I just got it a B. Dalton
Mike Johnson INTERNET: mi...@hpupora.nsr.hp.com
Technical Consultant UUCP: hpupora!mikej
MENTOR Account Team HPDESK: Mike Johnson/HP2413/03
Hewlett Packard HPDESK to UNIX: mikej (hpupora) / HP6400/UX
Portland Sales Office VOICE: (503) 598-8249
15115 SW Sequoia Parkway #100 VOICE-MAIL: (503) 598-8220 (then 8249)
Portland Oregon 97224 FAX: (503) 598-8105
>The Difference Engine by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling is out in
>paperback. Spectra Special Editions. cost $5.99 What ever happened to
>$.75 books?
The same thing that happened to $.25 a gallon for gas, $2500 for cars,
$20,000 for houses and $.15 for a loaf of bread.
Chuq "IMHO" Von Rospach | ch...@apple.com | GEnie:CHUQ & MAC.BIGOT | ALink:CHUQ
SFWA Nebula Awards administrator =+= SF Book Reviewer, Amazing Stories
Editor, OtherRealms =+= #include <standard/disclaimer.h>
"Rules are made to be broken" -- true. Also true is that breaking rules out of
ignorace leads to disaster, while breaking them from knowledge can lead to the
truly special. It can also lead to disaster, too. Don't break rules unless you
know them well enough to know when they shouldn't apply.