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Days of Our Lives 1983-1997 For You

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TV 2 Tape

Feb 13, 2004, 12:49:29 AM2/13/04
Please check out my Web site at:

If you want to check out how to get Vintage Days of Our Lives from:

* 1983
* Renee DiMera's Party & Murder
* 1984
* Salem Slasher (the first) / Andre Schemes and Plans for 'The Phoenix'
* Plane Crash / Stranded on Island and Roman's Death
* 1985
* Kim Tells Bo She Was Molested By Their Uncle / Eugene's Birthday Party
* Megan Hathaway's (Stefano DiMera's Daugther) Murder +
* Stephano Kidnappes Marlena's Babies / How Megan Hathaway Was Murdered
* 1988
* Thanksgiving: Stefano's Island Compound and At the Horton's
* 1989
* Eve Held Hostage / Nick Corelli's Death Ruled Suicide
* Jack Stabbed / Caroline Brady in Hospital
* Hospital Picnic / Neil Curtis Finds Out Justin is Father of Alexander
* Eugene Returns / Justin and Adrienne About to Have a New Neighbor
* 1992
* One Stormy Night (Primetime)
* Kimberly Hit by Car / Shawn Brady Shot at Brady Fish Market
* Also features Micheal Easton as Tanner
* 1993
* Marlena Finds Out She is Pregnant (Not Sure if Roman's or John's)
* Jack Tries to Buy the Spectator
* 1995
* Sami Stops Austin and Carrie's Wedding by Fainting
* Beginning of Marlena's Possession
* Tony Accuses Kristin of Affair with John
* Tony Pulls Off Plot to Make it Look Like John Shot/Murdered Him
* Jennifer and Peter's Wedding Reception in Aramid
* 1996/1997
* New Years Eve / Austin Hits Sami with Car

Many Many More To Come!!!!!

If there is a specific storyline or character you are looking for please
eMail me at:

Please check out my Web site at:

Also available are:

* All My Children
* Another World
* As the World Turns
* The City/Loving
* General Hospital
* Santa Barbara
* Sunset Beach

You can view my positive feedback on eBay. My Seller ID is MysterySleuth.

~TV 2 Tape~

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