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What Did You Watch? 2016-12-25 (Sunday)

閲覧: 41 回


2016/12/26 9:35:432016/12/26
On Christmas day I watched:

HARDCORE HENRY: A 2015 action film shot with a GoPro camera so that all
of the action mimics that of a first person shooter video game. This
film sort of had a plotline, but I had a really hard time following what
that plotline was because it also unfolded like a video game such that
the main character never really knew what was going on beyond the next
mission. While the first person perspective was interesting it
ultimately failed to be engaging because the entire film felt like
watching someone else play a first person shooter game while the viewer
just watched it go on and on and on and on and on and on... As the film
unfolded there was a lot of gunfire and parkour style stuntwork and some
naked women and lots of Sharlto Copley and a bit of Tim Roth...but even
the two of them couldn't save this nearly endless bloodbath.

What did you watch?


2016/12/26 10:29:432016/12/26
Obveeus <> wrote:
> What did you watch?

THE MAKING OF A CONCERTO (BBC4) - Great documentary about a collaboration
between virtuoso classical violinist Nicola Benedetti and jazz
trumpeter/composer Wynton Marsalis, as they set out to develop a
jazz/classical fusion violin concerto to be premiered by Benedetti and the
London Symphony Orchestra.

Arthur Lipscomb

2016/12/26 10:52:212016/12/26
I generally agree.

> What did you watch?

Assassin's Creed (theatrical) - Already covered by Obveeus. I never
played the game it's based on so I have no idea how closely it followed
the game series. But to my surprise according to Wiki the game also
uses the Animus. I agree it is just a setup for another movie. A
couple of minutes from the end when I realized they weren't going to
give an actual conclusion to what was already a tedious movie I was
pretty ticked off. So they expect us to come back for more of this mess
just to find out how it actually ends. :-/

Edward Scissorhands (blu-ray) - Tim Burton movie staring Johnny Depp as
a Frankenstein type of creature made by Vincent Price but he died before
he could complete his creation and give him hands. He's found one day
by an Avon lady (Dianne Wiest) and brought back to suburbia. At first he
eventually hits it off with the nosy neighbors by cutting their bushes
into shapes and styling their pets and hair. Winona Ryder also stars as
a wouldbe love interest and Anthony Michael Hall as a Gaston type who
riles ups the villagers against Depp's friendly "beast." Holds up well

Dark Shadows (blu-ray) - Tim Burton and Johny Depp reteam with Depp this
time playing Barnabas Collins, a vampire trapped since the 18th century
who is freed and comes to the aide of his 1970s era family. I haven't
seen this since it's theatrical release. At the time I think I sort of
liked it. But on this viewing I didn't really care for it. I was
particularly annoyed when at the end of the movie a character was
revealed to be a werewolf out of nowhere. Meh!!!

Ian J. Ball

2016/12/26 12:27:052016/12/26
In article <o3r9p5$8d5$>, Obveeus <>

> What did you watch?

Football - I hate the Steelers. >:\
I did enjoy Kansas City dismantling the Broncos, though. :)

I then watched some movies: "Get Hard" again (not as good on second
viewing), and "We're the Millers" (OK, not great).

I then saw a couple of 15-minute episodes of "Robot Chicken". The
interesting thing about this show is that it is really, really uneven:
some episodes (like the season #7 premiere I watched) are brilliant and
laugh out loud funny; other episodes (like the season #8 premiere I
watched) are just "Meh" and not particularly funny. This isn't the first
time I've had this reaction to different episodes of this show...

On Saturday, I watched:

The Great Indoors (recorded) - "Office Romance". No Stephen Fry, and
we're back to a mediocre episode. Jessica Makinson shows up to play a
similar character to the one she played on the "iCarly" episode "iHave a
Lovesick Teacher" - here she plays [s]Joel's[/s] Jack's latest one-night
stand who it turns out works for the magazine in accounting, and as such
is not going to be leaving Jack alone unless he can let her down gently.
Meanwhile, Clark's in LUV with Emma. Meh.

Code Black (recorded) - "Exodus". A power outage in L.A. forces Angels
Memorial to evacuate most of it's non-most critical patients to a nearby
Urgent Care facility (headed by Lisa Gay Hamilton! who clashes with
Rorish!!) when the hospital's backup generators fail. At the same time,
Jesse brings in a new patient from his work, and sticks around to help
out. Rob Lowe and the shrink treat a dying 92-year old woman who thinks
it's 1942 during the war. Pinkney and first-year Dixon have to deal with
a difficult birth while trapped in an elevator. And at the Urgent Care
facility, Leighton helps a cute doctor (Meg Steedle) with a patient.
The last storyline drove me nuts, because I've seen Meg Steedle on
something else (I could have sworn it was a daytime soap!) but a quick
look at her IMDb and I can't really figure out what I've seen her in
before!! Argh!...
By the end, Campbell has rehired Jesse, and it looks like they'll
bring Guthrie back too.

NCIS:LA (recorded) - "Tidings We Bring". Pretty much of a
"nothingburger" episode, it also was completely sans Miguel Ferrer
(what's up with him?!). I did like Kensi's paranoid fantasy where she
freaks out and gets beaten up by Anna Kolcheck at the office X-Mas party!

"Shall we sit and ponder the futility of caring?" - Morotia M. Black (aka.
Riley Matthews), "Girl Meets Yearbook", "Girl Meets World" (08-07-2015)

Bob(but not THAT Bob)

2016/12/26 19:52:422016/12/26
I downloaded HH a while ago and burned a disk - it's in the stack
somewhere - must get to it one of these days.

I watched ep 5 and 6 of The O.A. - I'm getting too old for this -
knocked my back out trying to do "the movements" - hope I can sit down
to watch the last two tonight.

Arthur Lipscomb

2016/12/26 21:11:262016/12/26
Do they need to put, "Do not attempt this at home" before each episode?
Take care of yourself. :-)

David Barnett

2016/12/27 14:20:242016/12/27
In article <o3r9p5$8d5$>,
> On Christmas day I watched:
> What did you watch?

On Sun Dec 25 I watched:

FATHER BROWN: The Star Of Jacob
Xmas episode.
Not bad.

Royal Variety Performance 2016
Attended by Charles & his wife.

Most of the comedy was awful, but seeing I watched all the
2 hour show without ads, it mustn't have been too bad.
I didn't like Lady Gaga's song.

David Barnett


2017/01/04 5:19:222017/01/04
In article <o3r9p5$8d5$>, wrote:

>What did you watch?

Decades played several eps as part of their "Christmas binge". It
wouldn't be so bad were they not so anachronistic. I gave up when John
Schneider and Chad Allen seemed to be leading into a VSE ep on
homosexuality. I can grudgingly suspend disbelief for a Russian Orthadox
Jew ep and a Native American Joseph and Mary story but not gay guys in
the 1800's. :-\

Several eps on Decades. Argh.

"'Tis the Season". Doug's quarrel with Willie almost leads to a heart
attack. Buddy brings home school janitor Mr. Duffy for the holiday, much
to Kate's chagrin. I strongly suspect SMG's acting style was inspired by
Christie McNicole. Willie's a real tool, too! He decides to tell his
father (hey, it's Jason Robards!) at his father's office Christmas party
that he's going to MX with his gf for Christmas. I forgot how in the "old
days", those office parties could be quite a spectacle. Later, he whines
about how his father embarrassed him at the office party! Later, he makes
a huge mess dumping baby powder on his head and ho-ho-ho'ing while
walking down the hall! And what's with the final shot taken about 20 feet
over the set and cast?

At first I thought this was the fucked up ep about the little boy with a
terminal disease who thinks it's his mother who is about to die, but it
turns out Bob Saget is producing a lame music video for the Four
Temptations on the ship, during a cruise, with The Mermaids providing
backup dancing. Umm, why didn't they do this between cruises so they
won't be interupted?

The crew celebrate their 200th voyage. Is this an attempt at being
"meta"? Hey, they got Andy Warhol (or an impersonator) to host the
festivities! Of course, it turns out that Mrs C made a movie with him and
tries to hide it from Mr Cunningham. I think they made a Chuck joke at
some point. Lastly, The Mermaids performed a boring cover of "I'm So

A boring Xmas ep. I'm not sure if it's bad timing, but this Decades binge
of Xmas eps sux. It seems like all they've been playing are CBS shows I
never liked.

Crap, another ep?

"The Body".
"The Flea and the Acrobat".
"The Monster".
WOW! I am eager to see how this resolves.

"Teratoma"(?). While exploring a crystalline M class planet orbiting a
dead supernova(?), the crew discover something is making the Enterprise
enlarge or the crew "reduce". I'm not sure what was worse, the
"scientific" explanation for what happened to them; them using space
canaries and space goldfish to warn them of environmental problems; or
the inability of the drawers to draw the crew shrinking in scale or
persepctive. In one scene, Spock and Kirk are a foot shorter while Uhura
is shorter than the distace from the floor to the seat of her chair and
Scotty looks unchanged! Is this where they established that their
transporters can restore people to a previous state? I rather like H&I.

There were some other Xmas eps I saw on MEtv and Decades but I no longer
rememeber them.

Obama acting tough at this point is like an athlete finally trash
talking out the team bus window as it leaves the stadium parking


2017/01/04 10:28:422017/01/04
In article <>, Ubiquitous <>

> At first I thought this was the fucked up ep about the little boy with a
> terminal disease who thinks it's his mother who is about to die, but it
> turns out Bob Saget is producing a lame music video for the Four
> Temptations on the ship, during a cruise, with The Mermaids providing
> backup dancing. Umm, why didn't they do this between cruises so they
> won't be interupted?

Especially as he didn't want any passengers or crew in the shots, and no
ocean scenery behind them. And then it turns into a creepy love story.

Join your old RAT friends at

Michael Black

2017/01/04 18:36:182017/01/04
On Tue, 3 Jan 2017, Ubiquitous wrote:

> In article <o3r9p5$8d5$>, wrote:
>> What did you watch?
> Decades played several eps as part of their "Christmas binge". It
> wouldn't be so bad were they not so anachronistic. I gave up when John
> Schneider and Chad Allen seemed to be leading into a VSE ep on
> homosexuality. I can grudgingly suspend disbelief for a Russian Orthadox
> Jew ep and a Native American Joseph and Mary story but not gay guys in
> the 1800's. :-\
They weren't "gay" back then, but I think it wsa even less defined as it
would later.

Suddenly I remember that I'd meant to watch MeTV that afternoon, special
Christmas episodes, but I fell asleep, so I didn't get to see the
Christmas episode of "Family" like I'd intended.

I don't think I've ever seen "Family" so I was especially looking forward
to sampling it. I guess MeTV will air it next year again.

I see, I guess that was the episode you mention below.



2017/01/04 18:47:022017/01/04
What an awesome Christmas! Who says shut-ins can't gave a great holiday? Congrats!


2017/01/07 17:44:162017/01/07
To: wrote:
> Ubiquitous <> wrote:
>> At first I thought this was the fucked up ep about the little boy with a
>> terminal disease who thinks it's his mother who is about to die, but it
>> turns out Bob Saget is producing a lame music video for the Four
>> Temptations on the ship, during a cruise, with The Mermaids providing
>> backup dancing. Umm, why didn't they do this between cruises so they
>> won't be interupted?
>Especially as he didn't want any passengers or crew in the shots, and no
>ocean scenery behind them.

That asshole made Vicki cry!


2017/01/07 17:55:052017/01/07
To: wrote:
>On Tue, 3 Jan 2017, Ubiquitous wrote:

>> Decades played several eps as part of their "Christmas binge". It
>> wouldn't be so bad were they not so anachronistic. I gave up when John
>> Schneider and Chad Allen seemed to be leading into a VSE ep on
>> homosexuality. I can grudgingly suspend disbelief for a Russian Orthadox
>> Jew ep and a Native American Joseph and Mary story but not gay guys in
>> the 1800's. :-\
>They weren't "gay" back then, but I think it wsa even less defined as it
>would later.

I dictinctly remember an ep with an openly gay man Dr Quim's son started
hanging around it, which caused all sorts of problems, but I'm not sure if
it was the Xmas one.

>Suddenly I remember that I'd meant to watch MeTV that afternoon, special
>Christmas episodes, but I fell asleep, so I didn't get to see the
>Christmas episode of "Family" like I'd intended.
>I don't think I've ever seen "Family" so I was especially looking forward
>to sampling it. I guess MeTV will air it next year again.

FAMILY was a little bit before my time, but I remember that was the show that
made Kristy McNicole at the time. I am curious about seeing more eps, but
their asshole son makes it difficult.


2017/01/07 18:54:322017/01/07
In article <>,
Ubiquitous <> wrote:

> wrote:
> > Ubiquitous <> wrote:
> >
> >> At first I thought this was the fucked up ep about the little boy with a
> >> terminal disease who thinks it's his mother who is about to die, but it
> >> turns out Bob Saget is producing a lame music video for the Four
> >> Temptations on the ship, during a cruise, with The Mermaids providing
> >> backup dancing. Umm, why didn't they do this between cruises so they
> >> won't be interupted?
> >
> >Especially as he didn't want any passengers or crew in the shots, and no
> >ocean scenery behind them.
> That asshole made Vicki cry!

I was hoping Stubing would have him keelhauled.


2017/01/07 19:39:492017/01/07
In article <o3r9p5$8d5$>, wrote:

Darn, that movie sounded so interesting, too!

Michael Black

2017/01/07 21:49:182017/01/07
On Thu, 5 Jan 2017, Ubiquitous wrote:

> wrote:
>> On Tue, 3 Jan 2017, Ubiquitous wrote:
>>> Decades played several eps as part of their "Christmas binge". It
>>> wouldn't be so bad were they not so anachronistic. I gave up when John
>>> Schneider and Chad Allen seemed to be leading into a VSE ep on
>>> homosexuality. I can grudgingly suspend disbelief for a Russian Orthadox
>>> Jew ep and a Native American Joseph and Mary story but not gay guys in
>>> the 1800's. :-\
>> They weren't "gay" back then, but I think it wsa even less defined as it
>> would later.
> I dictinctly remember an ep with an openly gay man Dr Quim's son started
> hanging around it, which caused all sorts of problems, but I'm not sure if
> it was the Xmas one.
But I think at the time, it was less defined. So even Oscar Wilde was
married, and I thought happily.

But I also remember an episode of The Love Boat where they do a flashback
to WWII, and suddenly the troops are desegregated, so Isaac can have a
place, so shows can put things in that weren't the case back when it
really was way back then.

>> Suddenly I remember that I'd meant to watch MeTV that afternoon, special
>> Christmas episodes, but I fell asleep, so I didn't get to see the
>> Christmas episode of "Family" like I'd intended.
>> I don't think I've ever seen "Family" so I was especially looking forward
>> to sampling it. I guess MeTV will air it next year again.
> FAMILY was a little bit before my time, but I remember that was the show that
> made Kristy McNicole at the time. I am curious about seeing more eps, but
> their asshole son makes it difficult.
I guess it was on a channel I couldn't get at the time, no cable. I do
remember "James at 15", which I thought ran about the same time.



2017/01/08 1:18:132017/01/08
This was a network show, either ABC or NBC.

Michael Black

2017/01/08 11:48:062017/01/08
And the local "ABC" was channel 22, and I didn't have UHF until that first
color set in 1979 or so.

But as I've said in the past, even NBC and CBS weren't receivable here,
not without an outside antenna, since they were adjacent to local
channels, which is why I could watch them as a kid if I got up early in
the morning, before the local channels came on, but not the rest of the

So US programming was watched on Canadian stations, and not everything was
bought, strange as it may seem. So there were the occasional shows I had
no chance of seeing back then.



2017/01/11 5:10:092017/01/11
Interesting. I figured you all had access to all our shows up there.

Michael Black

2017/01/11 11:22:142017/01/11
At this distance, my memory isn't a good source. I know there were shows
I never saw, and some of it was that they didn't air here. But some were
probably too late, and others somehow never caught my attention (or were
on when something I liked more was on).

I don't think I saw Jonny Quest. I reemmber ads in the comic books, but
I'm not certain, and when I got the DVD set, none of it was familiar. But
it was the sort of thing I would have watched if I could.

I've mentioned before that we never saw the first season of "Eight is
Enough", it started here with the second season, so for a long time, I
thought that's when it had started, and the dead mother was well in the
past, rather than the previous year.


The Horny Goat

2017/01/15 13:33:372017/01/15
On Sun, 8 Jan 2017 11:53:56 -0500, Michael Black <> wrote:

>And the local "ABC" was channel 22, and I didn't have UHF until that first
>color set in 1979 or so.
>But as I've said in the past, even NBC and CBS weren't receivable here,
>not without an outside antenna, since they were adjacent to local
>channels, which is why I could watch them as a kid if I got up early in
>the morning, before the local channels came on, but not the rest of the
>So US programming was watched on Canadian stations, and not everything was
>bought, strange as it may seem. So there were the occasional shows I had
>no chance of seeing back then.

For a lot of Vancouverites the main reason to get cable was that that
was the only way to get the Seattle PBS station (which had a much
lower broadcast power than the big 3 networks all of which had been
available 'over the air' even if the signal was often fuzzy.

Sesame Street sold a lot of cable hookups in Vancouver!

On the other hand my kids grew up with the early Internet and a
gazillion channels...
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