% wrote:
> Daniel65 wrote:
> > % wrote on 6/1/24 9:01 am:
> > > >
> > > i feel bad for him but ,
> > > he could get a news feed they're down to 3 bucks a month now
> >
> > Eternal-September,
https://www.eternal-september.org/ , is free!!
> yea but they're no good
You get what you pay for! For a free Usenet service eternal-september
are quite good. They are probably the best free news service out
there. For people just posting random stuff to text newsgroups they
are all you need. Eternal-september do filter a few messages out that
other nntp servers carry, but most of those messages would be low on
actual content anyway... if not out and out spam. I use them as my
back-up news server.
Ray does a great job in maintaining a free Usenet service in this day
and age. Anybody transitioning from Google Groups - like Tim - could
do a lot worse than eternal-september.