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What makes a good sequel? BTTF II - Spoilers

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Cliff Chaput

Nov 29, 1989, 11:55:10 AM11/29/89
> Marty jumps in the lake and Biff crashes into the courthouse. The next
> time we see Marty he is /not/ in the lake, but walking up (still wet) from
> some underground place. Is this an editing error in the film or is this
> a different Marty? Since Marty in BTTF2 hates being called chicken, and
> Marty in BTTF1 doesn't (appear) to have this problem, how do we know these
> are the same Marty's?
> I've seen BTTF2 twice now, and I didn't see Marty get out of the lake. In
> fact, he is on the other side of the lake, /away/ from the courthouse.
> --
> Stephen Clarke-Willson

I think that was Marty, Jr., all sweaty -- not wet -- from his encounter
with Griff (sounds pretty lewd, no?). From this point, he heads home where
we later see him.

Cliff Chaput
Northwestern University, Evanston

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