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Availables : More that 3700 Solutions manuals and Test Banks (Part 2)

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List of Solutions Manuals

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- Math, Statistics & Probability

Advanced Engineering Mathematics (8th Ed., Erwin Kreyszig)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (9th Ed., Erwin Kreyszig)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (2nd Ed, Michael Greenberg)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (6th Ed., Peter O'Neil)
Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics (3rd Ed., Glyn James)
Modern Engineering Mathematics (4th Ed., Glyn James)
A Modern Introduction to Differential Equations (2nd Ed., Henry J.
Elementary Differential Equations (7th Ed., Boyce)
Elementary Differential Equations (8th Ed., Boyce & Diprima)
Elementary Differential Equations (9th Ed., Boyce & Diprima)
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (7th
Ed., Boyce & Diprima)
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (8th
Ed., Boyce & Diprima)
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (9th
Ed., Boyce & Diprima)
Differential Equations : An Introduction to Modern Methods and
Applications (James Brannan & William Boyce)
Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems : An Introduction
to Modern Methods and Applications (James Brannan & William Boyce)
Calculus : Early Transcendentals Combined (8th Ed., Anton, Bivens &
Calculus : Early Transcendentals Combined (9th Ed., Anton, Bivens &
Calculus : Multivariable (8th Ed., Anton, Bivens & Davis)
Calculus : Multivariable (9th Ed., Anton, Bivens & Davis)
Calculus : Early Transcendentals Single Variable (8th Ed., Anton,
Bivens & Davis)
Calculus : Early Transcendentals Single Variable (9th Ed., Anton,
Bivens & Davis)
Calculus : Late Transcendentals Combined (8th Ed., Anton, Bivens &
Calculus : Late Transcendentals Combined (9th Ed., Anton, Bivens &
Calculus : Late Transcendentals Single Variable (8th Ed., Anton,
Bivens & Davis)
Calculus : Late Transcendentals Single Variable (9th Ed., Anton,
Bivens & Davis)
Introduction to the Finite Element Method: Theory, Programming and
Applications (Erik G. Thompson)
Mathematics for Engineers : A Modern Interactive Approach (3rd.,
Anthony Croft & Robert Davison)
Measurement and Data Analysis for Engineering and Science (Patrick F
Elementary Linear Algebra (4th Ed., Stephen Andrilli & David Hecker)
Elementary Linear Algebra Edition Abridged (9th Ed., Anton & Rorres)
Elementary Linear Algebra (9th Ed., Anton)
Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications (9th Ed., Anton & Rorres)
Boundary Value Problems and Partial Differential Equations (6th Ed.,
David Powers)
Introductory Statistics : Using Technology (5th Ed., Prem S. Mann)
Introductory Statistics (6th Ed., Prem S. Mann)
Introductory Statistics (7th Ed., Prem S. Mann)
Modern Algebra : An Introduction (6th Ed., John Durbin)
The Art and Craft of Problem Solving (2nd Ed., Paul Zeitz)
Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (6th Ed.,
Welkowitz, Cohen & Ewen)
Statistics : Principles and Methods (5th Ed., Richard Johnson)
Statistics : Principles and Methods (6th Ed., Richard Johnson)
Statistical Bioinformatics : with R (Sunil K. Mathur)
Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems (Richard Aster, Brian
Borchers & Clifford Thurber)
Codes : An Introduction to Information Communication and Cryptography
(Norman L. Biggs)
Geometry and Its Applications (2nd Ed., Walter A. Meyer)
Elementary Differential Geometry (2nd Ed., A.N. Pressley)
Fractal Geometry : Mathematical Foundations and Applications (2nd Ed.,
Kenneth Falconer)
Analytical and Computational Methods of Advanced Engineering
Mathematics (Grant B. Gustafson & Calvin H. Wilcox)
How to Read and Do Proofs : An Introduction to Mathematical Thought
Processes (4th Ed., Daniel Solow)
How to Read and Do Proofs : An Introduction to Mathematical Thought
Processes (5th Ed., Daniel Solow)
Intuitive Probability and Random Processes using MATLAB (Steven Kay)
Modeling Random Processes for Engineers and Managers (James Solberg)
Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes For Electrical
Engineering (3rd Ed., Alberto Leon-Garcia)
Probability Concepts in Engineering : Emphasis on Applications to
Civil and Environmental Engineering (2nd Ed., Ang & Tang)
Applied Statistics for Engineers and Physical Scientists (3rd Ed.,
Johannes Ledolter & Robert Hogg)
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (3rd Ed., Montgomery
& Runger)
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (4th Ed., Montgomery
& Runger)
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (5th Ed., Montgomery
& Runger)
Engineering Statistics (3rd Ed., Montgomery, Runger & Hubele)
Engineering Statistics (4th Ed., Montgomery, Runger & Hubele)
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control (5th Ed., Montgomery)
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control (6th Ed., Montgomery)
Calculus : One Variables (10th Ed., Salas, Hille, Etgen)
Calculus : One and Several Variables (8th Ed., Salas, Hille, Etgen)
Calculus : One and Several Variables (10th Ed., Salas, Hille, Etgen)
Squaring the Circle : Geometry in Art and Architecture (Paul Calter)
Technical Mathematics (5th Ed., Paul Calter & Michael Calter)
Technical Mathematics with Calculus (5th Ed., Paul Calter & Michael
Technical Mathematics with Calculus, Canadian Edition (Paul Calter &
Michael Calter)
Techniques of Problem Solving (Luis Fernández, Haedeh Gooransarab)
Probability and Statistics in Engineering (4th Ed., Hines, Montgomery,
Goldsman & Borror)
A First Course in Design and Analysis of Experiments (Gary W. Oehlert)
Design and Analysis of Experiments (6th Ed., Douglas Montgomery)
Design and Analysis of Experiments (7th Ed., Douglas Montgomery)
Introduction to Engineering Experimentation (2nd Ed., Wheeler & Ganji)
Introduction to Engineering Experimentation (3rd Ed., Wheeler & Ganji)
Introduction to the Design & Analysis of Experiments (Canavos &
Modern Methods For Quality Control and Improvement (2nd Ed.,
Wadsworth, Stephens, Godfrey)
Essential Statistics for Economics, Business and Management (Teresa
Statistics and Econometrics : Methods and Applications (Ashenfelter,
Levine & Zimmerman)
Applied Combinatorics (5th Ed., Alan Tucker)
Vector Calculus (Miroslav Lovric)
Applied Multivariate Techniques (Subhash Sharma)
Mathematical Modeling (3rd Ed., Mark Meerschaert)
Discrete Mathematics : Mathematical Reasoning and Proof with Puzzles,
Patterns, and Games (Douglas Ensley, J. Winston Crawley)
Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles (4th Ed.,
Peyton Z., Jr. Peebles)
Introduction to C++, Excel MATLAB & Basic Engineering Numerical
Methods V1.1 (Harvey Stenger & Charles Smith)
Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists : An Introduction with
Applications Using MATLAB (1st Ed., Amos Gilat & Vish Subramaniam)
Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists : An Introduction with
Applications Using MATLAB (2nd Ed., Amos Gilat & Vish Subramaniam)
MATLAB : An Introduction with Applications (2nd Ed., Amos Gilat)
MATLAB : An Introduction with Applications (3rd Ed., Amos Gilat)
Matlab : A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving
(Stormy Attaway)
Data, Statistics, and Decision Models with Excel (Harnett & Horrell)
Understanding Analysis (Stephen Abbott)
Time Series Analysis With Applications in R (2nd Ed., Jonathan D.
Cryer & Kung-Sik Chan)
Time Series Analysis and Its Applications : With R Examples (2nd Ed.,
Robert Shumway & David Stoffer)
Doing Statistics for Business with Excel : Data, Inference, and
Decision Making (2nd Ed. Pelosi & Sandifer)
Engineering with Excel (3rd Ed., Ronald W. Larsen)
Spreadsheet Tools for Engineers Using Excel 2007 (Byron Gottfried)
Spreadsheet Tools for Engineers using Excel (2nd Ed. Byron Gottfried)
Spreadsheet Tools for Engineers using Excel (3rd Ed. Byron Gottfried)
Introduction to Matlab 7 (Etter, Kuncicky & Moore)
Introduction to Matlab 6 for Engineers (1st Ed., William J Palm III)
Introduction to Matlab 7 for Engineers (2nd Ed., William J Palm III)
A Concise Introduction to MATLAB (William J Palm III)
Numerical Methods for Engineers (4th Ed. Steven Chapra, Raymond
Numerical Methods for Engineers (5th Ed. Steven Chapra, Raymond
Numerical Methods for Engineers (6th Ed. Steven Chapra, Raymond
Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists
(1st Ed., Steven Chapra)
Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists
(2nd Ed., Steven Chapra)
MATLAB for Engineers (1st Ed., Holly Moore)
MATLAB for Engineers (2nd Ed., Holly Moore)
Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (1st Ed., William Navidi)
Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (2nd Ed., William Navidi)
Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (3rd Ed., William Navidi)
Principles of Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (William Navidi)
Probability (Jim Pitman)
Basic Probability Theory (Robert B. Ash)
Stochastic Calculus for Finance (Steven E. Shreve)
Markov Processes for Stochastic Modeling (Oliver Ibe)
Mathematical Statistics with Applications (K.M. Ramachandran & Chris
Probability : A Graduate Course (Allan Gut)
Linear Algebra Done Right (2nd Ed., Sheldon Axler)
Precalculus : A Prelude to Calculus (Sheldon Axler)
Statistics for Business (Derek Waller)
An Introduction to the Mathematics of Financial Derivatives (2nd Ed.,
Salih Neftci)
Elementary Number Theory with Applications (2nd Ed., Thomas Koshy)
Introduction to Probability Models (9th Ed., Sheldon Ross)
Introduction to Probability Models (10th Ed., Sheldon Ross)
Introductory Statistics (2nd Ed., Sheldon Ross)
Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and
Scientists (4th Ed., Sheldon Ross)
Basic Mathematics through Applications (4th Ed. by Akst, Bragg)
Developmental Mathematics (6th Ed., Bittinger & Beecher)
Developmental Mathematics (7th Ed., Bittinger & Beecher)
Developmental Mathematics : Basic Mathematics and Algebra (1st Ed.,
Lial, Hornsby, McGinnis, Salzman & Hestwood)
Developmental Mathematics : Basic Mathematics and Algebra (2nd Ed.,
Lial, Hornsby, McGinnis, Salzman & Hestwood)
Essential Mathematics (2nd Ed., Margaret Lial & Stanley Salzman)
Essential Mathematics (3rd Ed., Margaret Lial & Stanley Salzman)
Prealgebra & Introductory Algebra (2nd Ed. by Elayn El Martin-Gay)
Prealgebra (5th Ed., Bittinger, Ellenbogen & Johnson)
Prealgebra (5th Ed., Elayn El Martin-Gay)
Prealgebra : An Integrated Approach (Lial & Hestwood)
Integrated Arithmetic and Basic Algebra (4th Ed., Jordan & Palow)
Introductory Algebra through Applications (1st Ed., Akst & Bragg)
Introductory Algebra through Applications (2nd Ed., Akst & Bragg)
Beginning Algebra (10th Ed., Lial, Hornsby & McGinnis)
Elementary Algebra Early Graphing for College Students (3rd Ed., Allen
R. Angel)
Intermediate Algebra with Applications & Visualization (3rd Ed.,
Rockswold & Krieger)
Intermediate Algebra (10th Ed., Lial, Hornsby & McGinnis)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra (4th Ed., Lial, Hornsby & McGinnis)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra : Graphs & Models (3rd Ed.,
Bittinger, Ellenbogen & Johnson)
Algebra for College Students (4th Ed., Mark Dugopolski)
Algebra for College Students (5th Ed., Mark Dugopolski)
Algebra For College Students (6th Ed., Robert F Blitzer)
Algebra for College Students (3rd Ed., Allen R. Angel)
Algebra for College Students (6th Ed., Lial, Hornsby & McGinnis)
Statistics, Data Analysis, and Decision Modeling (3rd Ed., James
Statistics, Data Analysis, and Decision Modeling (4th Ed., James
College Geometry : A Discovery Approach (2nd Ed., David Kay)
College Geometry : Using The Geometer's Sketchpad - Preliminary
Edition (Barbara Reynolds & William Fenton)
College Geometry : A Problem Solving Approach with Applications (2nd
Ed., Musser, Trimpe & Maurer)
A Survey of Mathematics with Applications (8th Ed., Angel, Abbott &
A Survey of Mathematics with Applications: Expanded Edition (8th Ed.,
Angel, Abbott & Runde)
Mathematical Ideas (11th Ed., Miller, Heeren & Hornsby)
Mathematical Ideas: Expanded Edition (11th Ed., Miller, Heeren &
Mathematical Thinking : Problem-Solving and Proofs (2nd Ed., John P.
D'Angelo & Douglas B. West)
Thinking Mathematically (4th Ed., Robert F. Blitzer)
Introduction to Mathematical Thinking: Algebra and Number Systems
(Will J. Gilbert & Scott A. Vanstone)
Mathematical Reasoning : Writing and Proof (1st Ed., Ted A. Sundstrom)
Mathematical Reasoning : Writing and Proof (2nd Ed., Ted A. Sundstrom)
Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers (4th Ed., Calvin T.
Long & Duane W. DeTemple)
Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers (5th Ed., Long,
DeTemple & Millman)
Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers (4th Ed., O'Daffer,
Charles, Cooney, Dossey & Schielack)
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers (2nd Ed., Sybilla Beckmann)
Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications (7th Ed., Lial,
Greenwell & Ritchey)
Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications (8th Ed., Lial,
Greenwell & Ritchey)
Additional Calculus Topics (11th Ed., Barnett, Ziegler & Byleen)
College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences & Social
Sciences (11th Ed., Barnett, Ziegler & Byleen)
Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics and the
Life and Social Sciences (12th Ed., Haeussler, Paul & Wood)
Finite Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social
Sciences (11th Ed., Barnett, Ziegler, Byleen)
Finite Mathematics (9th Ed., Lial, Greenwell & Ritchey)
Calculus and Its Applications (9th Ed., Bittinger & Ellenbogen)
Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences & Social Sciences
(11th Ed., Barnett, Ziegler & Byleen)
Calculus with Applications (9th Ed., Lial, Greenwell & Ritchey)
Calculus with Applications : Brief Version (9th Ed., Lial, Greenwell &
Concepts of Calculus with Applications (Martha Goshaw)
University Calculus : Elements with Early Transcendentals (Hass, Weir
& Thomas, Jr.)
Thomas' Calculus, Early Transcendentals: Media Upgrade (11th Ed.,
Thomas Jr., Weir, Hass & Giordano)
Thomas' Calculus: Media Upgrade (11th Ed., Thomas Jr., Weir, Hass &
University Calculus : Alternate Edition (Hass, Weir & Thomas, Jr.)
Differential Equations Computing and Modeling (4th Ed., Edwards &
Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems : Computing and
Modeling (4th Ed., Edwards & Penney)
Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems (6th
Ed., Edwards & Penney)
Elementary Differential Equations (6th Ed., Edwards & Penney)
Fundamentals of Differential Equations (7th Ed., Nagle, Saff & Snider)
Fundamentals of Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems
(5th Ed., Nagle, Saff & Snider)
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (3rd Ed., Goode & Annin)
Discrete Mathematical Structures (6th Ed., Kolman, Busby & Ross)
College Algebra Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (5th Ed., Sullivan &
Sullivan III)
College Algebra (10th Ed., Lial, Hornsby & Schneider)
College Algebra : Graphs and Models (4th Ed., Bittinger, Beecher,
Ellenbogen & Penna)
College Algebra Essentials (8th Ed., Michael Sullivan)
College Algebra (3rd Ed., Judith A. Beecher, Judith A. Penna & Marvin
L. Bittinger)
College Algebra (8th Ed., Michael Sullivan)
Algebra and Trigonometry for College Readiness (Margaret L. Lial &
John Hornsby)
Algebra and Trigonometry Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (5th Ed.,
Sullivan & Sullivan III)
Algebra and Trigonometry : Graphs & Models (4th Ed., Bittinger,
Beecher, Ellenbogen & Penna)
Trigonometry : A Unit Circle Approach (8th Ed., Michael Sullivan)
Precalculus (3rd Ed., Lial, Hornsby & Schneider)
Precalculus (4th Ed., Lial, Hornsby & Schneider)
Precalculus : Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (5th Ed., Sullivan &
Sullivan III)
Precalculus : Functions and Graphs (3rd Ed. Mark Dugopolski)
Precalculus : Graphs & Models and Graphing (4th Ed., Bittinger,
Beecher, Ellenbogen & Penna)
Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics (5th ed., Ralph P. Grimaldi)
Discrete Mathematics (Sherwood Washburn, Thomas Marlowe & Charles T.
Discrete Mathematics (5th ed., John Dossey, Albert Otto, Lawrence
Spence & Charles Vanden Eynden)
Mathematics for New Technologies (Don Hutchison & Mark Yannotta)
Fundamental Finite Element Analysis and Applications: with Mathematica
and Matlab Computations (Asghar Bhatti)
Advanced Topics in Finite Element Analysis of Structures: With
Mathematica and MATLAB Computations (Asghar Bhatti)
The Finite Element Method in Engineering (4th Ed., by Rao)
An Introduction to the Finite Element Method (3rd Ed., J. N. Reddy)
Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis (1st Ed., David V. Hutton)
Simulation Modeling and Analysis (3rd Ed., Averill Law & David Kelton)
Simulation Modeling and Analysis (4th Ed., Averill Law)
The Finite Element Method : Its Basis and Fundamentals (6th Ed.,
Zienkiewicz, R. L. Taylor & J.Z. Zhu)
Algebra : Form and Function (William McCallum, Eric Connally & Deborah
Algebra : Form and Function, Preliminary Edition (William McCallum,
Eric Connally & Deborah Hughes-Hallett)
Applied Calculus (2nd Ed., Deborah Hughes-Hallett, et al.)
Applied Calculus (3rd Ed., Deborah Hughes-Hallett, et al.)
Applied Calculus (4th Ed., Deborah Hughes-Hallett, et al.)
Calculus : Multivariable (3rd Ed., William G. McCallum, Deborah Hughes-
Hallett, et al.)
Calculus : Multivariable (4th Ed., William G. McCallum, Deborah Hughes-
Hallett, et al.)
Calculus : Multivariable (5th Ed., William G. McCallum, Deborah Hughes-
Hallett, et al.)
Calculus : Single Variable (3rd Ed., Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Andrew M.
Gleason, et al.)
Calculus : Single Variable (4th Ed., Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Andrew M.
Gleason, et al.)
Calculus : Single Variable (5th Ed., Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Andrew M.
Gleason, et al.)
Calculus : Single and Multivariable (3rd Ed., Deborah Hughes-Hallett,
Andrew M. Gleason, et al.)
Calculus : Single and Multivariable (4th Ed., Deborah Hughes-Hallett,
Andrew M. Gleason, et al.)
Calculus : Single and Multivariable (5th Ed., Deborah Hughes-Hallett)
Functions Modeling Change : A Preparation for Calculus - Texas Edition
(2nd Ed., Eric Connally, Deborah Hughes-Hallett & Andrew M. Gleason)
Functions Modeling Change : A Preparation for Calculus (2nd Ed., Eric
Connally, Deborah Hughes-Hallett, et al.)
Functions Modeling Change : A Preparation for Calculus (3rd Ed., Eric
Differential Equations (A. King, J. Billingham, S. Otto)
Regression Methods in Biostatistics : Linear, Logistic, Survival, and
Repeated Measures Models (Eric Vittinghoff, David Glidden, Stephen
Shiboski, Charles McCulloch)
A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics : Understanding
Why and How (F.M. Dekking, C. Kraaikamp, H.P. Lopuhaä, L.E. Meester)
Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Repeated Measurements (Charles
S. Davis)
Bayesian Core : A Practical Approach to Computational Bayesian
Statistics (Jean-Michel Marin, Christian Robert)
The Bayesian Choice : From Decision-Theoretic Foundations to
Computational Implementation (2nd Ed., Christian Robert)
Essentials of Stochastic Processes (Rick Durrett)
Methods of Multivariate Statistics (Muni Srivastava)
Regression Analysis : Theory, Methods, and Applications (Ashish Sen &
Muni Srivastava)
Applied Probability and Statistics (Mario Lefebvre)
Basic Probability Theory with Applications (Mario Lefebvre)
Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds (2nd Ed., John Ratcliffe)
Fourier and Laplace Transforms (R. J. Beerends , H. G. ter Morsche)
Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems (James C. Robinson)
Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering, (3rd Ed., Riley,
Hobson & Bence)
Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB (Jaan Kiusalaas)
Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python (Jaan Kiusalaas)
An Introduction to Numerical Analysis (Endre Suli and David Mayers)
Fundamentals of Engineering Numerical Analysis (Parviz Moin)
Statistical Design (George Casella)
Statistical Inference (2nd Ed., George Casella, Roger L. Berger)
Monte Carlo Statistical Methods (2nd Ed., Christian P. Robert, George
Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R (Christian Robert & George
Introduction to Mathematical Structures and Proofs (Larry J. Gerstein)
Analyzing Categorical Data (Jeffrey S. Simonoff)
Fundamentals of Complex Analysis with Applications to Engineering,
Science, and Mathematics (3rd Ed., E. Saff & Arthur Snider)
Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists (8th Ed., Walpole,
Myers, Ye)
Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (5th Ed., Mendenhall &
A Second Course in Statistics : Regression Analysis (6th Ed.,
Mendenhall & Sincich)
Miller & Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers (7th Ed.,
Johnson, Miller, Freund)
Miller & Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers (8th Ed.,
Johnson, Miller, Freund)
Numerical Methods Using Matlab (4th Ed., Mathews & Fink)
Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB (2nd Ed., Laurene v. Fausett)
Applied Numerical Analysis (7th Ed., Curtis F. Gerald, Patrick O.
Friendly Introduction to Numerical Analysis (Bradie)
Elementary Linear Algebra (2nd Ed., Spence, Insel & Friedberg)
Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications (9th Ed., Kolman & Hill)
Introductory Linear Algebra : An Applied First Course (8th Ed., Kolman
& Hill)
Linear Algebra with Applications (6th Ed., S. Leon)
Linear Algebra with Applications (7th Ed., S. Leon)
Linear Algebra for Engineers and Scientists Using Matlab (Hardy)
Linear Algebra with Applications (3rd Ed., Bretscher)
Linear Algebra with Applications (4th Ed., Bretscher)
Modern Matrix Algebra (Hill & Kolman)
Matrix Methods : Applied Linear Algebra (3rd Ed., Richard Bronson &
Gabriel B. Costa)
A Transition to Abstract Mathematics : Learning Mathematical Thinking
and Writing (2nd Ed., Randall Maddox)
Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems with
Fourier Series (2nd ed., Asmar)
Applied Partial Differential Equations (4th Ed., Haberman)
Technical Calculus (5th Ed., Dale Ewen, Joan S. Gary & James E.
Technical Mathematics (2th Ed., Dale Ewen, Joan S. Gary & James E.
Technical Mathematics with Calculus (2th Ed., Dale Ewen, Joan S. Gary
& James E. Trefzger)
Introductory Mathematics (4th Ed., Cook)
Mathematics for the Technical Trades (Cook)
College Mathematics (7th Ed., Cleaves & Hobbs)
Fundamentals of Statistics (2nd Ed., Michael III Sullivan)
Fundamentals of Statistics (3rd Ed., Michael III Sullivan)
Statistics : Informed Decisions Using Data (2nd Ed., Michael III
Modern Elementary Statistics (12th Ed., John E. Freund, Benjamin M.
Statistics : The Art and Science of Learning From Data (Agresti &
Statistics : The Art and Science of Learning From Data (2nd Ed.,
Agresti & Franklin)
Elementary Statistics : Picturing the World (3rd Ed., Larson & Farber)
Elementary Statistics : Picturing the World (4th Ed., Larson & Farber)
A First Course in Statistics (9th Ed., McClave & Sincich)
A First Course in Statistics (10th Ed., McClave & Sincich)
Statistics (10th Ed., McClave & Terry Sincich)
Statistics (11th Ed., McClave & Terry Sincich & William Mendenhall)
Interactive Statistics (3rd Ed., Martha Aliaga & Brenda Gunderson)
Statistics for the Life Sciences (3rd Ed., Samuels & Witmer)
Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language (5th Ed., Cody &
Biostatistics for the Health Sciences (R. Clifford Blair & Richard
Biostatistics : How It Works (Steve Selvin)
Business Statistics : First Course (4th Ed., Levine, Krehbiel &
Business Statistics : First Course (5th Ed., Levine, Krehbiel &
Course in Business Statistics (4th Ed., Groebner, Shannon, Fry &
Business Statistics : A Decision Making Approach (6th Ed., Groebner,
Shannon, Fry & Smith)
Business Statistics : A Decision-Making Approach (7th Ed., Groebner,
Shannon, Fry & Smith)
Business Statistics : A Decision-Making Approach (8th Ed., Groebner,
Shannon, Fry & Smith)
Statistics for Business & Economics (10th Ed., McClave, Benson &
Statistics for Managers Using Excel (5th Ed., Levine)
Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel (4th Ed., Levine,
Stephan, Krehbiel & Berenson)
Statistics for Business and Economics (5th Ed., Newbold, Carlson &
Statistics for Business and Economics (6th Ed., Newbold, Carlson &
Statistics for Business and Economics (7th Ed., Newbold, Carlson &
Basic Business Statistics : Concepts and Applications (10th Ed.,
Berenson, Krehbiel & Levine)
Basic Business Statistics (11th Ed., Berenson, Levine & Krehbiel)
John E. Freund's Mathematical Statistics with Applications (7th Ed.,
Probability and Statistical Inference (7th Ed., Hogg & Tanis)
Probability and Statistical Inference (8th Ed., Hogg & Tanis)
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (6th Ed., Hogg, Craig &
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications (4th Ed.,
Larsen & Marx)
A Brief Course in Mathematical Statistics (Hogg & Tanis)
Fundamentals of Probability, with Stochastic Processes (3rd Ed., Saeed
A First Course in Probability (7th Ed., Sheldon Ross)
A First Course in Probability (8th Ed., Sheldon Ross)
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (6th Ed., Johnson & Wichern)
Multivariate Data Analysis (6th Ed., Hair, Black, Babin, Anderson &
Multivariate Data Analysis (7th Ed., Hair, Black, Babin, Anderson)
Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists (3rd Ed., Brian Hahn &
Dan Valentine)
Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists (4th Ed., Brian Hahn &
Dan Valentine)
Introduction to Applied Statistical Signal Analysis : Guide to
Biomedical and Electrical Engineering Applications (3rd Ed. Richard
Construction Mathematics (Surinder Virdi & Roy Baker)
Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering (Stanley Dunn, Alkis
Constantinides & Prabhas Moghe)
Probability and Statistics with Integrated Software Routines (Ronald
Finite Element Analysis with Error Estimators : An Introduction to the
FEM and Adaptive Error Analysis for Engineering Students (J. Akin)
Basic Engineering Mathematics (4th Ed., John Bird)
Engineering Mathematics (4th Ed., John Bird)
Engineering Mathematics (5th Ed., John Bird)
Higher Engineering Mathematics (5th Ed., John Bird)
Construction Mathematics (Virdi & Baker)
Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing (Mary
Probability and Random Processes : With Applications to Signal
Processing and Communications (Miller & Childers)
Introductory Statistics for Engineering Experimentation (Peter Nelson,
Karen Copeland & Marie Coffin)
Understanding Engineering Mathematics (Bill Cox)
Statistics And Probability For Engineering Applications With Microsoft
Excel (Decoursey)
Business Math Using Calculators : With 10-Key Computer Assisted
Instruction (Burton)
Mathematics for Economics and Business (5th Ed., Ian Jacques)
Business Math, Brief (7th Ed., Cleaves & Hobbs)
Math for Merchandising: A Step-by-Step Approach (3rd Ed., Moore)
Mathematics for Business (7th Ed., Salzman , Miller & Clendenen)
Mathematics for Business (8th Ed., Salzman , Miller & Clendenen)
Basic College Mathematics with Early Integers (K. Elayn Martin-Gay)
Developmental Mathematics (K. Elayn Martin-Gay)
An Introduction to Analysis (3rd Ed., William Wade)
An Introduction to Analysis (4th Ed., William Wade)
A Friendly Introduction to Analysis (2nd Ed., Witold A.J. Kosmala)
Advanced Calculus (Gerald Folland)
Analysis : With an Introduction to Proof (4th Ed., Steven R. Lay)
Essentials of Basic College Mathematics (John Jr Tobey, Jr., Jeffrey
Basic College Mathematics (5th Ed., John Tobey & Jeffrey Slater)
Prealgebra (3rd Ed., Jamie Blair, John Tobey & Jeffrey Slater)
Elementary Algebra Early Graphing for College Students (3rd Ed., Allen
Elementary Algebra (Michael Sullivan III, Katherine R. Struve & Janet
Elementary Algebra for College Students (7th Ed., Allen R. Angel)
Experiencing Introductory and Intermediate Algebra Through Functions
and Graphs (3rd Ed., JoAnne Thomasson & Robert Pesut)
Introductory Algebra (3rd Ed., K. Elayn Martin-Gay)
Beginning Algebra (6th Ed., John Jr Tobey & Jeffrey Slater)
Beginning Algebra : Early Graphing (Jamie Blair, John Tobey & Jeffrey
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra (2nd Ed., Jamie Blair, John Tobey &
Jeffrey Slater)
Introductory Algebra (4th Ed., Robert Blitzer)
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra (2nd Ed., Robert Blitzer)
Intermediate Algebra for College Students (7th Ed., Allen Angel)
Intermediate Algebra (Michael Sullivan III & Katherine Struve)
Intermediate Algebra (3rd Ed., K. Elayn Martin-Gay)
Essentials of Intermediate Algebra for College Students (Robert
Intermediate Algebra (4th Ed., Robert Blitzer)
Intermediate Algebra for College Students (5th Ed., Robert Blitzer)
Algebra A Combined Approach (3rd Ed., K. Elayn Martin-Gay)
Elementary & Intermediate Algebra (Michael Sullivan III, Katherine R.
Struve & Janet Mazzarella)
Essentials of Introductory and Intermediate Algebra for College
Students (Robert F. Blitzer)
Algebra for College Students (3rd Ed., Allen R. Angel)
Algebra for College Students (5th Ed., Robert F Blitzer)
College Algebra (8th Ed., Michael Sullivan)
College Algebra Essentials (8th Ed., Michael Sullivan)
College Algebra (4th Ed., Robert Blitzer)
College Algebra Essentials (2nd Ed., Robert F. Blitzer)
College Algebra : An Early Functions Approach (Robert F. Blitzer)
College Algebra : Concepts Through Functions (1st Ed., Michael
Sullivan III & Michael Sullivan)
College Algebra : Concepts Through Functions (2nd Ed., Michael
Sullivan III & Michael Sullivan)
College Algebra Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (4th Ed., Michael
Sullivan III & Michael Sullivan)
Essentials of College Algebra : Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (4th
Ed., Michael Sullivan III & Michael Sullivan)
Algebra and Trigonometry (8th Ed., Michael Sullivan)
Algebra and Trigonometry (3rd Ed., Robert F. Blitzer)
Algebra and Trigonometry: An Early Functions Approach (Robert
Algebra & Trigonometry (7th Ed., Michael Sullivan)
Algebra and Trigonometry Enhanced With Graphing Utilities (4th Ed.,
Michael Sullivan III & Michael Sullivan)
Trigonometry (7th Ed., Michael Sullivan)
Trigonometry (8th Ed., Michael Sullivan)
Trigonometry Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (4th Ed., Michael
Sullivan III & Michael Sullivan)
Precalculus (8th Ed., Michael Sullivan)
Precalculus (3rd Ed., Robert Blitzer)
Precalculus (4th Ed., Robert Blitzer)
Precalculus (1st Ed., J. S. Ratti & Marcus S. McWaters)
Precalculus : A Right Triangle Approach (2nd Ed., J. S. Ratti & Marcus
S. McWaters)
Precalculus Essentials (2nd Ed., Robert Blitzer)
Precalculus Essentials (3rd Ed., Robert Blitzer)
Precalculus : Concepts Through Functions, A Unit Circle Approach to
Trigonometry (1st Ed., Michael Sullivan III & Michael Sullivan)
Precalculus : Concepts Through Functions, A Unit Circle Approach to
Trigonometry (2nd Ed., Michael Sullivan III & Michael Sullivan)
Precalculus : Concepts Through Functions, A Right Triangle Approach to
Trigonometry (1st Ed., Michael Sullivan III & Michael Sullivan)
Precalculus : Concepts Through Functions, A Right Triangle Approach to
Trigonometry (2nd Ed., Michael Sullivan III & Michael Sullivan)
Precalculus Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (4th Ed., Michael
Sullivan III & Michael Sullivan)
Precalculus Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (5th Ed., Michael
Sullivan III & Michael Sullivan)
Precalculus Essentials : Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (4th Ed.,
Michael Sullivan III & Michael Sullivan)
Excursions in Modern Mathematics (5th Ed., Peter Tannenbaum)
Excursions In Modern Mathematics with Mini-Excursions (6th Ed., Peter
Quantitive Reasoning & the Environment (Greg Langkamp & Joseph Hull)
Fundamentals of Mathematics (10th Ed., William M Setek & Michael A
Learning Math in Elementary and Middle School & IMAP Package (4th Ed.,
Cathcart, Pothier, Vance & Bezuk)
Understanding the Math You Teach: Content and Methods for
Prekindergarten Through Grade 4 (Anita C. Burris)
Algebra Connections (Ira J. Papick & UMO University of Missouri)
Calculus Connections (Asma Harcharras, Dorina Mitrea)
Data Analysis and Probability Connections: Mathematics for Middle
School Teachers (Debra A. Perkowski & Michael Perkowski)
Geometry Connections (John K. Beem)
Elementary Math Modeling Updated (2nd Ed., Mary Ellen Davis & C. Henry
Additional Calculus Topics (11th Ed., Raymond Barnett, Michael Ziegler
& Karl Byleen)
Finite Math and Its Application (9th Ed., Larry J Goldstein, David I
Schneider & Martha J. Siegel)
Finite Mathematics and Its Application (10th Ed., Larry J Goldstein,
David I Schneider & Martha J. Siegel)
Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics and the
Life and social Sciences (11th Ed., Haeussler, Paul & R.J. Wood)
Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics and the
Life and Social Sciences (12th Ed., Haeussler, Paul & R.J. Wood)
Additional Calculus Topics (9th Ed., Raymond Barnett, Michael Ziegler
& Karl Byleen)
College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social
Sciences (10th Ed., Raymond Barnett, Michael Ziegler & Karl Byleen)
Brief Calculus and Its Applications (11th Ed., Larry Goldstein, David
Schneider, David Lay & Nakhle Asmar)
Brief Calculus and Its Applications (12th Ed., Larry Goldstein, David
Schneider, David Lay & Nakhle Asmar)
Calculus and its Applications (10th Ed., Larry Goldstein, David
Schneider, David Lay)
Calculus and its Applications (11th Ed., Larry Goldstein, David
Schneider, David Lay & Nakhle Asmar)
Calculus and its Applications (12th Ed., Larry Goldstein, David
Schneider, David Lay & Nakhle Asmar)
Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences
(10th Ed., Raymond Barnett, Michael Ziegler & Karl Byleen)
Calculus, Early Transcendentals (6th Ed., C. Henry Edwards & David
Calculus, Early Transcendentals (7th Ed., C. Henry Edwards & David
Calculus (9th Ed., Dale Varberg, Edwin Purcell & Steve Rigdon)
Calculus Early Transcendentals (Dale Varberg, Edwin Purcell & Steve
Calculus (3rd Ed., Monty Strauss, Gerald Bradley & Karl Smith)
Calculus (6th Ed., Henry Edwards & David E. Penney)
Single Variable Calculus (3rd Ed., Monty Strauss, Gerald Bradley &
Karl Smith)
Vector Calculus (3rd Ed., Susan Colley)
Applied Linear Algebra (Peter Olver & Cheri Shakiban)
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (2nd Ed., Jerry Farlow,
James E. Hall, Jean Marie McDill & Beverly West)
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (2nd Ed., C. Henry Edwards &
David Penney)
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (3rd Ed., C. Henry Edwards &
David Penney)
Differential Equations (2nd Ed., John Polking, Al Boggess & David
Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems (2nd ed., John
Polking, Al Boggess & David Arnold)
Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory (3rd Ed., Edgar Goodaire &
Michael Parmenter)
Essential Discrete Mathematics (Todd Feil & Joan Krone)
Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences (4th Ed., Agresti &
A Brief Course in Mathematical Statistics (Tanis & Hogg)
Business Mathematics, 10th Ed. (Miller, Salzman & Clendenen)
Elementary Statistics (6th Ed., Weiss)
Elementary Statistics (7th Ed., Weiss)
Elementary Statistics Using the Graphing Calculator: For the TI-83/84
Plus (Mario Triola)
Elementary Statistics Using the TI-83/84 Plus Calculator (2nd Ed.,
Mario Triola)
Elementary Statistics Using the TI-83/84 Plus Calculator (3rd Ed.,
Mario Triola)
Elementary Statistics Update (9th Ed., Mario Triola)
Elementary Statistics (10th Ed., Mario Triola)
Elementary Statistics (11th Ed., Mario Triola)
Essentials of Statistics (2nd Ed., Mario Triola)
Essentials of Statistics (3rd Ed., Mario Triola)
Essentials of Statistics (4th Ed., Mario Triola)
Introductory Statistics (7th Ed., Neil Weiss)
Introductory Statistics (8th Ed., Neil Weiss)
Intro Stats (2nd Ed., De Veaux, Velleman & Bock)
Intro Stats (3rd Ed., De Veaux, Velleman & Bock)
Stats: Data and Models, (De Veaux, Velleman & Bock)
Stats: Data and Models, (2nd Ed., De Veaux, Velleman & Bock)
Elementary Statistics Using Excel (2nd Ed., Mario Triola)
Elementary Statistics Using Excel (3rd Ed., Mario Triola)
Elementary Statistics Using Excel (4th Ed., Mario Triola)
Stats : Modeling the World (2nd Ed., Bock, Velleman & De Veaux)
Stats : Modeling the World (3rd Ed., Bock, Velleman & De Veaux)
Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life (2nd Ed., Bennett, Briggs &
Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life (3rd Ed., Bennett, Briggs &
Business Statistics (Triola & Franklin)
Business Statistics (Sharpe, De Veaux & Velleman)
Business Statistics : A First Course (Sharpe, De Veaux & Velleman)
Biostatistics for the Biological and Health Sciences with Statdisk
(Marc Triola & Mario Triola)
Biostatistics : A Guide to Design, Analysis and Discovery (2nd Ed.,
Ronald Forthofer, Eun Lee, Mike Hernandez)
A Course in Probability (Neil A. Weiss)
Probability and Statistics (3rd Ed., DeGroot & Schervish)
Statistics for Science and Engineering (John Kinney)
Mathematical Proofs : A Transition to Advanced Mathematics (1st Ed.,
Chartrand, Polimeni & Zhang)
Mathematical Proofs : A Transition to Advanced Mathematics (2nd Ed.,
Chartrand, Polimeni & Zhang)
Elementary Number Theory (5th Ed., Kenneth H. Rosen)
History of Mathematics : Brief Version (Victor J. Katz)
Geometry : An Investigative Approach (2nd Ed., Phares G. O'Daffer &
Stanley Clemens)
A First Course in Abstract Algebra (7th Ed., John Fraleigh)
Complex Variables with Applications (3rd Ed., David Wunsch)
Numerical Analysis with CD-ROM (Timothy Sauer)
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation (Jeffery Leader)
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (Gary Peterson & James
Elementary Differential Equations (2nd Ed., Werner Kohler & Lee
Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems (2nd
Ed., Werner Kohler & Lee Johnson)
Fundamentals of Differential Equations (6th Ed., Kent B. Nagle, Late,
Edward B. Saff & Arthur David Snider)
Fundamentals of Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems
(4th Ed., Kent B. Nagle, Late, Edward B. Saff & Arthur David Snider)
Linear Algebra and Its Applications with CD-ROM, Update (3rd Ed.,
David C. Lay)
Introduction to Linear Algebra (5th ed., Lee W. Johnson, R. Dean Riess
& Jimmy T. Arnold)
Calculus for the Life Sciences (Marvin L. Bittinger, Neal Brand & John
Calculus with Applications for the Life Sciences (Raymond N.
Greenwell, Nathan P. Ritchey & Margaret L. Lial)
Calculus : An Integrated Approach to Functions and Their Rates of
Change, Preliminary Edition (Robin J. Gottlieb)
Calculus (9th Ed., George B. Thomas, Jr. & Ross L. Finney)
Thomas' Calculus, Alternate Edition (9th Ed., George B. Thomas, Jr. &
Ross L. Finney)
Calculus : A Complete Course (2nd Ed., Ross L. Finney, Franklin D.
Demana, Bert K. Waits & Daniel Kennedy)
Calculus (Elgin H. Johnston & Jerry Mathews)
Thomas' Calculus, Updated (10th Ed., George B. Thomas, Jr., Ross L.
Finney, Maurice D. Weir & Frank R. Giordano)
Thomas' Calculus (11th Ed., George B. Thomas, Jr., Maurice D. Weir,
Joel D. Hass & Frank R. Giordano)
Thomas' Calculus Early Transcendentals (11th Ed., George B. Thomas,
Jr., Maurice D. Weir, Joel D. Hass & Frank R. Giordano)
University Calculus (Joel D. Hass, Maurice D. Weir & George B. Thomas,
University Calculus : Alternate Edition (Joel D. Hass, Maurice D. Weir
& George B. Thomas, Jr.)
Thomas' Calculus, Media Upgrade (11th Ed., George B. Thomas, Jr.,
Maurice D. Weir & Frank R. Giordano)
Thomas' Calculus, Early Transcendentals, Media Upgrade (11th Ed.,
George B. Thomas, Jr., Maurice D. Weir, Joel D. Hass & Frank R.
Calculus with Applications (8th Ed., Margaret L. Lial, Raymond N.
Greenwell & Nathan P. Ritchey)
Calculus with Applications, Brief Version (8th Ed., Margaret L. Lial,
Raymond N. Greenwell & Nathan P. Ritchey)
Finite Mathematics with Applications (9th Ed., Margaret L. Lial,
Thomas W. Hungerford & John Holcomb)
Finite Mathematics with Applications (10th Ed., Margaret L. Lial,
Thomas W. Hungerford & John Holcomb)
Finite Mathematics (8th Ed., Margaret L. Lial, Raymond N. Greenwell &
Nathan P. Ritchey)
Mathematics with Applications (9th Ed., Margaret L. Lial, Thomas W.
Hungerford & John Holcomb)
Mathematics with Applications (10th Ed., Margaret L. Lial, Thomas W.
Hungerford & John Holcomb)
Mathematical Ideas (10th Ed., Miller, Heeren & Hornsby)
Mathematical Ideas (11th Ed., Miller, Heeren & Hornsby)
Mathematical Ideas Expanded Edition (10th Ed., Miller, Heeren &
Mathematical Ideas Expanded Edition (11th Ed., Miller, Heeren &
Using and Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach
(3rd Ed., Bennett & Briggs)
Using and Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach
(4th Ed., Bennett & Briggs)
A Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics (9th Ed., Billstein,
Libeskind & Lott)
A Survey of Mathematics with Applications (7th Ed., Angel, Abbott &
A Survey of Mathematics with Applications: Expanded Edition (7th Ed.,
Angel, Abbott & Runde)
Mathematics All Around (3rd Ed., Tom Pirnot)
Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers (3rd Ed., Phares O'Daffer,
Randall Charles, Thomas Cooney, John Dossey & Jane Schielack)
Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers (4th Ed., Phares O'Daffer,
Randall Charles, Thomas Cooney, John Dossey & Jane Schielack)
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers with Activities (Sybilla
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers plus Activities Manual (2nd Ed.,
Sybilla Beckmann)
A Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics for Elementary School
Teachers (8th Ed., Billstein, Libeskind & Lott)
A Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics for Elementary School
Teachers (9th Ed., Billstein, Libeskind & Lott)
A Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics for Elementary School
Teachers (10th Ed., Billstein, Libeskind & Lott)
Essentials of Using and Understanding Mathematics : A Quantitative
Reasoning Approach (Jeffrey Bennett & William Briggs)
Technical Calculus with Analytic Geometry (4th Ed., Allyn Washington)
Basic Technical Mathematics (8th Ed., Allyn Washington)
Basic Technical Mathematics (9th Ed., Allyn Washington)
Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus (8th Ed., Allyn Washington)
Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus (9th Ed., Allyn Washington)
Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus Metric Version (8th Ed.,
Allyn Washington)
Introduction to Technical Mathematics (5th Ed., Washington, Triola &
A Graphical Approach to Precalculus (4th Ed., Hornsby, Lial &
A Graphical Approach to Precalculus with Limits (3rd Ed., Hornsby,
Lial & Rockswold)
A Graphical Approach to Precalculus with Limits : A Unit Circle
Approach (4th Ed., Hornsby, Lial & Rockswold)
A Graphical Approach to Precalculus with Limits : A Unit Circle
Approach (5th Ed., Hornsby, Lial & Rockswold)
Precalculus : Functions and Graphs (5th Ed., Demana, Waits, Foley &
Precalculus : Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic (7th Ed., Demana, Waits,
Foley & Kennedy)
Precalculus : Graphs and Models Graphing Calculator Manual Package
(3rd Ed., Bittinger, Beecher, Ellenbogen & Penna)
Precalculus : Graphs and Models Graphing Calculator Manual Package
(4th Ed., Bittinger, Beecher, Ellenbogen & Penna)
Functioning in the Real World : A Precalculus Experience (2nd Ed.,
Gordon, F. Gordon, Tucker & Siegel)
Precalculus with Modeling and Visualization (3rd Ed., Gary K.
Precalculus with Modeling and Visualization (4th Ed., Gary K.
Precalculus (2nd Ed., Beecher, Penna & Bittinger)
Precalculus (3rd Ed., Beecher, Penna & Bittinger)
Precalculus (3rd Ed., Mark Dugopolski)
Precalculus (4th Ed., Mark Dugopolski)
Precalculus : Functions and Graphs (2nd Ed., Mark Dugopolski)
Precalculus : Functions and Graphs (3rd Ed., Mark Dugopolski)
Fundamentals of Precalculus (Mark Dugopolski)
Trigonometry (1st Ed., Mark Dugopolski)
Trigonometry (2nd Ed., Mark Dugopolski)
Trigonometry (3rd Ed., Mark Dugopolski)
Trigonometry (8th Ed., Lial, Hornsby & Schneider)
Trigonometry (9th Ed., Lial, Hornsby & Schneider)
Trigonometry : A Circular Function Approach (Marie Aratari)
A Graphical Approach to Algebra and Trigonometry (4th Ed., Hornsby,
Lial & Rockswold)
A Graphical Approach to Algebra and Trigonometry (5th Ed., Hornsby,
Lial & Rockswold)
Algebra and Trigonometry : Graphs and Models Graphing Calculator
Manual Package (3rd Ed., Bittinger, Beecher, Ellenbogen & Penna)
Algebra and Trigonometry (2nd Ed., Beecher, Penna & Bittinger)
Algebra and Trigonometry (3rd Ed., Beecher, Penna & Bittinger)
College Algebra and Trigonometry (1st Ed., J. S. Ratti & Marcus S.
College Algebra and Trigonometry (2nd Ed., J. S. Ratti & Marcus S.
College Algebra and Trigonometry (3rd Ed., Mark Dugopolski)
College Algebra and Trigonometry (4th Ed., Mark Dugopolski)
College Algebra and Trigonometry : A Unit Circle Approach (5th Ed.,
Mark Dugopolski)
Algebra and Trigonometry with Modeling and Visualization (3rd Ed.,
Gary Rockswold)
Algebra and Trigonometry with Modeling and Visualization (4th Ed.,
Gary Rockswold)
College Algebra and Trigonometry (3rd Ed., Lial, Hornsby & Schneider)
College Algebra and Trigonometry (4th Ed., Lial, Hornsby & Schneider)
A Graphical Approach to College Algebra (4th Ed., John Hornsby,
Margaret Lial & Gary Rockswold)
A Graphical Approach to College Algebra (5th Ed., John Hornsby,
Margaret Lial & Gary Rockswold)
College Algebra : Graphs and Models Graphing Calculator Manual Package
(3rd Ed., Bittinger, Beecher, Ellenbogen & Penna)
College Algebra (J. S. Ratti & Marcus S. McWaters)
College Algebra with Modeling and Visualization (3rd Ed., Gary
College Algebra with Modeling and Visualization (4th Ed., Gary
Essentials of College Algebra with Modeling and Visualization (3rd
Ed., Gary Rockswold)
Essentials of College Algebra (Lial, Hornsby & Schneider)
Essentials of College Algebra, Alternate Edition (Lial, Hornsby &
Essentials of College Algebra (10th Ed., Lial, Hornsby & Schneider)
College Algebra (3rd Ed., Mark Dugopolski)
College Algebra (4th Ed., Mark Dugopolski)
College Algebra (5th Ed., Mark Dugopolski)
College Algebra in Context with Applications for the Managerial, Life,
and Social Sciences (1st Ed., Ronald Harshbarger & Lisa Yocco)
College Algebra in Context with Applications for the Managerial, Life,
and Social Sciences (2nd Ed., Ronald Harshbarger & Lisa Yocco)
College Algebra (2nd Ed., Judith Beecher, Judith Penna & Marvin
College Algebra (9th Ed., Margaret Lial, John Hornsby & David
Essentials of Geometry for College Students (2nd Ed., Margaret Lial,
Barbara Brown, Arnold Steffenson & L. Murphy Johnson)
Algebra for College Students (5th Ed., Margaret Lial, John Hornsby &
Terry McGinnis)
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra (2nd Ed., Margaret Lial, John
Hornsby & Terry McGinnis)
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra (3rd Ed., Margaret Lial, John
Hornsby & Terry McGinnis)
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra (4th Ed., Margaret Lial, John
Hornsby & Terry McGinnis)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra (3rd Ed., Margaret Lial, John
Hornsby & Terry McGinnis)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra (4th Ed., Margaret Lial, John
Hornsby & Terry McGinnis)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra (1st Ed., Tom Carson, Ellyn
Gillespie & Bill Jordan)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra (2nd Ed., Tom Carson, Ellyn
Gillespie & Bill Jordan)
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra : A Combined Approach (2nd Ed.,
Marvin Bittinger & Judith Beecher)
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra (3rd Ed., Marvin Bittinger &
Judith Beecher)
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra through Applications (2nd Ed.,
Geoffrey Akst & Sadie Bragg)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra (1st Ed., George Woodbury)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra (2nd Ed., George Woodbury)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra (2nd Ed., Mark Dugopolski)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra (3rd Ed., Mark Dugopolski)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra : Concepts and Applications (4th
Ed., Marvin Bittinger, David Ellenbogen & Barbara Johnson)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra with Applications and Visualization
(Gary Rockswold & Terry Krieger)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra : Graphs & Models (2nd Ed., Marvin
Bittinger, David Ellenbogen & Barbara Johnson)
Foundations of Mathematics (Marvin Bittinger & Judith Penna)
Intermediate Algebra (9th Ed., Marvin Bittinger)
Intermediate Algebra (10th Ed., Marvin Bittinger)
Intermediate Algebra : Graphs & Models (2nd Ed., Marvin Bittinger,
David Ellenbogen & Barbara Johnson)
Intermediate Algebra : Graphs & Models (3rd Ed., Marvin Bittinger,
David Ellenbogen & Barbara Johnson)
Intermediate Algebra (8th Ed., Margaret Lial, John Hornsby & Terry
Intermediate Algebra (9th Ed., Margaret Lial, John Hornsby & Terry
Intermediate Algebra with Applications and Visualization (2nd Ed.,
Gary Rockswold & Terry Krieger)
Intermediate Algebra (Tom Carson, Ellyn Gillespie & Bill Jordan)
Intermediate Algebra (2nd Ed., Tom Carson, Ellyn Gillespie & Bill
Intermediate Algebra: Concepts and Applications (7th Ed., Marvin
Bittinger & David Ellenbogen)
Beginning Algebra (10th Ed., Margaret Lial, John Hornsby & Terry
Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra (Marvin Bittinger & David
Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra (2nd Ed., Marvin Bittinger & David
Elementary Algebra (2nd Ed., Tom Carson, Ellyn Gillespie & Bill
Introductory Algebra (9th Ed., Marvin Bittinger)
Introductory Algebra (10th Ed., Marvin Bittinger)
Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra (2nd Ed., Margaret Lial, John
Hornsby, Terry McGinnis & Diana Hestwood)
Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra (3rd Ed., Margaret Lial, Diana
Hestwood, John Hornsby & Terry McGinnis)
Elementary Algebra with Early Systems of Equations (Tom Carson & Ellyn
Elementary Algebra : Concepts and Applications (6th Ed., Marvin
Bittinger & David Ellenbogen)
Elementary Algebra : Concepts and Applications (7th Ed., Marvin
Bittinger & David Ellenbogen)
Introductory Algebra (Richelle Blair)
Introductory Algebra (8th Ed., Margaret Lial, John Hornsby & Terry
Introductory Algebra (9th Ed., Margaret Lial, John Hornsby & Terry
Beginning Algebra with Applications and Visualization (Gary Rockswold
& Terry Krieger)
Integrated Arithmetic and Basic Algebra (3rd Ed., Bill Jordan &
William Palow)
Introductory Algebra through Applications (Geoffrey Akst & Sadie
Prealgebra (3rd Ed., Margaret Lial & Diana Hestwood)
Prealgebra (4th Ed., Margaret Lial & Diana Hestwood)
Prealgebra (4th Ed., Marvin Bittinger & David Ellenbogen)
Prealgebra (5th Ed., Marvin Bittinger, David Ellenbogen & Barbara
Prealgebra (2nd Ed., Tom Carson)
Basic Mathematics (9th Ed., Marvin Bittinger)
Basic Mathematics (10th Ed., Marvin Bittinger)
Basic Mathematics Preliminary Edition (Robert Prior)
Basic Mathematics with Early Integers (Marvin Bittinger & Judith
Basic College Mathematics (7th Ed., Margaret Lial, Stanley Salzman &
Diana Hestwood)
Basic College Mathematics (8th Ed., Margaret Lial, Stanley Salzman &
Diana Hestwood)
Basic Mathematics through Applications (3rd Ed., Geoffrey Akst & Sadie
Fundamental Mathematics through Applications (3rd Ed., Geoffrey Akst &
Sadie Bragg)
Wave Motion (J. Billingham & A. C. King)
Solving ODEs with MATLAB (L. F. Shampine, I. Gladwell & S. Thompson)
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction
(2nd Ed., K. W. Morton & D. F. Mayers)
Measure Theory and Filtering : Introduction and Applications (Lakhdar
Aggoun & Robert J. Elliott)
Mathematical Models in Biology : An Introduction (Elizabeth S. Allman
& John A. Rhodes)
Insurance Risk and Ruin (David C. M. Dickson)
Data Analysis and Graphics Using R : An Example-based Approach (2nd
Ed., John Maindonald & John Braun)
Applied Optimization with MATLAB Programming (1st Ed., P.
Applied Optimization with MATLAB Programming (2nd Ed., P.
Convex Optimization (Stephen Boyd & Lieven Vandenberghe)
Concrete Abstract Algebra : From Numbers to Gröbner Bases (Niels
A Concrete Approach to Abstract Algebra : From the Integers to the
Insolvability of the Quintic (Jeffrey Bergen)
Calculus : Concepts and Methods (Ken Binmore & Joan Davies)
An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations (Yehuda Pinchover &
Jacob Rubinstein)
An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (James C. Robinson)
An Introduction to Mathematical Physiology and Biology (2nd Ed., J.
An Introduction to Financial Option Valuation : Mathematics,
Stochastics and Computation (Desmond Higham)
An Interactive Introduction to Mathematical Analysis (Jonathan Lewin)
An Introduction to Mathematical Finance: Options and Other Topics (1st
Ed., Sheldon M. Ross)

- Physics & Astronomy :

Introduction to Solid State Physics (8th Ed., Charles Kittel)
Quantum Physics (3rd Ed., Stephen Gasiorowicz)
Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor Physics (Elmer Lewis)
Nuclear Energy : An Introduction to the Concepts, Systems, and
Applications of Nuclear Processes (6th Ed., Raymond L. Murray)
Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with Engineering Applications (Stuart
M. Wentworth)
Physics (7th Ed. by Paul E. Tippens)
Physics (6th Ed., Cutnell & Johnson)
Physics (7th Ed., Cutnell & Johnson)
Physics (8th Ed., Cutnell & Johnson)
Essentials of Physics (Cutnell & Johnson)
Understanding Physics (1st Ed., Cummings, Laws, Redish & Cooney)
Introductory Physics : Building Understanding (Jerold Touger)
Physics Matters : An Introduction to Conceptual Physics (James Trefil
& Robert Hazen)
How Things Work : The Physics of Everyday Life (3rd Ed., Louis
An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics (2nd Ed., Bradley W. Carroll &
Dale A. Ostlie)
Foundations of Astrophysics (Barbara Ryden & Bradley Peterson)
Physics (5th Ed., Halliday, Resnick, Krane)
Fundamentals of Physics (6th Ed., David Halliday, Robert Resnick &
Jearl Walker)
Fundamentals of Physics (7th Ed., David Halliday, Robert Resnick &
Jearl Walker)
Fundamentals of Physics (8th Ed., David Halliday, Robert Resnick &
Jearl Walker)
Fundamentals of Physics (9th Ed., David Halliday, Robert Resnick &
Jearl Walker)
The Physics of Everyday Phenomena : A Conceptual Introduction to
Physics (3rd Ed., Thomas Griffith)
The Physics of Everyday Phenomena : A Conceptual Introduction to
Physics (4th Ed., Thomas Griffith)
The Physics of Everyday Phenomena : A Conceptual Introduction to
Physics (5th Ed., Thomas Griffith)
Physics of Everyday Phenomena : A Conceptual Introduction to Physics
(6th Ed., W. Thomas Griffith & Juliet W. Brosing)
Integrated Science (2nd Ed., Tillery et al.)
Integrated Science (3rd Ed., Tillery et al.)
Integrated Science (4th Ed., Tillery et al.)
Physical Science (5th Ed., Tillery)
Physical Science (6th Ed., Tillery)
Physical Science (7th Ed., Tillery)
Physical Science (8th Ed., Tillery)
The Physical Universe (11th Ed., Konrad Krauskopf & Arthur Beiser)
The Physical Universe (12th Ed., Konrad Krauskopf & Arthur Beiser)
Physics of the Life Sciences (Jay Newman)
Physics in Biology and Medicine (3rd Ed., Paul Davidovits)
Optics (1st Ed., Ajoy Ghatak)
Optics (4th Ed., Eugene Hecht)
Nonlinear Optics (3rd Ed., Robert Boyd)
Introduction to Optics (3rd Ed., Frank L Pedrotti, Leno M Pedrotti &
Leno S Pedrotti)
Principles of Physical Optics (Charles Bennett)
Optics : Principles and Applications (Kailash Sharma)
Continuum Electromechanics (James R. Melcher)
Electromagnetic Noise and Quantum Optical Measurements (Hermann A.
Matter and Interactions I : Modern Mechanics (2nd Ed., Ruth W. Chabay
& Bruce A. Sherwood)
Matter and Interactions : Volume 1 : Modern Mechanics (3rd Ed., Ruth
W. Chabay & Bruce A. Sherwood)
Matter and Interactions II : Electric and Magnetic Interactions (2nd
Ed., Ruth W. Chabay & Bruce A. Sherwood)
Matter and Interactions : Volume 2 : Electric and Magnetic
Interactions (3rd Ed., Ruth W. Chabay & Bruce A. Sherwood)
Thermal Stresses (2nd Ed., Noda, Hetnarski & Tanigawa)
Introduction to Statistical Physics (Kerson Huang)
Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics (3rd Ed., D. Jou, J. Casas-
Vazquez & G. Lebon)
An Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (2nd Ed,
Keith Stowe)
Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Thermodynamics (Michel Le
Bellac, Fabrice Mortessagne & G. George Batrouni)
Elements of Statistical Mechanics: With an Introduction to Quantum
Field Theory and Numerical Simulation (Ivo Sachs & Siddhartha Sen)
Quantum Transport (2nd Ed., Supriyo Datta)
Ocean Waves and Oscillating Systems (Johannes Falnes)
Statistical Mechanics (2nd Ed., R.K. Pathria)
Quantum Mechanics (Gennaro Auletta, Mauro Fortunato & Giorgio Parisi)
Applied Quantum Mechanics (1st Ed., A. F. J. Levi)
Applied Quantum Mechanics (2nd Ed., A. F. J. Levi)
Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics (C.L. Tang)
Astronomy : A Physical Perspective (2nd Ed., Marc L. Kutner)
Classical Mechanics (Douglas Gregory)
Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals (2nd Ed., Singh Guru &
Special Relativity : From Einstein to Strings (P.M. Schwarz & J.H.
Gravity : An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity (James
A Short Course in General Relativity (James Foster & J. David
Statistical Thermodynamics (Normand Laurendeau)
Statistical Thermodynamics and Microscale Thermophysics (Van P. Carey)
Thermal Physics (Ralph Baierlein)
Topics in Atomic Physics (Charles E. Burkhardt, Jacob J. Leventhal)
Foundations of Quantum Physics (Charles E. Burkhardt, Jacob J.
Applied Physics (8th Ed., Dale Ewen, Ronald Nelson, Neill Schurter &
Erik Gundersen)
Applied Physics (9th Ed., Dale Ewen, Neill Schurter & Erik Gundersen)
Analytical Mechanics (7th Ed., Grant R. Fowles, George Cassiday)
Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students (1st Ed., Howard Curtis)
Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students (2nd Ed., Howard Curtis)
Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging : Inside Out (Thomas Szabo)
Astronomy : A Beginner's Guide to the Universe (5th Ed., Eric Chaisson
& Steve McMillan)
The Cosmic Perspective (5th Ed., Jeffrey O. Bennett, Megan Donahue,
Nicholas Schneider & Mark Voit)
The Cosmic Perspective Media Update (4th Ed., Jeffrey O. Bennett,
Megan Donahue, Nicholas Schneider & Mark Voit)
The Essential Cosmic Perspective Media Update (4th Ed., Jeffrey O.
Bennett, Megan Donahue, Nicholas Schneider & Mark Voit)
The Essential Cosmic Perspective Media Update (3rd Ed., Jeffrey O.
Bennett, Megan Donahue, Nicholas Schneider & Mark Voit)
The Essential Cosmic Perspective (3rd Ed., Jeffrey O. Bennett, Megan
Donahue, Nicholas Schneider & Mark Voit)
Astronomy Today (5th Ed., Eric Chaisson & Steve McMillan)
Astronomy Today (6th Ed., Eric Chaisson & Steve McMillan)
Conceptual Physical Science (3rd Ed., Paul G. Hewitt, John A. Suchocki
& Leslie Hewitt)
Conceptual Physical Science (4th Ed., Paul G. Hewitt, John A. Suchocki
& Leslie Hewitt)
Conceptual Integrated Science (Paul G. Hewitt, Suzanne Lyons, John A.
Suchocki & Jennifer Yeh)
Physics : Concepts & Connections (4th Ed., Art Hobson)
Conceptual Physics (10th Ed., Paul Hewitt)
Conceptual Physics Fundamentals (Paul G. Hewitt)
College Physics (6th Ed., Jerry Wilson, Anthony Buffa & Bo Lou)
College Physics (7th Ed., Jerry Wilson, Anthony Buffa & Bo Lou)
College Physics (8th Ed., Young & Geller)
Modern Physics (2nd Ed., Randy Harris)
Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers (John Morrison)
Solid State Physics : Essential Concepts (David Snoke)
Physics with Mastering Physics (3rd Ed., James Walker)
Physics with Mastering Physics (4th Ed., James Walker)
Active Learning Guide (Alan Van Heuvelen & Eugenia Etkina)
E&M TIPERs : Electricity & Magnetism Tasks (C. J. Hieggelke, D. P.
Maloney, T. L. O'Kuma & Steve Kanim)
Physics : Principles with Applications (6th Ed., Douglas C. Giancoli)
Physlet® Physics : Interactive Illustrations, Explorations and
Problems for Introductory Physics (Wolfgang Christian & Mario Belloni)
University Physics with Modern Physics with Mastering Physics (11th
Ed., Hugh Young & Roger Freedman)
University Physics with Modern Physics with Mastering Physics (12th
Ed., Hugh Young & Roger Freedman)
Physics for Scientists and Engineers (3rd Ed., Douglas C. Giancoli)
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics (3rd Ed.,
Douglas Giancoli)
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics (4th Ed.,
Douglas Giancoli)
Physlet® Quantum Physics : An Interactive Introduction (Mario Belloni,
Wolfgang Christian & Anne Cox)
Introduction to Electrodynamics (3rd Ed., David J. Griffiths)
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (2nd Ed., David Griffiths)
Quantum Mechanics : An Accessible Introduction (Robert Scherrer)
Modern Quantum Mechanics (J. J. Sakurai)
The Physics of Sound (3rd Ed., Richard Berg & David Stork)
Electromagnetism : Principles and Applications (1st Ed., Paul Lorrain,
Dale R. Corson)
Classical Electromagnetism (Jerrold Franklin)
Classical Electrodynamics (2nd Ed., John David Jackson)
Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials (Mark
Schulz, Ajit Kelkar, Mannur Sundaresan)
Introduction to Color Imaging Science (Hsien-Che Lee)
An Introduction to Astrobiology (Iain Gilmour & Mark Sephton)
An Introduction to Galaxies and Cosmology (Mark HJones & Robert
An Introduction to the Solar System (Neil McBride & Iain Gilmour)
Quantum Physics (Michel Le Bellac)
Laser Fundamentals (2nd Ed., William T. Silfvast)
Laser Electronics (3rd Ed., Joseph T. Verdeyen)
Introductory Quantum Optics (Christopher Gerry & Peter Knight)
Introduction to Plasma Physics: With Space and Laboratory Applications
(D. A. Gurnett & A. Bhattacharjee)
A Short Introduction to Quantum Information and Quantum Computation
(Michel Le Bellac)
A Quantum Approach to Condensed Matter Physics (Philip L. Taylor &
Olle Heinonen)
A First Course in String Theory (Barton Zwiebach)
A First Course in Computational Physics and Object-Oriented
Programming with C++ (David Yevick)
A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics : Groups, Hilbert Space and
Differential Geometry (Peter Szekeres)
Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation Systems: Models and Measurements
(Lester W. Schmerr & Sung-Jin Song)
Explorations : Stars Galaxies and Planets (1st Ed. Updated, Thomas
Explorations : An Introduction to Astronomy (2nd Ed., Thomas Arny)
Explorations : An Introduction to Astronomy (3rd Ed. Updated, Thomas
Explorations : An Introduction to Astronomy (4th Ed. Updated, Thomas
Explorations : An Introduction to Astronomy (5th Ed. Updated, Thomas
Astronomy : Journey to the Cosmic Frontier (3rd Ed., John D. Fix)
Astronomy : Journey to the Cosmic Frontier (4th Ed., John D. Fix)
Astronomy : Journey to the Cosmic Frontier (5th Ed., John D. Fix)
Pathways to Astronomy with Starry Night Pro (Steven Schneider &
Thomas T Arny)
From Molecules to Networks (2nd Ed., John Byrne & James Roberts)
Biotechnology (David Clark & Nanette Pazdernik)
Light and Video Microscopy (Randy Wayne)


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