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Random Who Titles

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Charles Daniels

Mar 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/29/98

Okay I generated at random 150 Doctor Who Titles and then threw
out the ones that just struck me as complete nonsense. Anyway
I then ranked these as the top 75 computer generated titles
I'd like to see stories of!!

Computer Generated Doctor Who Episode Titles

1. Doctor Who And The Toupee Wearing Sontarans
2. Doctor Who And The Shakespeare Quoting Daleks
3. Horror of the Coughing Foe
4. Invasion of the Ranting Machines
5. Doctor Who And The Stupid Bastards
6. Attack of the Bearded Smurfs
7. Doctor Who And The Really Nice Man Eating Triffids
8. Revenge of the Horny Daleks
9. Doctor Who And The Jail Bait Glowing Brains
10. Doctor Who And The Exploding Samurai
11. Pretentious Wank of the Swearing Magaret Thatcher
12. Return of the Paranoid Bastards
13. Tale of the Chain-Smoking Frank Zappa
14. Doctor Who And The Slightly Ill Jon Pertwee
15. Doctor Who And The Evil Beard
16. Doctor Who And The Dancing Doctor Who
17. Return of the Dancing Doctor Who
18. Terror of the Laughing Sontarans
19. Creepy Idea of the Fornicating 5th Beatle
20. Attack of the Sorta Wicked Jon Pertwee
21. Invasion of the Laughing William Hartnell
22. Attack of the Evil Folk Duos
23. Tale of the Salty Blind Guy
24. Doctor Who and the Floating Tom Baker
25. Dreams of the Sleepy Robots
26. Doctor Who And The Exploding Machines
27. Doctor Who And The Wacky Moon People
28. Doctor Who and the Dress Wearing Cybermen
29. Nightmare of the British Samurai
30. Benevolence of the Bewildered Daleks
31. Doctor Who And The Sexy Communists
32. Doctor Who And The Laughing Computers
33. Revenge of the Wacky-ass Doctor Who
34. Return of the Jello-Like Tom Baker
35. Doctor Who and the German Elvis
36. Vision of the Creepy Foe
37. Terror of the Smoking Palm Trees
38. Fantasy of the Singing Jon Pertwee
39. Horror of the Electric Coffee Mugs
40. Battle of the Angst Ridden Samurai
41. Nightmare of the Confused Sontarans
42. Revenge of the Often Mislead Disco Dancers
43. Fantasy of the Incompetent Martians
44. Conquest of the Misunderstood Cats
45. Terror of the Gaelach Folk Duos
46. Doctor Who and the Grinning Sex Vixens
47. Terror of the Macaroni-Loving Davros
48. Doctor Who And The Misunderstood Bad Guys
49. Doctor Who And The Mysterious Colin Baker
50. Doctor Who And The Coughing Monsters
51. Vision of the Creepy Foe
52. Terror of the Pissed Off Paul McGann
53. Evil Plan of the Demonic Jackie Chan
54. Doctor Who And The Robotic Coffee Mugs
55. Revenge of the Sun Tanned Bad Guys
56. Doctor Who And The Chain-Smoking Scientist
57. Pretentious Wank of the Evil Jon Pertwee
58. Doctor Who And The Paranoid Foe
59. Doctor Who And The Lying Socialists
60. Doctor Who and the Alcoholic Colin Baker
61. Doctor Who And The Nickel-Plated Rosewell Aliens
62. Doctor Who And The Low Calorie Elvis
63. Doctor Who And The Robotic Coffee Mugs
64. Horror of the Jive Talking Doctor Who
65. Doctor Who And The Drinking Cybermen
66. Attack of the Robotic Jon Pertwee
67. Creepy Idea of the Alcoholic Planet
68. Doctor Who And The Crazy-Ass Palm Trees
69. Doctor Who And The Toupe Wearing Jon Pertwee
70. Doctor Who And The Groovy Doctor Who
71. Horror of the Wacky-Ass Groupees
72. Doctor Who And The Chain-Smoking Groundhog
73. Doctor Who and the Jailbait Hippies
74. Doctor Who And The Funky Disco Dancers
75. Terror of the Drunken Elves

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