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Nov 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/7/00
First off i would just like to say that i don't want any fights be started, and
that i respect everyone's opinion on this matter, but i am sick and tired of
sitting on my a** waiting for someone to finally stand up and speak the truth
about the Mr. allmighty Vince Monacelli. He has definitely gotten away with
all the bullsh*t that he has pulled this year and yet still no one will stand
up to him. But it isn't all him his so called " female friends" deserve the
blame just as much.

Lets take it back to Aprill 1999 when Vince had fallen. As he recovered, he
was the sweetest man ever, only to have lasted oh i don't maybe 2 weeks, the he
returned to being the so called son of a b*tch he was before his accident. you
know the saying once an A**hole always an A**hole. Then he continued with his
life(which i must say is a little pathetic, i don't know, but what do you think
it is when a 50 year old man likes to watch little girls run around in
unitards? it definatly isn't normal) He then put the Eastridge Winterguard out
with a fantastic show. " the end of it all". Does anyone know how bad Vince
wanted to win that year? Enough to jeopardize the group by wanting to place
instructor Mary Yandow in the show at a regional held out of state. " oh the
judges said it was ok" (vince monacelli) - yeah right i guess thats why her
face couldn't be seen as she was to wear a gas mask through the entire
performance. I am not sure Vince has had groups in Scholastic World class
before, he sure knew the rules then, oh i get it, there was a meeting
stating the exception that Vince didn't have to follow the rules this year, he
could do anything he wanted, which includes taking a student from webster
highschool and placed her in the group. Oopps he did it again. That explains
why Eastridge/Bishiop Kearny was disqualified from Dayton Ohio. He claims to
have cared about this groups so much, then why would he go out of his way to
break all the rules in WGI? Is it all worth it to win? Face it Vince you went
down hill after the fall!!!!!!! Does anyone really know how the girl from
webster got in to perform? Well Vince snuck her behind the arena so he
wouldn't get caught. Come on your telling one performer is going to make a
difference? I don't think so.

During the month of March people were starting to find out all about the " DARK
SIDE". Thats when he was fired from Eastridge and Bishiop Kearny highschool. I
guess lying and cheating don't matter ti Vince maybe thats because he has NO
MORALS!!! but the again being fired from Eastridge wasn't the" end of it all"
it was just the beginning. Its one thing to lie to a bunch of girls at a
public school but when you lie to a person in a Catholic school, well god isn't
going to be as forgiving either should half of you people that are still
involved with.

Now when i say involved i mean that in so many ways. You have your 14 year old
school girls who have been completely " BRAINWASHED" by this man. NEWS FLASH
GIRLS HE ISN'T GOD HE IS EVIL. and although giving him sexual favors to be in
the front might be good now - wait a little while and you'll be disgusted. Then
you have your 30 yesr old instructor ( his female friend) Kristen Costa. 30
year old cracked out puerto rican wanna be. To you Kristen stop following him
around like a little puppy dog wagging your tail and get on with your life -
even her side kick who was once asked to through a quad ( back in the day)
dropped and never picked up a rifle again. that is until now. can we say
desperate for people? Kristen and MaryAnn performing again thats a good laugh
for the day. HEHEHE ( mmmm i bet maryann looks good in a unitard)
Or even better i love the people who make the right decisions with their life,
quit college and take up colorguard, Yup thats you Mary Yandow.
All you poor people who no longer have a brain left are going to go far with
your life. how long do you think it is going to be before he screws you over
like he did everyone else? For you poor people who got kicked out of his
groups last year because they were on their death bed. ( you know that girl at
the bishiop kearney show who had the solo rifle part on the prop and kept
dropping all night- yeah thats right she was horribly ill- mmm just one of
the many policies that he broke, or for the ones he placed on a pedastal and
threw others out to keep other performers. " All performers are created equal
, but some are more equal than others." Yeah right. All of you who are in the
RPE ( rochester petifile ensemble) seriously need help. Thats good advice TAKE
IT!!!! To those people who keep hiring him, you are the ones that are
allowing him to continue all the contraversy between people and groups. He
needs to be stopped, once he is stopped he can then be forgotten. To the
Orchard Park director how did it feel to win? Ask your self that, then ask
yourself how it feels to be put on probation because of his actions? Ask
yourself how it is going to feel to lose when you wake up, see the light, make
the right decision and fire him!!! The reaction of those students from
Eastridge at the dome will be the same reaction of your students. Learn from
other people, don't let what happen to Holley Canadaigua, Bishiop Kearney and
Eastridge happen to you.

One thing about Eastridge was they never gave up. Having new instructors come
in and teach( which i must say to the colorguard staff Amy Lombardo and Mary
Lebeau for once those girls seemed like they were having fun when they were
performing instead of looking like controlled robots when being instructed by
vince. You have influenced those girls in and outside of colorguard, they are
so lucky to have been taught by you guys. Thank you for allowing these girls
to have freedom and also to have fun at colorguard. When Vince taught them it
was more or less like a military camp, being taught one thing WIN!!!! because
if you didn't you were nothing. AMy and Mary taught them that the performance
came from the heart and if you knew you had done a great performance that night
than thats all that mattered, not what place they came in. They also taught
those girls not to give into someone as low as taking pride in hurting 150
kids. Thank you Amy and Mary for opening the eyes of these girls to letting
them experience what colorguard was all about. Even though many of these girls
will never pick up another peice of equpiment again because of Vince. He may
have made people to be good spinners but he has also turned them away from this
activity. He is a manipulative man. He has done more that just lie and cheat
he has turned people against people, groups against groups, staff against staff
and students against students. He needs to be locked away.

Now lets talk about his actions at the Dome. never in all my years ever seen
Vince Monacelli express emotion. All of a sudden 5th place is announced and he
starts laughing. Oh thats right Vince seeing a man in a funny hat cracks you
up right? Thats right folks he was "laughing at a man in a funny hat." (
quoted by vince monacelli) The same with you Kristen, did you feel the need
to start acting like a deranged person banging a flag pole on your seat?? Oh i
get it all the fake sun finally going to your head.

Vince and to Kristen you need to stop leading this adolescent life and get on
with the fact that your a has been. Face the truth and move on. And stop
hurting these kids who had nothing to do with what happen. It's over Stop
Living in the PAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many must think that i am making all this up, but i speak only the truth. I
went through all this junk as did many of my friends. I was lucky to come out
of the trance when i did, other wise i may still be with but i am not. I thank
god everyday for that.

Tim Then

Nov 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/7/00
OK. I am from West Seneca West and our band director is thinking about bringing
Vince in to write our drill and also be a co-director of the guard. If all he
wants to do is win, our guard directors isn't going to put up with that $#!^.
The two we had last year that are gonna come back taught our girls that if you
don't win, don't worry about it. It's the performance that counts. Vince is
gonna have some new thngs ahead of him if this happens. Hopefully it won't.

Tim Then
West Seneca West Indian Marching Band Member '98-'03
Trumpet '98
Tuba '99-??


Nov 8, 2000, 10:22:35 PM11/8/00
Becareful of lawsuits....

Sometimes the truth can hurt--even you.

Nov 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/9/00
This is Mary Yandow. This is my response to this post, and all posts
pertaining to the people in this post.

First of all, who are YOU to judge me and the decisions I have made in
MY LIFE. Let's get something straight right off. I DID NOT quit
college to take up color guard. I left my home and took a break from
college for personal reasons. If you really knew me, like you claim
that you do know me, you would already know this. What I have chosen
to do with my life is NONE of your business. But if you would like to
know. Since, I first left Brockport in the fall of 1997, I have
emancipated myself, and have been living on my own since then. Not
something that most 17 year old girls would be able to do. I have been
taking care of myself for the past 4 years. Independently supporting
myself. I currently work at one of the largest law firms in
Rochester. And there I work full-time ALONG with pursing a degree in
paralegal studies. So yes, I am enrolled in a college. If you would
have asked me 4 years ago where I thought I would be now, it would not
be what I am doing now. However, I am proud of what I do and of the
way things have turned out for me. Considering all of the
circumstances, I live a very fulfilled life so far. Since then, I have
never once been denied that chance to do something that I wanted to
do. That's because I have worked very hard for everything that I do
and own. I'd like to see where you end up 4 years from now. I can
almost guarantee you that what you say now, will not be what you end up
doing in 4 years. Not many people end up doing exactly what they want
to do. That's because sometimes, there are unforeseen obstacles that
come into your life and block you path. What happened to all of the
guys and girls who graduated with me at the top of my class? 75% of
those people dropped out of college and are working. It just goes to
show that life isn't always what you expect it to be. In time you will
learn that too. Teaching color guard and performing is a hobby of
mine. Not my life.

As for the comments other comments I have heard......

The comment left on the old RPE webpage from Heather Salome......I
really enjoyed reading them. I like how you made racial slurs about me
and found it necessary to pick on a relative of mine who has mental
health problems. Very mature.

Lets not forget Paul Regoord. The pit instructor for the Eastridge
marching band. Again someone who does not know me, but found it
necessary to call me a chink B*tch. Well that's tact and taste for you
ladies and gentlemen. I ask you, is this the type of person you want
teaching your children?

How dare you say anything negative about Maryanne?! Can you name one
thing that that woman has ever done to you that would give you the
right to write such horrible things about her? I think not.

As for Kristen Costa, the first instructor of the winter guard at
Eastridge. She has brought nothing but a huge amount of talent, and
expertise to your school. Year after year she produced an excellent
guard for you. But now that she is no longer with you, she is no
good? Why is that?

And your comments about Vinnie. If it was that horrible to be in the
group, then why did you stay? No one was holding a gun to your head.
But wait, I guess you must have been in a trance?!

I find it interesting that you can SO easily pass judgment on a person
without having all of your facts straight.

I will not stoop to your level and start the naming calling and writing
slanderous remarks. I have nothing negative to say to you or about
your new instructors Amy Lombardo and Mary LeBeau. They are two very
talented girls. Everyone knows that, and I DO in fact recognize
that. Except I think it's about time that they have helped to put an
end to this. If the instructors don't step up and take control of
this, it will never end. There is not a single person from RPE who has
bothered to write negative things about Eastridge on these posts. If
that so happens to happen, you bet I will personally put an end to it.
Enough is enough. Everyone just needs to let it go. Past is past,
nothing can change that. Eastridge has always been a talented group,
and will always be. You had an excellent year, considering the
UNFORESEEN circumstances.

Everyone is so quick to pass judgment on other people. No one person
is "lily white". Everyone has a few skeletons in their closest, or has
done something that they aren't exactly proud of. But you live and you
learn. Which is something I hope you do from my response. I hope that
you learn from this. Your post just goes to show how ignorant you are.
You are obviously very young and have a lot of lessons to learn. So I
can't say anything else to you, except that I feel sorry for you.
Maybe YOU should sit back and do some self reflection.........

Sent via
Before you buy.

Nov 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/9/00

talented girls. Everyone knows that, I a DO in fact recognize that.


Nov 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/9/00
IMO, the original unsigned post was a cowardly and malicious attempt to
inflict harm on someone with whom the poster had a personal axe to grind.
as such, i paid no attention to it. i suspect the vast majority of other
list members did the same.

if you girls feel compelled to continue this debate, i ask you graciously to
please do so offlist.

- kestrel

X pro TEEN boi x

Nov 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/9/00
ok you are not vince monacelli and you are not the rest of the people u
mentioned... your claims, ok i will admit, some are true, but some are not and
you are, what everyone always does in the newsgroups,. taking it tooo far.
obviously u CRAVE drama and you care about attacking people rather than
celebrating the arts. ok fine, people DO talk about this "stuff" offline, but
keep it there.

i think too many people take marching band colorguard and drum corps for
granted... and i'm not talking about Eastridge, B Kearny, or the new Ind guard.

you say it has nothing to do with the gurls who perform with these groups, but
you ARE effecting them negatively and that's something that is WRONG.

Nov 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/9/00

OK first of all, what I think you are doing is wrong. You are bringing
innocent people into this and that is wrong (Kristen, Mary, Mary
Ann,marching memebers of RPE). If you have beef with Vinnie then that
is fine, but don't take it out on those people.

Second of all if you hate this man so much then why even have anything
to do

with him? If you were smart you would give it up!!!! Obviously you DID
to start a fight because you wouldn't say such harsh and hurtful
things. Those

people are my friends and you obviously don't know what you are talking
about because they are not the people that you made then out to be.
Your comment
about Mary being dumb. Well, Mary carries on a full time job at a major
law firm. Did you know that? Plus does goes to college, never dropped
out! Check the facts! Along with
that she works with many guards and still has time to do other things.
So I think you should investigate before saying mean and hurtful
things. I think what it comes
down to is that who every you are? You are a very jealous of other
people's talents!!! If you had any balls you would say it to those
people that you mentioned in your letter.

Let us flip the tables on you. How would you feel if someone that has
no clue about you wrote something about you? Saying

that you were dumb, fat, or a crack baby? Not to good I am thinking?
that is if you are a normal person? So put your self in there positions
for a little

while and then start to talk about them ok.

My last and final comment to you is, for you to bring god into this is
so morally wrong. Who are you to say
that a man is going to be sent to hell or heaven. I think it was god
that put it best
"thou shall not judge" so leave are winterguard alone and go on with
your anger filled life. MIKE HEANEY RPE MEMBER


Nov 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/10/00

Nov 11, 2000, 9:42:33 PM11/11/00
Please stop this fighting. Ask yourself
something, is it worth it? why live your life in
hate and anger? it just adds stress to yourself,
why bring that upon yourself?


Nov 15, 2000, 9:58:41 PM11/15/00
Well put, mike! : )

Oct 16, 2018, 10:38:37 PM10/16/18
Can I just say something, um Vinny (Vincent) is my couch for color guard so yea

Oct 16, 2018, 10:39:56 PM10/16/18
East ridge??? You mean orchard park bc that is kristan and vinnys main team do

Oct 16, 2018, 10:44:43 PM10/16/18
Vinny is a great coach, so what he can be cranky we all can be too, HOW DARE ANY of you bring Kristen into this, stop arguing about my coaches. The orchard park team is not something to joke about. Vinny and Kristen do there very best to take care of 53 color guard kids, they have so much patience and give up so much of there time, thanks to them we are a highly compedative team so if you have any question about my team or my coaches talk to me. All you old members who are not on the team anymore don’t know what your talking about, talk to mr bc I’m actually a member not you so stop talking crap abt the most amazing coaches

Brianne Sexton

Feb 26, 2021, 9:04:18 AM2/26/21
Okay, I'd like to say a few things. I was a member of the Orchard Park guard under the instruction of both Vinnie and Kristen. Kristen was nice for the most part, but Vinnie was fucking psychotic. He wouldn't let us have water next to us while practicing (only stopping an hour or so in to let us "take 5"), he constantly screamed at us and made us feel like shit, and if we didn't get first place, we were all horrible. If we weren't acting like robots, we weren't good enough. Now I'm gonna talk about my personal experience. I was led to believe that I was gonna be a section leader in my senior year, as I was the only senior in the group and other only-seniors were given the role in past years. In addition, I was pretty good at the sport itself. I knew how to do a lot, and I've been told I could do well as a leader. The day comes, three junior girls were chosen (one of whom shall not be named was chosen even though she can't do a single flag toss to save her life). The season passes, I'm convinced Vinnie and Kristen hate me for some reason as they put me in the very back for most of the show. I suddenly get a bad feeling and I don't wanna do winterguard next season. I leave, I join the musical's stage crew, and I have a great time. At a cast party, another girl who was also in the marching band with me says that Vinnie got fired and Kristen also left. She says that he sent a shirtless picture to the previously mentioned girl-who-shall-not-be-named. She apparently smashed her phone and blamed it on one of the jv kids. She would also show up to practice super early for some unknown reason. It all made sense. I was scared that once I turned 18 that season, Vinnie would try some shit with me like he did with her. I was scared he was gonna assault me all for the sake of putting me in the front. I'm not blaming the other girl. She might be airheaded and was even more so after getting picked to be a section leader, but she's a victim of his manipulation. She's a victim of his assault. And I went to see the varsity show when it was at our school. He had the girls in these unitards that looked like they were wearing bras (if you've seen the show you'll know exactly what I'm talking about), and there was a spinning diamond on the floor that lit up. He had one of the younger ones go in at one point and do slut drops while club music was playing. So yes, I was genuinely terrified, and seemingly rightfully so. I know he's currently working with other guards at the moment (and surprisingly not rotting in jail), so if there's any girls who are reading this that are currently under his and his manipulative sidekick Kristen's instruction, you are not alone. Keep your head up, don't let them try anything, and don't give into their tricks. You may not get to be the star of the show, but you'll be safe. If you see something, say something. Stay strong.
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