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Sue's January 2023 Hilton Head Trip - Day 6 of 6

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Jan 16, 2023, 6:00:29 PM1/16/23
DAY 6 – Monday 1/16/23
Who: Sue (64), DVC Member
Holli (58), friend & co-worker
Vickie (58), Holli’s best friend & college roommate

Plan: Hilton Head Diner, Drive to Gainesville

Actual: Last night Holli bailed out first, with Vickie following around 9pm, leaving me to finish watching 90-day Fiance. I moved over to the loveseat near the tv and turned the volume way down since Vickie’s bedroom was right upstairs. I turned in at 10 and this morning got up with the alarm at 5. On all the previous days I was awake before then and had shut it off.

I made my cappuccino and did some online stuff from bed. Eventually I got up to shower, dress, and finish packing up. By 7:30 I took the laptop out to the dining room table and was sitting there when Vickie came down to make coffee. My right knee is sore and gets more sore when sitting without my leg being propped up. With the 4-hour drive ahead of us I got a couple more Tylenol from Vickie to keep me comfortable. Holli came downstairs with all her stuff, so she got a cart and we loaded our stuff into my car. Vickie finished getting ready and was downstairs with her stuff between 8 & 8:30. Holli helped her load her car, then we headed out to Hilton Head Diner.

It was pretty busy here this morning, but we had no wait for a table. Our server was masked, which is unusual but it’s her decision. However, she was also wearing latex gloves – evidently she didn’t get the memo a couple years ago that wearing gloves is NOT recommended and in fact is more risky to you in terms of infections/viruses. She also brought coffee (for Holli & Vickie) but there wasn’t any cream on the table. They thought she’d said she’d bring some, but never returned. Finally Holli went up to the counter to ask for some – by then I assume their coffee had to be lukewarm at best.

Breakfast was very good, however. Vickie got oatmeal with fruit – she’s a healthy eater, and I guess always has been. Holli decided she wasn’t in the mood for “sweet” so she got the eggs benedict. She said the potatoes were barely warm – like they threw them on the griddle for too short a period of time. I noticed the English muffin had been buttered and cooked on the griddle – we both agreed for eggs benedict the English muffin needs to be toasted. Holli said HAL’s eggs benedict are better. I stuck with my French toast, made with challah bread and that was wonderful! I ate as much as I could – about 3 quarters of the portion.

After breakfast we said our goodbyes outside and headed off. Holli & I stopped at Kroger so I could fill up the gas tank, then we headed for the highway. Somewhere just after we got into Georgia there was a big wreck ahead, so Holli pulled out her phone app and it told us to get off at the next exit for a detour. We followed the directions, and hooked back in to I-95 further south. Turns out the accident must have been on the northbound side and caused them to completely shut down the highway in that direction. It was backed up for nearly 10 miles that we could see – the delay on our side would have been due to rubber-necking. We had another brief delay in Florida where an accident on the cross street had cops closing the intersection for a while – that was only a 5-10 minute delay. Finally we got home – around 1:30.

SB helped me bring everything in from the car before going back to work. Unpacking came next, along with a stop at the office to pick up mail from the last 5 days. Since a handful of friends are not on facebook I went there to copy the photos I’d shared during the trip & put them in the folder with the pictures taken with the real camera (during the dolphin cruise, including pelicans and the bald eagle). I uploaded them to Snapfish, where they can be viewed at

This was another wonderful trip – everyone had a really great time, and other than my stupid fall and a cold spell everything went perfectly. We’ll keep our fingers crossed that Vickie will be well enough to do it again next year. She’s got her next pet scan at the end of the month, so hopefully this chemo is still working. We all basically like to do the same stuff, and share a no-drama mentality, so we travel together really well. You can’t beat doing it in a grand villa – everyone has their own bedroom & bathroom, plus there’s a 4th full bath in case one of them needs to use the bathroom but doesn’t want to go upstairs <g>. The big surprise winner this trip was Top Dawg Tavern – I don’t think anybody expected that. Poseidon and Wiseguys were great too, but that’s the norm & expected. While I like the look of Nectar I think I can pass on that in favor of something else next trip, and Holli agreed with me when I said Hudson’s did nothing for me – that was her least favorite and she wasn’t impressed.

My next trip isn’t until March 9th (no February trip, other than going down to SW Florida for a dental appointment) for 2 nights at BCV before leaving on a HAL cruise with Fran. I am looking forward to Flower and Garden Festival, and will book Epcot for both days. Thanks for reading along!

Steve Soares

Jan 17, 2023, 8:40:10 AM1/17/23
Thanks Sue!

Steve S.
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