> I'm not sure what the title of the second FMP novel actually
> means. It could refer to his commanding officer, the 16-year old
> "Colonel" Tessa Testarossa taking refuge in his apartment for one
> night, although of course nothing happened beyond the inception of
> a really stupid love triangle.
What's a Full Metal Panic?
-- wds
Full Metal comes from the movie "Full Metal Jacket". "Panic" refers
to what regularly happens when Sasuke runs amuck with his misplaced
battlefield mentality.
> wdst...@panix.com (William December Starr) wrote:
>> David Johnston <rgor...@telus.net> said:
>>> I'm not sure what the title of the second FMP novel actually
>>> means. It could refer to his commanding officer, the 16-year old
>>> "Colonel" Tessa Testarossa taking refuge in his apartment for one
>>> night, although of course nothing happened beyond the inception of
>>> a really stupid love triangle.
>> What's a Full Metal Panic?
> Full Metal comes from the movie "Full Metal Jacket". "Panic"
> refers to what regularly happens when Sasuke runs amuck with his
> misplaced battlefield mentality.
You have no idea that not everybody automatically knows what the
fuck you're talking about, do you?
-- wds
Well, earlier in the thread he actually told us what it was, so you're
ranting to little purpose.
FMP is an anime series which also is a manga and which also is a set of
novels. I haven't viewed that particular anime so I can't say
specifically what it's about, but if you had any inclination to use
Google you would have immediately found
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_Metal_Panic! which would explain
everything for you.
Sea Wasp
Live Journal: http://seawasp.livejournal.com
To be fair, I said what it was in the thread about the first novel.