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MiSTing Winston 01

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Brian Henderson

Aug 2, 1994, 1:58:00 PM8/2/94
Voiceover: Mystery Science Newsgroup, show 1 oh 3, reel one.

MST Love Theme

In the not too distant future
Way down in Deep 13,
Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank
Were hatching an evil scheme.
They hired a temp by the name of Mike,
Just a regular joe they didn't like.
Their experiment needed a good test case,
So they conked him on the noggin
And shot him into netspace. (No more fanfics!)

We'll send him awful fanfics,
The worst we can find (la-la-la)
He'll have to sit and read them all,
And disintegrate his mind (la-la-la)
Now keep in mind Mike can't control
Where the posts begin or end (la-la-la)
He will lose his sanity
With the help of his robot friends.

Robot Roll Call:
Cambot! (Show yourself)
Gypsy! (Richard Basehart!)
Tom Servo! (no more Star Trek!)
Croooow! (Who wrote this thing?)

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes
and other science facts (la-la-la)
Then repeat to yourself, "It's just fanfics,
I should really just relax
For Mystery Science Theatre 3000!"


<Int. SoL>

Crow: ... but scientifically speaking, there is nothing that would suggest
that is true.

Tom: Sometimes you have to look beyond science and just believe.

[Mike walks by, notices the bots engaged in a vigorous debate and joins them]

Mike: Hi, guys, what's up?

Crow: After all the fanfics and articles we've done lately, we were wondering
if it is really possible that there are aliens.

Tom: After all, look at the Star Trek stuff. Doesn't it make you wonder
what's out there?

Magic Voice: Commercial sign in fifteen seconds.

Mike: Well, what have you decided?

Tom: We've decided that there are definately aliens on other planets.

Crow: No we haven't!

Tom: Have too!

Crow: Have not!

Magic Voice: Commercial sign in 5...4...3...2...1...commercial sign now.

Mike: [hitting button] We'll be right back.

Tom: Have too!

Crow: Have not!

[Commercial. Clothestime girl eats too many Mentos, drinks too much
Zima, and explodes. There was much rejoicing. "Yay!"]

Tom: Have too, have too, have too!

Crow: Have not times ten!

Mike: Hold it down you two, Laverne and Shirley are calling. [hits button]

<Deep 13>

Continued in the next message...

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