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Full Metal Panic: One Night Stand

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David Johnston

Aug 14, 2010, 2:55:32 PM8/14/10
I'm not sure what the title of the second FMP novel actually means.
It could refer to his commanding officer, the 16-year old "Colonel"
Tessa Testarossa taking refuge in his apartment for one night,
although of course nothing happened beyond the inception of a really
stupid love triangle. One thing I notice, though is that all three of
them have the "I was raised by wolves" excuse for their bad
behaviour. Souji grew up as a child soldier in war zones, Tessa is
not just a foreigner, but was essentially raised in isolation from her
peers as someone took advantage of her gadgeteering powers. Even
Kaname's rude and overbearing tsundere personality is explained by her
having gone to school in the United States where she was socialized to
just bluntly say what she thought. While presumably Japan actually
does have rude and overbearing people, girls even, dropping that
biographical tidbit probably makes her a bit more sympathetic to
Japanese readers. The poor thing can't help being a social imbecile
(albeit a social imbecile who is also a V-P in student government).
Blame it on America. That's why she communicates with Sousuke by
blunt force trauma instead of blushing and backing away.

William December Starr

Aug 15, 2010, 1:21:52 AM8/15/10
In article <>,
David Johnston <> said:

> I'm not sure what the title of the second FMP novel actually
> means. It could refer to his commanding officer, the 16-year old
> "Colonel" Tessa Testarossa taking refuge in his apartment for one
> night, although of course nothing happened beyond the inception of
> a really stupid love triangle.

What's a Full Metal Panic?

-- wds

David Johnston

Aug 15, 2010, 1:26:26 AM8/15/10
On Aug 14, 11:21 pm, (William December Starr) wrote:
> In article <>,

> David Johnston <> said:
> > I'm not sure what the title of the second FMP novel actually
> > means.  It could refer to his commanding officer, the 16-year old
> > "Colonel" Tessa Testarossa taking refuge in his apartment for one
> > night, although of course nothing happened beyond the inception of
> > a really stupid love triangle.
> What's a Full Metal Panic?
> -- wds

Full Metal comes from the movie "Full Metal Jacket". "Panic" refers
to what regularly happens when Sasuke runs amuck with his misplaced
battlefield mentality.

William December Starr

Aug 15, 2010, 4:48:36 PM8/15/10
In article <>,
David Johnston <> said:

> (William December Starr) wrote:
>> David Johnston <> said:
>>> I'm not sure what the title of the second FMP novel actually
>>> means. It could refer to his commanding officer, the 16-year old
>>> "Colonel" Tessa Testarossa taking refuge in his apartment for one
>>> night, although of course nothing happened beyond the inception of
>>> a really stupid love triangle.
>> What's a Full Metal Panic?

> Full Metal comes from the movie "Full Metal Jacket". "Panic"
> refers to what regularly happens when Sasuke runs amuck with his
> misplaced battlefield mentality.

You have no idea that not everybody automatically knows what the
fuck you're talking about, do you?

-- wds

Sea Wasp (Ryk E. Spoor)

Aug 15, 2010, 6:51:52 PM8/15/10

Well, earlier in the thread he actually told us what it was, so you're
ranting to little purpose.

FMP is an anime series which also is a manga and which also is a set of
novels. I haven't viewed that particular anime so I can't say
specifically what it's about, but if you had any inclination to use
Google you would have immediately found! which would explain
everything for you.

Sea Wasp
Live Journal:

David Johnston

Aug 15, 2010, 8:33:56 PM8/15/10
On Aug 15, 4:51 pm, "Sea Wasp (Ryk E. Spoor)"

<> wrote:
> William December Starr wrote:
> > In article <>,

> > David Johnston <> said:
> >> (William December Starr) wrote:
> >>> David Johnston <> said:
> >>>> I'm not sure what the title of the second FMP novel actually
> >>>> means. It could refer to his commanding officer, the 16-year old
> >>>> "Colonel" Tessa Testarossa taking refuge in his apartment for one
> >>>> night, although of course nothing happened beyond the inception of
> >>>> a really stupid love triangle.
> >>> What's a Full Metal Panic?
> >> Full Metal comes from the movie "Full Metal Jacket".  "Panic"
> >> refers to what regularly happens when Sasuke runs amuck with his
> >> misplaced battlefield mentality.
> > You have no idea that not everybody automatically knows what the
> > fuck you're talking about, do you?
>         Well, earlier in the thread he actually told us what it was, so you're
> ranting to little purpose.

To be fair, I said what it was in the thread about the first novel.

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