This is also the first time that I've MiSTed a fic that's already
been MiSTed. Judge the original on it's own merits for yourself
As for the original story... "Original" is about the most polite way
to describe it. And thanks to Atomicfireball for granting permission
to sava... erm... poke fun at her writings. (Or more accurately,
'Thanks for completely ignoring my permission request e-mail! Thank
you for ignoring me and making me feel like a complete nobody! You
happy now? Huh! HUH?!? *SOB!!!*) If you want to see the story in
all it's un-MiSTed "glory," go here:
And on with the disclaimers:
Mystery Science Theater 3000 is the property of Best Brains, Inc.
Zac and Taylor Hanson are the property of... umm... Zac and Taylor
Hanson. Alli and Marie are property of Atomicfireball and are used
without permisson. (But not for lack of trying)
And as always C & C, flames, and the like are welcome at ]]]
[[ Season three theme song - Sing along! You know the words! ]]
{We open with a shot of Tom Servo and Crow in front of an old TV.
Both appear to be holding joysticks (Well, Crow is holding a
joystick. Tom appears to have had his hands tied to one)}
TOM: I still don't see what the big deal about this "Combat" was. I
mean the graphics on this thing are positively stone age. And don't
even get me started on the "sound."
CROW: You're just whining 'cause you're losing. Shut up and shoot!
TOM: Well of course I'm losing! My friggin' arms don't work!!!
CROW: Details, details!
{Enter Joel to the foreground}
JOEL: Hi, everybody. And welcome to the Sattelite of Love. I'm Joel
Robinson - just your average janitor-turned-orbital-prisoner type.
And these are my robot buddies, Tom Servo...
TOM: Die, Beak-boy!
JOEL: And Be.. I mean, Crow T. Robot!!
CROW: Eat pixels, wench!
JOEL: As for what's got these two so agitated. Well... I was feeling
nostalgic for the days of my youth, so I decided to pull my old Atari
2600 out of the closet and play a few games. The bots asked if they
could play, and, well, four hours later here we are.
TOM: It's your own fault, Joel!
CROW: Yeah! You know how obsessive we get!
MAGIC VOICE: Commerical sign in fifteen seconds. You know, Gypsy
could probably pull the plug on that thing remotely.
JOEL: Nah! I got something better. [Turning around] Hey, guys! If
you liked Combat , I got this other classic video game you just love.
It's called "E.T."
CROW: E.T.?!?
TOM: The Extra-Terrestrial immortalised in pixel form? Oh, gimmie!
Gimme gimme gimme!
JOEL: <Heh heh> Hook, line, and sinker! We'll be right back. [Hits
commercial button]
[[ This MiSTing brought to you by People for the Public Flogging of
Carrot Top. ]]
{{When we return, the TV and Atari are gone. Joel is trying to
console the openly weeping bots}}
JOEL: Cmon, guys! I didn't think you'd take it this hard!
TOM: But JOOOEL! All he did was fall down these stupid invisible
pits, and then it took five friggin' minutes to pull him back up!
CROW: And once we did that! BOOM! The little retard falls right
back in! What kind of twisted mind releases this on an unsuspecting
TOM: Spieldberg, how could you?!?
CROW: I'd tell ET to jump up my butt, but he'd probably take all day
to find his way back out!
JOEL: Man... This kinda backfired... [Mads Light Flashes] Oh, great!
Now Inky and Blinky are calling.
[Cut to Deep 13, and a close up of Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank]
DR.F: Joel, my boy! I didn't know you had that kind of evil in you!
FRANK: Not without hypnosis, anyway!
DR.F: Keep this up, Joel, and you'll probably be taking over for me
DR.F: [Suddenly sober] But seriously, folks. It's time for the
invention exchange, and we'll kick things off. Frank?
[Pan over to Frank, who's standing next to a TV and DVD player]
FRANK: Thanks, Doc. In this crazy world of single parent households,
latchkey kids, microwaved diners in front the TV, and other signs of
societal decay like that, many of us crave the good old fashioned
family dinners, heart-to-heart talks, and parental advice that "Leave
It To Beaver" has brainwashed America into thinking it needed to be
DR F: And under the guise of easing the pain and guilt of "Beaver
envy" - NOT A GIGGLE FROM YOU, FRANK! - through the magic of
FRANK: And cheap DVD burners!
DR F: We've come up with this stand-in we call Virtua-Ward.
FRANK: You just pop in the interactive DVD like so, and choose from a
family situation from the menu, and our Virtua-Ward spits out all the
faux-platatudes and phony conversation you could ever want!
DR F: Observer the dinner scene.
[Cut to the TV. The scene is one end of a 50's style dinner table.
Sitting behind that table is a CGI version of (Mike Nelson as) Hugh
VR HUGH: So <INSERT NAME HERE>, how was your day, today? <Pause>
That's great, kitten!
DR F: You really need hi-def TV to get the full effect.
FRANK: And we've got versions of Virtua-Carol Brady, Virtua-June
Cleaver, and even a Virtua-Dr. Huxtable for the urban crowd.
DR F: Not to mention we've got Jerry and Sylvia watching sattelite TV
and PBS for the foreign market share.
FRANK: Making money and crushing souls, all in one!
DR F: Now if you aren't too starstruck by our awsomeness, go ahead
with your invention. [Does the "Shoo! Shoo!" hand motion] Go on! Go
TOM: I don't know if that's all that evil, Dr. F. I think having a
Ward Headroom would be kinda neat!
CROW: I don't know... I think a gentle chuckle and a knowing look
would just add salt to the wounds when the kitchen's on fire or
you've just knocked up your girlfriend or something like that.
JOEL: Well, I don't know about any of that, but I do know that
today's invention was sort of a happy accident.
TOM: It was supposed to be a cartoon vocal filter, but...
CROW: But when we tried to use the Popeye voice, the voice mask
stopped working and it just started making random asides.
JOEL: Like this... [Picks up telephone] Yes Granma! I know! I know I
haven't called you in a long time. I've been kinda busy lately.
ELECTRONIC POPEYE VOICE: Hmmm... Don't mind me. I've just been stuck
up in space and all... ah guh guh guh guh!!
CROW: The best name we could come up with for it was "The Pop-up
TOM: I still think that's kinda creepy.
JOEL: What do you think, sirs?
DR F: Congradulations, Joel. Your invention may be even more evil
than mine! And as a reward, you get a this nice harmless fangirl fic
starring two girls you've never heard of and the teenybopper
has-beens Hanson.
FRANK: And by "harmless fangirl fic" we mean "grammatically messed
up, 'Plot What Plot?' lemon."
DR F: And remember; have fun with it!
CROW: A "Hanson" lemon? How does *that* work?
JOEL: We're about to find out! WE GOT LEMON SIGN!!!
[All scurry off]
[ 1 ]...[ 2 ]...[ 3 ]...[ 4 ]...[ 5 ]...[ 6 ]...[ * ]
[Joel and The Bots take their seats]
CROW: All I ask is that this fic not be named "Mmm Bop Me."
"SchooL GirLs"
CROW: Note to self: Be careful what you wish for...
JOEL: Not a promising way to start.
TOM: At least she spelled the words right!
Chapter 1:
ALL: [ala Yahoo] ALLLIIII-HEE!
I Sat On The Roof Of My Car In Front Of The High SchooL Smoking
a Cigarette And Cutting CLass As UsuaL.
TOM: o/~ Smokin' on my Pinto! Yes indeed! o/~
JOEL: And the fact that it was raining didn't throw off her routine
at all!
CROW: What's with all the capitals? Are we supposed to emphasize
every word or something?
TOM: [Shatner-esque] I... Sat.. On The Roof... Of... My Car! Spock!
The Music Coming From My Car Was Loud Enough To Wake The
Heaviest SLeeper.
CROW: It's that little pissant from the Roxio commercials!
Cheap Trick "I Want You To Want Me" Was On The Radio
TOM: Pretty good musical taste for a delinquent.
JOEL: Is it just me or does this read like Torgo was writing this!
CROW: [Torgo] ThE MasTEr DoEs NOt AppROve of HAnSon!
SuddenLy Out Of The Corner Of My Eye I Saw A Boy WaLking.
TOM: Okay, I'm guessing that Alli is the one on the car right now.
CROW: Your guess is as good as mine.
JOEL: Boys walking in a school parking lot. What _are_ the odds?
"I Love That Song!" The Boy Approached Me.
CROW: Seniõr Smooth makes his move.
"Me To Who Are You?" I Looked At Him He Was 5'9" Long BLonde
Hair Deep Brown Eyes.
JOEL: [Middle Eastern accent] What a pretty man!
"I'm Zac." He SmiLed.
TOM: [Awkward teen] I used to be famous! Will you have sex with me?
"Nice To Meet You Zac I'm ALLi"
JOEL: No, he's Zac *Hanson*.
My Legs Were Spread I Was Wearing A PLaid Skirt With SkuLLs On
It And A Tight BLock Tank Top That Said Super GirL.
CROW: Mah hama ha?
TOM: Umm... Alli? If you're sitting spread eagled on the hood of
Yugo, nobody's looking at your clothing!
JOEL: It's like the author wanted to get those lines out before her
drugs wore off.
TOM: Or kicked in.
She Was Hot I Wanted To Tap That Ass.
JOEL: Zac Hanson - hood rat. Nice.
CROW: [Torgo, rapping] GiRl YOu LOOk GooD WoN'T YoU BaCK THat asS Up!
I Have To Get Her To Come To My Party On Friday I'LL Get Her
Drunk And Do Her Than.
TOM: Than what? Details, Fireball, details!
"How OLd Are You ALLi?"
"16 ALmost 17 You?"
"I Just Turned 16"
"That's CooL"
JOEL: No statutory rape charges! Neat!
"Wanna Come To My Party Friday?"
"Sure Why Not"
CROW: You want that in alphabetical order or in order of importance?
TOM: All this lack of punctuation makes it read like Zac hitting on
a Vulcan.
JOEL: [Spock] I find your complete lack of grammar skills facinating.
I Gave Her A Piece Of Paper With My Address And Phone Number.
JOEL: Unfortunately, it was the townhouse the bank just foreclosed
CROW: Oopsie!
"Great See You Than CaLL Me" I SmiLed And WaLked Away.
TOM: Umm.. Wait. Who's POV is this?
JOEL: Does it really matter?
TOM: Good point. Moving on!
TOM: o/~ My Marie Amor! Why the hell ya in this fic? o/~
CROW: [Taylor] No! And for the last time, I'm Issac!!!
JOEL: [Marie] Okay, Taylor!
"COMING!" TayLor YeLLEd Back WaLking Down The Steps GoriLeLy.
TOM: What-lely?
CROW: Drugs kicked in or wore off? You be the judge!
My Boy Friend Of 3 Years As Far As I Know WouLd Never Be Up
Before 12:00 P.M. I Rubbed My Tummy God This Baby Kicks.
JOEL: So Taylor hooked up with this girl while he was still
TOM: But hasn't yet realized that she's a rambling psycho yet.
CROW: [Marie] Oh God I'm so bloated when is Taylor going to the
I'm hungry Ooh a penny!
"How's My Favorite Pregnant Fiance?" TayLor SmiLed Kissing My
JOEL: [Marie] Why? Is she behind me?
"Good I Have A Craving For ChocLate.."
TOM: [Marie] … Covered squid!
CROW: With pickles!
I Grinned Batting My EyeLashes.
"WeLL I'LL Have To Go Get You Some Give Me 5 Minutes To Get
Dressed And I'LL Go To The Corner Store."
JOEL: I'm not familar with "Give Me 5 Minutes To Get Dressed" brand
TOM: Specialty brand.
JOEL: Ohhh!
"Ok Baby" I Kissed Him And WaddLed Off To The Kitchen.
"SchooL GirLs"
Chapter 2:
TOM: o/~ My Marie Am... o/~
CROW: You did that one already.
TOM: Oh. Sorry.
"COMING DEAREST!" TayLor Groaned.
CROW: [Taylor, muttering] You castrating, harpy bi...
CROW: Nothing!
CROW: *ZAC* is in labor?
TOM: That's one weird ass message for a boy to leave!
JOEL: [Taylor] Umm... Did he say what hospital?
He Went Out To The Car Without Me And Started To Drive.
CROW: [Taylor] Who's "G" and why should I get him the bags?
TOM: Six hours later.
CROW: [Taylor] Sorry about that! Let's get to the hos...
CROW: Oopsie...
I ReaLized I Forgot The Most Important Thing.. MARIE! I Turned
The Car Around And HeLped Her Into It.
JOEL: After backing the car off of her.
TOM: [Taylor] Sorry!
~~~~2 Days Later~~~
Marie Is StiLL In Labor
TOM: Umm... Don't the usually induce after the twelve hour mark or
something like that?
CROW: But 48 hours of labor is comedy!
TOM: It is?
CROW: Well, obviously not here...
I'm Pacing Around The DeLivery Room Getting Cussed At Left And
CROW: Mostly by the doctors and nurses he kept knocking over
FinaLLy I Hear A Loud Cry.
"It's A girL!" The Doctor Said.
"A GirL!" I Ran Over To Marie.
JOEL: [Taylor] Marie! You're a girl!
TOM: Sure hope that kid gets his brains from his mom....
"Charisma Anne Hanson Perfect Name..
CROW: ... Note Spelling
JOEL: But her friends will call her "Kick Me!"
CROW: Marie's last name is Name?
TOM: Hey, Taylor! While you're there find the kid a good therapist.
She's gonna need it with a name like that.
OWWW" She Screamed.
TOM: o/~ I feel good! o/~
JOEL: Makes one of us.
I Heard Another Cry.
"IT'S A BOY!" The Doctor YeLLed.
CROW: "I think," the doctor muttered.
TOM: "But what do I know? I'm drunk," the doctor added!
"Twins..." I Damn Near Fainted.
"He's Going To Be Jordan TayLor Hanson Junior!" Marie Said With
A Grin.
JOEL: Then passed out swearing that Taylor will never touch her
TOM: Those poor kids are gonna get beaten up SO much...
I'm Liking This Party WeLL Except For The Fact That Zac's
Hanging On Me Every 2 Seconds. His Hand Is About To Go Up My
Shirt I'm Not Sure If I ShouLd Stop Him Or Let Him Go I Decide
TOM: And the fic does a complete emotional 180°!
CROW: We interrupt this touching family scene to bring you PORN!!!
"SchooL GirLs"
Chapter 3:
To Let Him Go A Low Soft Moan Escaped My Lips As He Cupped My
Breast Into His Hand. His Tounge SLowLy SLiding Up The Side Of
My Neck Reaching My Ear Lobe He Began To NibbLe.
JOEL: You could probably kill a room full of English teachers with
TOM: [Whispering] The grammar... The grammar...
"Let Go To My Room." He Whispered Into My Ear.
CROW: With loud report.
JOEL: Light fic and get away.
I Nodded In AprovaL As He Picked Me Up And Carried Me Up The
TOM: Gee this is just like "Gone With The Wind..." If it were written
retarded monkies.
CROW: Drunken, horny, retarded monkies.
He Laid Me Down On His Bed Getting On Top Of Me I CouLd FeeL His
Hard On Pressing Into My Thigh.
CROW: Ah, young romance!
JOEL: Dear Tiger Beat: I never belived any of your letters were true
until now...
He Pressed His Lips To Mine Wasting No Time On Thrusting His
Tounger Into My Mouth.
TOM: His "Tounger?" What? Is she channeling Dr. Seuss now?
CROW: So he grabbed her Jujublers and moved them about. "Flump me,
you studboy," she started to shout!
JOEL: His Flanger was throbbing, it wanted release! God, how I wish
this fanfic would cease!
Our Tounges ExpLored Each Other's Mouths For About 5 Minutes
TiLL He Decided To Remove My Shirt.
He Had TroubLe Unhook My Bra So I HeLped Him Resting His Head
Between My Breasts For A Minute He Let Out A Sigh.
TOM: Are we sure this was written in English?
JOEL: Torgo English, anyway.
CROW: Punctuation? Grammar? Screw it! Bring the porn!
I PracticaLLy Ripped His Shirt Off. This Boy Had MuscLes For
Someone Just Turning 16
TOM: Behold the power of 'ROIDS!
My Back Arched As He Took My NippLe Between His Teeth.
CROW: Why she was carrying a pacifier, we'll never know.
I FumbLed With The Button His His Jeans Than Unzipped Them
SLiding Them Down ALong With His Boxer's His FuLL Hard Dick
Sprang Out .
TOM: Of his *BOXERS?!?*
CROW: I think you pulled a little too hard, Ally!
JOEL: [Just sits there and cringes]
He Sure As HeLL Doesn't Look 16 God He's Hard.
TOM: He's *16!* He'd pop a blue-veiner staring at a jar of peanut
CROW: [Teenager] Mmm... Creamy!
JOEL: Choosy moms choose Porn!
I Took Him In My Hand Jacking Up And Down TiLL He CouLdn't Take
It Anymore FinaLLy He Removed My Skirt And Thong Kissing Me
SLiding HimseLf In Me.
JOEL: Foreplay? Who needs foreplay?
TOM: It's like she took the movie "Kids" and stuck Hanson in it.
CROW: That would explain alot, actually.
"God ALz You FeeL So Good." He Moaned SoftLy.
CROW: Ah, he's drunk! That explains it!
"You FeeL Good To." She Moaned Into My Ear. She Was Hot Wet And
Tight I'm Begining To Think This GirL Is A Keeper
TOM: Yeah! Who needs stuff like personality or intellegence? A good
lay is all you need in a woman!
JOEL: This message brought to you by the Howard Stern Dating Service!
CROW: Stern Dating - Lemme see your breasts!
I'm Loosing MyseLf In Her BLue Eyes. I Kept Thrusting Into Her
Hard And Fast. I Ran My Fingers Thru Her GLoden BLonde Hair
noticing It Matched Mine.
TOM: Not exactly thinking about baseball, but whatever works!
Resting My Head Into Her Neck I CouLd SmeLL Everything From Her
Shampoo To Her Light Perfume.
JOEL: To her distinct lack of deoderant.
TOM: And her corrosive breath.
CROW: And a scent that could only be described politely as "Not So
She Was Like An AngeL Sent From God Just For Me.
CROW: [Zac] Umm... What's your name again?
Her WaLLs Began To Spazum
JOEL: Spazum? Wasn't that a Spam knockoff?
TOM: Spreadable Spam, perhaps?
CROW: Spazum - Lunchmeat for nerds, by nerds!
As I Shot 2 Hot Loads Into Her.
CROW: Total elapsed time: thirty seconds!
JOEL: [Taylor] Was it good for you too, baby?
TOM: [Ally] That was i..? I mean, oh yeah! That was _great!_
Laying There For A Moment I PuLLed Up The BLanket And HeLd Her
Hoping She'd Be Here Into The Morning.
TOM: As she reran her escape plan in her head.
"PLease Be Here In The Morning." I Whispered BreathLessLy. She
Didn't Answer OnLy Laid There With Her Head In My Chest.
JOEL: Six hours later...
CROW: [Zac] Hey, a note! "Dear Zac; Never touch, approach, or look
at me again! Alli"
TOM: [Zac] Hmm... I wonder if I should call her?
I Was Rocking My Babies In The HospitaL Room 2 Days TiLL We Can
Go Home. TayLor Sat Across The Room Grinning Like A Mad Man.
"What?" I Asked.
CROW: [Taylor] NOTHING! I wasn't thinking how the babies would taste
boiled! I swear!
TOM: [Taylor] Just wondering how long before we can get freaky
"Nothing I Just Don't Want To SpoiL The Cute Moment Between You
And The Babies." He SmiLed.
CROW: [Marie, thinking] Should I tell him they're Issac's? NAH!
"Awwww TayLor I Loved You."
JOEL: [Taylor] Loved?
TOM: [Marie] Oh, was that out loud? Tee hee!
I SmiLed Right Back At Him. He WaLed Over And Kissed My
Forehead."Love You To." He Whispered.
CROW: And the fic takes one final shot at the surviving English
JOEL: [Ala Captain Picard] THERE ARE *TWO* "O'S!!!"
"You Need Your Rest." He Took Charisma And Jordan Putting Them
In Their LittLe Baby HospitaL Thingies. [Author's Note: Are They
CaLLEd Incubateors?]
JOEL: "Little baby hospital thingies?"
CROW: You know what I like about this fic? The attention to detail!
TOM: Ahh... Dear? It's "I-N-C-U-B-A-T-O-R," and if your kids
needed them, taking them out of it would be _a bad thing._
"Night tay." I SmiLed Letting Him Lay Next To Me.
ALL: [Ala Eddie Murphy's Buckwheat] NI' TAY!
"Night Baby." He Kissed My Cheek.
JOEL: Good night, John Boy!
CROW: [Red Skeleton] Good night, and may God bless!
TOM: Hope you're not murdered horribly in your sleep! Let's blow this
scene, guys!
[All leave]
[ 6 ]...[ 5 ]...[ 4 ]...[ 3 ]...[ 2 ]...[ 1 ]...[ * ]
[Back on the bridge, Joel and the bots are standing around in their
normal locations. An instrumental version of "Mmm Bop!" is playing
in the background]
TOM: Joel, this fic has me completely baffled.
CROW: Yeah. I mean the whole pre-teen boy band fad went over my head
to begin with. But to write a lemon about them - let alone one like
this - boggles the mind.
TOM: It's bad enough when boy-toy bands like N'Sync get the PWP
treatment, but when you involve someone who - at their most famous,
their voices hadn't even cracked yet - its just weird!
JOEL: Well, as far as I can figure, a lot of the little twelve-year
olds who grew up with crushes on Hanson and groups like them grew
into... well, horny teenagers with net access and way too much time
on their hands.
CROW: But if you're even going to bother why do something like
*THIS?* "One Hanson has a kid, another has drunken sex." Booo-ring!
How about a Hanson/3 Ninjas crossover or something goofy like that?
TOM: Yeah! And if you're gonna be wrong, be spectacularly, creatively
wrong! Have your character not know who the father of her child is -
Daddy Mack or Mack Daddy?
CROW: Or you and Another Bad Creation fighting vampires in downtown
JOEL: I can see that... Maybe The Boys singing "Dial My Heart" to
stop an alien invasion?
CROW: Or maybe even mixing up the old and the new! How about a fight
to the death between Aaron Carter and Tevin Campbell?
TOM: Oooh! Or LeAnn Rimes kicking the snot out of Jessica Sampson?
CROW: Oh yeah!
JOEL: That's a little mean, guys, but still this could be fun. What
do you think sirs?
DR F: I didn't catch that last part, Joel! The Virtua-Darren keeps
randomly swiching between Virtua-York and Virtua-Sargent and it won't
stop yelling!
VIRTUA DARRIN: [Alternating between Dick Sargent and Dick York's
voice] SAM! SAM! SAM! SAM!
DR F: But that crossover stuff sound like something to look into in
the future. But for now, I have to go kill the Dicks! Push the
button, Frank!
FRANK: [ala Samantha] Well...!
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Mystery Science Freezer []
Ep. 1: WWF Smackdown recap
Ep. 2: Scooby Did [Lemon]
Ep. 3: Voyager: S-Space, part 1
Ep. 4: Voyager: Stealth Wedgie
Ep. 5: Violence Aimed Even At Preschoolers
Ep. 6: Brightheart The Cub Sitter [Lemon]
Ep. 7: Sweet Beginnings [Lime]
Ep. 8: Life's Surprises
Ep. 9: School Girls [Lemon]
Mystery UGoS Theater (Wrestle-centric with saltier language)
Ep. 1: Judgment Day 2000 Rant by Scott Keith
Ep. 3: Chris Hyatte's "And Another Thing" 9.25.2000 (Collaboration
with Maple Leaf Mickey and The Big Fred Machine)
Group MSTing: (Available on WS9 {})
Love Bites - (Edited by Rebo Valence, written with half the free
<<Will the Joel and the Bots manage to work The Jackson 5 into their
discussion? Will The Mads ever get Virtua-Darrin to shut up? Find
out on the next exciting episode of Mystery Science Freezer!>>
My name is:
____ _
/ ___| | |
| |__ _ __ ___ ___ ____ ___ _ __ | |
| __|| '__/ _ \/ _ \/_ // _ \| '__|| | msfreezer (My MSTings)
| | | | __/ __/ / /| __/| | |_|
|_| |_| \___|\___||___|\___||_| (_) (Rasslin' and other
And my anti-drug is porn.