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Most Celebrities Stay Silent Following Horrific Terror Attack In Israel

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Oct 11, 2023, 8:03:37 AM10/11/23
The same celebrities and entertainers who didn’t hesitate to post black
squares in solidarity with Black Lives Matter or add the Ukrainian flag emoji
to their social media profiles after Russia invaded are being noticeably
silent following the terrorist attacks in Israel.

A handful of famous people have spoken out about the atrocities committed by
Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic terrorist organization. But they’ve been
facing backlash from some of their followers and in one case, even
backtracked on calling out the evil acts for what they are.

As of Tuesday, more than 900 Israelis have been killed and more than 2,600
injured from the attacks. The terrorists also kidnapped an unknown number of
Israelis, many of them women and children, and are currently holding them
hostage in the Gaza Strip. Videos shared by the terrorists showed them
celebrating as they desecrated the bodies of both Israeli soldiers and

Despite the clear distinction between good and evil in this situation, the
Hollywood set has been eerily silent about the attack, which has been
described as “the worst day for Jews since the Holocaust.”

A few celebrities, however, have gone public with their support for Israel.

Actress and comedian Amy Schumer shared a photo of a family of five who were
all killed by Hamas terrorists. She notably had comments turned off.

“Family erased. There is no other side,” she wrote in the Instagram caption.
“Hamas is a terrorist organization. Stop sitting at home wondering how to be
diplomatic. They want to murder all Jews.”

The post continued, “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak
out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came
for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came
for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller”

“Star Wars” actor Mark Hamill kept it simple, sharing a photo of Israel’s
flag flying next to the American flag. “America stands with Israel,” he wrote
in the post. Many followers made jokes and chastised him in the comments.

Madonna also posted about the attacks, writing in part, “What is happening in
Israel is devastating. Watching all of these families and especially children
being herded, assaulted and murdered in the streets is heartbreaking.”

At another point, she wrote, “My heart goes out to Israel. To Families and
Homes that have been destroyed. To children who are lost. To innocent Victims
who have been killed… This tragic attack will only cause more suffering for
everyone. Let us all pray. For Israel. For Peace. For The World.”

Her Instagram comments were also flooded with negative messages urging her to
consider “the other side.”

Academy Award- winning actress Natalie Portman, who was born in Israel,
shared her support for her home country on Instagram. “My heart is shattered
for the people of Israel,” she wrote. “Children, women, and the elderly have
been murdered and abducted from their own homes. I am in horror at these
barbaric acts and my heart is pounding with love and prayer for the families
of all affected.”

Israeli actress Gal Gadot had a similar message. She wrote, “I stand with
Israel you should too. The world cannot sit on the fence when these horrific
acts of terror are happening!”

Andy Cohen, Jamie Lee Curtis, Debra Messing, and Sarah Silverman also posted
their condemnation of the attacks.

Social media influencer and reality star Kylie Jenner briefly went public
with her support for Israel, but deleted her Instagram story after getting
backlash from followers.

After news of the attack went public, Jenner shared a post from the account
@StandWithUs to her 400 million followers. It featured a photo of an Israeli
flag and said, “Now and always we stand with the people of Israel!”

Even after deleting the post, Jenner kept getting slammed in comments on
previous posts. Some fans shared pro-Palestine messages while others berated
the influencer for backing down when pushed.

“It’s actually way worse that Kylie Jenner just deleted the Israel post,” one
person wrote. “It shows a lack of knowledge and care, she just posted it to
be talked about.”

Though Kylie backtracked, Kris Jenner, Khloé Kardashian, and Kourtney
Kardashian all posted a statement on their Instagram stories condemning the

“Hamas is a terrorist organization that attacked civilians by land, air, and
sea. The images of kidnapped Israelis are shocking and devastating,” the
statement said in part. “Given the thousands of years of persecution of Jews,
please know that your Jewish friends — even if they are not in Israel — are
hurting and are fearful when things like this happen and non-Jews are

“Frozen” actor Josh Gad marveled at the people coming after him for
condemning terror attacks. The 42-year-old actor, who was raised Jewish,
wrote on the social media platform Threads about his experience.

“Yesterday, I and the world watched as a Terrorist organization massacred 600
innocent humans and took children and families hostage. I posted a message of
heartbreak and shock. I, who have always been critical of the Israeli
Government and its pattern of occupation and their attacks on innocent Gazans
was personally attacked, shamed, unfollowed and threatened,” Gad said.

“Instead of compassion & humanity, people are treating this as if it’s a
FOOTBALL match with two teams when the points scored are dead human bodies/
Waving flags around as if they are team jerseys. Have we lost our f**king
minds? Somewhere in a basement right now, tied up and terrified are little
CHILDREN who have never done anything to hurt a Palestinian. Somewhere on the
streets of Gaza are innocent people who are being shelled, because terrorists
decided it was best to destroy any opportunity for peace.”

“There are no winners here,” the actor concluded. “We are all losers. Most
importantly, every Israeli and Palestinian is now on the losing end. I am
truly at a loss. I guess I’m the naive one.”

While most celebrities are remaining silent, there are a few coming out on
the other side with messages of support for Hamas. One of the most blatant of
these is adult entertainer Mia Khalifa, who openly praised the terrorists.

“If you can look at the situation in Palestine and not be on the side of
Palestinians, then you are on the wrong side of apartheid, and history will
show that in Time,” Khalifa wrote on X on Saturday.

In another post, the OnlyFans content creator referred to a photo of Hamas
terrorists as a “Renaissance painting.”

She wrote at another point, “Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in
Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal.”

The media company Playboy publicly cut ties with Khalifa due to the nature of
these posts. “Mia has made disgusting and reprehensible comments celebrating
Hamas’ attacks on Israel and the murder of innocent men, women and children,”
the company wrote in an email to subscribers which was sent out Monday, per
The New York Post.

“At Playboy, we encourage free expression and constructive political debate,
but we have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech,” it said.

Islam is a peaceful religion, just as long as the women are beaten, the boys
buggered and the infidels are killed.


Oct 11, 2023, 1:00:39 PM10/11/23
On Oct 11, 2023 at 1:30:48 AM PDT, "Ubiquitous" <> wrote:

> Social media influencer and reality star Kylie Jenner briefly went public
> with her support for Israel, but deleted her Instagram story after getting
> backlash from followers.

I'm left devastated and confused. I've been told too many times to count how
brave our celebrities are. Now this? What is happening to the world?!?


Oct 11, 2023, 2:12:15 PM10/11/23
Our fearless academics are taking up the slack of defending Hamas until
the celebrities can find an argument that won't threaten them with loss
of followers:



Oct 11, 2023, 6:23:56 PM10/11/23
Told by whom?


Oct 11, 2023, 6:33:00 PM10/11/23
Does Oath Keeper Twat have anything to say on the subject or is he still
waiting from the email blast from the Oath Keeper HQ to tell him what to


Oct 11, 2023, 6:36:48 PM10/11/23
How hard is it to un-bunch a pair of panties then?


Oct 11, 2023, 9:06:24 PM10/11/23
Mostly by other celebrities.


Oct 11, 2023, 10:21:13 PM10/11/23
Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but I'm not aware that
celebrities claim "bravery" more often than any other group given to
addressing the public (...e.g., politicians, prophets, pundits).


Oct 12, 2023, 2:34:04 PM10/12/23
And the liberal media.

Let's go Brandon!

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