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XanaNews Statistic for rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting.vintage. 1/1/2022 12:32:12 AM

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The Doctor

Jan 1, 2022, 2:32:15 AM1/1/22
XanaNews Statistic for rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting.vintage.
1/1/2022 12:32:12 AM

From article 1768 (1/1/2021 6:47:15 AM) to article 1778 (11/1/2021
12:19:48 AM)

Number of threads ................... 11
Number of articles .................. 11
Average articles per thread ......... 1.00
Number of unanswered posts .......... 11
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 10

Top Threads

Ranking Articles Subject
------- -------- ----------------------------------

Top Posters

Ranking Articles Name Most Used Newsreader
------- -------- -------------------------- --------------------
1 10 The Doctor XanaNews
2 1 Mark Bitto G2

Top Newsreaders

Ranking Articles Newsreader Users
------- -------- -------------------------------------------- -----
1 10 XanaNews 1
2 1 G2 1

The lie of USenet is dying is rebuff by these statistics
Usenet lives or the internet dies

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