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A new insight into "Murder, She Wrote"

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Knight of the Wolves

Jul 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/20/95
My brother and I fell had a discussion about Larry Niven's Known Space
books that somehow meandered its way into the teevee show "Murder, She
Wrote." (Don't ask me how we managaed that one; I can't see any
connection between the Ringworld and Jessica Fletcher, though I have
to admit that the thought of a few kzinti running around Cabbot Cove
is one I find appealing.)
Anyway, we fell to discussing the curiosity of so many people's
dying around Miss Fletcher. Our ideas ranged from her simply leaving in
a bizarre neck of the woods to the possibility that she was under a
curse inherited from her grandfather, who defiled an ancient mummy's
tomb, along with some more chilling possibilities. My brother developed
the thought substantially after our discussion, and I now share the
result with you:

=======================================================THU JUL 20, 1995 13.25.15

For years now, the people of Cabbot Cove have been dropping dead, left
and right. All except for a certain Jessica Fletcher and her friends.
(Some of whom are members of the local constabulary!)

The phenomenon isn't limited to Cabbot Cove though. Everywhere Ms.
Fletcher goes, there always seems to be a suspicious death of some
sort. In fact, on a few occasions, it's even seemed likely that Ms.
Fletcher herself was responsible for the deaths and suspicion has
only been diverted from her at the last moment.

Quite an interesting string of coincidences, huh? Most interesting
of all, nobody has *ever* conducted an investigation into this string
of happenstance -- remember up above where I mentioned that some of
Ms. Fletcher's friends were members of the local police force?

Recently, a young FBI agent noticed the string of murders following
Ms. Fletcher around the world. He came into Cabbot Cove a few days
ago investigating the possibility that Jessica Fletcher was in fact
a major East Coast crime boss.

His theory was that Ms. Fletcher created elaborate scenarios for her
murder mystery books and then, in order to test how believable the
stories were, would hire two-bit out-of-town hoods to do the actual
dirty work. If she were ever implicated, one of Ms. Fletcher's
lieutenants would step in and allow his- or her-self to be "caught"
in some incriminating circumstance. Ms. Fletcher would then hire a
team of hot-shot lawyers and said lieutenant would be back on the
streets within six months.

This morning, the FBI agent was found floating dead in the harbor....

- Blair
* SLMR 2.1a * Professional programmer. Do not attempt.

It explains a lot, doesn't it?

Bill Steele

Jul 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/23/95
In article <> Knight of the

Wolves, writes:
>Recently, a young FBI agent noticed the string of murders following
>Ms. Fletcher around the world. He came into Cabbot Cove a few days
>ago investigating the possibility that Jessica Fletcher was in fact
>a major East Coast crime boss.

Now, if the FBI agent's name was Mulder, you'd have a movie.

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