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I7 Chomsky

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Aug 16, 2006, 3:45:54 AM8/16/06
Chomsky is a room.
A thought is a kind of thing.
Color is a kind of value.
The colors are red, green and blue.
A thought has a color. It is usually Green.
A thought can be colorful or colorless. It is usually colorless.
An idea is a thought in Chomsky with description "Colorless green ideas
sleep furiously."
A manner is a kind of thing.
Furiously is a manner.
Sleeping relates one thought to one manner.
The verb to sleep (he sleeps, they sleep, he slept, it is slept, he is
sleeping) implies the sleeping relation.
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

Message has been deleted

Jon Rosebaugh

Aug 16, 2006, 9:29:15 PM8/16/06
nemonullus wrote:
> Is anybody but me getting all the ads immediately to the right for
> sleep related items? (Not even to mention the one link at the bottom
> about India colors.) I am finding this a bit "Snow Crash-esque":
> fucking ads that track the words on the page. Feh.

Actually, no, I'm not getting any ads at all, and if my newsreader
(Thunderbird, at the moment) started displaying them, I would
immediately switch to a different newsreader.

Dan Lowe

Aug 16, 2006, 11:38:11 PM8/16/06
nemonullus <> wrote:
> Is anybody but me getting all the ads immediately to the right for
> sleep related items? (Not even to mention the one link at the bottom
> about India colors.) I am finding this a bit "Snow Crash-esque":
> fucking ads that track the words on the page. Feh.

Well, context-sensitive ads *are* Google's fundamental business model,
after all. Judging by your email address, you would be seeing this kind of
context-sensing ad in your inbox as well, so it seems a bit weird that you're
surprised by it...


Quintin Stone

Aug 17, 2006, 10:11:44 AM8/17/06
On Wed, 16 Aug 2006, nemonullus wrote:

> Is anybody but me getting all the ads immediately to the right for sleep
> related items? (Not even to mention the one link at the bottom about
> India colors.) I am finding this a bit "Snow Crash-esque": fucking ads
> that track the words on the page. Feh.

If you're using Google Groups, what exactly were you expecting? Google
ads have always been based on keywords in whatever you're viewing.

==--- --=--=-- ---==
Quintin Stone "You speak of necessary evil? One of those necessities is that if innocents must suffer, the guilty must suffer more." - Mackenzie Calhoun, "Once Burned" by Peter David


Aug 17, 2006, 12:29:25 PM8/17/06
> Well, context-sensitive ads *are* Google's fundamental business model,
> after all. Judging by your email address, you would be seeing this kind of
> context-sensing ad in your inbox as well, so it seems a bit weird that you're
> surprised by it...
> -dan

Yeah - clearly I am slow. I don't use Google much (barely ever) for
anything other than reading this newsgroup. I got the email (which I
never use) only to join the group. I couldn't be bothered to add a
newsreader. To be perfectly honest, I don't seem to have any ads in my
inbox (perhaps because I have no mail - and never have) in my inbox.
And I never noticed the context-sensitivity here until this post. Like
I said, I appear to be slow.

Jim Aikin

Aug 17, 2006, 8:16:19 PM8/17/06
Brilliant! Definitely an I7 poem. (But would it compile?)


"Adjusting" <> wrote in message


Aug 18, 2006, 2:56:44 AM8/18/06

Jim Aikin wrote:
> Brilliant! Definitely an I7 poem. (But would it compile?)

It compiles. It just doesn't do much.
In fact, it's more or less equivalent to this:

Chomsky is a room.
An idea is a thing in Chomsky with description "Colorless green ideas
sleep furiously."
Sleeping relates one thing to another.

The verb to sleep (he sleeps, they sleep, he slept, it is slept, he is
sleeping) implies the sleeping relation.
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

But I liked the longer version better.

Bjarni Juliusson

Aug 19, 2006, 3:13:35 AM8/19/06
Jim Aikin wrote:
> Brilliant! Definitely an I7 poem. (But would it compile?)

When I read that line I immediately thought of the poem "The last bug"
and felt like writing something myself. Taking inspiration, like so many
others, also from Poe's "The raven" (and GLS's "The HACTRN"), I produced
this, which I call "The troll":

"Brilliant! I'm happy!", he said with a smile
The beauty was startling, but would it compile?
Passers-by gathered in anticipation
To witness the fruits of his fabled creation
Cold pizza and probable inebriation
He hadn't slept now for a while
He hunched further down in the chair by his station
To type the awaited command line with style
For a moment did the cursor stall
Then "Syntax error", that was all

Uncertain wispers filled the air
What might the error be and where?
Nought to gain by speculating
He began investigating
Some his stubbornness berating
A murmur rose around his chair
His frantic typing escalating
As he was left to his repair
Settling in that night to trawl
For an error, surely small

They found him still working hard next day
He snarled at them to go away
Week followed week and he got a bit scary
His body grew thin and his face became hairy
Soon he was branded a mad solitary
They shrugged and let him have his way
For years if you asked them what happened to Gary
"Gary who? The troll?" they'd say
Then one day he proudly emerged in the hall
And turned to stone, and that was all



John Bruce

Aug 19, 2006, 5:39:50 AM8/19/06

Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

You know, this very strongly makes me want to see The Gostak
reimplemented in I7. The source code could be as much fun as the game!

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