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[MiSTied] Bill Gates Controls YOU! 2/2

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Claye Hodge

Mar 7, 1995, 8:50:45 PM3/7/95

> The
>trip was bogus and nothing more than an attempt to harasss and threaten

CROW: She must have met Torgo and the Master.

> They hired me as a systems engineer,

TOM:[singing] Just a regular Jill they didn't like...
MIKE: Don't EVER do that again.

> but later claimed I was hired as
>a sales women? Not with my backround.

CROW:[singing] So they konked her on the noggin and they shot her into
MIKE: THAT'S IT! [Pulls Crow's arm off, and throws it.]
CROW: HEY! That's my arm!

>The first document is who I was before MS destroyed my reputation and made


>up lies about me.
>maze.txt - Article from Seattle Times about me prior to MS false

CROW: What does that have to do with a maze?

>Concerned about the OS/2 project after working at Aldus, I wrote a thesis
>about internal action inside MS at the lower level that were attempting to
>trash the project.

MIKE: I got an F.

> At the time Gates was in the media almost weekly
>saying that OS/2 was his vision of th e future Desk Top. In May 1990 we
>would all find out he was lying.
>motiveg.gif - Certified mail record for following document

TOM: A gif of a MAIL RECORD?

>motiveg0.txt - Reason for MS hiring me in 1990 and harassing me

CROW: They gave her a reason why they hired, and harassed her?

>stile001.gif - Bogus MS excuse written for the EEOC, I never received this
>memo and know it wasn't real. I was hired by MS as a sytems engineer,

MIKE: Ut oh, she's starting all over again.

>consitant with my training and told I was to work with Curt in their DC
>sales office,

TOM: Detective Comics?
MIKE: I doubt this is about Comic Books.
BOTS: Graphic Novels.

> the other SE. My wage w as to be $18.50 an hour for as an
>Inside engineering sales support person.

CROW: I'm lucky enough to get THAT much in five hours.

> Because I was injured in the
>first week, they changed everything. These people are the worse slime.

TOM: Worse than phlemm?
ALL: Eww!

>They broke my neck, lied about my wage, and left me handicapped all
>because I said OS/2 WORK!

CROW: Maybe they did that because you YELLED IN THEIR EARS!!!

> This is like getting your legs broken by the
>Mofia. People just don't believe that this is really going on in
>Seattle... BUT IT IS! One of the Psychiratrist who did a bogus evaluation
>on me was in a accident within a week of the first fede ral contact that
>supported my case. His name is Robinson!

ALL: Hi, Robinson.

> He was in Harborview for months
>in ICU.
>billg-email.txt - Some of my nice e-mail to gates in 1991 begging for

TOM: You call "Bite Me, Gates!" nice?

>work. I knew before I left MS in 1990 that Bill Gates was involved with
>what happen to me and was not wanting to take a case like this to court.
>I tried to reason with him and it got me NO WHERE!

CROW: Neither will this post.

>ms-hate-email.txt - internal e-mail about me from 1991 about my attempt to
>get information from the department of labor about applying for a job at
>MS with a handicap, and MS's harassment about my handicapped situation. A
>must read for anyone who thinks t his is a wonderful company to work for.

TOM: Just as long as it isn't as dull as this.

>My question is how did a company with such hostility towards women ever
>get government contracts? This was used in court and Judge O'Roarty
>laught aobut it and signed the anti-harassment order anyway. I'm not a
>bit surprised he resigned. <grin>

[Everybody is clearing their throats, and whistling.]
MIKE: And on THAT distressing note, let's get out of here.
[Mike and the bots leave the theater.]


[Crow and Mike are behind the desk. A TV and SNES is on the desk.]
CROW: Thanks for getting Frank to send up this new video game, Mike.
MIKE: No problem. [Mike walks off-screen.]
CROW:[reading] Press enter... then press b and a..
GYPSY:[off-screen] Hey Crow, can you come here for a minute?
CROW: Uh.. OKAY.. [Crow walks off-screen.]
[A loud roar of an engine.]
TOM:[off-screen, engine still running.] There you are! You're dead meat!
[TOM comes on screen flying in his airplane.]
TOM: DIE! DIE! DIE! [Tom swoops down, bombs the SNES and goes off-screen.]
HAHAHAHAHA!!! [Silence now, the SNES and TV, are a mess. Crow comes
back on-screen.]
CROW: Now to play... my... game??? WHAT HAPPENED??? OHHhhhh.. [Crow faints.]

[Commercial:] It's the NEW Comedy Central Schedule!! MONDAY, London Calling!
TUESDAY, First 20 Years of Saturday Night Live! WEDNESDAY, Totally Free
Movies! THURSDAY, Spotlight! FRIDAY, Play MSTie for ME!!! It's the NEW
Schedule for Comedy Central!! Well, maybe it's not new, but we have to do
something else to tick off our viewers.

[Mike and Tom enter the theater. Crow finally comes in.]
MIKE: Something wrong, Crow?
CROW:[Sulking] Someone trashed my Super Nintendo.
MIKE: There, there... [pats Crow.]
TOM: Heh heh heh.

>times00.txt - Seattle Time front Page News article claiming I was
>threatening Bill Gates when all I was doing is trying to get a job.
>Similar articles appeared in Journal American and the PI. KOMO came to my
>home and did a news article in which they attempted to make me look like
>a computer freak.

CROW: They obviously had a lot to work with.

> It went national and my parents saw it in California.
>Date and time.... Comdex Las Vegas 1991, IBM announces OS/2 2.0.

ALL: Naaah.

>jail0001.gif - Arrest just 4 days after being in the Seattle Time about MS
>because I called out to my son during a family medical emergency.

TOM: What's with the gifs??

>object0*.gif - Law suit filed in Connecticut in an attempt to move from WA
>to work. MS fought to keep me here after claiming I was a physical threat

MIKE: I'm a danger to myself and everybody.

>modify*.gif - Modification to anit-harassment order from 10/21/91 allowing
>me to again work in the computer industry and proving that the frist order
>was bogus and an attempt at censorship only.

CROW: They need to censor her bad spelling.

> I produced the first CD-ROM
>for video for Windows called GateKeeper for Firstlight Video Productions
>here in Redmond... I guess I'm a real dumb bitch.

TOM: Umm.. yeah.

> When women inside MS
>Marketing found out they pressured our marketing department and I was
>fired after working 60-80 hours a week to do this CD-ROM

MIKE: You're hired!
CROW: You're fired!
TOM: You're hired!
MIKE: You're fired!

>nw-court.txt - text from first modification
>labor-accident.txt - Labor and Industry document awarding me $4,000 for
>all the damages

CROW: And SHE'S complaining?

>casa01.gif - Documents used to take my children from me. My daughter ran
>a way and is now with me. The CASA worker wouldn't talk to my daughter
>and document that lead up to her running away and testimony by the
>psychologist working with her in Eugene Oregon were with held as evidence
>in court.

[Tom is panting hard.]
MIKE: Tom, are you okay?
TOM: [breath] Yes.. [breath] yes Mike, [breath] I'm.. ok. [breath] Try..
to read [breath] that last sentence.. and you'll see [breath] why I'm
out of breath.

> This allowed my ex-husband to get custody of my son after his
>daughter ran away claiming abusive treatment.

CROW: After her son's daughter ran away, it allowed her ex-husband to get
custody of the son? That doesn't make sense.
TOM: Of course.

> Gaelan gained over 30 lb.
>of weight in the first 5 months of being with his father. I want him back
>with me.

MIKE: Just because he gained 30 pounds?

>faxcover.gif - Fax cover sheet used during lawsuit with HOME name on it

CROW: Ut oh, Tom. It's the gifs again.

>kissinto.doc - Intro to my business plan stolen from me by MS
>kissoffr.gif - First page of business plan - Name HOME


>All attempts to start over have been trashed by Bill Gates. He just
>likes stepping on me and stealing from me now.
>ocr-gov.txt - Documents from MS and Government supporting need for
>harass0*.gif - Most recent order showing it is intended to censor me from
>contact with members of the Board of Directors of MS. The third pages
>is a list of Board members and upperlevel executives.

MIKE: I see what you mean by spamming FTP sites.

>wives01.txt - primary document used to get order, about AOL use of
>obsenity to promote service.

CROW: I believe it.

>queen-bw.gif - My first attempt to do art with my right hand. I sent it to
>MS in an attempt to get a job in 1991 the now claims this picuter is

TOM: What's a picuter?

>harassment of them?

MIKE: Well, a picture of a queen flippin' the bird at Bill Gates could be
classified as harassment.

>shasta01.gif - Police document taking My daughter from in on 12/16/95, 2
>days after MS made false allegation against me again.
>Anyone that says that they are not using my children as apoint of
>harassment is a nut.

CROW: And anyone that says she took English 101 is a nut.

> Just look at the documents.

TOM: But I don't want to.

> This sick obsession of
>Mr. Gates to steal from me and harass me at the same time is pretty weird
>for me.

CROW: I've done it to other people several times, but it happening to me
is a first.

> He seems to like hurting me and my children and then rubbing my
>face in his power by taking anything he can.
>My situation is not a secret. Even the Principle at Redmond High knows
>about what is going on.

MIKE: What does HE have to do with it???

> People will not help us. My daughter is being
>harassed and shunned at school. Her girl friend are not permitted to come

TOM: Sheesh! A loss of one friend and she gets emotional.

> It's like we are some form of trash. I can't get a job or even the
>same support services other handicapped people get.
>I'm suppose to be a genius and can't get a JOB?

MIKE: Well maybe your NOT a genius after all.

> I don't bring up this
>fact except that it does support the fact that Mr. Gates is black balling
>people from working in this industry. I'm real stupid.

TOM: And there you have it, folks!

> I actually thought
>he could be reasoned with.
>He is one sick man. Any man who would attack a helpless and defenceless

CROW: AND iliterate.

>women and her children to make money is very sick. I'm not crazy. I'm
>just dealing with crazy people. There is a difference. Even the police,
>told me that this was the case. Still they are too afraid of Gates to do
>anything. I don't blame them at all either...

TOM: Look for the J!

>I'm not posting stuff on this network for personal reasons.

MIKE:[Brewer] I'm just doing it to spam the internet.

> I have no
>recorse at this time for suing or pursuing MS legally. There is a statue
>of limitations that prohibits this. Now that I can't sue, I want people
>to know what they may also be put through...

TOM: The Robot Holocaust.

>What you say here can and will be used against you.

CROW: Well, if it's to get net.kooks like her off the net, I'm all for it.

> The hard part is that
>you can say nothing at all, and someone can edit it to make it look like
>you did....

MIKE: Think Brewer wrote this?

> THINK ABOUT THAT! If it happened to me it can happen to you!

TOM: You WILL believe.
MIKE: Well, that's it. Let's go!
[Mike and the bots leave the theater.]


[Mike and Tom are behind the desk. Tom is playing his Sega.]
MIKE: Well, that's the end of the experiment. It's time for letters.
[Crow comes on screen with a package.]
CROW: Here's one for Tom! [Crow puts the package on the desk.] WHOOSH!
[Crow quickly goes off screen.]
TOM: For ME?? Oh boy! [He opens the package. Mike empties it on the desk.]
OH JOY... What IS this? [Looks at the items.] Long, red sticks with
a string on one end.. and look, the string is sparkling.
MIKE: Ut oh...
[BOOM! Mike is covered with smoke, and dust. Tom is messed up, and so is his
MIKE:[Cough] What [Cough do you think, [Cough]Sirs?
CROW:[comes on screen.] You look good, Tom.
TOM: WHY I OUGHTA!!! [Mike taps mads light.]

[Frank is on a hospital bed, in bandages, and IV's hooked up to him. Dr.F
is standing in front.]
FRANK:[weak] I had jello, today.
[Dr. F pushes the button.]


[End Credits]

Mystery Science Theater 3000 and related characters and situations are
trademarks of and (c) 1995 by Best Brains Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of copyrighted or trademarked material is for entertainment purposes
only. No infringement on original copyrights or trademarks held by Best
Brains, Inc. is intended or should be inferred. This in no way is to harm
the reputation of Joan Brewer, Bill Gates, MS, or any others mentioned.
Super Nintendo is a trademark of (c) Nintendo of America Inc. Sega and
Sega Genesis are trademarks of Sega Enterprises Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

directed by Claye Hodge
written by Claye Hodge

music composed and arranged by Claye Hodge

produced by Claye Hodge
edited by Claye Hodge

Special Thanks

RATM Posters Everywhere
Teachers of America

edited in SHADOWWAMMA!!!

>"Sega sucks big fat dick."


What do you think?

Claye Hodge

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^---^ ^---^ MST3K Tagline ^---^ ^---^
---COMMANDO CODY: What did you find out about the ray guns?---
--------CROW: You mean Ron and Nancy?---------
l------l ----
\ \\ll/ (____)
((o o) - CROW T. ROBOT TOM SERVO - l_ l
--0-^^^/\ 00 l
^^^^\---V -====-

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