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Ansible 352 -- November 2016 [long]

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David Langford

Nov 1, 2016, 1:36:30 PM11/1/16


From DAVID LANGFORD, 94 London Road, Reading, Berks, RG1 5AU, UK. Website ISSN 0265-9816 (print); 1740-942X (e). Available for SAE,
jersee-pods or neptune's shawl.

[NET NOTE. See for the nice HTML version.
Mailing list subscribe/unsubscribe information appears below -- please
don't send such requests to my own e-mail address. DRL]

NOVACON 46. I hope to see the usual suspects in Nottingham, where I will
quite frequently be _not in the bar_ but at a dealers'-room table selling
that nice Rob Hansen's _Then_ -- with Rob on hand to sign copies.


HILLARY CLINTON, according to supposedly leaked email, thinks 'Doctor Who
is boring garbage that feels like everyone is in on a joke nobody told her
about.' That could be fatal to her campaign if it weren't a hoax tweet by
comedian Mike Drucker. (, 23 October)

ADRIAN GREENWOOD, UK antiques dealer, was tortured and stabbed to death on
6 April for the sake of his first edition of _The Wind in the Willows_ --
worth Pounds50,000. So the court was told by prosecuting counsel in the
trial of Michael Danaher, who planned this crime months in advance and kept
detailed notes on his laptop. He was found guilty of murder and sentenced
to life imprisonment. (_Guardian_, 4 & 24 October)

STEPHEN KING tweeted, 'My newest horror story: Once upon a time there was a
man named Donald Trump, and he ran for president. Some people wanted him to
win.' (21 October) Not for nothing is the University of Maine creating the
Stephen E. King Chair in Literature in his honour. [AIP] But who would be
so foolhardy as to sit on it?

GEORGE R.R. MARTIN is #4 in the 2016 _Hollywood Reporter_ list of 'most
powerful' authors: 'I seem to recall dimly that I was number seven a few
years ago, so I guess I am getting more powerful by the day. _Soon I will
rule the world_.' (blog, 1 October) [GRRM] Those ranked higher are James
Patterson (3), Stephen King (2) and J.K. Rowling (1); others include Neil
Gaiman (9), Margaret Atwood (16) and Patrick Ness (24).

SUNIL PATEL is no longer published by The Book Smugglers, a decision
announced after 'several women put forward their encounters with a
well-known male SFF author, citing his history of manipulation,
gaslighting, grooming behavior, and objectification of women in the
speculative fiction community. We have read all of the accounts. We are
listening to the stories. We stand with the women who have been the subject
of this author's behavior. / In light of these revelations, we have made
the decision to no longer publish Sunil Patel's work.' (16 October) [F770]
Patel himself has responded with tweeted promises of reform.

ALICE B. WILSON, author of the only post-1972 story in _The Folio SF
Anthology_ (2015), is apparently a pseudonym of the book's editor Brian
(Wilson) Aldiss. C.C. Shackleton and Jael Cracken didn't make the cut.

WONDER WOMAN's enlistment as Honorary UN Ambassador for the empowerment of
women and girls caused all the feminist and other controversy you might
expect; some outraged folk seem to believe the UN had no idea that the
75-year-old comics character -- who debuted in 1941 -- is in fact ...
fictional. (_Variety_, 11 October)

### CONSUTE ###

4-6 Nov [] ARMADACON 28, Future Inns, Plymouth. Pounds35 reg; day Pounds20
Sat, Pounds15 Sun (concessions Pounds30, Pounds15, Pounds10). Contact Moor
Cottage, Cardinham, Bodmin, Cornwall, PL30 4BR; or see

SOLD OUT: 4-6 Nov [] BCON (Eurocon), Barcelona, Spain. See for sumptuous details of what I'm missing.

5-6 Nov [] COMIC CON (comics), Leeds. Part of Thought Bubble, the Leeds
Comic Art Festival, running 1-6 November. Tickets Pounds26 weekend or
Pounds16/day (plus booking fees) from

5 Nov [] NOT-OXONMOOT MOOT (Tolkien Society), Oxford. All welcome. See

11-13 Nov [] NOVACON 46, Park Inn, Nottingham. Pounds46 reg; under-17s
Pounds12; under-13s free. Contact 379 Myrtle Road, Sheffield, S2 3HQ.
PayPal registration now accepted at

11-13 Nov [] STARSHIP ENGINEER WORKSHOPS, BIS HQ, London. Pounds99 or
Pounds59/day. See

26 Nov [] SLEDGE-LIT, QUAD Centre, Derby. 10am-6pm. Tickets Pounds25. See

3 Dec [] DRAGONMEET (gaming), Novotel London West, Hammersmith.
10am-midnight. Tickets Pounds10 (concessions Pounds6); Pounds12 at door;
group discounts. Booking at

3 Dec [] YULEMOOT (Tolkien Society), Old Contemptibles, Birmingham. All
welcome. See

10-12 Feb 2017 [] CONRUNNER 4 (conrunning), Park Inn, Nottingham. _Now
Pounds45 reg._ Contact 56 Jackmans Place, Letchworth Garden City, Herts,
SG6 1RH. See

8-9 Apr 2017 [] SCI-FI SCARBOROUGH (multimedia), The Spa, Scarborough.
Pounds25 reg, Pounds15/day; other rates at

20-23 Apr 2017 [] DEAD BY DAWN (horror film festival), Filmhouse Cinema
One, 88 Lothian Rd, Edinburgh, EH3 9BZ. Pounds75. Box office 0131 228 2688.
Online booking opens in 2017:

4-6 Aug 2017 [] NINE WORLDS GEEKFEST (multimedia), Novotel London West,
Hammersmith, London (provisional venue). Pounds99 reg (this will rise);
children free. Book online at

11-13 Aug 2017 [] WADFEST (Discworld camping event), King's Bush Farm,
London Road, Godmanchester, Cambs, PE29 2NH. Adult campers Pounds45; child
Pounds5. See

25-28 Aug 2017 [] THE ASYLUM (steampunk), Lincoln. Booking details will
presumably follow at

27-28 Aug 2017 [] STARS OF TIME (media), Tropicana, Weston-super-Mare.
10am-5pm. Pounds6.50; child Pounds3.50. See

9 Sep 2017 [] INTERNATIONAL COMICS EXPO (ICE), Birmingham Conference
Centre, Smallbrook, Birmingham. Tickets from Pounds12; students Pounds6;
VIP Pounds35 (etc). See

6-8 Oct 2017 [] OCTOCON, Camden Court Hotel, Camden St, Dublin, Ireland.
Euro20 reg; concessions Euro20 (it says here); accompanied under-13s free.
Rates will rise. Join online at

RUMBLINGS. _Worldcon 2024:_ The UK bid discussion group now has a web page
at; the opposing Washington DC bid is at []
_London Christmas Meeting_ in the First Thursday pub (The Bishop's Finger):
booked for the evening of 15 December.


AS OTHERS SAW US. Thomas Hobbes on superheroes: 'There are some that are
not pleased with fiction, unless it be bold, not only to exceed the _work_,
but also the _possibility_ of nature; they would have impenetrable Armors,
Inchanted Castles, invulnerable bodies, Iron Men, flying Horses, and a
thousand other such things, which are easily feigned by them that dare.'
('Answer to Davenant's Preface to _Gondibert_', 1651; cited in _The New
Yorker_, 16 May) [MMW]
'I felt wonderful. Then he started talking. It's better if nothing is
said. Once you find he's a librarian in Walthamstow, with a special
interest in science fiction and lives with his aunt, then forget it.'
(Caryl Churchill, _Cloud 9_, 1979) [MMW]

AWARDS. _Gaylactic Spectrum_ (novel exploring LGBT themes): Ian MacDonald,
_Luna: New Moon_.
_World Fantasy:_ NOVEL Anna Smaill, _The Chimes_. LONG FICTION Kelly
Barnhill, _The Unlicensed Magician_. SHORT FICTION Alyssa Wong, 'Hungry
Daughters of Starving Mothers' (_Nightmare_ 10/15). ANTHOLOGY Silvia
Moreno-Garcia and Paula R. Stiles, eds., _She Walks in Shadows_. COLLECTION
C.S.E. Cooney, _Bone Swans_. ARTIST Galen Dara. SPECIAL -- PROFESSIONAL
Stephen Jones for _The Art of Horror_. SPECIAL -- NONPROFESSIONAL John
O'Neill for _Black Gate_.

YO-HO-HO. The Hungarian magazine _Galaktika_ has had a bad press for its
many unauthorized translations of English-language sf (see _A345_, _A351_).
Belated payment is now being offered to some. I never got around to
complaining -- the queue seemed far too long -- but in October _Galaktika_
emailed me with an apology and an offer of modest fees for two Langford
stories they'd used. This money has since been paid.

AS OTHERS WRITE US OFF. Recent non-fantastic YA novels ('realist ...
grittier') mark the end of genre as we knew it. 'Now, though, the appetite
for paranormal lunacy has abated, and issue-driven fiction set very much in
a universe of urbanism's chief concerns is having a renaissance.' (Ginia
Bellafante, _New York Times_, 21 October) [JB]

R.I.P. _Natalie Babbitt_ (1932-2016), US children's author best known for
the immortality fantasy _Tuck Everlasting_ (1975; filmed 1981, 2002), died
on 31 October aged 84. [PDF]
_Paul Brazier_, UK fan who edited the Brighton-based semiprozine
_Nexus_ (1991-1993) and for ten years _Nexus_ in 1994), died on 10
October; he was 66. [DP]
_Jack Chick_ (1924-2016), US cartoonist whose ultra-fundamentalist
comic-strip tracts -- such as the notorious 'Dark Dungeons', where _D&D_
equals witchcraft and Satanism -- often seemed like crude parody to the
uninitiated, died on 23 October aged 92.
_Arthur Jean Cox_ (1929-2016), long-time LA fan and writer who helped
run the 1946 Worldcon and published sf from 1951 onward -- his first novel
being _Nude in Orbit_ (1968) as by Gene Cross -- recently died; he was 87.
_Dennis M. Cummins_ (1951-2016), US musician, author of short horror
stories and Horror Writers Association member, died on 18 October aged 64.
_David Delamare_ (1956-2016), UK artist whose first collection was
_Mermaids and Magic Shows_ (1994) with Nigel Suckling, died on 19 September
aged 59. [SFS]
_Steve Dillon_ (1962-2016), UK comics artist who featured in _Doctor
Who Magazine_ and _Warrior_, drew _Judge Dredd_ and _Rogue Trooper_
episodes for _2000 AD_, co-created _Preacher_ with Garth Ennis and worked
with Ennis on _Hellblazer_ and _The Punisher_, died on 22 October; he was
53. [PDF/GW]
_Ed Gorman_ (1941-2016), popular US crime, western and horror author
who as Richard Driscoll co-wrote the 1992 _Star Precinct_ sf trilogy with
Kevin D Randle, died on 14 October; he was 74. Gorman co-edited several
sf/fantasy anthologies with Martin H. Greenberg and others. [GVG]
_Per G. Hvidsten_, Norwegian fanzine and comics fan, publisher,
artist, editor, and author of sf/fantasy stories (many collected as _Dead
and Cheerful in New York_, 1979) under his birth name Per G. Olsen, died
after long illness on 11 October. [J-HH]
_Austin 'Rocky' Kalish_ (1921-2016), US tv writer/producer whose genre
credits include multiple episodes of _My Favorite Martian_ (1963-1966) and
_The Flying Nun_ (1967-1968), died on 5 October aged 95. [BM]
_Barry R. Levin_ (1946-2016), noted US antiquarian sf/fantasy book
dealer (as Barry R. Levin Books of California) since 1973, committed
suicide on 14 September; he was 70. [AIP]
_Michael Massee_ (1955-2016), US actor seen in _The Crow_ (1994),
_Tales from the Hood_ (1995), _Lost Highway_ (1997), _Catwoman_ (2004),
_Flashforward_ (2009-2010) and _The Amazing Spider-Man_ (2012; also 2014
sequel), died on 26 October aged 61. PDF
_Kevin Meaney_ (1957-2016), US actor/comedian whose genre credits
include _Big_ (1988), _The Brave Little Toaster to the Rescue_ (voice,
1997), _Mad Jack the Pirate_ (voice, 1998) and _Hey Monster, Hands Off My
City_ (2014), died on 21 October aged 59.
_Ted V. Mikels_ (1929-2016) US cult film-maker whose genre productions
include _The Astro-Zombies_ (1968, plus three sequels/remakes), _Blood Orgy
of the She-Devils_ (1973), _The Worm Eaters_ (1977) and _Demon Haunt_
(2009), died on 16 October aged 87. [PDF]
_Cornel Robu_ (1938-2016), Romanian academic and sf critic/historian
who chronicled and anthologized his country's sf, and wrote for
_Foundation_ and the _SF Encyclopedia_, died on 27 October; he was 78.
_Norman F. Stanley_ (1916-2016), US fan, original member of First
Fandom (entering its Hall of Fame in 2013) and member of the early-1940s
Boston Stranger Club -- collective Fan Guests of Honour at the 1989
Worldcon -- died on 26 October at the age of 100. His best known fanzine
was the 1940s _Fan-Tods_. [JDS/JLC]
_Kazunari Tanaka_ (1967-2016), Japanese voice actor in videogames and
many anime productions including _Haikyu!!_ and various incarnations of
_Mobile Suit Gundam_ and _Sailor Moon_, died on 10 October aged 49. [PDF]
_Sheri S. Tepper_ (1929-2016), US author of much notable sf with
strong ecological and feminist themes, including _The Gate to Women's
Country_ (1988) and _Grass_ (1989), died on 22 October; she was 87. Her
genre novels began with the popular _True Game_ science-fantasies (nine
books, 1983-1986); her straight sf debut was _The Revenants_ (1984);
frequently shortlisted for major awards, she received the 2015 World
Fantasy Award for life achievement. [MJE]
_John Vulich_ (1961-2016), US special effects makeup artist for many
genre productions including _The Lost Boys_ (1987), _Babylon 5_ (1994-1998)
and spinoffs, _Buffy the Vampire Slayer_ (1997-2002), _The X-Files_
(1998-1999), _Being John Malkovich_ (1999) and _Angel_ (2000-2001), died on
12 October aged 55. [PDF]
_Bill Warren_ (1943-2016), US fan and genre film historian who worked
with Walt Lee on _Reference Guide to Fantastic Films_ (1972-1974) and wrote
the 1950s-focused reference _Keep Watching the Skies!_ (1982, 1986;
combined edition 2009), died on 7 October; he was 73. [DK]
_Kate Yule_ (1961-2016), US fan since 1984, past President of the
Portland OR sf club, whose best-known fanzine was the small but charming
_Bento_ (produced with her husband David D. Levine), died on 4 October.

THE WEAKEST LINK. _Q:_ 'Which part of the Medusa's body was made up of
snakes?' _Contestant:_ 'Her lower abdomen'. (ITV, _The Chase_) [PE]

AS OTHERS AVOID US. From a 'By the Book' interview with author and
historian H.W. Brands: 'For enjoyment I read almost everything but history
(see previous), fantasy and sci-fi. The real world is bizarre enough for
me.' (_New York Times_ Book Review, 9 October) [JB]

OUTRAGED LETTERS. _Steven Goldstein_ on _A361_: 'Avedon Carol is incorrect
in stating that Douglas Fratz "started the sf club at University of
Maryland (College Park), and even managed to throw a little convention". In
actuality the club existed prior to my entering the University in 1969
which was a year or two prior to Doug's appearance. The club and its
associated Unicon conventions were run by a group of students but Doug's
only contribution was to run the dealer's room for a few years. _Thrust_
was originally published by the University of Maryland Science Fiction
Society with Doug as editor-in-chief and myself as managing editor for 6
issues. After leaving college he took the magazine with him, causing a bit
of fannish feuding.'
_Simon R. Green_ grumbles: '... the RIP section is taking over. It's
running to almost half the material now, taking up space that might more
profitably be devoted to gossip. Maybe you could start a separate
newsletter; call it Dearly Departed, or Missing In Action, or People Who've
Died That You Didn't Know Were Still Alive.' Stop dying, fandom, and gossip

MAGAZINE SCENE. Warren Lapine: '_Fantastic Stories of the Imagination_ has
terminated its relationship with Sunil Patel. He will no longer be editing
the POC Take Over issues.' (Facebook, 17 October)
Mur Lafferty: 'Sunil Patel has resigned as Fiction Assistant Editor at
_Mothership Zeta_, effective immediately.' (, 18 Oct)

RANDOM FANDOM. _Brian Aldiss_ recently had a stroke and spent ten days in
hospital, but is home again and recovering well. [RP] May this continue.
_Yvonne Rousseau_, who traditionally forwards paper copies of
_Ansible_ to select Australian fans, is stepping down after this issue
owing to life complications that include plans to move house. Bereft
readers should check their online options at

THE DEAD PAST. _50 Years Ago:_ 'Interesting 2 page leaflet recently
circulated round British fandom. Posted in London this was stated to have
originated with Ted Tubb, Archie Mercer, Chris Priest, Brian Aldiss, Mike
Moorcock, Ken Slater and Pete Weston. The circular discussed the
possibility of the BSFA forming regional committees and asked interested
parties to send 2/6 to Chris. If you haven't already heard, this was a
fake, parties' names being used without their knowledge.' (_Skyrack_ 93,
November 1966)
_40 Years Ago_, UK politics was rather less fraught: 'Pamela Boal
notes that the Liberal candidate for Abingdon is a keen sf reader and
voices a rather far-fetched hope that fandom might gain its first MP.
Actually it's already been done, since I remember meeting an MP at the 1970
Scicon -- Raymond Fletcher, a well-established Conservative. This reminds
me that a fannish Lord has been turning up at One Tun meetings recently,
thereby unhappily encouraging Pete Weston's fantasies about the Queen
opening the 1979 UK Worldcon (I wouldn't mind, but we've already invited
the Archbishop of Canterbury).' (_Checkpoint_ 76, November 1976)
_30 Years Ago:_ 'David Garnett is proud, or not, of writing "the
Christmas sex story which is to appear in the next issue of Mayfair, with
hero and heroine called Hugo and Nebula"....' (_Ansible_ 47, November 1986)

FANFUNDERY. _TAFF 2017:_ nominations are now open (closing at the end of
November) for the westbound race to the Helsinki Worldcon. Prospective
candidates and nominators should contact NA administrator Curt Phillips,
Absarka_prime (at) See also

THOG'S MASTERCLASS. _Dept of Purpureal Prose._ 'The glassy scaurs and grim
ramparts of Mount Voormithadreth, highest and most formidable of the
Eiglophians, had beetled above them, wedging the sun with dark scoriac
peaks at mid-afternoon, and walling the blazonries of sunset wholly from
view.' (Clark Ashton Smith, 'The Seven Geases', 1934) [LP]
_Literally Dept._ 'In loyalty to his lord, he had literally kept his
eyes shut for seventeen years.' (Randall Garrett, 'The Eyes Have It',
January 1964 _Analog_)
'Every trick of sexual technique he had ever learned, every last ounce
of his masculinity was being literally pumped into me like a transfusion of
blood.' ('Petra Christian', _Hitch-Hiker_, 1971) [BA]
_Dept of Truly Alien Aliens._ 'I suppose you might liken us to huge
steaming lumps of purple jelly, anchored to metallic plates which are
embedded within rubberized constructions of great architectural beauty....
And we emit a soft, musical blurping sound for the purposes of
communication.' (Alexander Thynn, _The King is Dead_, 1976)


SUBSCRIPTIONS. To receive _Ansible_ monthly via email, send a message to:
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### ENDNOTES ###

[] 3 November 2016: Ben Aaronovitch signing at Waterstones, Reading Broad
Street, 12:30pm. 'This event is not ticketed and free of charge so early
arrival is encouraged as it will be popular [...] for further information
please call 0118 9581270.'
[] 4 November 2016: Film Night at the Brum Group. 7:30pm for 8pm at the
Briar Rose Hotel, Bennett's Hill, Birmingham city centre. Pounds4 or
Pounds3 for members. Contact bhamsfgroup at yahoo co uk. Future
meetings/speakers: 2 December 2016 Christmas Social (different venue,
advance booking essential); 13 January 2017 AGM; 10 February 2017 Quiz.

PAYPAL TIP JAR THINGY. Support _Ansible_, cover website costs and keep the
editor happy! Or just buy his books.

EDITORIAL. Many thanks to Yvonne Rousseau for all those years of forwarding
the printed _Ansible_ to a select few Down Under; by her own request she
wasn't listed as a Hero Distributor in the credits box each issue. The next
ebook from Ansible Editions is likely to be Yvonne's mock-critical tour de
force _The Murders at Hanging Rock_. For other recent AE releases including
that man Langford's _The Space Eater_ and _The Limbo Files_, see ...

FORTY SIGNS OF SNOBBERY. Amitav Ghosh plaintively asks 'where is the
fiction about climate change?' in a _Guardian_ article that -- conveniently
ruling out a horde of obvious answers -- makes it clear that anything
marketed as sf is beneath consideration: 'Indeed, it could even be said
that fiction that deals with climate change is almost by definition not of
the kind that is taken seriously: the mere mention of the subject is often
enough to relegate a novel or a short story to the genre of science
fiction. It is as though in the literary imagination climate change were
somehow akin to extraterrestrials or interplanetary travel.' (28 October)

Ansible(R) 352 Copyright (c) David Langford, 2016. Thanks to Brian
Ameringen, John Boston, John L. Coker, Paul Di Filippo, Malcolm Edwards,
File 770, John-Henri Holmberg, Dan Kimmel, George R.R. Martin, Bill
Mullins, Lawrence Person, Rog Peyton, Andrew I. Porter, David Pringle,
Private Eye, Roger Robinson, SF Site, Andy Sawyer, Jon D. Swartz, Gordon
Van Gelder, Gary Wilkinson, Martin Morse Wooster, and our Hero
Distributors: Dave Corby (Birmingham SF Group), SCIS/Prophecy and Alan
Stewart (Australia).

1 November 2016

David Langford | |

Nov 1, 2016, 4:31:07 PM11/1/16
On Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 1:36:30 PM UTC-4, David Langford wrote:
> ANSIBLE(R) 352
> _40 Years Ago_, UK politics was rather less fraught: 'Pamela Boal
> notes that the Liberal candidate for Abingdon is a keen sf reader and
> voices a rather far-fetched hope that fandom might gain its first MP.
> Actually it's already been done, since I remember meeting an MP at the 1970
> Scicon -- Raymond Fletcher, a well-established Conservative. This reminds
> me that a fannish Lord has been turning up at One Tun meetings recently,
> thereby unhappily encouraging Pete Weston's fantasies about the Queen
> opening the 1979 UK Worldcon (I wouldn't mind, but we've already invited
> the Archbishop of Canterbury).' (_Checkpoint_ 76, November 1976)

That would be Lord St. David, who was involved in the British Experimental Yacht Society, iirc. He got a couple stories published in Analog in the late

He also ran The Pirate Castle on Camden Canal, near Regents Park, which gave
inner city kids exposure to boating. Its still there.

I visited him there once with a friend of mine, a dental student from a very
working class background, and he invited us to tea at his nearby rowhouse.
He seemed to be trying to hook us up with his daughters, but I may have
mis-read that.

As soon as we got out of sight after leaving, my friend pulled me aside and
made me swear to *never* let anyone know that he had just had tea with a Lord;
if it ever got back to his home, he'd have been treated as a class traitor.
It took me a bit to realize that he was utterly serious about this.


David Langford

Nov 2, 2016, 3:20:48 AM11/2/16
On Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:36:39 +0000, David Langford <>

> _Paul Brazier_, UK fan who edited the Brighton-based semiprozine
>_Nexus_ (1991-1993) and for ten years _Nexus_ in 1994), died on 10
>October; he was 66. [DP]

Oops. A line was lost between the print and digital editions here. In full:

_Paul Brazier_, UK fan who edited the Brighton-based semiprozine _Nexus_
(1991-1993) and for ten years was typesetter and graphic designer for
_Interzone_ (which absorbed _Nexus_ in 1994), died on 10 October; he was
66. [DP]

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