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AMC: Re: Tan.

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Carol Agans

Apr 16, 1991, 11:37:37 PM4/16/91
I've got the worst bunch of names too:

Monk, Sugar Lump, Lump Head, Sweet Lips, Pigeon,
Caaa, CJ, Carrie, and our most commonly-used: Bitchy-girl (he's
Bitchy-boy and our little girl is Bitchy-baby -- all said affectionately
of course!)

To go one step further:
Our one cat is: Ringo-John-Floyd (full name)
nicknames: Bunny (he has big ears), Mr. T, Bunny Bagwhan,
Big Boss Bun, Fellow Fella (when addressed by SO)
and "Old Number One"

Our other cat: Wednesday and Missy (both first names, we found her on a Wed!)
nickname: Moose

Our dog: Official pedigree name: Clariho Blue Bell
Our name to her: Molly
nicknames: Molly-Jean-the-beauty-queen and Duffus

Dave Ochs

Apr 22, 1991, 1:32:19 PM4/22/91
Ok, I can't resist jumping in...

My wife and I have two cats: a Siamese (Yoko), and a tiger (Frisbee). They
are called various things.

Yoko Princess - this is not a compliment, but reflects the fact that she
feels she owns the house [as it has been said, the Egyptians
worshipped cats, and the cats have never forgotten].
Yuko - when she had ringworm once.
Dances on Cars - my wife came up with this one (derivation obvious)
... it's my favorite.

Frisbee Butt-head - we call him this just as much as his real name. He tends
to rub and "butt" things all the time. The Nickelodeon add "your
boss is a butt-head" made us think of this.

Dave Ochs

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