1.Toronto's presence and relative importance over the past several
months has intrigued me. Characters didn't just talk about it, two of them
(Victor's father, and now Lauren's son) actually lived there; I suppose
one could say Sheila has been living there for a while now; and some
other characters visited the "Little Apple", as we Canadians sometimes
call our beloved "Big TO".Why have the CBS powers-that-be given Toronto
and its skyline so much emphasis? I'm not complaining--just curious.
Might Toronto have paid CBS to do so in order to counteract the effects
of the SARS epidemic of a couple of years ago on tourism; or to counter
the effects on tourism of the decline in the US dollar relative to the
CAN $? I visited TO for a week this summer, and had a totally wonderful
time (unfortunately, no one has paid me to
write that).
2. I always have to use my work account to post to this newsgroup--
someone mentioned something about Yahoo newsgroups, and I'm wondering
if it is possible to access this ng and post to it from a Yahoo (or
Hotmail, or gmail) account.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer my two questions. -- Neil in
> Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer my two questions. -- Neil in
> Newfoundland
Go West Young Man!
(Horatio Alger)