On 17.02.24, The Last Doctor <
mi...@xenocyte.com> wrote:
> Mickmane <
A...@kruemel.org> wrote:
>> On 16.02.24,
doc...@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca <
>> wrote:
>>> If you want incoherent, try snakedane or worse yet Midnight
>>> or even worse yet Chibnall's Timeless Child.
>> Without checking, Snakedance was that with the Kinda? Or the much
>> later episode where the evil thing resurfaced from apparently being
>> hidden in Teagan? (That last bit was the only thing that bothered
>> me.)
> Kinda was the first appearance of the Mara, the psychic snake
> monster. Snakedance was its return and is possibly more famous for a
> very effete turn by Martin Clunes than anything to do with its rather
> tgin plot. And yes, the Mara was dormant in Tegan?s mind. Apparently.
Ah, so it was the second episode I described.
And yeah, totally out of the blue. :/
No idea who Martin Clunes is. What's "tgin"? (I guess it's a typo, but I
can't figure out for what.)
>> Midnight, [...]
>> I didn't like that episode, but didn't think it so very incoherent.
>> Now the Ten(nant) episode I liked least was the one with Absorbalof.
>> Hardly any Doctor, boring stupid people not paying attention, and
>> ghastly ending.
> The Absorbaloff was a child?s winning creation in an alien contest,
> so RTD had to find a story in which it worked. I think the alien was
> pretty poor and getting Peter Kay to play it didn?t help at all,
> picking another winner would have been a better choice.
Oh. I don't want to pick on any child's imagination. :)
I don't know what exactly the child's creation was, so can't think how
it could have been a better story.
But what bugs me most is that there's hardly any Doctor in the episode.
It's just slightly worse than Blink(*), which also had hardly any Doctor
in it.
(*) I think that was the episode name, first one with the weeping
angels, focussing on some normal people.
Don't like the weeping angels themselves either.
> I didn?t mind the ending, yes it was a bit adult compared to the rest
> of the episode, but I?m sure it would have gone over the heads of
> young children so no harm done.
Not just that, but who'd think it's a satisfying end to live as a rock!?
No eating, no breathing,... Never mind that there's no way to affect
anything at all, can't even turn a page when reading, and no hope of
> ?Doctor-Lite? is a way of filming two episodes at the same time and a
> budget saving exercise (Midnight was shot alongside Turn Left, so we
> get one episode essentially without Donna and another essentially
> without the Doctor made in the same time scale. Sometimes it works,
> sometimes it doesn?t.
Oh, I didn't notice that there hardly was any Doctor in Turn Left. It
was an interesting enough episode! (And still had Donna, not just some
>> That other episode you mention simply doesn't make sense, so it's
>> just the Master messing with the Doctor's mind.
> No, it wasn?t. I might wish it was. But it wasn?t.
I'll stick with it. Nothing else makes sense. :)
>> And even Toymaker confirmed that our first Doctor was the actual
>> first Doctor.
> Then who are the Doctors shown in the mind battle in ?The Brain of
> Morbius??
Morbius' faces, of course. Don't know how anyone could think anything
> And what did the Doctor mean by saying that he had been, with Omega
> and Rassilon, involved in developing the prototype Hand of Omega in
> legendary history of the Time Lords? (Remembrance of the Daleks).
Obviously something he remembered, and therefore can't have been pre-
first Doctor.
> And when was the Doctor Merlin? (Battlefield).
In the future, that wasn't filmed due to cancelling the show.
> And when was the Doctor the Fugitive Doctor, as it is clearly in the
> Doctor?s past in the sequences involving battling the Bad Guys in
> Flux?
They're mistaken. (I'll get round to rewatching that, before May surely,
but don't have those episodes clear in my head - too much nonsense!)
>> (He'd know! And likes jabs at the Doctor.)
> Where do you think that was confirmed? I didn?t see any such thing.
> Indeed the Toymaker doubled down on the ?truth? of the Timeless
> Children by referring to the Flux.
I was sure he'd said the first game with the first Doctor.
But all I got now is the script from the Giggle:
"INTERCUT his CU with IMAGES from The Celestial Toymaker (1966). But now
in COLOUR. The First Doctor & the First Toymaker; his robes, his smile,
his power."
Can't find 'Flux' in the script.
> Just as the aliens from beyond space in Wild Blue Yonder also
> affirmed it, by telling the Doctor that he didn?t know who he was any
> more.
Not knowing who he was anymore could mean anything