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[Sith War 2002] If this doesn't get attention...

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Peter Hanely

Aug 26, 2002, 8:20:21 AM8/26/02
(an attempt to reconsile 'Heads up' and Haacker cleans up and makes a mess')

> Summary:
> C'Pi gets a delivery of a box (postage due) wrapped in plain brown
> paper, with no return address.
> Inside the box is the severed head of one of his clones.
> Also inside the box is a severed hand, giving everyone the finger.

The sickened calm was interupted as a lightsabre slashed through the
front door and the large slabs of meat fell before a twisted caracature
of the Jedi Hacker. With reckless abandon the Haacker charged the false
prophet Jade, light sabre to meet light onida(sp?)


Far above RASSM planet a polyhedral deathstar settled into orbit almost
unnoticed. As many giant battle stations as had been seen this war and
previous, one more was a rather ho-hum event. Static crackled on all
com channels for a moment, and a new image broke in, an R5 droid wearing
generals stripes. Behind to its side was a well polished protocol droid
which translated the R5s digital speach. "Your new lord and master has
arrived, and orders you to report to local government facilities for
registration and assignment."


Still hidden from the Haackers rampage, Chuck Babbage (aka Jedi Hacker)
recieved to notice on his internal receiver. There weren't many things
worse than the anarchy of sith warriors on RASSM. Absolute rule by a
mad droid was probably one of them.

- Haacker bursts in on porkinite leadership.
- R5-P1s deathstar finaly arrives at RASSM, with little notice until a
broadcast declaring R5-P1 dictator over RASSM.

The Jedi Hacker
"Strike me down and I'll become more powerfull than you can imagine."

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