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MT VOID, 11/27/20 -- Vol. 39, No. 22, Whole Number 2147

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Nov 29, 2020, 10:28:31 AM11/29/20
Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society
11/27/20 -- Vol. 39, No. 22, Whole Number 2147

Co-Editor: Mark Leeper,
Co-Editor: Evelyn Leeper,
Sending Address:
All material is the opinion of the author and is copyrighted by the
author unless otherwise noted.
All comments sent or posted will be assumed authorized for
inclusion unless otherwise noted.

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The latest issue is at <>.
An index with links to the issues of the MT VOID since 1986 is at

Science Fiction (and Other) Discussion Groups, Films,
Lectures, etc. (NJ)
My Picks for Turner Classic Movies in December (comments
by Mark R. Leeper)
Another Weird Animal Story (comments by Evelyn C. Leeper)
Not Another Weird Animal Story (comments by Evelyn C. Leeper)
NETWORK EFFECT by Martha Wells (audiobook review
by Joe Karpierz)
Leigh Brackett (letter of comment by Kip Williams)
STARGIRL (letters of comment by Paul Dormer, Kevin R,
and Tim Merrigan)
[Edward Gibbon]) (book comments by Evelyn C. Leeper)


TOPIC: Science Fiction (and Other) Discussion Groups, Films,
Lectures, etc. (NJ)

At the risk of stating the obvious, now that all the meetings are
Zoomed, you don't have to be in Old Bridge or Middletown or even
New Jersey to participate. So if we are discussing one of your
favorites, contact me at <> for Zoom

Both the Old Bridge and Middletown groups have (temporarily, we
hope) switched to Zoom meetings. For Middletown meetings,
participants need to watch the film on their own ahead of time as
well as reading the book.

December 3, 2020 (MTPL), 7:30PM: THE QUIET EARTH (1985) & novel
by Craig Harrison
January 7, 2021 (MTPL), 7:30PM: 1984 (1984) & novel
by George Orwell
[no film link yet; the disc is available from Netflix]
January 28, 2021 (OBPL), 7:00PM: I, ROBOT by Isaac Asimov
February 4, 2021 (MTPL), 7:30PM: THE PRESTIGE (2006) & novel
by Christopher Priest


TOPIC: My Picks for Turner Classic Movies in December (comments by
Mark R. Leeper)

I find it a bit odd that I am making positive comments about WORLD
WITHOUT END, a film with several bad points. It could tell us a
good deal about the early science fiction transitioning to more
recognizable modern science fiction films. But that still does not
make it a particularly notable film.

Hollywood's first science fiction time travel film (previous
attempts all used purely fantasy devices) is an updated but down-
scaled version of H. G. Wells' THE TIME MACHINE. Curiously enough,
it features an early performance by Rod Taylor who would become the
best-known time traveler in cinema a few years later in George
Pal's THE TIME MACHINE. A contemporary man is boosted into the
future where the descendents of us have evolved splitting into
troglodytes and effetes. t

The year is 1957 and a manned trip to Mars is engulfed in a
mysterious field that looks like fire superimposed over the ship on
the film. The ship's crew blacks out, and when they come to, they
discover they had traveled at a higher speed than their meters
could register. Having crash-landed while unconscious, they at
first assume they are on Mars. Earth gravity, oxygen in the air,
and trees somehow do not tip them off where they are. All too
slowly they realize the primitive planet on which they have landed
is Earth after a nuclear war. Civilization has split into two
groups. There are the feeble intellectuals who live below ground
and the mutated troglodytes who live above ground. The radiation
has also made them deformed, typically Cyclopes, for no reason ever
made clear. The intellectuals are in the process of dying out due
to some sort of genetic simpiness that afflicts only the men. In a
tasteful way, bearing in mind that this really is mostly a film for
a younger audience, the script implies that the astronauts are to
be used for breeding purposes. This is an idea that was "borrowed"
by Harlan Ellison in A Boy and His Dog. I wouldn't mention it, but
Ellison tended to point out when ideas are borrowed from him,
except he does it in a courtroom.

What follows is some fairly uninspired intrigue involving a murder.
The real killer is one of the men from this society who is jealous
of the attention the women pay to the humans from the 20th century.
He is dispensed with in a predictable way and the only effect he
had was to use up some screen time without advancing the real plot.
Eventually the astronauts are able to re-colonize the surface
through the magic of re-inventing the bazooka. The film seems to
imply that a bazooka is a very simple weapon. In fact, it is a
portable rocket launcher and you don't have to be a rocket
scientist to realize that to build a bazooka from scratch you
probably need a rocket scientist.

Much of the acting is on the serial level. In spite of the fact
that this was a wide-screen production and was intended to have a
really nice look, the product as clearly aimed at a younger
audience and the acting was no better than would be expected for a
children's film. The writing has its share of fluffs also. Lines
in the film include looking at Mars, seeing green and saying "if it
is grass, there is no reason why there couldn't be life on Mars."
Later, looking at the new planet, they repeat the error by walking
through obvious vegetation and saying "forest, brush, no sign of
life." Ideas of Einstein they attribute to another scientist, but
do say he was a successor of Einstein.

The director lavished care on the widescreen photography, but still
the look of the film is a bit tacky at times. The costumes of the
future males are lame' jackets and silly looking head-caps. The
women's costumes were designed by Vargas who for years did
cheesecake paintings for Playboy magazine. The costumes look like
they would have been sexy on paper but just don't work out when
implemented in cloth. Much the same can be said of the spiders
(though when I saw them as a kid they were pretty frightening).
The score by Leith Stevens (who had done Destination Moon, When
Worlds Collide, and War of the Worlds) is mediocre. Stevens had
done those for Paramount, but here he was working for Warner

The plot is heavily rooted in Einstein's Twin Paradox and while the
mysterious acceleration is never explained, it would have resulted
in an application of the "Twin Paradox" much as was shown. In
fact, this is the film I think of when I picture in my mind the
Twin Paradox. Unfortunately, I am more likely to picture
unrealistic looking giant spiders.

Regarded as a children's film this one isn't bad. It just does not
stand up to adult viewing. I rate it low +1 on the -4 to +4 scale.

Turner Classic Movies is running WORLD WITHOUT END on December 3,
11:30 AM. [-mrl]


TOPIC: Another Weird Animal Story (comments by Evelyn C. Leeper)

Scientists have discovered that platypuses are bio-fluorescent and
glow green under ultraviolet light:


This makes the platypus only the second green mammal (albeit on a
technicality). The other is the sloth, which is green because of
algae which grows in its fur, so I suppose that's a technicality
too. [-ecl]


TOPIC: Not Another Weird Animal Story (comments by Evelyn C. Leeper)

The headline says it all: "Utah helicopter crew discovers
mysterious metal monolith deep in the desert".



TOPIC: NETWORK EFFECT by Martha Wells (copyright 2020, Recorded
Books, ASIN: B084QBWBSV, Length: 12 hrs and 48 mins, narrator Kevin
R. Free) (audiobook review by Joe Karpierz)

As a fan of science fiction, unless you've been living under a
rock, you've at least heard of the wildly successful "Murderbot
Diaries" by Martha Wells. The first four entries were novellas:
"All Systems Red", "Artificial Condition", "Rogue Protocol", and
"Exit Strategy", with "Artificial Condition" winning the Hugo for
Best Novella in 2018. There is no doubt that these were good
stories, and the Hugo Award was well deserved.

However, as the series continued on I began to feel that things
were going on a bit too long. In my review of "Exit Strategy", I

"But it should stop here. What I fear is going to happen is that
Wells will continue to write 'Murderbot' stories until people get
tired of them. There is no beginning, middle, and end to the
'Murderbot' story. Well, there was, but now it keeps going.
People want to know what happened to the Murderbot after "Exit
Strategy". People *always* want to know what happens to their
favorite characters once a story is done, and they clamor for more.
More is not always better. Eventually the great stuff becomes good
stuff becomes mediocre stuff becomes bad or uninteresting stuff
(see Orson Scott Card's 'Ender' series--and yes, I have an 'Ender'
book on my stack waiting to be read and reviewed--and the 'Dune'
series (and I have three of those waiting to be read)).

"Stop now, so our memories of the Murderbot will be fond ones."

And, I was right. Well, at least in my opinion. Murderbot and a
bunch of folks are captured and taken *somewhere*. It really
doesn't matter where that somewhere is. The point is that the
story is a basic search and rescue tale, with an old friend being
involved. It turns out that the crew of said old friend's ship--
and if you're a fan of the series you can guess who that old friend
is--needed rescuing, as did the old friend. The story is that of
the rescuing and returning things back to normal.

I didn't give too much of the plot away in part because the plot
itself isn't really that new. I know that there are folks out
there that will say that there aren't very many, if any, new plots
anyway. Fair enough. But, quite frankly, I was bored. There was
nothing new or interesting here. This was just another "Murderbot"
adventure, much like every week we tune into a new "Doctor Who"
adventure. It may or may not be interesting, but it's a good story
with at least one familiar character that we know really well, and
we're comfortable with it and more or less happy unless it's a real

So, this isn't a real dud. It's a nice, well-written story. It's
got a couple of favorite characters who act the way we'd expect
them to act. Murderbot is still addicted to bad video, for
example. That's a comfortable thing for us to know and read--or,
in my case, listen to. Murderbot is, well, Murderbot. It has the
same aversion to human contact, the same addiction to bad videos,
the same feelings about humans that it has in the past. In short,
it's just another "Murderbot" story. It doesn't break any new
ground. And maybe it doesn't have to. Maybe that's the point.
Maybe "Murderbot" stories are comfort food, and everyone knows we
need comfort food (and yes, I will say it) in these unprecedented
times. And maybe that's okay. Maybe that's the point. But it's
just not enough for me.

I should be clear, though. It's well-written. It's a decent
story. But there's nothing new, nothing interesting. It's comfort
food. And if you're looking for comfort food, by all means, here
it is. If you're looking for something more out of Murderbot, this
isn't it.

Narrator Kevin R. Free's style isn't very dynamic. It's
serviceable, and gets the job done. I feel as if Free is a drone,
well, droning on. I would not go out of my way to listen to other
novels narrated by Free.

I know there's at least one more "Murderbot" novel coming out. As
a completist, and as someone who has come this far, I'm sure I'll
read it. Sadly, I'm not expecting much. [-jak]


TOPIC: Leigh Brackett (letter of comment by Kip Williams)

In response to Evelyn's comments on Leigh Brackett and THE LONG
GOODBYE in the 11/20/20 issue of the MT VOID, Kip Williams writes:

[Evelyn wrote,] "And for this we may have to blame Leigh Brackett,
who wrote the screenplay." [-ecl]

Oh, yes. I hate to 'blame' her for things, because she was a
lovely GoH at one of the 70s Denver cons I went to (MileHi or
Penulti), where they screened another movie she co-wrote with Jules
Furthman and William Faulkner, THE BIG SLEEP, and she announced
that she'd be writing the screenplay for the sequel to STAR WARS.

She authored the line "[F]ear makes stupid people do wicked
things," which has been so useful to me in recent years.

But damn, yeah. She was doing what she was asked for, which was a
certain take on Marlowe, and I respect her all over the place, but
what a horrid mess.

Elliot Gould, by the way, went a long way to redeeming himself (not
in general, but specifically in regard to Marlowe and Chandler)
with some fairly solid audiobooks of the novels and longer stories.
I went in prepared to sneer at it, and all I can say is I didn't
sneer. I've only heard a couple of them, but will keep an ear out
for others. [-kw]


TOPIC: STARGIRL (letters of comment by Paul Dormer, Kevin R, and
Tim Merrigan)

In response to Dale Skran's comments on STARGIRL in the 06/19/20
issue of the MT VOID, Kip Williams writes:

By some accident, I just saw this post again in my message
archives. Since this was first posted, STARGIRL has turned up on
Amazon Prime in the UK and I watched the entire series, which was

For the record, Pat is Courtney's step-father not foster father,
having married Courtney's mum, and I thought Luke Wilson brought
just the right tone to the role.

However, the opening episode, where blonde cute Californian girl
moves to a new town, falls foul of a cheerleader, and is guided by
an older man into learning she is a superhero, did seem a bit of a
Buffy rip-off to me. [-pd]

Kevin R responds:

The "staff chose her" bit was not in the STARS AND S.T.R.I.P.E.
comic. Courtney was using the "Cosmic Converter Belt" she found in
Pat Dugan's stuff. It was an adaptation of Ted Knight's "Cosmic
Rod" from the second run of ALL-STAR COMICS and dates to the Jan-
Feb 1977 issue. #64.* Wally Wood art, which is why it looks so
much like the Dynabelt "Len Brown" wore with the Thunder Agents, as
DYNAMO. Sly Pemberton used it as the SSK, and he later adventured
as Skyman, but he was never "Starman." Courtney got the staff from
Jack when he retired. TV always changes stuff, and some of this
was treated differently from the comics on "Smallville" in seasons





Tim Merrigan replies:

In my experience, the canon of both the Marvel and DC universes is
extremely fluid, not only over time but simultaneously between
titles using the same characters, e.g. Batman and Detective Comics,
where there was no overlap between stories and details of the
background. [-tm]

Kevin responds:

Canon wasn't from either of those companies. Woody self-published


Sure, but after Stan and Jack got the kids hooked on continued
stories, DC followed suit, and the revivals of ALL-STAR were done
by ex-Marvel writers such as Gerry Conway and Roy Thomas. Roy
wrote entire story arcs to rationalize tiny bits of contradictory
back-story, inspiring one fan to introduce the term "retroactive
continuity," as reported on the letters page of ALL-STAR SQUADRON



"Qualified immuninity = vertual impunity."

.... and innterresting orrthoggraffy. [-kr]


TOPIC: This Week's Reading (book comments by Evelyn C. Leeper)

I have commented at length on Edward Gibbon's THE HISTORY OF THE
DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE, but I was recently listening
to John Sutherland talk about Gibbon in the Teaching Company (Great
Courses) course on "Classics of British Literature" and he quoted
from Gibbon's MEMOIRS OF MY LIFE AND WRITINGS: "After a sleepless
night, I trod, with a lofty step, the ruins of the Forum; each
memorable spot where Romulus stood, or Tully spoke, or Caesar fell,
was at once present to my eye; and several days of intoxication
were lost or enjoyed before I could descend to a cool and minute

Even assuming one grants Gibbon literary license to presume Romulus
to be a real person who stood where the legends claimed, Gibbon was
completely off the mark on Caesar. While the Senate building was
in the Forum (and its ruins still are), when Caesar was killed, the
Senate was meeting in the curia in Pompey's Theater, located in
Rome's Largo di Torre Argentina archaeological area. This was
because the old Senate house was being replaced by a new one,
ironically by Caesar and to be called the Curia Julia. Augustus
finished this new Senate house, which seems to be where Gibbon
places Caesar's death.

Gibbon also is a bit weak on Chinese history, writing, "... the
posterity of Confucius having maintained, above two thousand and
two hundred years, their peaceful honours and perpetual
succession." There were nine dynasties in that time, and it was
not always peaceful.

Gibbon would probably not think much of writing workshops: he did
not believe in having his friends read his manuscripts, and he also
thought his time spent at university was the most worthless time he
ever spent.

On a technical level, Gibbon defends his grouping events by nations
rather than chronologically. (In fact, I don't think he ever
includes any dates at all.) But he did bow to public opinion and
put his footnotes at the bottom of each page, rather than grouped
at the end of each volume. [-ecl]


Mark Leeper

Man is a dog's idea of what God should be.
--Holbrook Jackson

Joy Beeson

Nov 30, 2020, 11:36:03 PM11/30/20
On Sun, 29 Nov 2020 07:28:29 -0800 (PST), ""
<> wrote:

> The headline says it all: "Utah helicopter crew discovers
> mysterious metal monolith deep in the desert".

It annoys me no end that every single reference to the stele calls it
a monolith. There is no lith in it, and I've not seen any suggestion
that its mono, rather than pieces welded together.

Joy Beeson
joy beeson at centurylink dot net

Keith F. Lynch

Nov 30, 2020, 11:46:03 PM11/30/20
Joy Beeson <> wrote:
> It annoys me no end that every single reference to the stele calls
> it a monolith. There is no lith in it, and I've not seen any
> suggestion that its mono, rather than pieces welded together.

The pieces were riveted together, not welded, and nobody (except its
unknown builder) knew what was inside. It could have been solid rock
inside. Or a portal to another dimension.

It's gone now, as mysteriously as it arrived.
Keith F. Lynch -
Please see before emailing me.

Gary McGath

Dec 1, 2020, 7:30:25 AM12/1/20
On 11/30/20 11:46 PM, Keith F. Lynch wrote:
> Joy Beeson <> wrote:
>> It annoys me no end that every single reference to the stele calls
>> it a monolith. There is no lith in it, and I've not seen any
>> suggestion that its mono, rather than pieces welded together.
> The pieces were riveted together, not welded, and nobody (except its
> unknown builder) knew what was inside. It could have been solid rock
> inside. Or a portal to another dimension.
> It's gone now, as mysteriously as it arrived.

It collected its data and returned to the homeworld. Probably we'll be
invaded soon. If it's on Christmas and they attack London, the Doctor
will save us.

Gary McGath
The Magic Battery: A tale of magic and change in Reformation Germany

Dorothy J Heydt

Dec 1, 2020, 9:30:24 AM12/1/20
In article <>,
Joy Beeson <> wrote:
>On Sun, 29 Nov 2020 07:28:29 -0800 (PST), ""
><> wrote:
>> The headline says it all: "Utah helicopter crew discovers
>> mysterious metal monolith deep in the desert".
>It annoys me no end that every single reference to the stele calls it
>a monolith. There is no lith in it, and I've not seen any suggestion
>that its mono, rather than pieces welded together.
And latest reports are that it's disappeared. Perhaps whoever
put it there has taken it away again; or somebody else did. It's
very empty country out there--empty, that is, except for a lot of
sheep. Just as anybody with a helicopter could sneak in and put
it there, anybody with a helicopter could sneak in and take it

Dorothy J. Heydt
Vallejo, California
djheydt at gmail dot com

Peter Trei

Dec 1, 2020, 11:30:17 AM12/1/20
On Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 7:30:25 AM UTC-5, Gary McGath wrote:
> On 11/30/20 11:46 PM, Keith F. Lynch wrote:
> > Joy Beeson <> wrote:
> >> It annoys me no end that every single reference to the stele calls
> >> it a monolith. There is no lith in it, and I've not seen any
> >> suggestion that its mono, rather than pieces welded together.
> >
> > The pieces were riveted together, not welded, and nobody (except its
> > unknown builder) knew what was inside. It could have been solid rock
> > inside. Or a portal to another dimension.

The reports I heard said it was held together with machine screws.

> > It's gone now, as mysteriously as it arrived.

There's one hiker who observed its removal. A small group
knocked it over, dissembled the panels, and took them away
in a wheelbarrow, shouting 'Leave no trace!'.

> It collected its data and returned to the homeworld. Probably we'll be
> invaded soon. If it's on Christmas and they attack London, the Doctor
> will save us.

The replacement is apparently in Romania:


Dorothy J Heydt

Dec 1, 2020, 1:55:01 PM12/1/20
In article <>,
Peter Trei <> wrote:
>> > It's gone now, as mysteriously as it arrived.
>There's one hiker who observed its removal. A small group
>knocked it over, dissembled the panels, and took them away
>in a wheelbarrow, shouting 'Leave no trace!'.

And a new one has surfaced in Romania,

and, since I last loked, has disappeared again.

Peter Trei

Dec 1, 2020, 4:15:12 PM12/1/20
On Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 1:55:01 PM UTC-5, Dorothy J Heydt wrote:
> In article <>,
> Peter Trei <> wrote:
> >
> >> > It's gone now, as mysteriously as it arrived.
> >
> >There's one hiker who observed its removal. A small group
> >knocked it over, dissembled the panels, and took them away
> >in a wheelbarrow, shouting 'Leave no trace!'.
> And a new one has surfaced in Romania,
> and, since I last loked, has disappeared again.

There's a reason the original is buried on the Moon.


Scott Dorsey

Dec 1, 2020, 5:48:35 PM12/1/20
Peter Trei <> wrote:
>There's one hiker who observed its removal. A small group
>knocked it over, dissembled the panels, and took them away
>in a wheelbarrow, shouting 'Leave no trace!'.

Obviously aliens!

"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

Dorothy J Heydt

Dec 1, 2020, 5:50:01 PM12/1/20
In article <>,
Peter Trei <> wrote:
>On Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 1:55:01 PM UTC-5, Dorothy J Heydt wrote:
>> In article <>,
>> Peter Trei <> wrote:
>> >
>> >> > It's gone now, as mysteriously as it arrived.
>> >
>> >There's one hiker who observed its removal. A small group
>> >knocked it over, dissembled the panels, and took them away
>> >in a wheelbarrow, shouting 'Leave no trace!'.
>> And a new one has surfaced in Romania,
>> and, since I last loked, has disappeared again.
>There's a reason the original is buried on the Moon.

Well, you'll remember that the original story, "The Sentinel,"
the gadget was not buried, merely sitting there on the surface,
~"continually broadcasting the message that no one had discovered
it yet."~

Murray Leinster's _The Black Galaxy_ had a similar gizmo, set on
the Moon with a more sinister purpose: to transmit the signal
that the inhabitants of the nearby planet had advanced
sufficiently that their world was now worth looting.

(N.B. the Leinster was published in 1949, the Clarke in 1951.)


Dec 2, 2020, 6:20:26 AM12/2/20
Didn't a London bus crash into it? </early fake news>

Bah, and indeed, Humbug.

Paul Dormer

Dec 2, 2020, 6:32:38 AM12/2/20
In article <>, (Dorothy J Heydt)

> And a new one has surfaced in Romania,
> and, since I last loked, has disappeared again.

And The Guardian reports on another large erection that appeared and then
disappeared in Germany:

Paul Dormer

Dec 2, 2020, 6:37:54 AM12/2/20
In article <XnsAC8770850E...@>,
nots...@ (Kerr-Mudd,John) wrote:

> > There's a reason the original is buried on the Moon.
> >
> Didn't a London bus crash into it? </early fake news>

No, it was a WWII bomber found on the Moon. The London bus was found in
the Antarctic:


Dec 2, 2020, 8:15:55 AM12/2/20
On Wed, 02 Dec 2020 11:37:00 GMT, (Paul Dormer)
How gullible was I to think a London bus was capable of space travel!

Maybe an alien dun it then ran away. (enough talk of pyramids - ED)

Tim Merrigan

Dec 2, 2020, 11:08:56 AM12/2/20
If there's sawdust at it's former location, then it didn't disappear
without a trace, like the metal structures.

Qualified immuninity = vertual impunity.

Tim Merrigan

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

Paul Dormer

Dec 2, 2020, 11:48:08 AM12/2/20
In article <>,
(Tim Merrigan) wrote:

> If there's sawdust at it's former location, then it didn't disappear
> without a trace, like the metal structures.
> --

And yet another structure that suddenly appeared:

Gary McGath

Dec 2, 2020, 1:46:36 PM12/2/20
On 12/2/20 11:47 AM, Paul Dormer wrote:

> And yet another structure that suddenly appeared:

The article says: "It stands on the spot where the statue of Colston was
toppled by protesters earlier this year, before being rolled into
Bristol Harbour, in protest of his racist legacy."

Colston, according to Wikipedia, was deputy governor of the Royal
African Company, which held a monopoly on the British slave trade in
Africa. He was indirectly (and not very indirectly) responsible for
19.000 deaths. He continued trading in slaves after leaving the company.

What motivated the protesters, according to the Independent? Not his
life-destroying actions, but his ideas, his "racist legacy." Holding
certain kinds of bad ideas has come to be regarded as worse than the
most brutal actions.

Keith F. Lynch

Dec 2, 2020, 7:40:32 PM12/2/20
Gary McGath <> wrote:
> What motivated the protesters, according to the Independent? Not
> his life-destroying actions, but his ideas, his "racist legacy."
> Holding certain kinds of bad ideas has come to be regarded as worse
> than the most brutal actions.

If only he had the foresight to kidnap and murder as many whites as he
did blacks, he would be approved by the woke.

Keith F. Lynch

Dec 2, 2020, 7:42:20 PM12/2/20
Paul Dormer <> wrote:
> And yet another structure that suddenly appeared:

ObSF: What was the story in which a second Stonehenge appeared next
to the first, perfectly identical to it? I think it was by Niven.

Tim Illingworth

Dec 2, 2020, 8:15:32 PM12/2/20
On 12/2/2020 7:42 PM, Keith F. Lynch wrote:
> Paul Dormer <> wrote:
>> And yet another structure that suddenly appeared:
> ObSF: What was the story in which a second Stonehenge appeared next
> to the first, perfectly identical to it? I think it was by Niven.
Without checking: Protector?


Keith F. Lynch

Dec 2, 2020, 8:41:08 PM12/2/20
Paul Dormer <> wrote:
> And The Guardian reports on another large erection that appeared and
> then disappeared in Germany:

If it lasts more than four years, consult your Mediziner.

Keith F. Lynch

Dec 2, 2020, 8:51:42 PM12/2/20
Paul Dormer <> wrote:
> nots...@ (Kerr-Mudd,John) wrote:
>> Peter Trei <> wrote:
>>> There's a reason the original is buried on the Moon.

>> Didn't a London bus crash into it? </early fake news>

> No, it was a WWII bomber found on the Moon. The London bus was found in
> the Antarctic:

If there can be a Tesla car heading toward Mars, why can't there be a
London bus or a WWII bomber on the Moon? And don't forget Bertrand
Russell's teapot in solar orbit between Earth and Mars or Douglas
Adams's whale in an unnamed planet's stratosphere.

Keith F. Lynch

Dec 2, 2020, 9:20:11 PM12/2/20
Gary McGath <> wrote:
> It collected its data and returned to the homeworld. Probably we'll
> be invaded soon. If it's on Christmas and they attack London, the
> Doctor will save us.

If it's on the 4th of July and they attack DC, Randy Quaid will save us.

But if they attack a city that isn't a capital on a day that isn't a
holiday, we're all doomed.


Dec 3, 2020, 1:40:47 AM12/3/20
On Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 9:20:11 PM UTC-5, Keith F. Lynch wrote:
> Gary McGath <> wrote:
> > It collected its data and returned to the homeworld. Probably we'll
> > be invaded soon. If it's on Christmas and they attack London, the
> > Doctor will save us.
> If it's on the 4th of July and they attack DC, Randy Quaid will save us.
> But if they attack a city that isn't a capital on a day that isn't a
> holiday, we're all doomed.
> --

The Ghostbusters saved New York over Christmas/New Year's,
in the sequel and while not a current national capital, the UN is
headquartered there, so it is sometimes referred to as "the capital
of the world."

These are fun.

_ _
Kevin R

Paul Dormer

Dec 3, 2020, 6:51:51 AM12/3/20
In article <rq5d0v$91s$>,
(Gary McGath) wrote:

> If it's on Christmas and they attack London, the Doctor
> will save us.

Actually, the Doctor is appearing on New Year's Day next.

Paul Dormer

Dec 3, 2020, 6:51:51 AM12/3/20
In article <rq9e7i$83t$>, (Tim Illingworth)
I think you're right.

Jay E. Morris

Dec 5, 2020, 11:23:02 PM12/5/20
On 12/1/2020 08:20 AM, Dorothy J Heydt wrote:
> In article <>,
> Joy Beeson <> wrote:
>> On Sun, 29 Nov 2020 07:28:29 -0800 (PST), ""
>> <> wrote:
>>> The headline says it all: "Utah helicopter crew discovers
>>> mysterious metal monolith deep in the desert".
>> It annoys me no end that every single reference to the stele calls it
>> a monolith. There is no lith in it, and I've not seen any suggestion
>> that its mono, rather than pieces welded together.
> And latest reports are that it's disappeared. Perhaps whoever
> put it there has taken it away again; or somebody else did. It's
> very empty country out there--empty, that is, except for a lot of
> sheep. Just as anybody with a helicopter could sneak in and put
> it there, anybody with a helicopter could sneak in and take it
> away.

It apparently was screwed together so it was dismantled and hauled off.
An artist group has claimed responsibility for it. The groups monolith
also appeared in Romania and California.

One has popped up on a community college campus in Austin Tx but I
haven't heard of the group claiming that one. Might be a copy cat.
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