>Why would River Song be trying to kill the Doctor if the Doctor was the
>Timeless Child, and she could just kill that?

Chibnall manages to nicely contradict Let's Kill Hitler!

>Why would she give up all of her remaining regenerations to save the
>Doctor in Let's Kill Hitler if he was the Timeless Child which had
>unlimited regenerations?
>What Chibnall has done totally destroys River Song and the Eleventh
>Doctor's entire story arc.

Chibnall is insane enough to destroy the whole cannon for his purposes.

>The True Doctor
>"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it
>stands for." -William Shatner

The Doctor

5.3.2020 klo
In article <r3rls8$dof$>,
Youi call that an argument to the contrary SP?

>solar penguin

The Doctor

5.3.2020 klo 20.23.405.3.2020
In article <>,
WEll argued TTD!

>The True Doctor
>"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it
>stands for." -William Shatner

Andy Leighton

6.3.2020 klo 4.05.566.3.2020
He isn't even doing that. He is judging based on a later novelisation
of that script.

I find it totally reasonable to suspect that the original script
intended for the faces to be earlier versions of the Doctor, which
was then 'corrected' in the novel when they realised they had
contradicted the accepted continuity.

Andy Leighton =>
"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"
- Douglas Adams

Mike M

6.3.2020 klo 5.01.376.3.2020
I think the novelisation (and not the televised story) is what first
accepts that continuity (it is primarily a tacit assumption based on the
show itself). Prior to that, I believe that there is precisely one line
from the whole show that positively indicates Hartnell to be the first - in
The Three Doctors, a Time Lord says “Show me the earliest Doctor”. Nothing
Hartnell says claims he is the first - he refers to Troughton and Pertwee
as his “replacements”, but that doesn’t in itself infer a lack of
predecessors. Hurndall later claims to be the “original”, but this is at
least partly an in-joke because of course, he isn’t.

Note that following Chibnall’s retcon, most Time Lords, including the
Doctor, will believe this “earliest” datum to be true even if it is not.

This space intentionally left blank

Stephan Seitz

6.3.2020 klo 6.01.486.3.2020
In The True Doctor <> wrote:
> Terrance Dicks wrote the script and there was no intention to show faces
> before Hartnell. In the novelisation Dicks says the faces were those of
> Morbius.
> We also have Richard Hurndall confirming he is the first Doctor, 'the
> original you might say' in the Five Doctors, also written by Terrance
> Dicks, and this is also reiterated by Moffat in Twice Upon A Time.

Who cares?
We have the confirmation of producer Philip Hinchcliffe that the faces
in Morbius are earlier incarnations of the Doctor.

Terrance Dicks isn't the last DW authority. I don't think there is any
last DW authority.

That's why I said that you'll find some text (episodes, books, behind
the scene interviews) that says so and some that contradicts with it.

> There were no regenerations, and no Doctors before Hartnell, let alone

We don't know that for sure. What may be is that the regenerations
before Hartnell didn't call himself Doctor.

> one travelling in a Police Box. We saw the fist Doctor leaving Gallifrey
> with Susan in The Name of the Doctor, and Clara selecting the TARDIS for
> him which is in it's original form as a cylinder.

That is true. Regenerations before Hartnell can't use the police box
TARDIS. But of course future regenerations could...

> Clara also saw ALL of the Doctor's incarnations when she was split into
> all points in time in the space-time vortex.

No, she didn't. For example she didn't see any future incarnations
which should be quite possible in the space-time vortex.
And while there were scenes with her and older doctor incarnations,
there was no scene with the War Doctor.

>> I don't think that any episode of Dr. Who established that the Curator
>> is a future incarnation. This is the same wishful thinking as the
>> thought that the woman in End of Time is the Doctor's mother.
> It's stated in the dialogue that he was trying on his favourite faces
> again, and this one was Tom Baker's. Tom Baker is also back playing the
> Curator in Paul McGann's new Big Finish series.

And even if the Curator is a future Doctor incarnation, we don't know
which one. There could be hundreds of regeneration cycles between.

And by the way: what happened with "I can't cross my own time line"
and the Blinovitch Limitation Effect? Didn't they touch each other?

> None of them totally destroy canon and totally destroy the character of
> the Doctor, and the character of the Time Lords like Chibnall has done.

Bullshit. I don't like Chibnail but the reasons are more like in

But if I was really concerned about logical continuity I wouldn't
watch DW...

> Susan is the Doctor's granddaughter. How can he have children by

She calls him grandfather, but if they are really related by blood we
don't know. We don't have seen any DNA test.

> Why would River Song be trying to kill the Doctor if the Doctor was the
> Timeless Child, and she could just kill that?

Maybe she didn't know it? Besides River was always a little strange.

> Why would she give up all of her remaining regenerations to save the
> Doctor in Let's Kill Hitler if he was the Timeless Child which had
> unlimited regenerations?

Maybe she didn't know it? And she was in love.

So this will be my last post. It's useless to discuss with fanatics.

Shade and sweet water!


The Doctor

6.3.2020 klo
In article <>,
Stephan Seitz <> wrote:
>In The True Doctor <> wrote:
>> Terrance Dicks wrote the script and there was no intention to show faces
>> before Hartnell. In the novelisation Dicks says the faces were those of
>> Morbius.
>> We also have Richard Hurndall confirming he is the first Doctor, 'the
>> original you might say' in the Five Doctors, also written by Terrance
>> Dicks, and this is also reiterated by Moffat in Twice Upon A Time.
>Who cares?
>We have the confirmation of producer Philip Hinchcliffe that the faces
>in Morbius are earlier incarnations of the Doctor.
>Terrance Dicks isn't the last DW authority. I don't think there is any
>last DW authority.
>That's why I said that you'll find some text (episodes, books, behind
>the scene interviews) that says so and some that contradicts with it.

Baloney! IT matters! First is what yo see on TV and
then novelised accordingly.

>> There were no regenerations, and no Doctors before Hartnell, let alone
>We don't know that for sure. What may be is that the regenerations
>before Hartnell didn't call himself Doctor.

In T3D, T5D and Day of the Doctyor, it is certain the Hartnell is the original.

>> one travelling in a Police Box. We saw the fist Doctor leaving Gallifrey
>> with Susan in The Name of the Doctor, and Clara selecting the TARDIS for
>> him which is in it's original form as a cylinder.
>That is true. Regenerations before Hartnell can't use the police box
>TARDIS. But of course future regenerations could...

And note that is messed up by Chibnall is Timeless Children.

>> Clara also saw ALL of the Doctor's incarnations when she was split into
>> all points in time in the space-time vortex.
>No, she didn't. For example she didn't see any future incarnations
>which should be quite possible in the space-time vortex.
>And while there were scenes with her and older doctor incarnations,
>there was no scene with the War Doctor.

Nope, the Time Stream contained all the Doctor up to that point.

>>> I don't think that any episode of Dr. Who established that the Curator
>>> is a future incarnation. This is the same wishful thinking as the
>>> thought that the woman in End of Time is the Doctor's mother.
>> It's stated in the dialogue that he was trying on his favourite faces
>> again, and this one was Tom Baker's. Tom Baker is also back playing the
>> Curator in Paul McGann's new Big Finish series.
>And even if the Curator is a future Doctor incarnation, we don't know
>which one. There could be hundreds of regeneration cycles between.
>And by the way: what happened with "I can't cross my own time line"
>and the Blinovitch Limitation Effect? Didn't they touch each other?

Not that I recall.

>> None of them totally destroy canon and totally destroy the character of
>> the Doctor, and the character of the Time Lords like Chibnall has done.
>Bulls*. I don't like Chibnail but the reasons are more like in

Well Chibnall should be condemned for the disaster he is creating.

>But if I was really concerned about logical continuity I wouldn't
>watch DW...

Slight Chibnall Derangement Syndrome.

>> Susan is the Doctor's granddaughter. How can he have children by
>She calls him grandfather, but if they are really related by blood we
>don't know. We don't have seen any DNA test.

Than assume correct. Even in T5D.

>> Why would River Song be trying to kill the Doctor if the Doctor was the
>> Timeless Child, and she could just kill that?
>Maybe she didn't know it? Besides River was always a little strange.

Kervokian Effect.

>> Why would she give up all of her remaining regenerations to save the
>> Doctor in Let's Kill Hitler if he was the Timeless Child which had
>> unlimited regenerations?
>Maybe she didn't know it? And she was in love.
>So this will be my last post. It's useless to discuss with fanatics.

WEll the Doctor was dead in Let's Kill Hitler until she gave up her regenerations.

>Shade and sweet water!

cheers and #chibnalloutnow !

> Stephan
>| Stephan Seitz E-Mail: |
>| If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it. |

The Doctor

6.3.2020 klo 12.24.506.3.2020
In article <>,
IT matters! The Novelisations and the Screened TV version
are hand in hand.

>Andy Leighton =>
>"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"
> - Douglas Adams

The Doctor

6.3.2020 klo 12.52.356.3.2020
Hence the basis for this debate.

>Note that following Chibnall’s retcon, most Time Lords, including the
>Doctor, will believe this “earliest” datum to be true even if it is not.

Hence what Chibnall is discredited!

>This space intentionally left blank

The True Doctor

6.3.2020 klo
On 06/03/2020 11:01, Stephan Seitz wrote:
> In The True Doctor <> wrote:
>> Terrance Dicks wrote the script and there was no intention to show faces
>> before Hartnell. In the novelisation Dicks says the faces were those of
>> Morbius.
>> We also have Richard Hurndall confirming he is the first Doctor, 'the
>> original you might say' in the Five Doctors, also written by Terrance
>> Dicks, and this is also reiterated by Moffat in Twice Upon A Time.
> Who cares?
> We have the confirmation of producer Philip Hinchcliffe that the faces
> in Morbius are earlier incarnations of the Doctor.
> Terrance Dicks isn't the last DW authority. I don't think there is any
> last DW authority.

Terrance Dicks created the Time Lords and wrote The Brain of Morbius and
The Five Doctors. He states that the other faces are those of Morbius in
the novelisation, and reaffirms that Hartnell/Hurndall is the original
Doctor and there are five of him now after Davision tell's him he's the
fourth regeneration. Anything else that tries to retcon this isn't
Doctor Who. There are no Doctors and no regenerations before Hartnell
and destroying canon and continuity by reducing everything to a
conspiracy theory involving data erase, memory wipes, and the complete
rewriting of Time Lord histry which is told, not shown, from the mouth
of a serial liar, is hack writing at its very worst.

Just how stupid are? Do you seriously think that the Time Lords, a race
of time travellers would not know their own history, and all of it would
be recorded in just one source, and there were not books, videos,
telecasts, optical storage, ssds or anything else where it was stored
expect the Matrix? BULLSHIT! PURE BULLSHIT.

We've known since The Deadly Assassin and Ark of Infinity that the Time
Lords kept independent biologs of every Time Lords in storage cylinders
on library shelves, including that of the Doctor, which he even saw
himself, and he doesn't know he's not Gallifreyan when he knew every
single part of his body and showed it to Leela when he was cloned and
shrunken down and injected into it in The Invisible Enemy? He would have
know he was not Gallifreyan just in that episode alone.

> That's why I said that you'll find some text (episodes, books, behind
> the scene interviews) that says so and some that contradicts with it.

The Target novelisations, especially ones by the author of the original
script writer which pertain to is interpretation are official.

>> There were no regenerations, and no Doctors before Hartnell, let alone
> We don't know that for sure. What may be is that the regenerations
> before Hartnell didn't call himself Doctor.

There were no regenerations before Hartnell. No genuine evidence
whatsoever has been presented of such a thing. And do you seriously
think The Valeyard who was the penultimate incarnation of the Doctor
between this 11th and 12th regenerations would have been demanding
another set if regenerations if the Doctor was essentially immortal?

>> one travelling in a Police Box. We saw the fist Doctor leaving Gallifrey
>> with Susan in The Name of the Doctor, and Clara selecting the TARDIS for
>> him which is in it's original form as a cylinder.
> That is true. Regenerations before Hartnell can't use the police box
> TARDIS. But of course future regenerations could...
>> Clara also saw ALL of the Doctor's incarnations when she was split into
>> all points in time in the space-time vortex.
> No, she didn't.

Yes she did.

>For example she didn't see any future incarnations

The Great Intelligence didn't want to exterminate the Doctor in the
future. It wanted to exterminate the Doctor in the past, completely.

> which should be quite possible in the space-time vortex.
> And while there were scenes with her and older doctor incarnations,
> there was no scene with the War Doctor.

Clara was splintered throughout the Doctor's entire time line and saw
every Doctor including the War Doctor who she talks to Matt Smith about
at the end.

>>> I don't think that any episode of Dr. Who established that the Curator
>>> is a future incarnation. This is the same wishful thinking as the
>>> thought that the woman in End of Time is the Doctor's mother.
>> It's stated in the dialogue that he was trying on his favourite faces
>> again, and this one was Tom Baker's. Tom Baker is also back playing the
>> Curator in Paul McGann's new Big Finish series.
> And even if the Curator is a future Doctor incarnation, we don't know
> which one. There could be hundreds of regeneration cycles between.
> And by the way: what happened with "I can't cross my own time line"
> and the Blinovitch Limitation Effect? Didn't they touch each other?

They all touched each other in The Five Doctors, and The Three Doctors,
and The Two Doctors. It only applies to the Doctor meeting himself in an
uncontrolled manner.

>> None of them totally destroy canon and totally destroy the character of
>> the Doctor, and the character of the Time Lords like Chibnall has done.
> Bullshit. I don't like Chibnail but the reasons are more like in
> But if I was really concerned about logical continuity I wouldn't
> watch DW...

How Chris Chibnall Destroyed Doctor Who! - The Timeless Children Review

"The Timeless Children" - The End of Doctor Who

Doctor Who Episode 10 Review | A Dead and Defiled Ruin

>> Susan is the Doctor's granddaughter. How can he have children by
> She calls him grandfather, but if they are really related by blood we
> don't know. We don't have seen any DNA test.

She's his biological granddaughter. Why would he run off with someone
else's child? And he had a biological mother shown in The End of Time
and stated to be such by RTD, and father which he refers to in the TVM,
and we saw him as a child in Listen.

>> Why would River Song be trying to kill the Doctor if the Doctor was the
>> Timeless Child, and she could just kill that?
> Maybe she didn't know it? Besides River was always a little strange.

That totally destroys the character of River Song, so you can add her to
the Time Lords, The Master, The Cybermen, and the Doctor, who have all
been destroyed by Chibnall.

>> Why would she give up all of her remaining regenerations to save the
>> Doctor in Let's Kill Hitler if he was the Timeless Child which had
>> unlimited regenerations?
> Maybe she didn't know it? And she was in love.

She should have known it otherwise it completely destroys her character
and Matt Smith's story arc.

> So this will be my last post. It's useless to discuss with fanatics.
> Shade and sweet water!
> Stephan

So you hate Doctor Who fans, just like Chibnall. Don't expect fans to
give the BBC or Big Finish their money any more. And yes, Chibnall has
destroyed Big Finish as well, along with the entire franchise.

The Doctor

6.3.2020 klo
In article <>,
The True Doctor <> wrote:
>expect the Matrix? BULL! PURE BULL.

And Stupid idiots like Stephen Wilson will lap up anything Chibnall
gives him.

>We've known since The Deadly Assassin and Ark of Infinity that the Time
>Lords kept independent biologs of every Time Lords in storage cylinders
>on library shelves, including that of the Doctor, which he even saw
>himself, and he doesn't know he's not Gallifreyan when he knew every
>single part of his body and showed it to Leela when he was cloned and
>shrunken down and injected into it in The Invisible Enemy? He would have
>know he was not Gallifreyan just in that episode alone.

CAlled the Matrix.

>> That's why I said that you'll find some text (episodes, books, behind
>> the scene interviews) that says so and some that contradicts with it.
>The Target novelisations, especially ones by the author of the original
>script writer which pertain to is interpretation are official.

And canon!

>>> There were no regenerations, and no Doctors before Hartnell, let alone
>> We don't know that for sure. What may be is that the regenerations
>> before Hartnell didn't call himself Doctor.
>There were no regenerations before Hartnell. No genuine evidence
>whatsoever has been presented of such a thing. And do you seriously
>think The Valeyard who was the penultimate incarnation of the Doctor
>between this 11th and 12th regenerations would have been demanding
>another set if regenerations if the Doctor was essentially immortal?


>>> one travelling in a Police Box. We saw the fist Doctor leaving Gallifrey
>>> with Susan in The Name of the Doctor, and Clara selecting the TARDIS for
>>> him which is in it's original form as a cylinder.
>> That is true. Regenerations before Hartnell can't use the police box
>> TARDIS. But of course future regenerations could...
>>> Clara also saw ALL of the Doctor's incarnations when she was split into
>>> all points in time in the space-time vortex.
>> No, she didn't.
>Yes she did.
> >For example she didn't see any future incarnations
>The Great Intelligence didn't want to exterminate the Doctor in the
>future. It wanted to exterminate the Doctor in the past, completely.

And that is from Name of the Doctor.

>> which should be quite possible in the space-time vortex.
>> And while there were scenes with her and older doctor incarnations,
>> there was no scene with the War Doctor.
>Clara was splintered throughout the Doctor's entire time line and saw
>every Doctor including the War Doctor who she talks to Matt Smith about
>at the end.

Again from Name ofthe Doctor.

>>>> I don't think that any episode of Dr. Who established that the Curator
>>>> is a future incarnation. This is the same wishful thinking as the
>>>> thought that the woman in End of Time is the Doctor's mother.
>>> It's stated in the dialogue that he was trying on his favourite faces
>>> again, and this one was Tom Baker's. Tom Baker is also back playing the
>>> Curator in Paul McGann's new Big Finish series.
>> And even if the Curator is a future Doctor incarnation, we don't know
>> which one. There could be hundreds of regeneration cycles between.
>> And by the way: what happened with "I can't cross my own time line"
>> and the Blinovitch Limitation Effect? Didn't they touch each other?
>They all touched each other in The Five Doctors, and The Three Doctors,
>and The Two Doctors. It only applies to the Doctor meeting himself in an
>uncontrolled manner.

As seen in Mawdryn Undead.

>>> None of them totally destroy canon and totally destroy the character of
>>> the Doctor, and the character of the Time Lords like Chibnall has done.
>> Bullshit. I don't like Chibnail but the reasons are more like in
>> But if I was really concerned about logical continuity I wouldn't
>> watch DW...
>How Chris Chibnall Destroyed Doctor Who! - The Timeless Children Review
>"The Timeless Children" - The End of Doctor Who
>Doctor Who Episode 10 Review | A Dead and Defiled Ruin

Watch those with Chibnall Derangement Syndrome like Steven Wilson
spin out of control and go ballistic.

>>> Susan is the Doctor's granddaughter. How can he have children by
>> She calls him grandfather, but if they are really related by blood we
>> don't know. We don't have seen any DNA test.
>She's his biological granddaughter. Why would he run off with someone
>else's child? And he had a biological mother shown in The End of Time
>and stated to be such by RTD, and father which he refers to in the TVM,
>and we saw him as a child in Listen.

Which Chibnall wants to destroy.

>>> Why would River Song be trying to kill the Doctor if the Doctor was the
>>> Timeless Child, and she could just kill that?
>> Maybe she didn't know it? Besides River was always a little strange.
>That totally destroys the character of River Song, so you can add her to
>the Time Lords, The Master, The Cybermen, and the Doctor, who have all
>been destroyed by Chibnall.


>>> Why would she give up all of her remaining regenerations to save the
>>> Doctor in Let's Kill Hitler if he was the Timeless Child which had
>>> unlimited regenerations?
>> Maybe she didn't know it? And she was in love.
>She should have known it otherwise it completely destroys her character
>and Matt Smith's story arc.

Yet another contradiction against Chibnall.

>> So this will be my last post. It's useless to discuss with fanatics.
>> Shade and sweet water!
>> Stephan
>So you hate Doctor Who fans, just like Chibnall. Don't expect fans to
>give the BBC or Big Finish their money any more. And yes, Chibnall has
>destroyed Big Finish as well, along with the entire franchise.

Such are those with Chibnall Derangement syndrome.

>The True Doctor
>"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it
>stands for." -William Shatner

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