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"The Mummy" on TCM

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The Avocado Avenger

Feb 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/5/99

I've been meaning to ask this for about five months now. Did anyone
watch THE MUMMY on TCM back in October, during their "Universal Horror"
series? I watched it twice, taped from the station both times, and both
times I heard the sound of another movie during THE MUMMY. The sounds
were the same both times, so I know it wasn't interference. In fact, I
swear I heard the revving-up sound of the Road Runner (of course, right
when the film was intended to be dead silent for dramatic effect.)
Did anyone else notice this? What the heck is going on with the sound?

Stacia * The Avocado Avenger * Life is a tale told by an idiot; * Full of sound and fury,
Remove the guacamole to reply! * Signifying nothing.


Feb 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/6/99

I had the same problem. I was watching on a satellite dish so I thought the
problem was on my end.

- JW


Feb 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/7/99
> I've been meaning to ask this for about five months now. Did anyone
>watch THE MUMMY on TCM back in October, during their "Universal Horror"
>series? I watched it twice, taped from the station both times, and both
>times I heard the sound of another movie during THE MUMMY. The sounds
>were the same both times, so I know it wasn't interference. In fact, I
>swear I heard the revving-up sound of the Road Runner (of course, right
>when the film was intended to be dead silent for dramatic effect.)
> Did anyone else notice this? What the heck is going on with the sound?

Yes!!!!!! I noticed this too! I thought it was just me..... glad to see I'm
not the only one who heard that! I was getting kind of freaked out because the
sounds were coming at a particularly intense part of the film, so I kind of
added to the intensity.

"Lillie and Lawrence, Lawrence and Lillie, if you haven't seen them,
you're perfectly silly"

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