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Looking for absent friends

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May 27, 2013, 4:48:09 AM5/27/13
I am looking for Matthew Vincent, he was a friend of me at Usenet but due to my psychosis several years ago we have lost contact. He had to endure my delusional tantrums in email and I want to apologize to him.

I am also looking for Gregory from Paris in France, he and I were pen pals in email. We lost contact many years ago. We both were fans of Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors. We both liked Vantu very much!

Until next time


Amy Guskin

May 29, 2013, 6:08:42 PM5/29/13
On Mon, 27 May 2013 04:48:09 -0400, JWK4EVER wrote
(in article <>):
Jan, I don't know Gregory, and unfortunately I haven't seen Matthew here in
years. Good luck finding him!


Diligent Moderatrix

Matthew Vincent

Jun 19, 2013, 7:07:30 AM6/19/13
On Monday, 27 May 2013 20:48:09 UTC+12, JWK4EVER wrote:
>I am looking for Matthew Vincent, he was a friend
>of me at Usenet but due to my psychosis several
>years ago we have lost contact. He had to endure
>my delusional tantrums in email and I want to
>apologize to him.

Hello Jan-Willem,

I still read this newsgroup occasionally, but not very often. I'm preoccupied with other matters right now, and have a very busy schedule. Also, I have Aspergers, which impairs my organisation and time management.

It's nice to see you again. I hope you are well. I didn't feel offended or bothered by anything you said in email. I'm guessing that you have sometimes been rejected by other people in social situations in the past, and that you feel confused about why this is. So, you're left wondering what's OK to say and what isn't. Social situations must feel like an invisible minefield to you, and this must be a tough burden to live with. You are very brave and strong to continue trying your best in the face of all this.

You don't need to feel so guilty and apologetic all the time. You're a good person and you contribute positively to the world around you. You try your best in the face of difficult circumstances that are beyond your control. There are plenty of selfish jerks around, and you're not one of them. That janitor you told me about seems like a nasty bully and a prize idiot.

Here is my case formulation of you, as of last we talked, which admittedly was several years ago. You most likely meet criteria for an Axis II delusional disorder, as your psychiatrist(s) diagnosed you with. An Axis II disorder is generally less severe than an Axis I disorder. You don't meet criteria for schizophrenia, which involves delusions, hallucinations and disordered thinking. You only have delusions, and those delusions that you have are not severe in intensity. Your logical understanding of causality is not impaired, but you sometimes engage in delusions as a defence mechanism to protect your self-esteem and manage core identity issues.

Psychiatrists often speak of "delusional guilt". My interpretation of delusional guilt is that it typically involves a negative schema, combined with an impairment in your ability to use rational evidence to counter the negative thoughts you've had about yourself.

Your IQ seems to be above average (tests can measure it more precisely), and you're smart enough to learn more than one language. Your vocabulary in English, which isn't your first language, is pretty good. Your ability to understand the world around you does not seem to be impaired, except for your negative self-image and delusions pertaining to yourself and your core identity. The Babylon 5 questions, such as "Who are you?" and "What do you want" are worth considering. They're not easy questions to answer. It's painful to be yourself, so you use delusions as a form of escapism.

Last we talked, you were comfortable and perhaps even enthusiastic about receiving help and support in this newsgroup. Consequently, I'm assuming that you're consenting to hearing the above material publicly. Please accept my apologies in the event that this assumption of mine was inaccurate.

It's pretty quiet in here these days, and I'm not going to be around much. That's why I figured I'd give you this formulation now, for you to take away with you if you wish. I'd like to be clear that nothing I say to you online can take the place of formal therapy in "real life" in your local area. So, if you're seeing professionals such as a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist, please be guided by them. If you wish to print out this post of mine and show it to a professional you're seeing locally, please feel free to do so.

The reason we lost contact is not due to your psychosis, or anything about you, or anything that you said or did. I simply got too busy doing other things, and lost contact with other people besides you. I'm not very good at keeping up with email correspondence. I'd lose my head if it wasn't screwed on. Your apology is definitely accepted, and wasn't necessary in the first place.

Take care, and I wish you all the best. I'll hopefully see you on this newsgroup again sometime.

Kind regards,


Jun 30, 2013, 5:19:12 AM6/30/13
> Hello Jan-Willem,

Hello Matthew! Sorry for the late reply

> I still read this newsgroup occasionally, but not very often. I'm preoccupied with other matters right now, and have a very busy schedule. Also, I have Aspergers, which impairs my organisation and time management.

I have the same problems here, I have perhaps also a kind of autism, I am chaotic. I have forgotten to read this newsgroup often. That’s why my reply is so late

> It's nice to see you again. I hope you are well. I didn't feel offended or bothered by anything you said in email. I'm guessing that you have sometimes been rejected by other people in social situations in the past, and that you feel confused about why this is. So, you're left wondering what's OK to say and what isn't. Social situations must feel like an invisible minefield to you, and this must be a tough burden to live with. You are very brave and strong to continue trying your best in the face of all this.

Thank you, and I am well and also happy to see you again, I no longer do the job I really hate and despise; many years ago I have lost my job and I am one extended sick leave ever since. I am doing voluntary work that gives me no stress at all. So I am not so desperate any more and I am waiting with patience for things to come…

> You don't need to feel so guilty and apologetic all the time. You're a good person and you contribute positively to the world around you. You try your best in the face of difficult circumstances that are beyond your control. There are plenty of selfish jerks around, and you're not one of them. That janitor you told me about seems like a nasty bully and a prize idiot.

I am no longer have to see him again.

Hey I have to go now. To be continued later on the day or night


Jun 28, 2013, 6:54:24 PM6/28/13
Sorry for the late reply, I have been neglecting this newsgroup and just have read your response. I am happy to see you again. The reason that I have neglected this newsgroup is because JMS has left this newsgroup for facebook, where I spent time on it, I am one of his friends. I do no longer do the job I really hate and despise; years ago I have lost my job and I am one extended sick leave ever since. I am doing voluntary work that gives me no stress at all. So I am not so desperate any more and I am waiting with patience for things to come. It is rather late I will reread what you have written and respond to it properly shortly.


Jul 4, 2013, 12:13:59 PM7/4/13
> Here is my case formulation of you, as of last we talked, which admittedly was several years ago. You most likely meet criteria for an Axis II delusional disorder, as your psychiatrist(s) diagnosed you with. An Axis II disorder is generally less severe than an Axis I disorder. You don't meet criteria for schizophrenia, which involves delusions, hallucinations and disordered thinking. You only have delusions, and those delusions that you have are not severe in intensity. Your logical understanding of causality is not impaired, but you sometimes engage in delusions as a defence mechanism to protect your self-esteem and manage core identity issues.
> >

"Never surrender dreams". I had to surrender *all* my dreams (my delusions) in becoming sane! I took me about 7 years and during that time I have been committed two times into a mental institution. On the bright side I have learned that Vantu is just as fictional creation as Santa or the Easter Bunny. I am no longer letting him drive mine life with the help of proper medication!

> Psychiatrists often speak of "delusional guilt". My interpretation of delusional guilt is that it typically involves a negative schema, combined with an impairment in your ability to use rational evidence to counter the negative thoughts you've had about yourself.
> >

I have a very low self-esteem indeed!

> Your IQ seems to be above average (tests can measure it more precisely), and you're smart enough to learn more than one language. Your vocabulary in English, which isn't your first language, is pretty good. Your ability to understand the world around you does not seem to be impaired, except for your negative self-image and delusions pertaining to yourself and your core identity. The Babylon 5 questions, such as "Who are you?" and "What do you want" are worth considering. They're not easy questions to answer. It's painful to be yourself, so you use delusions as a form of escapism.
> >

And I have used delusions also as a mask.

> Last we talked, you were comfortable and perhaps even enthusiastic about receiving help and support in this newsgroup. Consequently, I'm assuming that you're consenting to hearing the above material publicly. Please accept my apologies in the event that this assumption of mine was inaccurate.
> >

No apologizes needed, this assumption of you is accurate!

> It's pretty quiet in here these days, and I'm not going to be around much. That's why I figured I'd give you this formulation now,
for you to take away with you if you wish. I'd like to be clear that nothing I say to you online can take the place of formal therapy in "real life" in your local area. So, if you're seeing professionals such as a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist, please be guided by them. If you wish to print out this post of mine and show it to a professional you're seeing locally, please feel free to do so.
> >

Thank you for the information! I am on anti depressants and anti psychotics and am seeing a psychiatrist regularly

> The reason we lost contact is not due to your psychosis, or anything about you, or anything that you said or did. I simply got too busy doing other things, and lost contact with other people besides you. I'm not very good at keeping up with email correspondence. I'd lose my head if it wasn't screwed on. Your apology is definitely accepted, and wasn't necessary in the first place.
> >

Thank you for accepting my apologies, I hope you aren’t offended that I have responded late to your posting in this newsgroup

> Take care, and I wish you all the best. I'll hopefully see you on this newsgroup again sometime.

You will see me frequently

Until Next Time



Jul 30, 2013, 5:39:34 PM7/30/13
Hello Matthew

>I still read this newsgroup occasionally, but not very often. I'm preoccupied with other matters right now, and have a very busy >schedule. Also, I have Aspergers, which impairs my organisation and time management.

What is Asparagus?

>It's nice to see you again. I hope you are well. I didn't feel offended or bothered by anything you said in email. I'm guessing that >you have sometimes been rejected by other people in social situations in the past, and that you feel confused about why this >is. So, you're left wondering what's OK to say and what isn't. Social situations must feel like an invisible minefield to you, and >this must be a tough burden to live with. You are very brave and strong to continue trying your best in the face of all this.

It is also nice to see you, I am well. I am sorry that I have responded so late

>You don't need to feel so guilty and apologetic all the time. You're a good person and you contribute positively to the world >around you. You try your best in the face of difficult circumstances that are beyond your control. There are plenty of selfish >jerks around, and you're not one of them. That janitor you told me about seems like a nasty bully and a prize idiot.

I no longer do the job I really hate and despise; many years ago I have lost my job and I am one extended sick leave ever since. I am doing voluntary work that gives me no stress at all. So I am not so desperate any more and I am waiting with patience for things to come…

In which way am I contribute positively to the world around me? Most of the time I am feeling that I am a burden to JMS.

>Here is my case formulation of you, as of last we talked, which admittedly was several years ago. You most likely meet criteria >for an Axis II delusional disorder, as your psychiatrist(s) diagnosed you with. An Axis II disorder is generally less severe than >an Axis I disorder. You don't meet criteria for schizophrenia, which involves delusions, hallucinations and disordered thinking. >You only have delusions, and those delusions that you have are not severe in intensity. Your logical understanding of causality >is not impaired, but you sometimes engage in delusions as a defence mechanism to protect your self-esteem and manage >core identity issues.

I don’t meet criteria of schizophrenia because I am on medication against my delusions.

>psychiatrists often speak of "delusional guilt". My interpretation of delusional guilt is that it typically involves a negative schema, >combined with an impairment in your ability to use rational evidence to counter the negative thoughts you've had about >yourself.

I have a negative self-image I am suffering of.

>Your IQ seems to be above average (tests can measure it more precisely), and you're smart enough to learn more than one >language. Your vocabulary in English, which isn't your first language, is pretty good. Your ability to understand the world >around you does not seem to be impaired, except for your negative self-image and delusions pertaining to yourself and your >core identity. The Babylon 5 questions, such as "Who are you?" and "What do you want" are worth considering. They're not >easy questions to answer. It's painful to be yourself, so you use delusions as a form of escapism.

I have learned through "Who are you?" and "What do you want" that Vantu is just as fictional creation as Santa or the Easter Bunny. I am no longer letting him drive mine life with the help of proper medication!

>Last we talked, you were comfortable and perhaps even enthusiastic about receiving help and support in this newsgroup. >Consequently, I'm assuming that you're consenting to hearing the above material publicly. Please accept my apologies in the >event that this assumption of mine was inaccurate.

Your assumption was accurate, no need to apologize; it gives us something to talk about it in this newsgroup.

>It's pretty quiet in here these days, and I'm not going to be around much. That's why I figured I'd give you this formulation now, >for you to take away with you if you wish. I'd like to be clear that nothing I say to you online can take the place of formal >therapy in "real life" in your local area. So, if you're seeing professionals such as a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist, please >be guided by them. If you wish to print out this post of mine and show it to a professional you're seeing locally, please feel free >to do so.

I am seeing professionals such as psychiatrist. I have been committed two times into a mental institution before they had find the right doses to defeat my schizophrenia .

>The reason we lost contact is not due to your psychosis, or anything about you, or anything that you said or did. I simply got >too busy doing other things, and lost contact with other people besides you. I'm not very good at keeping up with email >correspondence. I'd lose my head if it wasn't screwed on. Your apology is definitely accepted, and wasn't necessary in the first >place.

Thank you for accepting my apology…

>Take care, and I wish you all the best. I'll hopefully see you on this newsgroup again sometime
I am visiting it on a daily basis now I have found you


Jan 12, 2014, 9:30:00 AM1/12/14
<<Hello Jan-Willem,>>

Hello Matthew

<<I still read this newsgroup occasionally, but not very often. I'm preoccupied with other matters right now, and have a very busy schedule. Also, I have Aspergers, which impairs my organisation and time management.>>

When I were a young child they have diagnosed me to be autistic

<<It's nice to see you again. I hope you are well. I didn't feel offended or bothered by anything you said in email. I'm guessing that you have sometimes been rejected by other people in social situations in the past, and that you feel confused about why this is. So, you're left wondering what's OK to say and what isn't. Social situations must feel like an invisible minefield to you, and this must be a tough burden to live with. You are very brave and strong to continue trying your best in the face of all this.>>

You are right, I guess. I thank you for the compliment; it means much to me

Jun 14, 2016, 8:34:05 PM6/14/16
From: Matthew Vincent <>

On Monday, 27 May 2013 20:48:09 UTC+12, JWK4EVER wrote:
>I am looking for Matthew Vincent, he was a friend
>of me at Usenet but due to my psychosis several
>years ago we have lost contact. He had to endure
>my delusional tantrums in email and I want to
>apologize to him.

Hello Jan-Willem,

I still read this newsgroup occasionally, but not very often. I'm preoccupied
with other matters right now, and have a very busy schedule. Also, I have
Aspergers, which impairs my organisation and time management.

It's nice to see you again. I hope you are well. I didn't feel offended or
bothered by anything you said in email. I'm guessing that you have sometimes
been rejected by other people in social situations in the past, and that you
feel confused about why this is. So, you're left wondering what's OK to say and
what isn't. Social situations must feel like an invisible minefield to you,
and this must be a tough burden to live with. You are very brave and strong to
continue trying your best in the face of all this.

You don't need to feel so guilty and apologetic all the time. You're a good
person and you contribute positively to the world around you. You try your best
in the face of difficult circumstances that are beyond your control. There are
plenty of selfish jerks around, and you're not one of them. That janitor you
told me about seems like a nasty bully and a prize idiot.

Here is my case formulation of you, as of last we talked, which admittedly was
several years ago. You most likely meet criteria for an Axis II delusional
disorder, as your psychiatrist(s) diagnosed you with. An Axis II disorder is
generally less severe than an Axis I disorder. You don't meet criteria for
schizophrenia, which involves delusions, hallucinations and disordered
thinking. You only have delusions, and those delusions that you have are not
severe in intensity. Your logical understanding of causality is not impaired,
but you sometimes engage in delusions as a defence mechanism to protect your
self-esteem and manage core identity issues.

Psychiatrists often speak of "delusional guilt". My interpretation of
delusional guilt is that it typically involves a negative schema, combined with
an impairment in your ability to use rational evidence to counter the negative
thoughts you've had about yourself.

Your IQ seems to be above average (tests can measure it more precisely), and
you're smart enough to learn more than one language. Your vocabulary in
English, which isn't your first language, is pretty good. Your ability to
understand the world around you does not seem to be impaired, except for your
negative self-image and delusions pertaining to yourself and your core
identity. The Babylon 5 questions, such as "Who are you?" and "What do you
want" are worth considering. They're not easy questions to answer. It's painful
to be yourself, so you use delusions as a form of escapism.

Last we talked, you were comfortable and perhaps even enthusiastic about
receiving help and support in this newsgroup. Consequently, I'm assuming that
you're consenting to hearing the above material publicly. Please accept my
apologies in the event that this assumption of mine was inaccurate.

It's pretty quiet in here these days, and I'm not going to be around much.
That's why I figured I'd give you this formulation now, for you to take away
with you if you wish. I'd like to be clear that nothing I say to you online can
take the place of formal therapy in "real life" in your local area. So, if
you're seeing professionals such as a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist,
please be guided by them. If you wish to print out this post of mine and show
it to a professional you're seeing locally, please feel free to do so.

The reason we lost contact is not due to your psychosis, or anything about you,
or anything that you said or did. I simply got too busy doing other things,
and lost contact with other people besides you. I'm not very good at keeping up
with email correspondence. I'd lose my head if it wasn't screwed on. Your
apology is definitely accepted, and wasn't necessary in the first place.

Take care, and I wish you all the best. I'll hopefully see you on this
newsgroup again sometime.

Kind regards,

Jun 14, 2016, 8:39:01 PM6/14/16
From: Amy Guskin <>

On Mon, 27 May 2013 04:48:09 -0400, JWK4EVER wrote
(in article <>):

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