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What Did You Watch? 2017-07-20 (Thursday)

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Jul 21, 2017, 8:42:18 AM7/21/17
I watched:

routine filmed in front of an Indian audience. From a cultural
perspective, this was really interesting because the same kind of topics
are covered here as would be covered by American comics, but this does
have a decidedly 'culture of India' tone. As a result, some of it is
less accessible because the comic switches into non-English language at
times (subtitles are provided) and because people outside of India are
likely not familiar with some of the ethnic subgroups (and their
stereotypes) in India. As far as 'THINGS THEY WOULDN'T LET ME SAY' in
the title, there appears to be one short phrase that was 'bleeped out',
but there are plenty of 'four letter words' in this routine so I'm not
sure if the omitted phrase was just a sound drop or if there really is
some bit of something that was 'bleeped'.

What did you watch?


Jul 21, 2017, 10:02:26 AM7/21/17
I watched:

Stage 18.

What did you watch?

Dems & the media want Trump to be more like Obama, but then he'd
have to audit liberals & wire tap reporters' phones.


Jul 21, 2017, 12:00:06 PM7/21/17
In article <okssjm$t68$>, Obveeus <>

> What did you watch?

Ended the day with Stargate Continuum SGC (certainly the best SG since
Jack's pond got fish) and began the next day with the real original
extended Stargate on the Blu-ray. I still wince when they talk about
the Kalium galaxy and the destination being across the known universe
and how they have a flat map on glass of ... the entire universe? Not
to mention their idiotic coordinate system - if you have a six point
coordinate system showing the destination, why do you need a location
origin, and since there's only two damn stargates that connect to each
other, why do you need to tell them where they are every single time?
Evil alien Jay Davidson is so obviously a child molester. The practical
guard masks are *so* much better than the CGI masks in SG1. Gotta love
the space bison. To this day I can't tell how much of the alien temple
they built or what's full size and what's a model and what's a matte.
Love that they have hundreds of extras on set (I wonder if this is the
last movie that did that?). And, you know, Kurt Russell. Cruiser from
Stripes. The picture is immaculate ... everything that came after
started looking like video or like it had been through a blender from
the digitizing process. Good stuff.

Join your old RAT friends at


Jul 21, 2017, 12:29:21 PM7/21/17
Penn & Teller (CW) -- The first guy was an odd duck that did a comedy
magic act using cheese slices in place of playing cards for his trick.
P&T liked him lots but busted him. The second dude is from Belgium and
has a mind reading chicken named Curry. The chicken reads Allison's
mind by pecking on a sheet of paper on which her dream is written
among other random things she wrote on separate sheets. The chicken
gets The Fooler as P&T thought there must be some tech hidden in the
wood frame representing a barnyard. The next guy saws himself in half
and then ratchets his torso from his body. Teller discussed how it was
done with the guy on stage, but the magician disagreed. To the judges
we go and they rule in favor of P&T. The fourth guy does a card trick
which was fun but he got busted. P&T do a card trick in their PJs with
Allison. Teller has his head on her crotch just below her breasts and
is sleeping. Penn is mumbling things for Allison to do and keeps
resting against her. He has her pick a card and replace it in the
deck. He then goes through the entire deck asking her if that's her
card. None are and then he wakes Teller up and when he opens his eyes,
the selected card is written on his eyes.

Hooten and The Lady (CW) -- Madcapping in the Vatican to locate an old
book. Naturally, the Mafia gets involved. When her Mom is kidnapped,
The Lady has no problems sicking the cops on Hooten 'cause she doesn't
trust him. Later Hooten gets shot multiple times and falls into the
Tiber. After she returns the book to the Vatican she thinks Hooten is
dead but he pops up with the Nun that gave him the clue that began the
chase. She's totally confused by the guy and slaps him silly.

The Night Shift (NBC) -- The hospital is competing in a charity
obstacle course event for cystic fibrosis. There's a bet between the
Jordan's shift and the day ER shift on who will beat whom. The loser
has to take weekends for 6 months. Kenny is the star athlete but gets
in a tiff with roommate Paul over his honey Shannon who's a slob.
Kenny decides to sit out the rest of the events. Diaz then arrives and
he's a good athlete as well. Paul then has Diaz act hurt so he can
apologize to Kenny and get him back on the team for the finale.

Drew, Rick, and Drew's Mom are in route to San Antonio so she can meet
her granddaughter, Rick and Drew's adopted daughter. Midflight
passengers start to get sick and Drew eventually determines it to be a
seafood toxin. Someone mistook fish ice for clean ice. (wouldn't it
smell?) There's apregnamt woman onboard and Drew does a c-section with
a pilot's pocket knife and then stems a uterine bleed. The plane can't
land for one reason or another so they end up at everyone favorite

Scott is out on a tinder date and the woman (Angela Gots I think) has
issues in the midst of sex. Scott, tied up, manages to 911 and of
course the people that show up he knows. The woman tells Scott at the
hospital, he needs a release for his obsessions being an alcoholic and
all and tells him she knows lots of ways to release him. Well, by
golly gee whiz, he's in. When he leaves he gets catcalled by the
entire department.

TC is bedding his Syrian doctor but he finds her shooting something up
right before they bring in a guy with a RPG in his belly. She messes
up during surgery and he figures out she has MS. He wants her to come
back to SA with him but she's going back to London to her husband (TC
gets surprised).

No mention of Annie so I guess her body's not been found. This is just
very bizarre.

Private Eyes (Global) -- Tis opens with the family at Becca's morning
show at the studio. We learn she needs ideas for new shows or she's
going to get pre-empted, etc. Also Jules wants to go to Italy for a
semester of school with her friends but Shadow is agin it.

The case involves a mother whose Army son didn't show up for roster
after a weekend. A lead from a waitress at a bar leads them to believe
two army budies were the last to see him. But how to get on base? Why
not have Becca do a show seeing if Shadow can keep up with the new
Canadian Army.

Angie learns the soldier trio, formerly tops at map reading were last
by far last outing and in fact their GPS didn't move for 2 hours. He
and She investigate with He falling down a slope and finding a van
burned up but containing die marked packets of cash.

With Shade injured and no phone coverage they spend the night in the
van. The next morning they hear voices and see the missing soldier
with two guys from the bar who have weapons. Shade sends Angie for
help. Help arrives in the form of Angie and the Army. The Army had
been alerted by Kurtis after Jules had demonstrated the ability to
embarrass him by accusing him of blind bigotry.

During the night they stayed in the van, She learned that He liked
Jazz and we learned that the Doctor doesn't. On her way over to the
Doctor's she turns on the radio and it's jazz. She then heads to His
house, but finds Him with the family and Mel. She leaves. The Shadow
now thinks Jules can go to Italy.

Saving Hope (CTV) -- Now that Charlie's quit, he's trying to decide
what to do. Alex is attempting to get approved to do Sugarbaker
treatments for rare types of tummy cancer. In this case the source was
the appendix (appendiceal). Basically, the tumors are removed from the
peritoneal surfaces and then the space flooded with heated chemo
agents to kill off stray cells.

Dr. Bishop, Cassie's former flame, arrives to oversee. He's in place
of Cassie's desired mentor. So not only did he break her heart he took
the job she wants. In the end, his contract is up and he recommends
her. So she's gone. Charlie has to help the spirit of the woman
getting the operation to get her daughter and son-in-law back

Dawn learns she wasn't the Board's first choice to replace Charlie,
but their third. She's depressed about that. The girl with the
impaired baby Shahir was to adopt changes her mind.

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

Arthur Lipscomb

Jul 21, 2017, 12:33:52 PM7/21/17
I've been out of town on vacation for the past week, so not much. I
posted about part of my trip in another thread. This will be a
multi-day catch up.

Salvation - I caught the pilot from my hotel room. I'm guessing this
has already been discussed to death. I thought it was generally OK. I
have the next one on my DVR and will watch it.

Game of Thrones - "Dragonstone" - Season 7 premier. Basically picking
up where things left off with everyone either getting their revenge or
plotting to get their revenge.

Dunkirk (theatrical) - Christopher Nolan movie about the evacuation of
surrounded British soldiers from Dunkirk during World War II. It
generally lives up the the hype. I saw this in 70mm IMAX. Before the
movie someone from the theater came out to briefly talk to the audience.
He told us the movie was shot on film and they weren't set up for film
and had to track down special people to properly convert the theater so
they could show us the movie in 70mm. I want to say the film looked
beautiful, and generally it did (and sounded great too). However since
it was on film there was a very annoying tendency to see specs of dust
throughout the movie. I'm guessing all of those dust particles that
kept showing up weren't on the film itself but due to the equipment not
being properly cleaned.

I *think* this is all I watched for the week. I *wanted* to watch a bit
more from my hotel room but for whatever reason the hotel's TV was *not*
showing the scheduled programming. This is the second time I had a stay
at a hotel where the TV didn't show the scheduled programs. I'm
guessing it had something to do with getting an East Coast satellite
feed, but I'm not sure.

Ian J. Ball

Jul 21, 2017, 1:20:04 PM7/21/17
On 2017-07-21 12:42:12 +0000, Obveeus said:

> What did you watch?

I watched what felt like a *bunch* yesterday!...:

Mako Mermaids (The Netflix) - Episodes #2.5-2.8. The show is generally
holding up OK this season. Ondina is still mostly acting like a hag,
and it's more and more clear that the new merman, Erik, is up to no
I'm going to single out "Awakenings", though, for being purely 100%
derivative (in regards to Evie) of several "H2O" episodes, esp. "Moon
Spell", while the "Zac" parts of the episode were highly derivative of
season #1 of "Mako Mermaids" - so this one wasn't good.
However, "Land School" was actually pretty good, and "Stormy Seas"
in which Sirena squares off against Ondina was also decent.

Salvation (recorded) - "Another Trip Around the Sun". Darius Tanz
poo-poos the gov't's latest plans, and comes up with his own. The
problem? To get his plan to work (which involves a still-purely
theoretical technology), Tanz needs Grace to betray her b.f. Edwards,
and do something quite dangerous. Meanwhile, Liam has to go back to
Boston to look for his boss' (Dennis Boutsikaris) research which is
critical to Tanz's plans (and Liam can't go see cutie Jillian as a
result...), but ends up stumbling across his actual *boss* instead! And
cutie reporter Amanda (Shazi Raja) stumbles across some gov't project
called "Atlas" (and clues Grace in on it), which I'm sure will turn out
to be some nefarious genocidal scheme or something...

soaps - Meh... pass.

Longmire (The Netflix) - "High Noon". OK, that came much quicker than I
was expecting - in this one, the "Who killed Branch?" arc is resolved
once and for all. Meanwhile, Cady is offered a sweat job by the local
law firm (run by Currie Graham), but of course all is not on the
Next episode will cover the fallout on how the "Who killed Branch?"
arc was resolved by Longmire...

Blood Drive (recorded) - "Booby Traps"!! :) Arthur and Grace are
taken captive by Amazons in "The Savage Lands", which puts Arthur in a
tough spot (they're *Amazons* so they don't take kindly to Arthur!!).
Meanwhile, the Amazon leader clues Grace into the "fate" of her sister,
Karma (but I don't believe it for a minute - this show is certainly not
done with Karma...). Later, the Amazons also capture the bickering
suburban serial-killer married couple.
Meanwhile, we get more priceless stuff with Aki (and Christopher) -
I especially loved Aki's "option trees" in this episode - e.g. one of
them was:
1. Kill
2. Maim
3. Castrate
4. Yes, Dear
Heh. :) And, finally, Slink goes to the Head Guy at Heart Industries,
and in a meeting with the Head Guy and two Heart executives, is told
that he will be "killed off" on his own show!! However, Slink is saved
at the last second when the Head Guy is told they have a "holding deal"
with Slink, and thus can't kill him (and least, not yet!). I'm hoping
Slink has something up his sleeve with these Heart Industry bastards!!

Captain America: Civil War (The Netflix) - It's a measure of how little
regard I have for the Marvel "Avengers" series that I watched this
flick having skipped about 2 or 3 films in the middle. IOW, the last
one of these that I watched was "The Avengers" itself, so I skipped
both "Winter Soldier" and "Age of Ultron" (and also the intervening
"Thor" flick, and "Ant-Man", as well) before watching this one. [shrug]
Actually, though, this one was pretty good, I thought. And if they
can keep this version of Spider-Man up, I can actually see why the
recent "reboot" did well, as this is kind of how Spider-Man is supposed
to act...

Recorded for later: Hooten & the Lady, Zoo, and The Mist (apparently,
Spike has inexplicably dropped the reruns of "The Shannara Chronicles",
which is annoying (still season #1 is also available on The Netflix, if
worst comes to worst...)).

"His compassion killed him." - Dr. Sabine Lommers, in
"A Kingdom Divided Against Itself" (ep. #9), "Containment" (06-21-2016)

Dimensional Traveler

Jul 21, 2017, 1:24:28 PM7/21/17
On 7/21/2017 9:29 AM, icebreaker wrote:
> Hooten and The Lady (CW) -- Madcapping in the Vatican to locate an old
> book. Naturally, the Mafia gets involved. When her Mom is kidnapped,
> The Lady has no problems sicking the cops on Hooten 'cause she doesn't
> trust him. Later Hooten gets shot multiple times and falls into the
> Tiber. After she returns the book to the Vatican she thinks Hooten is
> dead but he pops up with the Nun that gave him the clue that began the
> chase. She's totally confused by the guy and slaps him silly.
Now we know why Anim likes this show so much. Hooten is Anim!! :) (Or
at least has the same kind of relationship with women Anim does.)

Inquiring minds want to know while minds with a self-preservation
instinct are running screaming.


Jul 21, 2017, 1:26:52 PM7/21/17
In article <oktcsh$md4$>,
Ian J. Ball <IJB...@mac.invalid> wrote:

> Captain America: Civil War (The Netflix) - It's a measure of how little
> regard I have for the Marvel "Avengers" series that I watched this
> flick having skipped about 2 or 3 films in the middle. IOW, the last
> one of these that I watched was "The Avengers" itself, so I skipped
> both "Winter Soldier" and "Age of Ultron" (and also the intervening
> "Thor" flick, and "Ant-Man", as well) before watching this one. [shrug]

Winter Soldier sucked, and Ultron wasn't remotely as good as The
Avengers, and the Thor movies are awful, but Ant-Man was great. That
one is highly recommended, a really pleasant surprise.

> Actually, though, this one was pretty good, I thought. And if they
> can keep this version of Spider-Man up, I can actually see why the
> recent "reboot" did well, as this is kind of how Spider-Man is supposed
> to act...

The new reboot is NOT doing well at all. It dropped something like 65%
in it's second weekend. People are blaming the lack of a female lead
(in a movie called Spider-Man?) without noticing that the movie just
isn't very good.

> Recorded for later: Hooten & the Lady

Hoot, Hoot!


Jul 21, 2017, 1:27:21 PM7/21/17
In article <oktcsh$md4$>,
Ian J. Ball <IJB...@mac.invalid> wrote:

> Salvation (recorded) - "Another Trip Around the Sun".

Wasn't the asteroid supposed to kill them all in 6 months? Are they
really that stupid?


Jul 21, 2017, 1:29:59 PM7/21/17
In article <oktd4q$m9k$>,
Dimensional Traveler <> wrote:

> On 7/21/2017 9:29 AM, icebreaker wrote:
> >
> > Hooten and The Lady (CW) -- Madcapping in the Vatican to locate an old
> > book. Naturally, the Mafia gets involved. When her Mom is kidnapped,
> > The Lady has no problems sicking the cops on Hooten 'cause she doesn't
> > trust him. Later Hooten gets shot multiple times and falls into the
> > Tiber. After she returns the book to the Vatican she thinks Hooten is
> > dead but he pops up with the Nun that gave him the clue that began the
> > chase. She's totally confused by the guy and slaps him silly.
> >
> Now we know why Anim likes this show so much. Hooten is Anim!! :) (Or
> at least has the same kind of relationship with women Anim does.)

True to life?


Jul 21, 2017, 1:48:52 PM7/21/17
In article <>,
anim8rfsk <> wrote:

> In article <oktcsh$md4$>,
> Ian J. Ball <IJB...@mac.invalid> wrote:
> > Captain America: Civil War (The Netflix) - It's a measure of how little
> > regard I have for the Marvel "Avengers" series that I watched this
> > flick having skipped about 2 or 3 films in the middle. IOW, the last
> > one of these that I watched was "The Avengers" itself, so I skipped
> > both "Winter Soldier" and "Age of Ultron" (and also the intervening
> > "Thor" flick, and "Ant-Man", as well) before watching this one. [shrug]
> Winter Soldier sucked, and Ultron wasn't remotely as good as The
> Avengers, and the Thor movies are awful, but Ant-Man was great. That
> one is highly recommended, a really pleasant surprise.
> > Actually, though, this one was pretty good, I thought. And if they
> > can keep this version of Spider-Man up, I can actually see why the
> > recent "reboot" did well, as this is kind of how Spider-Man is supposed
> > to act...
> The new reboot is NOT doing well at all. It dropped something like 65%
> in it's second weekend. People are blaming the lack of a female lead
> (in a movie called Spider-Man?) without noticing that the movie just
> isn't very good.

I liked everything about SPIDERMAN except the relentless political
correctness. Does *every* relationship have to be interracial these
days? Apparently so. And at the end we find out that the morose annoying
girl is MJ? Seriously? She's supposed to be a smoking hot redhead who
eventually becomes a top supermodel. Not a Mexican goth girl. (That's
why I always hated snaggle-toothed Kirsten Dunst as MJ. She didn't fit
the role any better than this girl does.)

And she's apparently not Mary Jane anymore, either, but Melissa now. Why
do Hollywood people feel some unrelenting compulsion to change
everything about iconic characters just for the sake of changing them?
The name change isn't even politically correct. It's just change for the
sake of change.

No, sir. I don't think I like it.


Jul 21, 2017, 2:08:39 PM7/21/17
In article <okta5u$d42$>, wrote:

>I *think* this is all I watched for the week. I *wanted* to watch a bit
>more from my hotel room but for whatever reason the hotel's TV was *not*
>showing the scheduled programming. This is the second time I had a stay
>at a hotel where the TV didn't show the scheduled programs. I'm
>guessing it had something to do with getting an East Coast satellite
>feed, but I'm not sure.

I've noticed hotel TV feeds are almost always weird.


Jul 21, 2017, 2:11:40 PM7/21/17
to wrote:
> Ian J. Ball <IJB...@mac.invalid> wrote:

>> Actually, though, this one was pretty good, I thought. And if they
>> can keep this version of Spider-Man up, I can actually see why the
>> recent "reboot" did well, as this is kind of how Spider-Man is supposed
>> to act...
>The new reboot is NOT doing well at all. It dropped something like 65%
>in it's second weekend. People are blaming the lack of a female lead
>(in a movie called Spider-Man?) without noticing that the movie just
>isn't very good.

I thought it was b/c the film is more like Iron Spiderman than Spiderman.

>Hoot, Hoot!

Don't pollute!


Jul 21, 2017, 2:34:30 PM7/21/17

On 7/21/2017 12:33 PM, Arthur Lipscomb wrote:

> Dunkirk (theatrical) - Christopher Nolan movie about the evacuation of
> surrounded British soldiers from Dunkirk during World War II. It
> generally lives up the the hype. I saw this in 70mm IMAX. Before the
> movie someone from the theater came out to briefly talk to the audience.
> He told us the movie was shot on film and they weren't set up for film
> and had to track down special people to properly convert the theater so
> they could show us the movie in 70mm.

What venue that isn't an IMAX theater can slap in a 70mm projector and
present as an IMAX screening?


Jul 21, 2017, 2:43:03 PM7/21/17

On 7/21/2017 1:19 PM, Ian J. Ball wrote:
> On 2017-07-21 12:42:12 +0000, Obveeus said:
>> What did you watch?
> I watched what felt like a *bunch* yesterday!...:
> Mako Mermaids (The Netflix) - Episodes #2.5-2.8.

I remember how you said you didn't want to watch this show when Netflix
was the only US source for it.

> Captain America: Civil War (The Netflix) - It's a measure of how little
> regard I have for the Marvel "Avengers" series that I watched this flick
> having skipped about 2 or 3 films in the middle. IOW, the last one of
> these that I watched was "The Avengers" itself, so I skipped both
> "Winter Soldier" and "Age of Ultron" (and also the intervening "Thor"
> flick, and "Ant-Man", as well) before watching this one. [shrug]

You should watch ANT-MAN.

> Recorded for later: Hooten & the Lady, Zoo, and The Mist (apparently,
> Spike has inexplicably dropped the reruns of "The Shannara Chronicles",
> which is annoying (still season #1 is also available on The Netflix, if
> worst comes to worst...)).

MTV says 'no takebacks!'.

Adam H. Kerman

Jul 21, 2017, 2:44:26 PM7/21/17
IMAX theaters are used typically for digital projection these days, obveeus,
not for film projection.

What was the last movie shot on film for IMAX then projected on film
for IMAX? It's been years.


Jul 21, 2017, 2:57:31 PM7/21/17
In article <okth84$38o$>, Obveeus <>
There are various levels of IMAX, including "digital only"


Jul 21, 2017, 3:01:56 PM7/21/17
In article <>,
Yep. But I didn't like the Spider-suit power upgrade either. I didn't
like that they grafted Green Lantern's Pieface onto him. I didn't like
that The Vulture was Norman Osborn all over again. I didn't like the
stupid end where they just forgot that the bad guys knew who he was and
vowed to kill his hot aunt. I didn't like them making Happy Hogan a
total incompetent asshole. The only stuff I did like was Tony Stark.


Jul 21, 2017, 3:07:39 PM7/21/17
Ah, I get it now. So it was an IMAX theater already and just brought in
the film projector. The closest 'IMAX' to me is one that used to be a
normal theater and they just put in an oversized screen and are calling
it IMAX...but others call it 'LieMax'. There are a lot of faux IMAX
theaters out there...and real ones that just use digital projectors.
Very few of them actually do film...and the same goes for there being
multiple versions of IMAX sound systems.

Dimensional Traveler

Jul 21, 2017, 3:41:09 PM7/21/17
On 7/21/2017 10:27 AM, anim8rfsk wrote:
> In article <oktcsh$md4$>,
> Ian J. Ball <IJB...@mac.invalid> wrote:
>> Salvation (recorded) - "Another Trip Around the Sun".
> Wasn't the asteroid supposed to kill them all in 6 months? Are they
> really that stupid?
Its a reference to Finnigan's character's birthday. Her Secret
Boyfriend uses it as a toast at their Secret Birthday Dinner where she
drops her earring in his briefcase that she's not supposed to be able to


Jul 21, 2017, 3:49:01 PM7/21/17
In article <oktl54$hma$>,
Dimensional Traveler <> wrote:

> On 7/21/2017 10:27 AM, anim8rfsk wrote:
> > In article <oktcsh$md4$>,
> > Ian J. Ball <IJB...@mac.invalid> wrote:
> >
> >> Salvation (recorded) - "Another Trip Around the Sun".
> >
> > Wasn't the asteroid supposed to kill them all in 6 months? Are they
> > really that stupid?
> >
> Its a reference to Finnigan's character's birthday. Her Secret
> Boyfriend uses it as a toast at their Secret Birthday Dinner where she
> drops her earring in his briefcase that she's not supposed to be able to
> open.

lol, thanks.

Arthur Lipscomb

Jul 21, 2017, 3:49:32 PM7/21/17
On 7/21/2017 10:26 AM, anim8rfsk wrote:
> In article <oktcsh$md4$>,
> Ian J. Ball <IJB...@mac.invalid> wrote:
>> Captain America: Civil War (The Netflix) - It's a measure of how little
>> regard I have for the Marvel "Avengers" series that I watched this
>> flick having skipped about 2 or 3 films in the middle. IOW, the last
>> one of these that I watched was "The Avengers" itself, so I skipped
>> both "Winter Soldier" and "Age of Ultron" (and also the intervening
>> "Thor" flick, and "Ant-Man", as well) before watching this one. [shrug]
> Winter Soldier sucked,

Sacrilege! Repent now!!!

and Ultron wasn't remotely as good as The
> Avengers, and the Thor movies are awful, but Ant-Man was great. That
> one is highly recommended, a really pleasant surprise.

Infinity War is going to be great. I saw some early footage and it's
going to blow the other ones away. At least it better. :-)

>> Actually, though, this one was pretty good, I thought. And if they
>> can keep this version of Spider-Man up, I can actually see why the
>> recent "reboot" did well, as this is kind of how Spider-Man is supposed
>> to act...
> The new reboot is NOT doing well at all. It dropped something like 65%
> in it's second weekend. People are blaming the lack of a female lead
> (in a movie called Spider-Man?) without noticing that the movie just
> isn't very good.

It's OK.


Jul 21, 2017, 3:49:38 PM7/21/17
In article <oktj69$c0u$>, Obveeus <>

Ian J. Ball

Jul 21, 2017, 4:29:24 PM7/21/17
On 2017-07-21 18:42:59 +0000, Obveeus said:

> On 7/21/2017 1:19 PM, Ian J. Ball wrote:
>> On 2017-07-21 12:42:12 +0000, Obveeus said:
>>> What did you watch?
>> I watched what felt like a *bunch* yesterday!...:
>> Mako Mermaids (The Netflix) - Episodes #2.5-2.8.
> I remember how you said you didn't want to watch this show when Netflix
> was the only US source for it.

I need a good mindless 30-minute show right now, and this is fitting the bill.

But, believe me - if The Netflix had either the entire run of "The
Tribe" or "Atlantis High" (or, like "Thundarr the Barbarian"!!), I'd be
watching those preferentially instead!!

>> Captain America: Civil War (The Netflix) - It's a measure of how little
>> regard I have for the Marvel "Avengers" series that I watched this
>> flick having skipped about 2 or 3 films in the middle. IOW, the last
>> one of these that I watched was "The Avengers" itself, so I skipped
>> both "Winter Soldier" and "Age of Ultron" (and also the intervening
>> "Thor" flick, and "Ant-Man", as well) before watching this one. [shrug]
> You should watch ANT-MAN.

The Netflix doesn't have it...

>> Recorded for later: Hooten & the Lady, Zoo, and The Mist (apparently,
>> Spike has inexplicably dropped the reruns of "The Shannara Chronicles",
>> which is annoying (still season #1 is also available on The Netflix, if
>> worst comes to worst...)).
> MTV says 'no takebacks!'.

I can't figure out if Spike never intended to rerun them all, or the
ratings were so bad they pulled the reruns after just 3 episodes - if
it's the latter, it doesn't bode well for "Shannara's" chances on
Spike... :/


Jul 21, 2017, 4:39:34 PM7/21/17

On 7/21/2017 4:29 PM, Ian J. Ball wrote:
> On 2017-07-21 18:42:59 +0000, Obveeus said:

>> You should watch ANT-MAN.
> The Netflix doesn't have it...

Come to the DVD side of the Netflix.
>>> Recorded for later: Hooten & the Lady, Zoo, and The Mist (apparently,
>>> Spike has inexplicably dropped the reruns of "The Shannara
>>> Chronicles", which is annoying (still season #1 is also available on
>>> The Netflix, if worst comes to worst...)).
>> MTV says 'no takebacks!'.
> I can't figure out if Spike never intended to rerun them all, or the
> ratings were so bad they pulled the reruns after just 3 episodes - if
> it's the latter, it doesn't bode well for "Shannara's" chances on
> Spike... :/

Maybe the ratings will be better once they stop calling the network 'Spike'?


Jul 21, 2017, 4:46:18 PM7/21/17
In article <oktnvi$rtv$>,
Ian J. Ball <IJB...@mac.invalid> wrote:

Isn't "Spike" going away?

David Barnett

Jul 21, 2017, 5:45:13 PM7/21/17
In article <>,

> What did you watch?

On Thu Jul 20 I watched:

Incredible - can't suspend my disbelief
re all those memories.

DAREDEVIL: Rabbit in a Snowstorm; In the Blood
Via Netflix, both episodes only so-so.
My free month ends on Sunday,
thence not quite $9AUS per month.
Hoping to find some better shows.

David Barnett

Arthur Lipscomb

Jul 21, 2017, 6:11:22 PM7/21/17
I have a few different IMAX options both real and LieMax. But I saw
this at a real IMAX theater that was specifically advertising 70mm film.
They even gave everyone in the audience a t-shit that said, "I saw
Dunkirk on IMAX 70mm film."

Ian J. Ball

Jul 21, 2017, 6:25:27 PM7/21/17
Not until January...


Jul 21, 2017, 6:27:41 PM7/21/17
In article <>,
So are you keeping The Netflix?

Jim G.

Jul 21, 2017, 6:38:58 PM7/21/17
David Barnett sent the following on 07/21/2017 at 04:44 PM:
These days, I'd drop cable long before I dropped Netflix if I were
looking to save some money. But I don't know how good your cable options
might be or how bad your version of Netflix might be.

Jim G. | A fan of the good and the bad, but not the mediocre
“It smells like bad beer and worse choices. I'll make it work.” – Rosita


Jul 21, 2017, 6:54:46 PM7/21/17
to wrote:
> says...

>> What did you watch?
>On Thu Jul 20 I watched:
>DAREDEVIL: Rabbit in a Snowstorm; In the Blood
>Via Netflix, both episodes only so-so.
>My free month ends on Sunday,
>thence not quite $9AUS per month.
>Hoping to find some better shows.

Stranger Things.


Jul 21, 2017, 9:58:12 PM7/21/17

On 7/21/2017 5:44 PM, David Barnett wrote:
> DAREDEVIL: Rabbit in a Snowstorm; In the Blood
> Via Netflix, both episodes only so-so.
> My free month ends on Sunday,
> thence not quite $9AUS per month.
> Hoping to find some better shows.

If you plan on paying for Netflix, you might want to look up some of the
non-US shows they offer streaming. Shows like HAPPY VALLEY, THE FALL,


Jul 21, 2017, 11:51:15 PM7/21/17
In article <>,
icebreaker <> wrote:

> Penn & Teller (CW) -- The first guy was an odd duck that did a comedy
> magic act using cheese slices in place of playing cards for his trick.

I liked that a lot.

P&T do a card trick in their PJs with
> Allison. Teller has his head on her crotch just below her breasts and
> is sleeping. Penn is mumbling things for Allison to do and keeps
> resting against her. He has her pick a card and replace it in the
> deck. He then goes through the entire deck asking her if that's her
> card. None are and then he wakes Teller up and when he opens his eyes,
> the selected card is written on his eyes.

That didn't work for me at all - I couldn't tell that what was in his
eye was even a card, much less which card it was.

> Hooten and The Lady (CW) -- Madcapping in the Vatican to locate an old
> book. Naturally, the Mafia gets involved. When her Mom is kidnapped,
> The Lady has no problems sicking the cops on Hooten 'cause she doesn't
> trust him. Later Hooten gets shot multiple times and falls into the
> Tiber. After she returns the book to the Vatican she thinks Hooten is
> dead but he pops up with the Nun that gave him the clue that began the
> chase. She's totally confused by the guy and slaps him silly.

Are you enjoying it? It will continue to get better. :)

> Private Eyes (Global) -- Tis opens with the family at Becca's morning
> show at the studio. We learn she needs ideas for new shows or she's
> going to get pre-empted, etc. Also Jules wants to go to Italy for a
> semester of school with her friends but Shadow is agin it.
> The case involves a mother whose Army son didn't show up for roster
> after a weekend. A lead from a waitress at a bar leads them to believe
> two army budies were the last to see him. But how to get on base? Why
> not have Becca do a show seeing if Shadow can keep up with the new
> Canadian Army.
> Angie learns the soldier trio, formerly tops at map reading were last
> by far last outing and in fact their GPS didn't move for 2 hours. He
> and She investigate with He falling down a slope and finding a van
> burned up but containing die marked packets of cash.
> With Shade injured and no phone coverage they spend the night in the
> van. The next morning they hear voices and see the missing soldier
> with two guys from the bar who have weapons. Shade sends Angie for
> help. Help arrives in the form of Angie and the Army. The Army had
> been alerted by Kurtis after Jules had demonstrated the ability to
> embarrass him by accusing him of blind bigotry.
> During the night they stayed in the van, She learned that He liked
> Jazz and we learned that the Doctor doesn't. On her way over to the
> Doctor's she turns on the radio and it's jazz. She then heads to His
> house, but finds Him with the family and Mel. She leaves. The Shadow
> now thinks Jules can go to Italy.

I have a lot of mixed feelings on this one. I agree that a blind 15
year old is too young to be spending a semester in Italy. Also she's
being duplicitous, working her parents against each other to try to
force Dad into letting her go - that's not someone to be trusted.
There's a line that may or may not mean anything - "all my friends
applied" - but I'm thinking Liam is going too, and she's been lying
about him as well. The writing on Jules varies wildly week to week, and
this is another episode where I really didn't like her.

Does She always carry a gun?

So was the missing soldier always a prisoner of the two guys in the bar?
If so, why were they drinking that day and not headed out to the money
site until the next?

No bad cop which is good. No diner or diner owner which may be bad for
grandpa Shade. Kurtis finally gets to the office and may have some
quality time with cute assistant - yay!

Adam H. Kerman

Jul 22, 2017, 2:25:18 AM7/22/17
icebreaker <> wrote:



>Hooten and The Lady (CW) -- Madcapping in the Vatican to locate an old
>book. Naturally, the Mafia gets involved. When her Mom is kidnapped,
>The Lady has no problems sicking the cops on Hooten 'cause she doesn't
>trust him. Later Hooten gets shot multiple times and falls into the
>Tiber. After she returns the book to the Vatican she thinks Hooten is
>dead but he pops up with the Nun that gave him the clue that began the
>chase. She's totally confused by the guy and slaps him silly.

I didn't care for this episode. I'm not real happy with Alex's character.
We learn Jane Seymour is her mother, and that Hooten is on a mission
from God.

Michael Landes is giving a fun performance, though, and the locations
in Rome were the best part. I couldn't read what the sign in front of
The Parthenon said. What was playing there this week?


Jul 22, 2017, 8:46:06 AM7/22/17
On Fri, 21 Jul 2017 20:51:05 -0700, anim8rfsk <>

>In article <>,
> icebreaker <> wrote:
>> Penn & Teller (CW) -- The first guy was an odd duck that did a comedy
>> magic act using cheese slices in place of playing cards for his trick.
>I liked that a lot.
>P&T do a card trick in their PJs with
>> Allison. Teller has his head on her crotch just below her breasts and
>> is sleeping. Penn is mumbling things for Allison to do and keeps
>> resting against her. He has her pick a card and replace it in the
>> deck. He then goes through the entire deck asking her if that's her
>> card. None are and then he wakes Teller up and when he opens his eyes,
>> the selected card is written on his eyes.
>That didn't work for me at all - I couldn't tell that what was in his
>eye was even a card, much less which card it was.
>> Hooten and The Lady (CW) -- Madcapping in the Vatican to locate an old
>> book. Naturally, the Mafia gets involved. When her Mom is kidnapped,
>> The Lady has no problems sicking the cops on Hooten 'cause she doesn't
>> trust him. Later Hooten gets shot multiple times and falls into the
>> Tiber. After she returns the book to the Vatican she thinks Hooten is
>> dead but he pops up with the Nun that gave him the clue that began the
>> chase. She's totally confused by the guy and slaps him silly.
>Are you enjoying it? It will continue to get better. :)

I watched it when it aired in the UK last fall. This is my second time
around. I like it compared to most things. I like that she is confused
about him. In this one, it didn't take much for Hooten to get her to
come along for the adventure, but she thinks he's in it for himself
and poo poos the Nun angle. Then she gets so flustered upon seeing him
with the nun she just slaps the crap out of him. Classic 1940s romp.
Agreed. Just wondering if this is to enable a write-out of Jules for
some reason in the future.

>Does She always carry a gun?

No, I think that was the gun they found in the van with the money.

>So was the missing soldier always a prisoner of the two guys in the bar?
>If so, why were they drinking that day and not headed out to the money
>site until the next?

I don't think it was the next week. I think it was meant to be the
soon after the bar encounter with Shade and Angie as unlikely as that
may have been. Shade goes to the bar. Learns they need to get on the
base, they call Becca and go to the base. Angie gets the dets from the
nerd soldier. They head to the coorinates that night. Did you like the
Russian Commisar-like female base commander. I kept thinking female
Olympic Russian weight lifter.

>No bad cop which is good. No diner or diner owner which may be bad for
>grandpa Shade. Kurtis finally gets to the office and may have some
>quality time with cute assistant - yay!

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.


Jul 22, 2017, 1:04:16 PM7/22/17
In article <>,
Excellent point.
Yeah. And she just got back by being written out by going to live with

> >
> >Does She always carry a gun?
> No, I think that was the gun they found in the van with the money.

So whose gun was that? Did she actually fire a gun that had been laying
in the snow in a van for decades without it blowing up in her face?

> >
> >So was the missing soldier always a prisoner of the two guys in the bar?
> >If so, why were they drinking that day and not headed out to the money
> >site until the next?
> I don't think it was the next week. I think it was meant to be the
> soon after the bar encounter with Shade and Angie as unlikely as that
> may have been. Shade goes to the bar. Learns they need to get on the
> base, they call Becca and go to the base. Angie gets the dets from the
> nerd soldier. They head to the coorinates that night.

Okay, here's what I got out of it:

Three Bromigos find the van and the money.
Somehow, maybe, Two Bromigos hide the money without the knowledge of the
Three Bromigos go to the bar where the bad guys overhear.
Three Bromigos somehow manage to spend $400 which would be like a week's
gross for that place. I assume the fight was about spending the bank
money or not, which means they're carrying it with them at that point.
Bromigos split up outside the bar. I assume the other two take the
money at that point, and presumably hide it. But I also think this is
where the Lone Bromigo gets kidnapped by the bar guys, so I don't know
how he knows what they did.
Lone Bromigo goes missing. Dos Bromigos assume he ran off with the
money, which contradicts his story that *they* hid the money - at this
point, I have no idea what happened with the money. Or where Lone
Bromigo is, but I'm assuming 'kidnapped at the bar' which means he
doesn't have the money or the Bad Guys would find it right then.
Lone Bromigo is missing long enough for his mom to get worried and hire
The Shady Ones.
The Shady Ones visit the bar and alert the Bad Guys that they're looking
for the Lone Bromigo.
The Shady Ones arrange a trip to the base via the Faux Dax.
The Shady Ones go in the field and Shade One is injured and they find
the van.
The Shady One camp out overnight at the van.
Even if we assume that Mom finding the Lone Bromigo missing, Mom hires
The Shady Ones, The Shady Ones attend a taping of Faux Dax's morning
show, The Shady Ones get credit card records, The Shady Ones to to the
bar, the Shady ones go to the base, The Shady Ones go on a two hour hike
... even if we assume that all happens the same day, the Bad Guys have
been holding the Lone Bromigo for at least two nights, and I'd say a lot
more. But it's been at least a day since the met The Shady Ones in the
bar, so why did they wait so long to come to the scene of the van?

Yeah, yeah, I know, I know, it's just a show, I should really just relax.

Did you like the
> Russian Commisar-like female base commander. I kept thinking female
> Olympic Russian weight lifter.

Hah, I hadn't thought of that, but now that you mention it, I like it!


Jul 22, 2017, 1:38:04 PM7/22/17
On Sat, 22 Jul 2017 10:04:03 -0700, anim8rfsk <>
I think you're right about the more than one day holding the guy. They
obviously had to wait until the script was ready for them!

> Did you like the
>> Russian Commisar-like female base commander. I kept thinking female
>> Olympic Russian weight lifter.
>Hah, I hadn't thought of that, but now that you mention it, I like it!


Jul 22, 2017, 1:47:41 PM7/22/17
In article <okuqsr$h9g$>,
"Adam H. Kerman" <> wrote:

> icebreaker <> wrote:
> s
> p
> o
> i
> l
> e
> r
> s
> p
> a
> c
> e
> >Hooten and The Lady (CW) -- Madcapping in the Vatican to locate an old
> >book. Naturally, the Mafia gets involved. When her Mom is kidnapped,
> >The Lady has no problems sicking the cops on Hooten 'cause she doesn't
> >trust him. Later Hooten gets shot multiple times and falls into the
> >Tiber. After she returns the book to the Vatican she thinks Hooten is
> >dead but he pops up with the Nun that gave him the clue that began the
> >chase. She's totally confused by the guy and slaps him silly.
> I didn't care for this episode. I'm not real happy with Alex's character.
> We learn Jane Seymour is her mother, and that Hooten is on a mission
> from God.

I think they had me from the tour of Rome, when it was obvious they were
really going to shoot this thing on location. And I don't even give a
hoot about Rome. :D

> Michael Landes is giving a fun performance, though, and the locations
> in Rome were the best part. I couldn't read what the sign in front of
> The Parthenon said. What was playing there this week?

The Parthenon? I don't think they even went to Nashville in this outing.


Jul 22, 2017, 1:57:31 PM7/22/17
In article <>,
hee hee


Jul 22, 2017, 2:31:35 PM7/22/17
In article <>,
Or Greece. I think he means the Pantheon.


Jul 22, 2017, 2:46:06 PM7/22/17
In article <>,
Oh, good call. I think I saw that but they called it something else. I
didn't see a sign though ...

Adam H. Kerman

Jul 22, 2017, 3:07:32 PM7/22/17
BTR1701 <> wrote:
Yes, I ruined the joke. No, I didn't mean the Pantheon, which is a
universal temple. I meant the Coliseum.


Jul 22, 2017, 3:29:32 PM7/22/17
In article <ol07i2$kac$>,
Hah! I thought of that, and watched them drive by three times. No
signage though. :D


Jul 22, 2017, 6:45:04 PM7/22/17

Hooten was sitting on the edge of the fountain in one scene with it in the

Adam H. Kerman

Jul 22, 2017, 6:57:14 PM7/22/17
BTR1701 <no_e...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>anim8rfsk <> wrote:
>>BTR1701 <> wrote:
>>>anim8rfsk <> wrote:
Yes, I think that was in one of the later scenes. I just didn't have a
joke about the Pantheon.

What do they do, rotate which god gets worshipped tha week?

That's not very good. I'll have to work on it.

Ian J. Ball

Jul 22, 2017, 7:37:38 PM7/22/17
Are we 100% sure about that? For example, I am pretty sure that the whole sequence on the bridge where Hooten gets shot was "greenscreen". (Pretty good "greenscreen", but "greenscreen" nonetheless...)


Jul 22, 2017, 8:06:40 PM7/22/17
In article <>,

"That’s the good thing about this show," says Landes. "It’s not fake.
It’s not special effects. We didn’t lie. Sometimes it’s so
amazing-looking that it almost looks fake but it’s not. I have the air
miles to prove it."

"I don’t know any other show that will travel the world like that. I had
one flight itinerary that was hysterical, in 10 days it was: Cape Town,
London, LA, Hong-Kong, Siem Reap, Kuala Lumpur, and then back to LA. So
I went around the world one and a half times.

How was the jet lag? "I’m a keen traveller and I’m a nerd with planes
and airports. So for me this was like being a kid in a candy store."
Landes – who's originally a New Yorker but usually lives in Los Angeles
with his Scottish wife – is hoping viewers will also enjoy seeing the
sights. "The travel element of the show is fun from an escapism point of
view or as inspiration. If you’re having a bad rainy day in London in
October, you can go home with a glass of wine and see Cambodia."

They did have to cheat a couple of places, though. Below, Landes reveals
which are real and which aren't...


"As an homage to Roman Holiday, they towed us around with a police
escort to every single sight. As a nerdy actor, it was very, very cool.
People say: Did you get to see anything while you were there? Everywhere
we filmed was where people would want to go: we were at the Vatican, the
Pantheon, Saint Angelo Bridge. So not only did I see it, I spent 14
hours there."

"We also filmed in a town 30 minutes from Naples, which is where my
grandfather is from. It's the home of mozzarella and the cheese
there tastes like nothing you’ve ever had. I love Italian food more than
anything so I was in heaven. So there I was, just starting a job where I
have to be in shape, and all I want to do is eat. I was stuffing my face
saying: 'Will train tomorrow!'"

Siem Reap, Cambodia

"We ended in Cambodia, which was a nice way to end. I had never been
there. We were at Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, a complex of temples that
were built in the 12th century. They’re extraordinary and they’re
massive. They go on and on and on. People watch the sunrise there. You
get up really early and walk into this place at dark and it’s a sight to
"We also filmed in a little fishing village, which was amazing.
Obviously the temples are beautiful but I'd never seen a village on
stilts. All the kids and locals were watching."


"It was touch and go whether we would be allowed to go to Moscow. They
kept saying we might have to cheat it. Apparently we were one of the
first crews that had been there in 20 years. We’re certainly the first
drama that’s ever shot in the metro, which is extraordinary – full of
chandeliers and statues. It’s beautiful. Shooting in Red Square was… We
had to play it like it wasn’t cold but it was really freezing." 


"We weren’t allowed to go to Egypt so we shot that episode in Namibia.
We shot in Mad Max country with all that red sand, which is even more
extraordinary in real life. And the stars at night – when it’s dark in
that part of the world the stars are unbelievable."
Egypt is episode three, but you'll also be watching Namibia in episode
five, when it stands in for Ethiopia and Hooten enjoys some camel action
(pictured above).

KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

As for the Amazonian jungle in episode one, that's really South African
jungle. "We were in KwaZulu-Natal, two hours into the jungle from the
city of Durban. We were in there for two and a half weeks and our snake
wranglers caught 42 snakes, including Black Mambas." 
The last episode was also shot in South Africa, although this time
around it doubles for the Caribbean. "When you go to the jungle in South
Africa, it's tropical versus the dry heat of Cape Town – it's hard to
believe it's the same country."

Hooten & the Lady begins on Friday 16th September at 9pm on Sky 1

Adam H. Kerman

Jul 22, 2017, 9:06:55 PM7/22/17


Jul 22, 2017, 9:29:40 PM7/22/17
In article <ol0sjs$j20$>,

David Barnett

Jul 23, 2017, 11:24:03 PM7/23/17
In article <anim8rfsk-0E2D6C.15273021072017>, says...
> In article <>,
> David Barnett <> wrote:
> > In article <>,
> > says...
> > >
> >
> > > What did you watch?
> >
> > On Thu Jul 20 I watched:
> >
> > CRIMINAL MINDS: Mirror Image
> > Incredible - can't suspend my disbelief
> > re all those memories.
> >
> > DAREDEVIL: Rabbit in a Snowstorm; In the Blood
> > Via Netflix, both episodes only so-so.
> > My free month ends on Sunday,
> > thence not quite $9AUS per month.
> > Hoping to find some better shows.
> So are you keeping The Netflix?

Yes, as it is not very expensive,
and I am finding other shows to watch.

David Barnett


Jul 23, 2017, 11:38:59 PM7/23/17
In article <>,
David Barnett <> wrote:

> In article <anim8rfsk-0E2D6C.15273021072017
>>, says...
> >
> > In article <>,
> > David Barnett <> wrote:
> >
> > > In article <>,
> > > says...
> > > >
> > >
> > > > What did you watch?
> > >
> > > On Thu Jul 20 I watched:
> > >
> > > CRIMINAL MINDS: Mirror Image
> > > Incredible - can't suspend my disbelief
> > > re all those memories.
> > >
> > > DAREDEVIL: Rabbit in a Snowstorm; In the Blood
> > > Via Netflix, both episodes only so-so.
> > > My free month ends on Sunday,
> > > thence not quite $9AUS per month.
> > > Hoping to find some better shows.
> >
> > So are you keeping The Netflix?
> Yes, as it is not very expensive,
> and I am finding other shows to watch.


David Barnett

Jul 23, 2017, 11:43:06 PM7/23/17
In article <okub81$gik$>,
I haven't heard of any of them.

David Barnett


Jul 24, 2017, 8:25:42 AM7/24/17
You might start with HAPPY VALLEY or MARCELLA since you like VERA. Of
the above listed shows, THE FALL is the only one I didn't watch all of
as it is just too similar to traditional USA crime procedurals.
0 new messages