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There's a 'Rick and Morty' Porn Parody Called 'Dick and Morty' and I'm Sorry (Rule 34 has no exceptions).

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Oct 14, 2017, 3:59:45 AM10/14/17
Every few months or so, once a certain cultural tipping point is hit,
the porn industry decides to film themed parody porn in what could
charitably be called a publicity stunt. Notable entrants in the genre
include Who's Nailin' Paylin? (Sarah Palin), Cock of Duty (Call of
Duty), and Oversnatch (Overwatch).

Each time a new one of these porn parodies is released and I get a
press release in my inbox, I roll my eyes, think "not again," and blink
a few times. In this case, the email was "A Rick and Morty Porn Parody?
WoodRocket says Yes!" It'd be possible to ignore that this exists, but
given this week's Szechuan sauce debacle and the general overall
discussion about Rick and Morty online I thought that maybe some of you
would like to know ... and so I, too, say "yes!"

It is with great regret that I present to you Dick and Morty:

Enjoy, I guess.

Dems & the media want Trump to be more like Obama, but then he'd
have to audit liberals & wire tap reporters' phones.

Eli the Bearded

Oct 14, 2017, 7:34:40 PM10/14/17
(Newsgroups trimmed.)

In rec.arts.movies.erotica, Ubiquitous <> wrote:
> Each time a new one of these porn parodies is released and I get a
> press release in my inbox, I roll my eyes, think "not again," and blink
> a few times. In this case, the email was "A Rick and Morty Porn Parody?
> WoodRocket says Yes!" It'd be possible to ignore that this exists, but
> given this week's Szechuan sauce debacle and the general overall
> discussion about Rick and Morty online I thought that maybe some of you
> would like to know ... and so I, too, say "yes!"
> It is with great regret that I present to you Dick and Morty:

I was half-execting a Rick-Roll.

> Enjoy, I guess.

Given the history of "Rick and Morty" coming from "The Real Animated
Adventures of Doc and Mharti" ( ), I'd have
expected a more gay-porn vibe.

wonders why Ubiquitous is on those mailing lists if thinking "not again"
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