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Sue's 2018 Jambo House Trip - Day 2 of 7

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Aug 29, 2018, 8:47:44 PM8/29/18
DAY 2 – Wednesday 8/29/18
Who: Sue (59), DVC Member

Plan: Pool, Concierge Lounge

Actual: I forgot to mention yesterday that during the turndown service they leave a nice printed sheet of information on my next day. It had my fastpass reservations, tips on Hollywood Studios (since that’s where my fastpasses are), a little welcome to the resort message, and a weather forecast. It says “from your friends at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Villas – Jambo House Concierge”, so it must be a club level thing.

I slept well, enjoying this quiet room. I woke up early, but didn’t get up until almost 5:30 to throw on some clothes and do some inside walking. Each floor of this resort is just over 2500 steps, so I walked the 4th and 5th floor, then repeated a little bit before returning to my studio on the 6th floor. I made my cappuccino and turned on the local news while I got online to do stuff. The lounge has coffee and juices at 6:30, but the food isn’t out until 7. I’d brought some eggs and bacon slices, since I’d rather have some protein than a bunch of pastry/bread for breakfast.

Today I have a Toy Story fastpass at 12:30, followed immediately by Star Tours. However, it’s not likely I’m going to bother going over to the park. I mainly booked it hoping to be able to convert it to Slinky Dog if more were released, but despite checking daily I never saw Slinky Dog available.

I made my egg and slice of bacon, adding a sesame seed bagel from the lounge. By 8:30 I was changing into a swimsuit, gathering up my stuff and filling the insulated jug with ice water. I got down to the pool just before 9, and it opened at 9. It was nice to get the perfect chaise lounge and not have to hunt around, lol! In the beginning it wasn’t busy at all, but within an hour the pool was full of people and finding chairs together in the preferred spots was difficult.

I stayed out there almost 3 hours, doing some reading, playing games, and doing work stuff. Except for the work stuff, it was very nice, but it definitely got hot quickly! While out there I thought about going over to Disney Springs to check out the new Guy’s Chicken place (I may have the name wrong), so I packed up about 11:45. On my way in I swung through Mara to see what they had, and found them serving the curried coconut chicken soup (my favorite) today. Hopefully it’ll repeat later in the trip.

I went upstairs & took my shower, then picked up an oatmeal raisin cookie on my way out. Later I’ll stash a couple for SB for tomorrow, since we’ll be back to sugar cookies with sprinkles by then and oatmeal raisin is his favorite. I was at the empty bus stop by 12:44, and the next Disney Springs bus was due at 1:02 – so I’d just missed it. The bus actually came about 5 minutes early, we made a quick stop at Kidani, and then drove ever so slowly over to Disney Springs. Between the slow speed and the lights, it took over 45 minutes to get there!!

Along the way I saw the continued progress at Coronado Springs (ugly big building), and the skyliner poles & turning station. Boy is that stuff ugly!! I hate that they’re ruining International Gateway with this thing. We continued on past Caribbean Beach – another huge building with the new dvc resort there. I don’t understand why we’d want a dvc resort sharing property with a moderate though – especially such a big one. I have no doubt the resort will be nice, but I’m not a fan of Caribbean Beach at all – never have been.

We continued on our way, and as we were sitting at the light by Old Key West it started to rain. I decided to skip the Chicken Guy, as I didn’t feel like trudging around in the rain. Unfortunately, here the buses drop you off at one spot and then to get on a bus you walk over to the bus stops. This area is huge, and SB would not like the amount of walking it requires. I wasn’t to crazy about it, since I was dodging puddles. Of course, I must have just missed the bus again, as nobody was in the queue. Our bus came after about 15 minutes, and we had a driver change – just in case the wait wasn’t already long enough.

At least this driver drove a little faster, and the route was different so it didn’t take as long. My new plan was to get some of the watermelon, feta & tomato salad they had in the lounge today, and eat that while watching General Hospital. When I got up to the lounge, the watermelon salad was gone. One of the cast members who just arrived checked to see if more was coming, but came back to say it was finished for the day. I figured as such, since it was around 2:15 and this set of food ends at 3.

I took some goldfish and spicy nuts, then went to the studio for General Hospital. I didn’t quite understand the initial scene they were showing, and then when characters who died months ago were in the next scene, I realized it was a rerun. With nothing to miss, I went down to Mara and got a bowl of the curried coconut chicken soup, and took it back to the studio. Along the way I picked up a glass of the sparkling wine from the lounge, just to try it. The soup was great. The wine was just ok – not something I’d bother to get again.

When I went to Mara they’d just closed the pool, and from my studio I could hear the thunder getting louder. Lightning was flashing too – once again, a good time to be indoors but I am really concerned our Studios stuff on Saturday afternoon is going to be a bust! For now though, I put that out of my mind and just updated the trip report & did online stuff for a while.

Just before 4 I went for a quick walk around the resort, dropping off the half the glass of sparkling wine in the lounge. It was “tea” time and today they had the awful granola bars instead of scones. It was still raining outside, so I didn’t go beyond the outside stairwells. The usual animals were in the usual places, munching away. The Pooh characters were in the lobby posing for pictures, which is something I’ve seen them do when it rains – they bring the characters to the resorts. Pluto was there too.

By 4:30 I was sitting in the concierge lounge, which again was pretty busy. I took the same table in the alcove, figuring it was quieter but still convenient. Unlike last night, but 5pm most people had left the lounge, and new people were arriving starting at 5. Once again, there wasn’t a mad dash for the food when it opened, and it didn’t feel busy/mobbed at all. I was still happy in the alcove, as it was more private & quiet. I could play on the tablet or read on the kindle, and nobody was nearby.

Tonight the chef-prepared foods were a duck dish (I passed) and an African macaroni & cheese. I tried that, and it was rather odd. The chef put a scoop of cheese into a small soup cup, then added a few pieces of pasta and some chopped green stuff to the top. The cheese was delicious, but I was puzzled by so little pasta. I dipped a breadstick in the cheese, but short of eating the cheese with a spoon I didn’t see how to use it up. With more pasta and less cheese, it would have been fabulous!

In the other offerings, we had small Disney chicken fingers in place of the mealie dogs tonight, and they were excellent. Disney sure does chicken fingers well, lol! They had honey mustard available, and possible bbq sauce. The crispy bread was my favorite one – without olives! They had a weird blue cheese and a weird cranberry cheese, but also cubes of a yellow cheese that I tried and liked. This cheese didn’t have a sign, and when I asked later, the name was something I’d never heard before and don’t remember. Old age, or too much wine??

Tonight instead of chenin blanc they had sauvignon blanc, and I really liked that one as well. They’re both much more to my liking than the chardonnay. They’re all by Indaba, and available by the bottle in Mara. When I went back up for a little more cheese a cast member told me the weird cranberry one was her favorite so I put a piece on my plate to give it a try. WOW – it was fabulous! It’s called Wensleydale with cranberries, so if you’re up here and see it be sure to try it! The cheese is soft & mild, and the cranberries give it hint of sweetness – on the plain crispy bread it was just wonderful. Now I wish I hadn’t bothered with the soup this afternoon, as I could have just eaten more of this. I did go back for a couple more pieces – it was that good!

The food went away at 7 and tonight the cast members didn’t go around giving people “last call” before pulling it. It’s interesting how different people do things differently. I was full, so it didn’t matter to me. I stayed in the lounge finishing up a book during the hour between food and dessert, then got up to see tonight’s dessert offerings. They had oatmeal raisin cookies, along with the sugar cookies w/sprinkles. They always have rice krispie treats and the peanut butter brownies (which honestly, the peanut butter taste is barely noticeable – wouldn’t be noticed at all if you hadn’t read the sign). Tonight they had a really delicious orange cake, and a chocolate triangle shell with something that was just plain nasty. I threw that away! I have no clue what it was, but won’t be taking it again.

I headed back to the studio and settled in for the night with HGTV. SB is working until 11:30 tonight, and plans to hit the road around 6:30 or so tomorrow morning. He can grab something from the lounge, despite it being “white people’s” breakfast food or he can get something from Mara (eggs, sausage). We have morning fastpasses at Animal Kingdom and may walk into Yak & Yeti for lunch so he has some “real” food. The afternoon would be ideal for the pool, but it’s supposed to be raining, thundering, and lightning…sigh. It’s not the end of the world, as the US open may be on (for SB) and I can amuse myself.

Today was a really lowkey day, with a few blips when it came to transportation and weather, but I still really enjoyed myself. I love being here, and love having the concierge lounge. I hope I’m able to get it for next year, as it seems the word it out & it’s become nearly impossible. Let me restate things – concierge level sucks. It’s terrible. Don’t do it! <g>



Aug 30, 2018, 9:53:34 AM8/30/18
On 8/29/2018 7:47 PM, Sue/WDW1972 wrote:
> Actual: I forgot to mention yesterday that during the turndown
> service they leave a nice printed sheet of information on my next
> day. It had my fastpass reservations, tips on Hollywood Studios
> (since that’s where my fastpasses are), a little welcome to the
> resort message, and a weather forecast. It says “from your friends
> at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Villas – Jambo House Concierge”, so it
> must be a club level thing.

Interesting. Like being on a cruise ship!

> Today I have a Toy Story fastpass at 12:30, followed immediately by
> Star Tours. However, it’s not likely I’m going to bother going over
> to the park. I mainly booked it hoping to be able to convert it to
> Slinky Dog if more were released, but despite checking daily I never
> saw Slinky Dog available.

You have to check "constantly". I once figured out the fastest way to
refresh the FP screen on MDX and I was able to actually get a
last-minute FoP FP. It's too bad I was 9 hours away and could not use
it (so I released it). Anyhow, I think you change times and that will
refresh. Of course it does not matter what time you pick as it will
show any availability.

> I went upstairs & took my shower, then picked up an oatmeal raisin
> cookie on my way out. Later I’ll stash a couple for SB for tomorrow,
> since we’ll be back to sugar cookies with sprinkles by then and
> oatmeal raisin is his favorite. I was at the empty bus stop by
> 12:44, and the next Disney Springs bus was due at 1:02 – so I’d just
> missed it. The bus actually came about 5 minutes early, we made a
> quick stop at Kidani, and then drove ever so slowly over to Disney
> Springs. Between the slow speed and the lights, it took over 45
> minutes to get there!!

Yeah, I hate bus service to Disney Springs! It's always the longest
trip on property.

> Along the way I saw the continued progress at Coronado Springs (ugly
> big building), and the skyliner poles & turning station. Boy is that
> stuff ugly!! I hate that they’re ruining International Gateway with
> this thing.

Spoken like a true Crescent Lake Snob!

> We continued on past Caribbean Beach – another huge
> building with the new dvc resort there. I don’t understand why we’d
> want a dvc resort sharing property with a moderate though –
> especially such a big one. I have no doubt the resort will be nice,
> but I’m not a fan of Caribbean Beach at all – never have been.

You and Ron Ng!

> They had a weird blue cheese and a weird cranberry
> cheese, but also cubes of a yellow cheese that I tried and liked.
> This cheese didn’t have a sign, and when I asked later, the name was
> something I’d never heard before and don’t remember. Old age, or too
> much wine??

Both. And the latter helps cope with the former.

> I headed back to the studio and settled in for the night with HGTV.
> SB is working until 11:30 tonight, and plans to hit the road around
> 6:30 or so tomorrow morning. He can grab something from the lounge,
> despite it being “white people’s” breakfast food or he can get
> something from Mara (eggs, sausage).

Huh? What is "white people's" breakfast food? I'm white and have never
heard of that. Have I bean doing breakfast wrong all these years???



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Aug 30, 2018, 7:47:51 PM8/30/18
On Thursday, August 30, 2018 at 9:53:34 AM UTC-4, Rudeney wrote:
> Huh? What is "white people's" breakfast food? I'm white and have never
> heard of that. Have I bean doing breakfast wrong all these years???

From what I can tell, "white people's" breakfast would be continental - pastries mainly. It would not include bacon, sausage, ham, eggs, hashbrowns, or grits. I think his implication is that only white people are stupid enough to call pastries breakfast ;-)



Aug 31, 2018, 8:38:25 AM8/31/18
Oh, I have to agree. Pastries are dessert and fruit is a snack.
Breakfast is all the good greasy stuff - bacon eggs, sausage, etc. I
don't care for grits at all - yuck! Really, I don't like corn, except
maybe corn chips or tortillas. And since I try to stay away from carbs,
I usually avoid the hash browns and biscuits, but I do like them.

I really hate it when I stay at a hotel that advertises complimentary
breakfast, and it's cereal, fruit and pastries. I agree with Floyd -
that's not breakfast!
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