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DOOL: Miriam Parrish

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Jeni Sharpe

Feb 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/2/96
Can anyone tell me about the character of
Jamie Caldwell and what happened a while ago with
the incest or sexual abuse storyline? Has she done
anything else significant besides listen to Sammi's
Also, does anyone know anything about Miriam
in real life? I never see anything about her. Thank

Lucy Kida

Feb 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/3/96
As far was her storyline goes... that sexual abuse was her "biggest"
one. Her father was just like Curtis Brown and Billie found was
fast and quick storyline also.

The last I heard of Miriam, her and Robert Kelker Kelly (ex-Bo) are
engaged and living together. Last year, right after he was fired, Robert
was in a live chat on CompuServe and of course, Miriam was right there by
his side.

Julie Cizenski

Feb 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/4/96

Jamie had been abused by her father for years. When the Billie story was
winding down, Billie spoke to Jamie's class about her past. She noticed
that Jamie was troubled. Later, Billie tried to help Jamie, only to be
tied up by her then crazy father. He planned to kill Billie so she could
not reveal the truth. I doubt he'd have had the guts to go through with
it, but Bo rescued Billie anyway. Jamie now seems to live with the Brady
In real life, Jamie is 18, will turn 19 this spring. She loves reading
and poetry and is a very sweet gentle young lady. She and RKK are engaged
and plan to wed on June 22nd of this year.

Julie(Peanutbutter Cup)

Gene J. Raymond

Feb 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/4/96
In article <4eu5m6$>,
Jeni Sharpe <> wrote:

> Can anyone tell me about the character of
>Jamie Caldwell and what happened a while ago with
>the incest or sexual abuse storyline? Has she done
>anything else significant besides listen to Sammi's

I'm a little bit miffed here because at around the time of this
storyline, I recall seeing Miriam Parrish on a talk show discussing
how the writers were going to tackle some "issues" (the child abuse
line was just one such issue). Next thing you know, Billie got Jaime
to talk to somebody (the cops, presumably. I don't remember exactly
how it played out) and her father was taken to jail. They haven't
said word one about her father since. I think that Miriam mentioned
on the talk show that her character's mother was "very ashamed of the
whole thing and didn't know what to do". While that is undoubtedly a
realistic reaction to knowing that your child has been sexually
abused, the writers chose to ignore the after-effects: are any of them
in counseling? Is Jaime's mother still in Salem or did she simply
abandon her daughter (wasn't Jaime staying at the Horton Center with
Sami?)? Is Mr. Caldwell going to be charged and taken to court?


Gene J. Raymond | | Se habla espanol.
GJR Software Products | | On parle francais.
PO Box 3416 | |
Merrifield, VA 22116-3416 | |


Feb 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/5/96
In article <4f2i2c$>, (Julie Cizenski) wrote:
> (Jeni Sharpe) wrote:

>> Also, does anyone know anything about Miriam
>>in real life? I never see anything about her. Thank

> In real life, Jamie is 18, will turn 19 this spring. She loves reading

>and poetry and is a very sweet gentle young lady. She and RKK are engaged
>and plan to wed on June 22nd of this year.

Another interesting tidbit about Mirriam's and RKK's relationship...
Apparently Mirriam and Robert had been dating for quite a while. . .Well, on
the night of her 18th b-day, there were at a party (not "officially" together,
though). . .At 12 midnight, RKK took the microphone and announced that Mirriam
was officially 18 and that were officially dating. . .I guess she was no
longer jailbait.

Oh & RKK used to have a MAJOR coke problem. . .
As does Lisa Rinna (NOTICE THAT IS PRESENT TENSE). . .Lisa Rinna is into the
white stuff in a big way.

Thought you'd enjoy some mindless gossip. :)

Sheri Drake

Feb 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/5/96
> Jamie had been abused by her father for years. When the Billie story was
> winding down, Billie spoke to Jamie's class about her past. She noticed
> that Jamie was troubled. Later, Billie tried to help Jamie, only to be
> tied up by her then crazy father. He planned to kill Billie so she could
> not reveal the truth. I doubt he'd have had the guts to go through with
> it, but Bo rescued Billie anyway. Jamie now seems to live with the Brady
> family.
> In real life, Jamie is 18, will turn 19 this spring. She loves reading
> and poetry and is a very sweet gentle young lady. She and RKK are engaged
> and plan to wed on June 22nd of this year.
> Julie(Peanutbutter Cup)

I only hope she know what she's getting into, I heard that RKK is an arrogant ass.


Feb 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/5/96
The *rumor* may be that he is an arrogant "a", but he sure is a
good-looking one! However, I think 19 is far too young to be married in
this day and age, I hope she re-thinks her decision.

Sheri Drake

Feb 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/5/96
> Another interesting tidbit about Mirriam's and RKK's relationship...
> Apparently Mirriam and Robert had been dating for quite a while. . .Well, on
> the night of her 18th b-day, there were at a party (not "officially" together,
> though). . .At 12 midnight, RKK took the microphone and announced that Mirriam
> was officially 18 and that were officially dating. . .I guess she was no
> longer jailbait.
> Oh & RKK used to have a MAJOR coke problem. . .
> As does Lisa Rinna (NOTICE THAT IS PRESENT TENSE). . .Lisa Rinna is into the
> white stuff in a big way.
> Thought you'd enjoy some mindless gossip. :)

How do you know that LR has a serious coke problem? How was this verified?

Also, for those of you RKK fans out there, did you ever stop to think that maybe
one of the reasons he was fired was because he was dating someone under the
age of 18 and the studio didn't want to get sued by her family? Of course, I still
believe it was "artistic reasons" because he wouldn't play the role of Bo they way
they wanted which would lead to a Bo & Hope reunion.

Feb 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/5/96
I've seen one interview on her in SOD. Reportedly, she's from Florida and her
mom still lives there. When Miriam got DAYS, she lived with her aunt in her
aunt's house then she moved out and got her own apartment. She looks *nothing*
like her mom (her mom's plain Jane looking and was quite obese at the time.
Maybe she isn't now.). Wonder how *her* family feels about her marrying a man
that many years older than her??

Lori (also lurking at


Feb 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/6/96
In article <>,

> I've seen one interview on her in SOD. Reportedly, she's from Florida and her
> mom still lives there.

Is that why they considered having the wedding in Georgia?

~DonnaB-Can Barely Move From Street Sledding All Weekend

"No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public." -
H.L. Mencken


Feb 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/6/96

How old is RKK??? Can we say, "Oooooh! an older man LOVES me, (or so he says), so I MUST be terrific! I am wanted!" How about fi=
nding your
EQUAL Robert- or is that too much of a threat- or IS that your equal?! How about giving it a few years to let her really figure out=
what she is doing, and not preying on a young woman who probably will grow up and
away from you when she finds out what the big, real world is about.


Feb 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/7/96
In article <>, (Bugdozer) says:
>Sorry I gotta disagree; I'm 19 and I'm engaged (I got engaged when I was
>18), and my friend who lives in my house with me is also getting married
>this June. What bothers me is that she's supposedly engaged to this old
>old guy.....ugh...but hey, if they're happy, that's all that matters.
All I can say is CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you will send me an invitation
to your 25th Wedding Anniversary!

Kim Copen-Spears

Feb 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/7/96
Listen, Mariam has been out in the real world for awhile. She is
obviously earning a good living. I'm not sure exactly what the age
difference is, but I married a man 8 years older then myself when I was
18. That was 17 years ago. I finished college, have a nice career, and
we are working on having a family. I also have a friend who married
someone over 25 years older then herself. That was 13 years ago and
they are doing just fine (she was 21). Some of road will be bumpy, but
that would be the case in any marriage. Believe me, the majority of my
friends are working on their 2nd and 3rd marriages at this point...and
they didn't get married until they were out of college. As long as they
are two consenting adults than I wish them luck. I think the biggest
thing working against them is their chosen careers!

Kim "just my humble opinion"


Feb 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/7/96
Erin <> wrote:
> wrote:
>>In article <4f0d2q$>, (Lucy Kida) writes:
> Wonder how *her* family feels about her marrying a man
>>that many years older than her??


Feb 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/9/96

>How old is RKK???

Old enough to purchase cocaine.

Julie Cizenski

Feb 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/9/96
All I can say is that I do not believe Lisa is a drug user. There are no
signs of it and goes against everything I have heard about her. Would
you have us believe that Harry Hamlin is going with a junkie. You will
probably say he's one to. No way, won't buy into this one. Even if it
were true, you don't have to post every rumor you hear, it's really no
necessary. I sure don't. Why would I want to hurt the actors and

RKK has admitted he used, he cleaned up his act. That takes guts and I
admire him all the more because of it.

The subject of drugs is not a humorous one, at least to me. Too many
talented people have died because of them. Nothing funny about that,
it's sad, just so sad.

Julie(Peanutbutter Cup)

Melissa Clay

Feb 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/9/96
In article <4fe5qm$> (Nicole) writes:
>From: (Nicole)
>Subject: Re: RKK was stoned
>Date: Fri, 09 Feb 96 00:50:26 GMT

>>How old is RKK???

>Old enough to purchase cocaine.

RKK is 31.


Feb 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/10/96
In article <4fg0td$>, (Julie Cizenski) wrote:
>All I can say is that I do not believe Lisa is a drug user.

Wake up!!! She is.

>Even if it were true, you don't have to post every rumor you hear, it's
>really no necessary. I sure don't.

Oh, I want to be just like you, Peanut Cup. Since you have such a wealth of

Why would I want to hurt the actors and

I just think the fans have a right to know. I'm not into hiding things.
Since it's true, I don't think it's hurting anyone. If I were simply making
it up (which I'm not), then I would retract my statement. I won't, though,
because I know for a fact it's true.

>RKK has admitted he used, he cleaned up his act. That takes guts and I
>admire him all the more because of it.

Admire an asshole. . .Another positive point for you, PeanutHead


Feb 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/10/96

:>RKK has admitted he used, he cleaned up his act. That takes guts and I
:>admire him all the more because of it.
:Admire an asshole. . .Another positive point for you, PeanutHead

hehehe.....You Go Girl!! Tho i have nuttin against Peanut.


Feb 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/10/96
In article <4fitj4$>, (Nicole)

>In article <4fg0td$>,
> (Julie Cizenski) wrote:
>>All I can say is that I do not believe Lisa is a drug user.
>Wake up!!! She is.
>>Even if it were true, you don't have to post every rumor you hear, it's
>>really no necessary. I sure don't.
>Oh, I want to be just like you, Peanut Cup. Since you have such a wealth
>Why would I want to hurt the actors and
>I just think the fans have a right to know. I'm not into hiding things.

>Since it's true, I don't think it's hurting anyone. If I were simply
>it up (which I'm not), then I would retract my statement. I won't,
>because I know for a fact it's true.

>>RKK has admitted he used, he cleaned up his act. That takes guts and I
>>admire him all the more because of it.
>Admire an asshole. . .Another positive point for you, PeanutHead

Ouchhh!!! I don't know why you are taking this so personal. Everybody
has a right to their own opinion. You don't need to resort to name
calling just because someone has a different opinion than yourself. Where
did Lisa Rinna admit that she uses the stuff?
So instead of just posting the rumors, why don't you tell us where you
found this so called truth? I think that you owe Julie an apology. We are
all free to express our own opinions, but I don't think that you need to
berate others just because their opinion differs from yours.

Niteqhawk }}:-)

North Carolina Tar Heels are #1

Sheri Drake

Feb 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/11/96
> (Punkette) writes:
> :>RKK has admitted he used, he cleaned up his act. That takes guts and I
> :>admire him all the more because of it.
> :
> :Admire an asshole. . .Another positive point for you, PeanutHead
> hehehe.....You Go Girl!! Tho i have nuttin against Peanut.
I don't have anything against Peanut either, but RKK is a total asshole.

Julie Cizenski

Feb 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/11/96
to (Nicole) wrote:
>In article <4fg0td$>,
> (Julie Cizenski) wrote:
>>All I can say is that I do not believe Lisa is a drug user.
>Wake up!!! She is.

Why would I take the word of someone who dislikes Lisa as an actress and
as a person? I think I will stick with my own sources on this one.

>>Even if it were true, you don't have to post every rumor you hear, it's

>>really no necessary. I sure don't.
>Oh, I want to be just like you, Peanut Cup. Since you have such a
wealth of

I certainly hope this isn't about me. Hate to think you'd drag Lisa
through the mud to get even with me. I don't even know you. Have you
posted here before, do you even watch the show? Don't bother answering,
I don't really care.

>>RKK has admitted he used, he cleaned up his act. That takes guts and I

>>admire him all the more because of it.
>Admire an asshole. . .Another positive point for you, PeanutHead

Name calling. Careful, your immaturity is showing.
As for RKK, he's always treated me with kindness. I have no reason to
dislike him and you certainly can't change my mind.

I won't clutter the board with this topic anymore. You have no
information as far as I can tell. I will seek that from those I trust,
and handle the information as I think best. As for Lisa, no matter what
I learn, I'll back her 110%

Julie(Peanutbutter Cup)

Julie Cizenski

Feb 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/11/96
to (Niteqhawk) wrote:

>Ouchhh!!! I don't know why you are taking this so personal. Everybody
>has a right to their own opinion. You don't need to resort to name
>calling just because someone has a different opinion than yourself.
>did Lisa Rinna admit that she uses the stuff?
>So instead of just posting the rumors, why don't you tell us where you
>found this so called truth? I think that you owe Julie an apology. We
>all free to express our own opinions, but I don't think that you need
>berate others just because their opinion differs from yours.
>Niteqhawk }}:-)

Thanks Nite. Don't think I will hold my breath waiting for an apology
however. To my knowledge, Lisa has never admitted using the stuff.

Julie(Peanutbutter Cup)

tom or tammie jones

Feb 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/12/96
to (Sheri Drake) wrote:

>> (Punkette) writes:
>> :>RKK has admitted he used, he cleaned up his act. That takes guts and I

>> :>admire him all the more because of it.
>> :
>> :Admire an asshole. . .Another positive point for you, PeanutHead

>> hehehe.....You Go Girl!! Tho i have nuttin against Peanut.
>I don't have anything against Peanut either, but RKK is a total asshole.

Say can I ask a simple question?? Where are you folks getting your
info?? I mean is all of this RKK being an as* hole just because he is
a ( Hopefully) recovering addict , or because he's marrying MP ??
I have never met the man myself , but I know others who have , and
they all had nice things to say about him... and no, these people have
no reason to lie to me , and they are not coke heads.Is it because of
the way he left DrOOL ? I'm just wondering , No flame intended here...
Just wanna know .


Sheri Drake

Feb 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/12/96

> >> :Admire an asshole. . .Another positive point for you, PeanutHead

> >> hehehe.....You Go Girl!! Tho i have nuttin against Peanut.

> >I don't have anything against Peanut either, but RKK is a total asshole.
> Say can I ask a simple question?? Where are you folks getting your
> info?? I mean is all of this RKK being an as* hole just because he is
> a ( Hopefully) recovering addict , or because he's marrying MP ??
> I have never met the man myself , but I know others who have , and
> they all had nice things to say about him... and no, these people have
> no reason to lie to me , and they are not coke heads.Is it because of
> the way he left DrOOL ? I'm just wondering , No flame intended here...
> Just wanna know .

> Tammie

Rumors have it that he thought that he was hot stuff and was safe in
his job so he could treat anyone and everyone like s**t if he wanted
to. It was his refusal to play the role of Bo the way the producers
wanted him to that led to his dismissal, at least that was part of the
reason. Another reason was because he was dating Miriam before
she turned 18 and her family was considering pursuing legal action,
and the studio didn't want the negative publicity.

Another friend of mine saw him on "Pure Soap" when it was still on
and I guess everything out of his mouth was sexual innuendos and
crap like that.

Feb 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/12/96
In article <4fjpl9$>, (Niteqhawk) writes:
> In article <4fitj4$>, (Nicole)
> writes:
>>In article <4fg0td$>,
>> (Julie Cizenski) wrote:
>>>All I can say is that I do not believe Lisa is a drug user.
>>Wake up!!! She is.
>>>Even if it were true, you don't have to post every rumor you hear, it's
>>>really no necessary. I sure don't.
>>Oh, I want to be just like you, Peanut Cup. Since you have such a wealth
> of
>>Why would I want to hurt the actors and
>>I just think the fans have a right to know. I'm not into hiding things.
>>Since it's true, I don't think it's hurting anyone. If I were simply
> making
>>it up (which I'm not), then I would retract my statement. I won't,
> though,
>>because I know for a fact it's true.
>>>RKK has admitted he used, he cleaned up his act. That takes guts and I
>>>admire him all the more because of it.
>>Admire an asshole. . .Another positive point for you, PeanutHead
> Ouchhh!!! I don't know why you are taking this so personal. Everybody
> has a right to their own opinion. You don't need to resort to name
> calling just because someone has a different opinion than yourself. Where
> did Lisa Rinna admit that she uses the stuff?
> So instead of just posting the rumors, why don't you tell us where you
> found this so called truth? I think that you owe Julie an apology. We are
> all free to express our own opinions, but I don't think that you need to
> berate others just because their opinion differs from yours.
> Niteqhawk }}:-)

> I speak to a family member of Lisa Rinna's, and they say that this
rumor is 100 percent not true. Seems we have conflicting stories here. I
don't know family members sometimes have the best inside scoop. So, I am
gonna believe that Lisa does not have a serious coke problem.


Feb 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/13/96
Actually I was a big fan of RKK when he was Bo, and Lisa Rinna as Billie.
Reading all this recent stuff about their cocaine problem, leads me to
wonder if the rumors about Missy Reeves and cocaine was true, too. Also,
I read where someone in this newsgroup stated that Eileen Davidson has
gained some weight, especially noticable in her skinny-bony shoulders.
Maybe she had some involvement,too, and now that the others are all gone,
maybe she's getting over it. Just a thought.
Donna Wilson

Julie Cizenski

Feb 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/15/96
to (Sheri Drake) wrote:

Rumors have it that he thought that he was hot stuff and was safe in
>his job so he could treat anyone and everyone like s**t if he wanted
>to. It was his refusal to play the role of Bo the way the producers
>wanted him to that led to his dismissal, at least that was part of the
>reason. Another reason was because he was dating Miriam before
>she turned 18 and her family was considering pursuing legal action,
>and the studio didn't want the negative publicity.
>Another friend of mine saw him on "Pure Soap" when it was still on
>and I guess everything out of his mouth was sexual innuendos and
>crap like that.

While there is a hint of the truth in your first reason, the second one
makes no sense. Miriam was over 18 when he was fired, her parents
couldn't pursue legal action then, then anyway, even if they wanted. I
was told that this had nothing to do with his firing. As for your first
reason, drop the first sentence and I could say it might be a factor in
what happened.
Gee, I saw him on Pure Soap three times and thought he was marvelous
each time. To each his own <G>

Julie(Peanutbutter Cup)

Diane Johnston

Feb 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/16/96
to (Amanda Costikyan Jones) wrote:
> Well, I have to say that Wednesday's show was pretty weak, especially in
> light of all the exciting stuff that has been happening. I must say I am
> impressed they could actually put together a whole episode without using the
> Grant storyline at all. But I did have one point to make about the
> show--that even the weakest episode of AW with the most boring characters is
> about 60,000,000 times better than any episode of Days.

But haven't you ever noticed that Wednesday shows are ALWAYS like
that? They seem to be fillers. The show gears down after the
Monday and Tuesday repercussions of the Friday cliff hangers and
Thursday is gearing up for the Friday climax.

I totally agree with you about the Dool scripts. If i'm home and
REALLY bored or just waiting for AW to come on i will channel surf
and stop at Days to see how much of the dialogue i can predict!

Diane Johnston

Sarah L. C. Cannell

Feb 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/18/96

Diane Johnston ( writes:
> But haven't you ever noticed that Wednesday shows are ALWAYS like
> that? They seem to be fillers. The show gears down after the
> Monday and Tuesday repercussions of the Friday cliff hangers and
> Thursday is gearing up for the Friday climax.

This is interesting -- I hadn't noticed, but I do remember in the mid-80's
Wednesday on AW was almost invariably an exciting day with its own little
cliff-hanger. I'm so far behind now that I never see shows on the day when
they are aired so I can't generalize about what it's like now.

Sarah Cannell Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?


Feb 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/23/96
Hey, hey, hey, be nice you two.

My questions is, what is this proof of drug use. Did you actually see
them using? If not, how do you know?


Mar 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/14/96
In article <>, (Gene J. Raymond)
writes: >

> I'm a little bit miffed here because at around the time of this
> storyline, I recall seeing Miriam Parrish on a talk show discussing
> how the writers were going to tackle some "issues" (the child abuse
> line was just one such issue). Next thing you know, Billie got Jaime
> to talk to somebody (the cops, presumably. I don't remember exactly
> how it played out) and her father was taken to jail. They haven't
> said word one about her father since. I think that Miriam mentioned
> on the talk show that her character's mother was "very ashamed of the
> whole thing and didn't know what to do". While that is undoubtedly a
> realistic reaction to knowing that your child has been sexually
> abused, the writers chose to ignore the after-effects: are any of them
> in counseling? Is Jaime's mother still in Salem or did she simply
> abandon her daughter (wasn't Jaime staying at the Horton Center with
> Sami?)? Is Mr. Caldwell going to be charged and taken to court?
> Whatssup?!

This may have been covered already, but I thought that the father definitely
got a jail sentence & the mother definitely was unsure if she even believed it,
leaving Jamie virtually an orphan. They obviously glossed over this one's
denouement. Too bad, too, because it could've continued to be a really good
story with a promising young actress.


"Bourbon." - Tallulah Bankhead, last word

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