Have you all noticed the amount of heart felt debating that has been
occuring lately?? It almost seems on the verge of a feud on some issues.
I noticed that there are 2 very nasty topics being debated....
1.The Southern Baptist Boycott of Disney
2.The Murdered woman on Disney property thread
I have participated in both, and upon reflecting (after reading 500
posts) realized the friction being caused.....hopefully the friction is
part of my overly tired imagination.
Should these 2 threads be dropped so that the group can cool down and
talk some serious disney business! Just think, we have the cruise line
coming up, Animal kingdom, Reviews of Test track and Coronado
Springs...lots of good stuff to debate.
I guess my concern is that of the friendship I have seen since I have
been reading posts here...Posting here is like being part of a large
group of friends spread out all over the world. I just hope that no
grudges will be held for the opinions of others that have been brought
up in the threads lately. Although I know we are all above that kind of
However, the debates have added some spice to the regular Disney NG
seen...spice is definately lacking from other groups I have been to in
the past few days.
H Tammy Fernet
A H tfe...@sympatico.ca
AH^HH^HH TDC Watersprite Racer
HH_HH_HH and Guardian of the
AAxHHHHxAxH *Laughing Place*
> Should these 2 threads be dropped so that the group can cool down and
> talk some serious disney business!
Well Tammy (tongue planted firmly in cheek), I *love* these threads!
*Especially* when nobody changes the subject header! That way I can
SKIP a whole LOT of messages, and once-in-a-while actually get *caught
up* on my NG reading! ;-)
I skip 'em. I treat them with *ignortion*. (Isn't that a great word?
You-all may borrow it). I skip a *lot* of stuff that doesn't interest
me. Of COURSE I have an opinion on these and all other topics, and of
COURSE my opinion happens to be the right one (so say we all) - but I
don't wish to discuss these things in this forum.
Notice the familiar names which *don't* appear in the "feuding"
threads. That can say an awful lot in and of itself. I don't fear for
the RADP community. We're here, we're OK, and everyone is welcome.
I've found that trying to get people to drop a particular thread only
starts another thread about what is and isn't appropriate to post and
Who Sez So. (But then again, that gives me more to skip...) ;-)
> However, the debates have added some spice to the regular Disney NG
> seen...spice is definately lacking from other groups I have been to in
> the past few days.
Spice is exactly what I'm looking to escape from. I've got things to
"deal" with when I turn off the computer. Many of us do. I come here
for fun and information. I still don't need "no steeenking reality".
You want "spice"? Go to alt.food.drink.coffee and mention "Starbucks".
Go to rec.martial-arts and post something about Bruce Lee vs. Mr.
Miyagi. (Kids, don't try this at home!) You'll get spice, believe me!
I appreciate your thoughts. Hang around a while - pull up a keyboard
and set a spell. It'll all blow over again, and we'll still be here,
talking about Mickey Mouse.
Beth Floro
TDC Swan Diver, Channeler of Strong Spirits
<snip of a very appreciated post>
>I appreciate your thoughts. Hang around a while - pull up a keyboard
>and set a spell. It'll all blow over again, and we'll still be here,
>talking about Mickey Mouse.
Beth..I *do* love you :) I was sitting here, deleting and deleting,
wondering why things have suddenly gotten so out of hand. I needed you
(and deb and gardenia and meli and please-come-back-sam and everyone else
who makes this place so special) to remind me that this has happened
before, will happen again, but if we hang in here long enough it will all
quiet down again for at least a little while.
On a funny note...with my faultering eyesight (my birthday is next week
and all body parts seem to be ceasing their normal operations), I thought
that the "homos at wdw" thread had something to do with bringing more
Middle Eastern food to Epcot!
Thanks again, Beth :)
Dotti <who will practice more patience>
On a funny note...with my faultering eyesight (my birthday is next week
and all body parts seem to be ceasing their normal operations), I thought
that the "homos at wdw" thread had something to do with bringing more
Middle Eastern food to Epcot!
Glad to know the NG boards are not always this volatile:-) I've heard
about r.a.d.p. for close to a year, but never knew "where & how" to find
you guys. I hang out on the AOL disney boards daily, but was timid about
venturing onto the net. Glad I found this finally...I think the current
format made it a lot easier. Hope to find lots of great info for my trip
in sept 97. Thanks for all the info so far. Take care, Missy
P.S. Exactly what does TDC stand for and who is the ruler/mistress/master
of that domain? :-) Saw references to it, but no explanation.
Hi, Missy. Explaining the TDC would be almost impossible. Suffice it
to say that it is a semi-disorganized lodge/sorority/fraternity thing.
Much more information is available at Phil Hargreave's web site at
Everybody in the TDC is some sort of royalty or another--it is the most
anarchical group I can imagine. So there isn't any real ruler. And no
real rules. Except for one. A common thread--a love for Disney,
especially the theme parks.
Steve Denham
TDC Barbie Headhunter
WARNING: A simple * didn't keep the parasites of the net from sending
unsolicited email. If you want to talk to me, convert the following to
an address: DrD at super dot zippo dot com.