We invite you to work as a regional agent with a
monthly salary from $500 plus interest.
We are a large investment company; our task is earning money for our clients with minimal risks.
We have been working for many years, and in this time we have had only favorable reviews.
We are interested in attracting more clients, and by doing our job successfully we can offer very good commissions for our partners.
What do regional agents do?
You need to help us search for clients and support them by phone or e-mail.
To search for clients, you can publish free announcements in newspapers and websites, on forums,
in social networks and other information sources.
On registering, you will get a small digital code (e.g., 001122) to send to your clients.
By entering your code during registration, clients receive a small bonus to their account,
so they will be interested in registering with your code, rather than doing it through our website.
We will create a personal e-mail account for you on our server,
and we will also forward all incoming calls from our regular phone to your personal (regular or mobile) phone.
This information will be published on our website; and after finding our website through search engines,
clients from your region will call you for support, then register with your code, and you will get the interest.
Payment for this job is biweekly.
You will get a fixed salary of $250 plus interest for attracted funds.
The interest fluctuates from 10% to 20% of the attracted funds.
An indispensable condition is compliance with the attraction plan of $1250 in two weeks.
In other words, your clients
must put up at least $1250 every two weeks in order for you to get the salary.
Otherwise, we will not be able to work with you.
Our statistics show that 86% of the people who start
working with us attract from $2000 to $5000 in the first week and beat the target.
That's why we believe that the probability of your success with us is very high.
Note that you will not have to put in a single cent to work with us.
You will not need to put money into the system or pay for any educational materials or entrance fees.
If you are interested, please reply with the following information:
1. Your namecan
2. Your countrycan
3. Your contact emailcan
4. Your contact phone number (cell or landline)can
5. When we can call youcan
Our contact: c...@regionalrepresentative.com
- With best regards,
Alan, Human Resources Manager.
Q: What will happen if I beat the target in one week, but fail to do that in other one?
A: We are very loyal to our agents. If you have an unsuccessful period, we will not stop working with you,
and you will have the opportunity to make up for it. However, we only pay agents who fulfill the attraction plans.
Q: Can I publish paid announcements on websites or other advertising sites?
A: It's not prohibited. We prohibit only spamming and publishing announcements that violate the law.
Q: How do I get my salary?
A: You can get your salary in two ways:
a) To your bank account. Bank transfers are usually processed in 1 to 3 days. To get a bank transfer you need to have an account in any bank.
b) Through electronic payment systems. Electronic money transfers are made instantly.
To get an electronic money transfer you need to have an electronic wallet. Opening an electronic wallet is free.
Q: Can I attract other agents?
A: Yes, you can. You will get 5% of their attracted funds. For instance, if you attracted an agent who attracted $5000, you will get 5% of this amount, i.e., $250.
Q: Do you create my personal e-mail address on your server and phone number on your website instantly?
A: We create a personal e-mail and publish phone numbers for agents who have worked successfully for at least 1 month.
In other words, during the first month we have to be sure that you can handle the job, and then you will get your personal e-mail and phone number.
Q: What do I need to get started?
A: You need to send us your personal information, such as your name, country of residence and phone number.
Our representative will call and interview you. Then you will be able to register on our website, get your code and proceed with work.
Q: Under what conditions does the Company stop working with a regional agent prematurely?
A: If the clients complain about rude and improper behavior of the regional agent, we will stop working with him or her.
Q: Can the agent invest in the program as a regular user and earn revenues from the investment?
A: Yes, this is possible.