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ALL: CBS Daytime sched. wk of Jan 23rd.

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Nancy Bachman

Jan 24, 1995, 1:45:53 AM1/24/95
Hey everyone, I called CBS's Los Angeles offices today, and they
said there will be no soaps aired until after opening arguments are
done for the OJ trial, but that when they resume airing soaps, they
will pick up where they left off, so no episodes will be missed.
The lady also said that the soaps will "most likely" resume airing
in their regular time slots starting around Wednesday or Thursday.
(note here that I think they _did_ air at least one soap today as I
thought I saw the credits from the Bold and the Beautiful running
earlier today).

Anyway, she said there is a Programming Update Line for CBS, which
should be working by Tuesday at 1-(800)-323-7627.

I asked if the other networks had similar plans and/or update lines,
but she wasn't sure, so if any ABC or NBC people want to check, the
general office numbers in L.A. are:
ABC: (310)-557-7777
NBC: (818)-840-4444

Sincerely wishing the trial was just OVER, Nancy B.

Why don't they look???

Jan 25, 1995, 3:57:48 PM1/25/95

In article <>, (Nancy Bachman) writes:
|>Hey everyone, I called CBS's Los Angeles offices today, and they
|>said there will be no soaps aired until after opening arguments are
|>done for the OJ trial, but that when they resume airing soaps, they
|>will pick up where they left off, so no episodes will be missed.
|>The lady also said that the soaps will "most likely" resume airing
|>in their regular time slots starting around Wednesday or Thursday.
|>(note here that I think they _did_ air at least one soap today as I
|>thought I saw the credits from the Bold and the Beautiful running
|>earlier today).

The satellite feed of B&B and Y&R is still progressing as normal with no
interruptions. This means either the sat. feed will be blank for a few days
(so the domestic feeds catch up with the international feeds) or CBS isn't
telling us the truth and we *will* miss some episodes of Y&R/B&B. There are
no international feeds of ATWT or GL so I don't know about them.


Melissa Martinez

Jan 25, 1995, 9:18:35 PM1/25/95
In article <3g5sds$>,

(Why don't they look???) wrote:

> In article <>, (Nancy
Bachman) writes:
> |>
> |>The lady also said that the soaps will "most likely" resume airing
> |>in their regular time slots starting around Wednesday or Thursday.

> The satellite feed of B&B and Y&R is still progressing as normal with no
> interruptions.

> Ken

By chance, I happened to see that B&B was being shown around 2:30 PM in
Houston (normal time is 12:30 PM). So now, I've missed it, and taped OJ
stuff on my recorder. Any chance they will reshow it, or is it gone? Y&R
was show at its regular time both yesterday and today.

BTW, I got to see Taylor tell Omar that she will NOT sleep with him, and
Stephanie figure out where James is and confront Connor about it.


Melissa Martinez (soon to be Ratner) -
Rice University Marching Owl Band (MOB) - Program Coordinator
"The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play."

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