Its just that the sounds is OK but the picture looks like it has been
tortured :-) No, seriously, it looks like it is recorded on really *low*
quality tape. I have only watched the first 2/3's of the first tape
in the first box 8-I <- what I would look like after eleven hours.
My question is, are the single tapes, with two/three episodes on them
any better quality wise.
Thanx all.
Peter Galbavy
MicroMuse Ltd. +44 71 352 7774
Hope this helps!
|G Mr. Andreas Bjorklind, Laboratory for Library and Information W|
|O Science (LIBLAB), Department of Computer and Information Science, O|
|S Linkoping University, S-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden. W|
|H Tel. +46 13 28 19 69, Fax +46 13 14 22 31 !|
| Internet:, UUCP: sunic!liuida!abj, Bitnet: abj@seliuida |
Basically, no. At least, the copies I have (bought when it was first
released a year or two back) are pretty attrocious. I doubt that the
current tapes are any better.
The quality seemed to get a bit better with the second series, and they
even have a Hifi sound-track (of variable quality).
The other problem which these tapes suffer from is that the episodes
are edited together (very badly). I believe that the double packs have
them as separate episodes?
I had thought about buying the double packs, as I thought that they
might be better than the ones I have! From what you say, I don't think
I'll bother ...
- Richard
Richard Gibbs (
BNR Europe Ltd, London Road, Harlow, Essex, CM17 9NA, UK
>In the referenced article (Peter Galbavy) writes:
>>I just got the first two series of Robin, as the double videos, the
>>first five/2 and the second six/2 hours long.
>>Its just that the sounds is OK but the picture looks like it has been
>>tortured :-) No, seriously, it looks like it is recorded on really *low*
>>quality tape. I have only watched the first 2/3's of the first tape
>>in the first box 8-I <- what I would look like after eleven hours.
>>My question is, are the single tapes, with two/three episodes on them
>>any better quality wise.
>Basically, no. At least, the copies I have (bought when it was first
>released a year or two back) are pretty attrocious. I doubt that the
>current tapes are any better.
I had to return my copy of the first double set due to the sound being
almost non existant. Second copy was fine though.
-- -m------- Jimmy Aitken ---mmm----- Pyramid Technology Ltd
...!mcsun!ukc!pyrltd!jimmy -----mmmmm--- Pyramid House, Solartron Rd
(+44) 252 373035 -------mmmmmmm- Hants GU14 7PL, ENGLAND
`Rrrrum Ti-Tum Ti-Tum Ti-Tum, Rrrrum Ti-Tum Ti Ta-Ta,
Rrrrum Ti-Tum Ti-Tum Ti-Tum, Rrrrum Ti Tiddly Ta...'
>The quality seemed to get a bit better with the second series, and they
>even have a Hifi sound-track (of variable quality).
The little HiFi light comes on for the first tape also.
>The other problem which these tapes suffer from is that the episodes
>are edited together (very badly). I believe that the double packs have
>them as separate episodes?
No. Terrible editing. The first (or is it the second) episode ends on
the middle of Clannads "Robbbbbin" at about the third b :-) Not even
faded out. Sad.
>I had thought about buying the double packs, as I thought that they
>might be better than the ones I have! From what you say, I don't think
>I'll bother ...
Ah well, sounds like a marketing exercise.
Thanks for the info. I will save my money and *not* try the single tapes.
>- Richard
I've got a tape with episodes 3 & 4 on it. I think that would be "King's
Fool" and "Seven Poor Knights from Acre." I bought it while in England and
watched it once while there (yes, I knew beforehand that I couldn't watch
it here in the US). I don't recall any video problems. If someone is interested
in purchasing it, my sister will be over here (from England) at the beginning
of March and she can bring it back and mail it to whomever wants it. The
original price was #8.99, so I'll settle for #8 even with the shipping thrown
in. The check will go to her since I have no use for #'s.
Again, it has only been watched once and it is the UK TV format (whatever it's
called). It's still in the original case also. Send me e-mail and we'll
exchange the necessary details.
Just so there's no confusion, the show is Robin of Sherwood II, with Michael
Praed and Judi Trott.