Types of Puzzles
unlock door (or object) with a key (find the key)
open something hard to open (similar to above)
break or cut or burn something (brute force)
manipulate a liquid
use an unlikely object to get another object or fix another object
put something in something
get something which is somehow out of reach
clean something
solve a light problem
get into a narrow space
climb something or another physical activity (swim, dance, etc.)
push something on wheels (sliders, etc.)
"drive" something
carry something heavy
eat/drink something
wear something
sleep (w/wo dreams)
cover hands and/or face to protect them from something
make something that is hard to read/see easier to read/see
decipher or decode something coded
use a written (or "visual") hint to find something (similar to above)
use a combination lock, dial, etc. than can be slid or turned
turn a lever, wheel, push or pull a handle, etc.
use weights
swap something for something else (similar to the above)
use money
use one or more of similar items which have different colors or something
get/show something to an NPC (which reveals more or gets another object)
ask/tell something of/to an NPC (ditto)
attack an NPC (or get affectionate, either the puzzle itself or it helps)
I am sure I left something out. If you have anything to add, please let me
Femal...@aol.com "Good breeding consists in
concealing how much we think of ourselves and how
little we think of the other person." Mark Twain
But these are more types of actions than types of puzzles; for instance,
"stick banana on metronome to hypnotize monkey" would be covered by "put
something on something", but it doesen't really do justice to the
puzzle. You could never hope to cover all of those. How would covering
all these types help you write a better game, anyway? Why not simply
make a game that you would enjoy playing? It seems to work for id
Ola Sverre Bauge
My news server cannot be trusted; please CC me if you reply.
[Aah... I feel the muse coming over me... I must write a fictional IF
transcript and post it to raif to annoy everyone!]
The Demise of a Casio GE-7000fx
A Noninteractive Vandalism (based on a real-life incident)
Release 0/Serial Number 160298
>x scientific calculator
Its LCD screen is shattered beyond repair. It'll never calculate the
square root of pi again.
You have:
A hammer (being held)
>smash scientific calculator
You smash the scientific calculator to pieces, then peel it open and
spread integrated circuit cards, loose keys and liquid crystals all over
the table.
*** You feel great ***