In article <GYyKrz75czB@ATH>, Mickmane <> wrote:
>Blueshirt <> wrote:
>(Pinched from google, as the reply didn't turn up here.)
>>> Mickmane wrote:
>>> What I want to ask you specifically though, what's different
>>> between this post from you, and the other one that didn't arrive
>>> here? Any idea at all? This bugs me!
>> Don't know, but I have noticed in the last few months if I use my
>> back-up news server (eternal-september) random posts go missing.
>> Maybe posting multiple links or cross-posts set off some nntp
>> server's spam filters? As it's usually my posts with Doctor Who
>> related YouTube links or news article links that don't appear,
>> especially on eternal-september's servers.
>Thing is, the crossposted post arrived, the others are missing!
>The other week I changed something about local filter software, finally
>getting replies to be highlighted (automatically would only work if it's
>Fidonet posts). I wonder whether I messed up something there.
>.. After checking headers, doesn't look like it.
>"Organisat. : xs news" posts are missing (but before that, there was one
>highlighted one even).
>"Organisat. : Indigo News" posts still arrive.