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{RAE} THE RIGHT TO RAPE {Hungry Guy} (M/F Mpov Mdom Fsub slow nc rape cons rom caution)

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Hungry Guy

2006年4月9日 上午10:05:582006/4/9
{RAE} THE RIGHT TO RAPE {Hungry Guy} (M/F Mpov Mdom Fsub slow nc rape
cons rom caution)
BY: Hungry Guy (

Foreword: The story that follows this introduction contains written
words that came out of someone's imagination (nothing more and nothing
less) for the purpose of entertainment and social commentary. Indeed,
it is a sad commentary that an introduction like this is needed to
defend such a basic, essential, and precious human right as freedom of
speech. This right is affirmed in the First Amendment of the United
States Constitution, which reads, "Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the
Government for a redress of grievances." The words "no law" and "or
abridging the freedom of speech" are perfectly clear and leave no room
for interpretation. The First Amendment protects every kind of speech,
and makes no exceptions whatsoever for offensive, erotic, prurient,
obscene, or other forms of speech. I stand in good company in defense
of free speech:

- "Our liberty depends on freedom of the press, and that cannot be
limited without being lost."--Thomas Jefferson

- "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."--Benjamin Franklin

- "A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring
one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their
own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the
mouths of labor the bread it has earned, this is the sum of good
government."--Thomas Jefferson

- "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your
right to say it."--The Friends Of Voltaire, 1906

- "There is no such thing as a moral or immoral book. Books are well
written, or badly written. That is all."--Oscar Wilde

- "The Greatest evils inflicted by man over the face of the Earth are
wrought not by the self-seekers, the pleasure lovers, or the merely
amoral, but by the fervent devotees of ethical principles."--Robert M.

- "Laws that prevent the choosing of sin also prevent the choosing of
virtue."--Daniel B. Klein

- "Liberty is the only thing you can't have unless you give it to
others."--William Allan White

- "The sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or
collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their
number, is self protection."--John Stuart Mill

Furthermore, every US President, Attorney General, FBI Director, and
other government employees whose job is to enforce the law is sworn to
an oath to defend the Constitution. Therefore, any government
representative or employee who enacts laws or imposes punishments upon
people for their speech is violating their solemn oath of office. For

- "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the
office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my
ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United
States."--George W. Bush, Jr., President of the United States

- "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States
against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith
and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without
any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and
faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to
enter. So help me God."--Robert Mueller, Director of the FBI

Lastly, the purpose of the jury trial system is not merely to judge
those accused of crimes, but also to judge the law itself. The jury
trial system exists to empower the people to enforce the Constitution
upon the government, in the same way that the jury trial system exists
to empower the government to enforce the law upon the people. Again, I
stand in good company in my awareness of the true function of the jury
trial process:

- "The jury has a right to judge both the law as well as the facts in
controversy."--John Jay, 1789, first Chief Justice of the US Supreme

- "If a juror feels that the statute involved in any criminal case
being tried is unfair, or that it infringes upon the defendant's
natural, inalienable, or Constitutional rights, then it is his duty to
affirm that the offending statute is really no law at all and that the
violation of it is no crime at all--for no one is bound to obey an
unjust law...the law itself is on trial, quite as much as the cause
which is to be decided."--Harlan F. Stone, former Chief Justice of the
US Supreme Court.

- "I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by
man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its
constitution."--Thomas Jefferson.

- "It is not only the juror's right, but his duty, in that case, to
find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgment, and
conscience, though in direct opposition to the direction of the
court."--John Adams, 1771.

For more information of freedom of speech, see:

American Civil Liberties Union--
CATO Institute--
Electronic Frontier Foundation--
Fully Informed Juries Association--
Institute for Justice--
The Independent Institute--

Now, on to the story...


Rational and reasonable people down through history have always
believed that men and women should have equal rights, privileges,
obligations, and responsibilities under the law. It started with the
15th Amendment giving women the right to vote. In the late 20th
century, legal precedent established the obligation of men to pay
alimony and child support to their ex-wives; everybody, with the
exception of a few curmudgeons, accepted this as fair and just.

Alimony grew from a small temporary stipend that allowed a woman to
get back on her feet, to a lifetime entitlement to "live according to
the means to which she had become accustomed in marriage," never mind
the fact that this women's entitlement often meant that the man had to
work two jobs just to afford to live in a run-down rooming house.

Child support also started out as a small stipend to help with the
food and clothing for the children--it was a give-and-take: the mother
had an obligation to give the father the right to visitation; in
return, the father had an obligation to help support his children.
Later, child support became an obligation of the father, with no
compensatory right to visitation or other balancing obligation upon the

Men who lost their jobs through no fault of their own, such as
during the corporate downsizing and outsourcing rage of the early
2000's, and who missed a support payment, were immediately arrested and
held until they made payment, becoming de-facto slaves to their ex-

As despicable as wife beating is, "Zero Tolerance" laws were in
vogue at the time, which mandated that a man be arrested on the spot
upon any accusation of physical or even verbal abuse my a woman. Abuse
of men by women through such laws was a taboo subject; anyone who dared
speak of the injustice was invariably accused of being a "closet" wife-
beater or woman-hater.

Women's entitlements and men's obligations continued to expand
through the 1990's into the 2000's as government power grew by leaps
and bounds, often under the rallying cry of "homeland security" and
"civil justice."

When SDHDTV (Super Duper High Definition TV) comedian Brad Walker
declared his candidacy for president as an independent in 2032, no one
took him seriously, of course. Everyone knew he was doing it as a
joke. His platform was to call for the repeal of alimony and child
support laws, a repeal of the 15th Amendment, and a call for a
Constitutional Amendment declaring it a man's legal right to have sex
with any woman, anywhere, any time, under any circumstances, regardless
whether she wanted to or not.

When Walker garnered enough signatures on his petition to be placed
on the ballot as an independent candidate for US President, the
defenders of political correctness took notice. Newspaper editorials
across the country exhibited outrage that even a single citizen had
signed his petition.

It wasn't long before copycats joined his platform, running from
everything from dogcatcher to state governor, and everything in
between. A grassroots "Right to Rape" party soon spawned out of the

When Walker, and almost every other "Right to Rape" candidate, won
their respective election in landslide victories across the country,
ousting incumbents across the board, women's groups were stunned. Most
news outlets credited his victory with voter apathy, i.e. so few women
took him seriously to vote against him, while he drew out every last
man in the nation to vote for him. Few questioned the fact that even
if every male citizen voted for Walker, it would not account for the
number of votes that he received.

Within weeks of taking his oath of office in January, Walker
appointed all "Right to Rape" advocates to his cabinet. The "Right to
Rape" party also won a near unanimous majority in both the Senate and
the House of Representatives. "Right to Rape" candidates filled the
governor's seats of almost every state, and also held super majorities
in almost every state legislature. And not one news outlet reported or
acknowledged the fact that two of those "Right to Rape" representatives
happened to be female. Still, nobody believed, however, that these
people would destroy the country by attempting to implement their
diabolical platform of a Constitutional Amendment giving men the right
to rape women.

President Walker's first act was to issue pardons to every last man
(and woman) throughout the land incarcerated for being in arrears on
their alimony or child support. Thereafter, almost every state in the
union rescinded their alimony and child support laws.

Honoring his campaign promise, the President called for a
constitutional convention a month later. The 15th Amendment was
summarily repealed by a super-majority of Congress with the passage of
the 28th Amendment. The 29th Amendment, commonly called the "Right to
Rape" amendment, was as easily passed moments later.

Walker had kept his campaign promises, but he didn't stop there.
His fellow party members in state legislatures revoked most, if not
all, consensual crime laws. The President, and numerous state
governors, issued pardons to people serving jail time for consensual
crimes such as drug, gambling, and prostitution convictions.

American culture changed violently that year as men exercised their
newly earned right to rape, but the "Right to Rape" party held on to
power for many years to come, being as women no longer had the right to
vote. As decades passed, the pendulum swung back to a more central
position, and the more traditional Republican and Democratic parties
regained some lost power. Yet, every attempt to restore women's rights
and to repeal the "Right to Rape" Amendment failed dismally.

The eventual result was that American society returned to a state
not much different than the late 1900's and early 2000's with the
notable exception that women had lost the right to vote, and it was
every man's civil right to rape any women he wanted, whenever and
wherever he wanted to.


Drew liked his new job as a Web developer with Lotsatech. It was a
beautiful corporate campus in rural northern New Jersey. The private
rape lounges disturbed him a little, but small rooms with cots in them
were mandated by law at every company with more than 10 employees so
that men had the opportunity to rape whatever women they wanted during
the day whenever the need came upon them. Drew had never partaken of
this civil right that was every man's birthright, at least according to
the 29th Amendment that was passed back in his grandfather's day.

Drew was waiting for the bus to go home shortly after 5:00, like he
does every weekday. He was looking forward to the upcoming Christmas
and New Year's holidays next week. Women huddled together waiting for
the bus, not for warmth from the December cold, but to protect
themselves against rapists who had every legal right to take one of
them against their will for a moment's pleasure. Invariably, some man
would approach one of those huddled women anyway, and they would go off
together and enter one of the rape kiosks that the city government
provided on almost every street corner. On this particular day, one
woman raised a fuss and tried to flee. Unfortunately, in Drew's view
anyway, a policewoman was passing by and saw the commotion. After
questioning the man, the woman, and several witnesses waiting for the
bus, she arrested the woman for resisting rape and shoved her in the
cop car and sped away. Drew wondered what would have happened had
someone decided that he wanted to rape the policewoman at that moment.
Anyway, the man simply picked out another woman among the crowd and
headed off to a rape kiosk with her.

The bus dropped Drew off near his home a half-hour later. He had
bought a new townhouse shortly after starting his new job in November.
He didn't know his neighbors very well, so he was surprised when some
neighbor had slipped an invitation to a New Year's party in his door
during the day.

The party was at a neighbor's house across the street. Drew was
never one to go out on New Year's Eve, but with nothing better to do,
he dressed nice and went to the party fashionably late at about 8:15 to
celebrate the arrival of 2112.

Laura Somebody welcomed him inside and hung his coat. She
introduced him to some of the neighbors who had arrived already: Bruce,
Rich, Marcy, Michelle, Bernie, Mohar, Vicky, Tom, and Joyce.

Laura offered Drew a drink, and then he set about the task of
mingling and meeting the neighbors. People continued to arrive over
the next hour or so: Amy, Nick, Stu, Max, Russell, and a few others.

Stu, Rich, and Marcy were all car nuts, and talked about nothing
but the latest nuclear fusion-powered race engines. Drew had traveled
around the world some, so he chatted with Mohar about India for a
while. Bruce and Bernie were discussing the differences between Giga-
Pascal and C++++. Of course, Drew didn't miss the occasions when one
guy or another would pick out a girl and head upstairs with her; it was
generally considered good manners for a host or hostesses to provide a
spare bedroom as a rape room at such house parties as these.

Drew was refilling his drink when Kate came up and said, "Hi!
Welcome to the neighborhood!'"

"Thanks!" Drew answered. "Lived here long?"

Kate and Drew made small talk for a few minutes as midnight

At 5-to-midnight, a hush fell across the room when Laura turned the
sound up on her SDHDTV to watch the ball drop over Times Square to
songs by Eminem and 50 Cent. Drew wondered why they always play old-
fart music at these things.

After a few more drinks, the party started winding down at around
2:00. Drew located Laura and thanked her for inviting him, and Drew
grabbed his coat and headed for the door.

"Drew!" Laura called out.

Drew turned with his hand on the latch to see Laura and Kate
approaching him. "Yes?"

"Kate lives right next door to you. Would you be a gentleman and
walk her home?"

"Sure, no problem," he said.

"Thanks!" Kate said, "Let me get my coat."

It was a short walk past one row of townhomes and across the

"I sure hope 2112 is better than 2111," said Kate.

"Can't be any worse what with all the South American and Chinese
terrorists planting car bombs in Washington DC."

"Yeah. I don't know how you feel about it, but I secretly think
the Federal government provokes the attacks the way they meddle in
foreign affairs all the time."

"I guess," Drew answered. He didn't think there was any
justification for terrorism, but he wasn't in the mood to start a
political argument at 2AM on New Year's Day.

Drew stood as she unlocked her door, then he turned to head home.

"Hey?" she asked in a somewhat startled tone.

Drew turned to her, "Yes?"

She was standing in her doorway holding her door open as if
expecting him to just follow her in.

"Nothing," she squeaked. She smiled oddly and said, "Thank you."

"Good night, Kate." Drew turned and headed home.


Drew's job continued to go well. He made new friends and got
familiar with the local community. He sometimes went to the mall to
buy videos or computer games. As anywhere else, it was a routine sight
to see men approach women and head off with them to one of the many
rape rooms placed at convenient locations by the mall management.
Equally surprising was the number of gay couples he would see. While
the current social climate might make it impossible for a man and a
woman to have a normal relationship, he couldn't conceive of turning
gay as an alternative--not that there's anything wrong with being gay,
of course--he just happened to be straight.

Drew would also occasionally make small talk with one of his
neighbors on the bus. He had a car, of course, but with gas
approaching $12 a gallon, most people took mass transit whenever they

One Saturday afternoon, a knock came from his door just moments
after he had returned from food shopping and put the bag on his kitchen

"Hi Kate," he said when he opened his door.

"Hi Drew. Could I ask a small favor?"


"You work with computers and, well, I just rearranged some
furniture, and now my computer doesn't work. Do you think you could
take a look at it for me?"

"Sure," he said and followed her over to her place, and upstairs to
her spare bedroom that she used as an office. He pulled the computer
out and poked around the back and tugged on the rat's nest of wires.
"I see your problem!"

"What?" she asked.

"You're using a USB splitter because you have more devices than USB
ports on your PC."

"Yeah, so?"

"You didn't plug in this little transformer doohickey into the
splitter and your devices weren't getting any power through USB." He
fiddled around a little more and pushed her PC back into the desk and
turned it on.

"Wow! Was that the problem? Thanks! I feel like an idiot!"

"No problem! You're not an idiot! It's easy to overlook little
things like that sometimes," he said, and turned to leave. He paused
since she was standing in the doorway preventing him from exiting the

"Uhm..." he said.

"Aaaa," she squeaked and jumped back a little.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Just nervous," she blurted. "I know I should be used to this by
now, but I can't help it." She stood there wringing her hands, staring
at the floor.

"Nervous about what?" he asked.

She paused and looked up at him. "C'mon! I'm not naive. I know
what you're going to do now. To me."

"I'm not going to do anything to you, Kate."

"Really?" she asked slowly. "You don't want to," she said and

The brick finally hit Drew on the head. He thought of a quick lie
to get out of there fast. "I would, Kate. But when you knocked on my
door before, I was gathering my W-2s and other tax papers together. I
have an appointment with my tax guy in a little bit, and I can't miss
it. It's so hard to get an appointment with him."

"Oh?" she said. "How much does he charge?"

Drew usually does his own taxes on his computer, and had no idea
how much tax preparers charge, so he made up a figure that sounded
reasonable to him. "He charges $250."

"That's outrageous, Drew!" she said, her eyes wide. "I work part
time at I&S Cube during tax season, they only charge $75. Look, I'll
do your taxes for you, no charge."

"Thanks, " he said, "but you don't have to."

"It's no problem! Really! C'mon!"

Kate followed Drew back to his place. "The dining room table
okay?" he asked.

"This is fine," she answered.

"Wait here while I go get them."

Fortunately, Drew had all his forms in a large envelope on a table
in his spare bedroom, along with all the blank tax forms that he
printed off the IRS and New Jersey State Web sites a few days ago. He
brought them back down to Kate.

"Here they are," he said as he set the envelope in front of her.

As she got to work, he offered her a cup of tea or coffee, and they
chatted together while she did his taxes.

About a half-hour later, she finished up and said, "Good news!
You're getting a $5,821 refund from the Feds, and a $1,246 refund from
New Jersey."

"Great!" he said.

"Yeah, but it looks like you're withholding is too high. You
should call your payroll department about that."

"Okay, I will. Thanks! Just let me put these away again
upstairs," he said and took the stack of tax forms and headed back
upstairs. When he got to the top of the stairs, he realized that she
was following him.

He set the papers on his desk and faced her. "What?" he asked.

Like before, she just stood there ringing her hands, staring at the

He continued, "Well, I guess we're done, unless you'd like another
cup of coffee before you go."

"Go?" she said with a slight tone of puzzlement in her voice.

Drew sighed. "You think I'm going to rape you now, don't you?"

"Of course you're going to rape me now. Aren't you?"


"I don't like it, but I know the routine. So I might as well
cooperate and get it over with. Right?"


"No?" she asked with a tinge of surprise in her voice.

"No. Kate. Listen. I like you. I like you a lot. And I'd like
to get to know you better. That is, if the feeling is mutual. And if
you want to join me in bed tonight, I'd like nothing better. Maybe we
can go out on a date tonight, to a movie or dinner. But it has to be
with your consent."

Kate stood there staring at him with her mouth agape for nearly a
minute. She started to speak then hesitated. Then she finally spoke.
"Drew. I like you too. I'd love to be your girl. But you know how
the world is..."

"Yeah," he said with a tinge of anger in his voice. "I know..."

She continued, "I get raped two or three times every day at work!
And just as often when I go shopping or to the mall. Sometimes I know
them, but usually they're total strangers. In the past week, I've had
sex with at least twenty different guys! Do you really want a
girlfriend that you have to share with every Tom, Dick, and Harry out
there on the street?"

The next thing Drew knew, they were in each other's arms, with Kate
crying on his shoulder.

Drew whispered to her, "Listen, Kate. I have an idea..."


A week later, Drew and Kate walked together through the mall, hand-
in-hand, stopping frequently to exchange kisses just like new lovers
had always done. To the other mall patrons, Drew and Kate looked just
like any other male gay couple.

Kate looked the part of the butch: baggy jeans, baggy top over a
tight sports bra that did an excellent job of compressing her
relatively small chest. She wore a jock strap and cup to give her a
hint of a bulge in the right place. Her short, straight, traditional,
man's barber haircut and cut fingernails, with no jewelry, makeup,
lipstick, or nail polish did wonders to hide the fact that she was
female. A tattoo of a black knife through a red heart on her upper arm
completed the picture of machismo. Her only adornment was that of a
heavy macho brass pentagram swinging from around her neck. A slight
scent of B.O. and rotting meat wafted from her body--a last line of
defense--the result of a selection of "perfumes" ordered from an on-
line novelty store.

Drew looked the part of the bitch: tight jeans, and a tight belly
shirt, earrings, lipstick, nail polish, the works. It was still
obvious that he was male, but since Drew needn't pass as female, but as
a gay male bitch, that was sufficient.

At first, they thought it obvious that Kate be the bitch and Drew
the butch. But in the end, logic suggested that Kate's risk would be
far reduced if she were the butch. So that's how it became.

As they strolled lazily down the mall, window shopping, Kate
occasionally whispered to Drew, "See those two gay guys? That's really
a woman. And those, too. Good thing you guys are so clueless about
women," she said with a giggle.

"What about those two gay guys?" Drew asked in a whisper.

"They're really two gay guys," she said with another giggle.

Elsewhere, men continued to pick out women among the crowd and head
off to one of the many rape rooms with them.

Kate and Drew strolled down the mezzanine, unmolested, and entered
a steak house restaurant for a pleasant romantic dinner before the
movie started that they planned to see, and maybe stop at a gay club on
the way home for drinks and dancing.

* END *

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