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MSTed: In the Spirit 3/5

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Mike zimbouski

Mar 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/23/97

[continued from part 2]

could no longer perceive both worlds at the same time
(spiritual dimension and the natural dimension).

Mike: Maybe this is what that Van Halen song is about.

Man could only see the natural

Tom: I wish _we_ could only see "The Natural."

, the spiritual

Tom: Tote that barge!
Crow: Lift that pail!
Mike: You temp at Deep 13...

was reserved
for the eyes of mans spirit, this cognizant perception had
been severed because of disobedience to God. After the
fall, man could only see brief glimpses of the spiritual world.
These faint echoes

Mike: Becky! Tom! Injun Joe!
Tom: o/~ I'm the man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo! o/~
Crow: Pinch-hitting for Pedro Babrone...Manny Mota!...mota...mota...

of that paradise moved only through
dreams, visions and memories.

Crow: Isn't that Neil Gaiman's new book?

The farther the human race moved away from the point of
the fall,

Tom: I just knew Mark E. Smith would be involved in this somewhere.

the blinder man became to spiritual things. Man
moved from perfection into imperfection and constantly
continued to move into even more corrupt states of being.

Tom: Oh, I see, it's a metaphor for Danny Bonaduce's career.
Mike: I'm not even going to ask.

Although spiritual perception was cut off an inward
longing to cling to the supernatural still existed.

Crow: Which explains all those weird dreams I've been having about Glenn Close
in her "Maxie" role.

That longing
for spiritual things eats away at the heart of man but the
flesh keeps man in a perpetual state of spiritual blindness.

Mike: Well, only if you keep your eyes closed all the time.

In the beginning, Adam and Eve had clear

Tom: Pepsi.

between their soul and spirit. This transfer of information
was so undiluted that there was hardly a thought about
receiving it.
The original world was perceived thru the spirit and the

Tom: You know, that sounds strangely familiar for some reason.
Crow: Yeah, I know. Can't figure out why.
Mike: I never heard it before.

and the brain acknowledged both the spiritual realm
and the natural world at the same time. Adam could see and
understand those things that are now only visible to our

Tom: Oh, Adam this and Adam that--why can't you just accept me for myself!

We see mostly the things that the flesh relays to the brain,

Crow: Unless, of course, you're hallucinatory.

Adam could see the spiritual world and the natural world at
the same time.

Mike: And boy, did it give him headaches!

So clear was this vision that there was no
separation between the two worlds. The two dimensions

Crow: Would it be petty to call this post two-dimensional?

were one, they were not looked upon as separate realities
as they are now.
It is this perception of the spiritual dimension that was

Mike: Called into question when running an infection.

cut off from mankind when Adam sinned. This door was
closed because of

Tom: The draft.

disobedience to God. Although the
perfect state of mankind has long since diminished, we are
still spiritual beings. Our abilities for seeing that which is
invisible are still within us.

Crow: <Jimmy Stewart> Would you like to meet my friend Harvey?

There are some who are born with

Crow: Webbed feet.

spiritual gifts that
allow them at various times to see more than usual of the

Tom: Say...

spiritual habitation. There are others who choose to
invoke this latent ability by pursuing it through the powers of

Mike: And Kreskin's role in all this is revealed.
Crow: What's evil about Kreskin?
Mike: You kidding? You ever seen those suits he wears?

Neither comes close to the perception that Adam
had but it is a tiny reflection of that spiritual vision.

Crow: It's compact-sized, for when you're on the go.

The spirit will see things in another dimension and relate
those things back to our soul through the brain. The brain
will store this information in a place that we call the
unconscious part of the mind. Sometimes our brain will let
this information slip to the conscious side of our hemisphere
and we will see what our spirit is seeing through what seems
to us as a dream or lucid dream.

Mike: What is it?
Tom: Crow, what's the matter?
Crow: Oh, I just needed to do that. You should try it, it helps.
Tom: Really? Hm. [clears throat] AAAAHHHHHAHAH!
Crow: See?
Tom: You're right, I do feel better. AAAAAAHHHH!
Mike: You guys are giving me a headache.

The dream image that we see is called a lucid dream
because we are aware of the dream state while we are in
the dream.

Crow and Tom: o/~ Dre-ee-e-eam, dream, dream, dre-eam... o/~
Mike: Way too easy.
Crow: I didn't hear you come up with any brainstorms.

If our brain relays this information through
our cognizant faculties and we are allowed to view that
realm of the spirit, and be fully aware of the dream state,

Mike: Oh, that's the state you're in when you think the Red Sox have a chance
of winning the pennant.
Tom: <snicker>

then it is a logical deduction that what we see is another
It is also logical that if we are seeing the spiritual realm
that there are also evil spirits that can often be represented.

Tom: I think he's talking about the Ghostly Trio.

The spirit world is like the natural but it is ever changing like
a dream.
That opposite reality cannot easily be made sense of
because we try to comprehend it with natural associations.

Tom: See, this is where his genius lies. He's so intent on depicting how hard
reality is to comprehend that he makes it impossible for us to comprehend what
he's comprehending!
Mike and Crow: Ohhhh...

When we are in a lucid dream there may be symbols and
there are also realities within the symbols.

Mike: We should introduce this guy to Gertrude Stein.
Crow: Yeah, but what if they breeded?
<All shudder>

When Adam disobeyed God

Crow: He got sent to his room.
Mike: Careful, L. Ron Hubbard's watching.

[continued in part 4]
"Destroy your safe and happy lives before it is too late." --Mekons
"We are experiencing sensational difficulties."--Marcy's Threshhold
"Don't kill yourself 'cause people can't deal with your brilliance"--Kaia

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