I have been living in Belgium now for over seven years, and it occurred
to me that there must be a similar list possible of sf and fantasy set
I have two items to start off with:
_Cloud Atlas_, by David Mitchell (2004): one of the nested stories is
set in Zedelghem.
_The Guns of Avalon_, by Roger Zelazny (1972): "From Antwerp we had
traveled to Brussels, spending several evenings at a club on the Rue de
Char et Pain before the man I wanted found me."
Anything more?
(I'm specifically thinking of written sf and fantasy. If we expand the
scope out to comics there are an awful lot more, starting with Tintin.)
A couple of chapters of "Elementary, My Dear" are set in Belgium, where
the chief vampire inducts a new recruit into his select group.
-- Dick Eney
prozines and fanzines 'n' stuff