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Feb 15, 2024, 2:50:04 PMFeb 15

google groups users may not realize the fundamental differences between
the autonomous/decentralized usenet, versus the proprietary/centralized
alphabet/google corporation; the isolation of google groups from usenet
provides incentive for multitudes of google's users to seek free usenet
news servers, apps, and websites, that will help them to stay connected

Scott Dorsey

Feb 15, 2024, 8:37:51 PMFeb 15
Google has worked very hard with their interface to deliberately obscure
these differences and make it seem like Usenet is a proprietary Google
service. So, many of us have been attempting to educate Google users for the
past two decades about what Usenet really is. If they haven't got it by
now, they likely won't.

"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."


Feb 15, 2024, 11:36:33 PMFeb 15
the bible explains how to build an ark, but gopher wood might've been
some laboratory grown material 30,000 years ago for all anyone knows?
seriously though, a flood of sorts could swamp the usenet in the wake
of google's disjuncture . . . and google users are the world's number
one experts at exceedingly pernicious inundation of usenet newsgroups

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