1) Austin Powers 2 - just what I needed, a poor remake of "Spy Hard"
2) The Generals Daughter - Dull, dull, dull, dull, dull. Can we all go back
to not liking Travolta now please?
3) Jakob The Liar - Robin Williams The Crap
4) Virtual Sexuality - US cinema goers were probably spared this film
written by a UK agony uncle about a teenage girl who changes in to a teenage
boy . It also managed the impossible - to make buxom twenty-something women
dressing as schoolgirls dull. Now that takes talent.
5) Taxi. The French try to resuscitate their film industry, by making a crap
action flik that even Steven Seagal would have considered beneath him.
Julian Donkey-Boy
Species 2
Wing Commander
The Loss of Sexual Innocence
Drop Dead Georgious
eric l.
Eric -- On what flight did you see Molly?
John Harkness
Never seen it
>Species 2
That was Baaaad, but wasn't it a 1998 film?
>Wing Commander
That was bad. But I found it funny in a bad sort of way. Especially the way
that, with Jurgen Prochnow (sp?) in it , they felt the necessity to go thru
loads of submarine cliches ... in space.
Never heard of it
>The Loss of Sexual Innocence
Oh god - saw the poster, read the plot, avoided like the plague.
>Drop Dead Georgious
Worth it for the one scene of dancing with a crucifix. The rest was dull.
However not as dull as the General's Daughter.
I agree. When that guy said "We're still in the game, right", that was the
last nail in the coffin for this movie. Couldn't Cronenberg at least have
thought of something for the players of the game to DO? They were just
wandering around aimlessly. Never seen a worse computer game I think!
Mr. Wag T.
The movie wasn't enough of anything. The characters were motiveless (and
poorly acted), the game was not credible (either as a study of virtual
reality or as a *tool* for Cronenberg to study the nature of reality) and
the endings on endings at the end was just dull.
>2) The Blair Bitch Project
The BWP and The Matrix deserve some mention IMO opinion for the way an
unending volume of hype about groundbreaking, brilliant movies was undone
when the two decidedly average films were watched.
existenZ was terrible. While I liked the "dream" quality of some of the
scene, it really went nowhere fast, and the ending was so predictable.
Wild Wild West
Bicentennial Man
Jakob The Liar
South Park
Deuce Bigelow
"Hope is a good thing. Probably the best of things. And no good thing ever
-- Andy (The Shawshank Redemption)
I got an idea for the sequel though. "Being Keanu Reeves" I envision
it sort of like that 'movie within a movie' in Boogie Nights --
with Keanu doing is lame-o Karate moves in LA storm drains.
I'm shocked to find myself actually agreeing with Eric, at least about
JULIEN DONKEY-BOY & DROP DEAD GORGEOUS, the only 2 films on this list I've
Steve Erickson
Remove "nospam" to reply.
I'd throw in with him on "The Loss of Sexual Innocence", a film of
phenomenal, ass-sucking badness if ever there was one. About an hour into
the screening, I realized I had friends who were painting their apartment
right at that moment -- literally, watching paint dry -- and knew they had
to be having a better time than I was.
Norm Wilner
Starweek Magazine
John Harkness>>
I was shocked to discover that there was a press screening. I also just
discovered that there isn't going to be one for "Supernova."
eric l.
I didn't realize it had ever opened theatrically -- I thought it had
its premiere on American Airlines. I remember seeing the trailer --
oh, great, the OTHER Other Sister -- and then seeing it on a flight to
John Harkness
> > I'm shocked to find myself actually agreeing with Eric, at least
> > only 2 films on this list I've seen.
> I'd throw in with him on "The Loss of Sexual Innocence", a film of
> phenomenal, ass-sucking badness if ever there was one. About an hour into
> the screening, I realized I had friends who were painting their apartment
> right at that moment -- literally, watching paint dry -- and knew they had
> to be having a better time than I was.
Just goes to show that taste in movies is one of those things it's
hard to generalize about. I'd put LOSS in my top 25. Sure it's one
of the artsiest-fartsiest movies ever made. But it mostly worked
for me; and the scene at the airport was heartbreakingly poignant.
Take away the overly pretentious Adam & Eve stuff, and it might have
made my top 10.
The other movie that wouldn't come close to making my bottom list is
DROP DEAD GORGEOUS...a mockumentary too sidesplittingly funny (in a
year short on comedies which actually made me laugh) to downgrade.
A very midrange sort of movie.
--Ken Rudolph
>In no particular order...
The Mod Squad
True Crime
Wing Commander
Being John Malkovich (pre-empting some griping, yes I'm serious with
this one. I have NEVER fallen asleep at a movie before, but BJM put
me out cold. Dull, dull, dull.)
and likely the worst movie I've ever sat thru...
"You'll regret being so damn abusive when the electric
UFO Gods transphase in from Dimension Ten to appoint me
manager of the universe. I said that out loud, didn't I?"
Warren Ellis, Planetary #2
Yeah, I was pretty disappointed with this one myself. Don't know if I
would call it hte worst of this year, but highly disappointing after
hearing all the praise of it.
: and likely the worst movie I've ever sat thru...
: Jawbreaker
Gah! I watched it cause I liked Heathers and I was like, "well, it is a
Heathers wannabe, it should at least be entertaining." It was a watered
down Heathers wannabe that totally missed the point why Heathers was so
popular (the witty script and the ability to make fun of itself even, both
missing in Jawbreaker).
These opinions are mine, not those of Georgia Tech. It is the opinion of
Tech that I should be writing a paper on some topic or another.
|\ _,,,---,,_ Tigress
/,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ http://havoc.gtf.gatech.edu/tigress
|,4- ) )-,_..;\ ( `'-' tig...@havoc.gtf.gatech.edu
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) Cat drawn by Felix Lee
Not me, Steve.I haven't seen MOLLY but I have seen DROP DEAD GEORGOUS and it is
For more visit www.onelist.com
[Hyperlink eliminated for the hyperlink-wise challenged.
Anyone using my name on an e-mailing list will be reported.
Oh good,I'm not the only one that really enjoyed Drop Dead Gorgeous.
Try "Smile" instead. DDG was just a collection of badly edited cliches in
search of a plot.
Girl, if you want a real laugh have a listen to the director's commentary on
the DVD. He thinks he's Fellini. Seriously.
why even bother watching those movies? do you actually have to plunk
down $8 to discover that, gee, general's daughter and austin powers
the five worst films i saw this year were
1. deep blue sea. i knew it was gonna be trash but critics said cool
special effects. only amounted to special defects.
2. three kings. much hyped movie is a braindead music video that
PRETENDS to understand the gulf war. very offensive.
3. matrix. big dumb calvin kleinish movie that gives us christianity
and buddhism through much strutting around in leather jackets and
shades through an hail of bullets. a movie for total losers and
4. fight club. such talent so badly wasted in what amounts to a
garbage heap. often clever, at times brilliant, always retarded.
5. phantom menace. ridiculous but i at least mildly enjoyed this one.
and i relist the best films i've seen this year. there are still many
highly touted films i havent' yet seen but the best among those i've
seen are
secret defense, eyes wide shut, dr akagi, 1st hr of emperor and the
assassin, thirteenth warrior(my personal fav), princess mononoke
(subtitled version), black cat white cat, blair witch project.
and i mildly enjoyed election, thomas crown affair, and a few others.
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
: why even bother watching those movies? do you actually have to plunk
: down $8 to discover that, gee, general's daughter and austin powers
: suck.
Actually, I liked Austin Powers and so did many other people. It got mixed
reviews, but nothing on the level of, say, Wild Wild West. So yeah, you
needed to discover whether or not you'd like it or not.
>Species 2
Species 2 was ages ago...
>Wing Commander
Yes, definitely include this
>Drop Dead Georgious
DDG sucked majorly, big letdown, although, Kitsten Dunst is always good
I would also nominate Idle Hands
>eric l.
But that did have that super-hot chick to kind of redeem it. But then again,
the offspring playing at a high school dance does make for a stupid movie.
13th Warrior
Thin Red Line
Wild Wild West
The Messanger
The Worst:
The Haunting. Jan De Bont should not be allowed to direct another film.
I agree -- this movie was hilarious!
The Matrix does not deserve to be anywhere on the list.
Well, just because no one's mentioned it yet, I have to add a plug for "The Omega Code".
Feature-length TBN ... oh, the horror ...
Apart from the fact that it was heralded as a new age in film, when it was
just a retread of the sci-fi action film that dominated the last few decades
with Woo rip-offs.
Certainly not the worst film, but honourable mention for the unending hype.
1) Baby Geniuses ( I can't believe this wasn't mentioned!)
2) Wild, Wild West ( Liked the show!)
3) The 13th Floor
4) From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money
5) Bringing Out The Dead
what hype?
i saw no hype int he media before watching the film.
all i saw was a lot of people gushing over it here.
"Of all my imaginary friends, I don't think there was one
that I didn't end up having to kill." Jack Handey
> Eric -- On what flight did you see Molly?
I'm not Eric, but I saw it on a flight
from Amsterdam to Seattle, and it was awful.
I didn't listen to it, and I could tell all the
relevant plot points without any of the dialogue.
I later confirmed with my wife that I had
the plot right.
Dave Reid da...@radonc.washington.edu
UW Medical Center (206)548-4536
Radiation Oncology Dept.
Seattle, WA
Thanks - Just when I had completely put that waste of time and talent out of my
mind, you go off and remind me!
And I add to the worst films of 1999 list:
American Pie
The Blair Witch Project
The Mummy
This movie was a bit uneven at times, but some of it was inspired (and
I'm from Minnesota, doncha know). The crucifix scene, the whole bit with
the guy in overalls; the silent woman judge...very bizarre. A good and
quite dark comedy.
> The Worst:
> The Haunting. Jan De Bont should not be allowed to direct another
God, I forgot about this. Undoubtedly among the very worst of recent
years. Not even bad-funny, IMO. Others I could have done without seeing
this past year.
The Blair Witch Project
and probably my winner of the Turkey of the Year
The Phantom Menace, which has the dubious honor (along with "hits" like
Megaforce) as being one of the only movies I anticipate never watching a
second time.
I thought this was better, via Sean Connery's being in it, than the
abysmal Clint Eastwood TRUE CRIME (was that the title?). Just the scene
of Clint kissing that twenty-year old in the bar in the first reel was
enough to sour me on the picture. Plus, it was, IMO, very close to being
a remake of TRUE BELIEVER, the excellent James Woods/Robert Downey Jr
film of several years ago.
dhmac wrote:
> Nd1942 <nd1...@aol.comnojunk> wrote in message
> news:20000102232533...@ng-fq1.aol.com...
> > Everyone forgot to mention "Entrapment", completely inane.
> Thanks - Just when I had completely put that waste of time and talent out of my
> mind, you go off and remind me!
and people go bemoaning modern tastes.
i just saw entrapment. it reminded me of old
caper movies- some suspense, but mostly lightweight.
but it was watchable.
one of the worst movies of the year?????
she's all that, austin powers 2 carrie 2 were worse, and there's
oodles of bad movies i haven't seen yet i bet were worse.
calling a mediocre movie like entrapment
sultingly bad is just as silly as calling it spectacular.
It's true many people liked it. It was pleasant enough with beautiful people,
but there was just nothing believable about this movie. One could argue that
after all it is just a movie and suspend belief, but every single scene was not
to be believed: the room with strings, blowing a hole in the floor to the sound
of the bell, the antics on the skyscraper, entering the highrise by opening
windows, the nonsense on the subway platform. It just went on and on, like the
director was making a movie just for himself, and nobody ever told him it
didn't make any sense.
(In fact, when the movies get screened for the studio execs, do they ever say
what a piece of shit?)
Nd1942 wrote:
> >
> >i just saw entrapment. it reminded me of old
> >caper movies- some suspense, but mostly lightweight.
> >
> >but it was watchable.
> >
> >one of the worst movies of the year?????
> It's true many people liked it. It was pleasant enough with beautiful people,
> but there was just nothing believable about this movie. One could argue that
> after all it is just a movie and suspend belief, but every single scene was not
> to be believed: the room with strings, blowing a hole in the floor to the sound
> of the bell, the antics on the skyscraper, entering the highrise by opening
> windows, the nonsense on the subway platform. It just went on and on, like the
> director was making a movie just for himself, and nobody ever told him it
> didn't make any sense.
as opposed to something like tpm?
or die hard?
the believability in it for me was int he characters.
i like cat and mouse games.
i liked how i couldn't predict the ending and the twist atthe end.
vapid, but engaging.
> (In fact, when the movies get screened for the studio execs, do they ever say
> what a piece of shit?)
all i'm saying is thatthere were far far worse movies out there
this year, and i've unfortunately seen some of them.
which was really funny and way better than Porky's
: The Blair Witch Project
nothing more to say about this than it's on my fave list
: The Mummy
which was really fun! sure it was stupid, so what?
I think my least favorite film of the entire year was The Rage: Carrie 2. A
complete waste of a talented cast.
Episode 2 will probably be much better. I think GL lost touch with what fans
want (and what made Episode 4 so good) over the years; with Anikin older,
and less attention on toys for preteens, he might come up with a better
eric l.
Friday was one of the funniest movies of '95, canny wait for the sequel.
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> Since EPISODE 1:TPM had enough hype for 5 movies it is the only film I
> can choose as the worst film of the year. I still can't believe how much
> George Lucas let me and alot of other fans down. It is a movie so bad I
> don't even really care when EPISODE 2 comes out.
I think the hype was mostly in your own mind. Did you stand in line for 30
days? did you HAVE to be in the first showing in your area? None of that
stuff was promoted by Lucas. It was fanboys building it up in their own
minds. There could never, ever, be a film made that would have lived up to
expectations of those people in line for 30 days. I do not fault Lucas for
the hype. That the film was NOT as good as the first 3, is his fault.