Available via FTP, online or on CD-ROM
All the 1993 Hugo Nominees in one anthology!
5 Complete Unabridged Novels (no, I'm not kidding)
Annotated version of "A Fire Upon the Deep" with
over 70,000 words of author's notes detailing the
book's development at every step, done in hypertext.
Also: Red Mars, Doomsday Book, Steel Beach
and China Mountain Zhang -- full text.
All the Hugo nominated short stories
All the Hugo nominated novelettes
All the Hugo nominated novellas
All the Hugo nominated pro artworks (4 plates from Dinotopia)
Pro Artist Portfolios (except David Cherry)
Articles by all the Fan Writer Hugo nominees
Portfolios from Fan Artist nominees (except Stu Shiffman)
Sample pages from fanzine nominees (except FOSFAX)
All the Nebula Nominated Short Stories
All the Nebula Nominated Novelettes
All the Nebula Nominated Novellas (***)
Three of the Nebula Nominated Novels, including the winner!
All this year's Hugo and Nebula Winners! All the losers! :-)
Samples from all the John. W. Campbell Award nominees. (best new writer)
Author bios, bibliographies and blurbs for several authors.
Photos of several authors.
Video introductions from several authors and artists. (CD)
Pronunciation guide and reading for China Mountain Zhang
by the author.(CD)
Massive database on SF & Fandom (archives from rutgers.gandalf.edu) (CD)
All four Telejokebooks plus all 1992 and 1993 rec.humor.funny material.
1.4 million words of nominated fiction
Over $200 at original publishers' prices
It's a month of hair-pulling late but we've finally put it
together. Effectively all the Hugo nominees and all the
Nebula short fiction nominees in one anthology, out in time
for the voting. A Hugo ballot is included with information
on how to buy a supporting membership and vote on the Hugos.
The files in the online version come in RTF (Microsoft Rich
Text Format). Some are "zip" compressed. Lots of programs
can read RTFs. We also provide an RTF to ASCII-with-overstrikes
converter, and an RTF to HTML (XMosaic) converter that is
not highly tested as yet. An unsupported RTF to troff
converter from the net is also available. C source code is
provided. Unzip programs and source are also provided.
The art and photos are in JPEG format, with line-art
illustrations in GIF format. JPEG viewers can be found all
over the net. For X, we suggest XV. Some windows viewers
are in our library.
On the CD-ROM, the books are put in a multimedia
presentation using Microsoft Multimedia Viewer. This
requires MS-Windows. Books for the Mac using hypercard 2.0
are also provided. (Hypercard 2.0 runtime is on the disk
and the Voyager expanded book viewer scripts.) The RTFs and
our tools are also on the CD-ROM, as is the MS Viewer runtime.
Perhaps the most exciting item in the anthology is the
special edition of SF bestseller "A Fire Upon the Deep" by
Vernor Vinge. Nominated for the Hugo and Nebula award,
"Fire" has become one of the most talked about books on the
net because it features prominently a Galactic USENET. This
net is a parody of today's net and also is the vehicle for
the plot of great galactic events in this book. AI also
forms a central part of the book, which is written by a CS
You'll find active discussion of this novel in
rec.arts.sf.written and other places.
I'm going to make a special posting about our annotated
version. The bad news is that the annotated version is only
available under MS-WINDOWS on the CD-ROM, or to people who
have Microsoft Word or a similar WP that handles footnotes
and RTF files. After USENIX, time permitting, I will make
an HTML version that can be browsed with WWW clients.
Order the CD-ROM from us via phone, mail, E-mail or using
our automated order taker. Get it via first-class mail. Or
ask your SF bookstore, innovative bookstore or CD-ROM seller
to stock it.
Order the FTP/online version as above. We recommend our
automated order taker which will issue you a password right
away -- though it won't work until your credit card is
For automated order taking, telnet to sf.clarinet.com or
modem-dial +1 408 296 3733. Then login as "sf" and type "o"
to order. For phone orders, dial 408 296 0366 or 800 USE-NETS.
Fax to 408 296 1668.
Last year the authors were very generous is allowing these to be free.
However, as you might expect, this much stuff costs some money.
It's in three versions. The full version with everything is $29.95,
whether by CD-ROM or online/FTP. A basic version with just the short
fiction is $11.95 (online/FTP). A deluxe version with everything but
the novels and RHF is $17.95. CA residents add 8.25% tax on the CD-ROM.
CD-ROMs also add $2.50 for shipping in the USA.
Anonymous ftp to sf.clarinet.com and get the file sf/info.
Or modem-dial and download the info file. Or E-mail
net...@clarinet.com. A full table of contents naming all
the stories is in the file. I may post the ToC to the net
if there is interest.
NOTE: I will also answer questions here if they are of general interest,
but I leave today for USENIX and will have to do it from the terminal room.
However, I felt that it was important to get this out in time for voters,
who must vote on the Hugos by July 31.
(***) Two Nebula nominated novellas, "City of Truth" and "Griffin's Egg"
are available within the USA only due to rights restrictions. They are
password protected on the CD-ROM.
Note: Hugo is a registered trade mark of the World Science Fiction Society.
This anthology is not affiliated with the WSFS or Worldcon. Nebula
is a trademark of the SFWA.
Brad Templeton, ClariNet Communications Corp. -- Sunnyvale, CA 408/296-0366