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Ballroom camps in Europe

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David Drysdale

Sep 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/13/95
Hi folks,

Does anyone out there know of a residential camp for learning and
practising (international) ballroom dancing, in the UK or the rest
of Europe ?

While I was at the Lindy Hop camp in Herrang, Sweden, I met a local
resident who (perversely) wasn't interested in Lindy, but did want
to know if there was anything similar to the Herrang camp but for
ballroom and in England. I said that I would investigate for him,
but quizzing the people I know who do ballroom turned up nothing,
so I thought I would throw the question out at the net.

Any ideas, anyone?


David Drysdale

Magnus Ensby

Sep 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/13/95

Once a year (1st week of august) there is a dance camp in Norway.
It's arranged by "Det norske dance senter" in Oslo, but takes place
in the mountains (Storefjell hotel, 1000 meters above sea level).

Next year will bee the 6th time and 200 participants are expected, a
lot of them from outside Norway. This means that the working languages
are english or norwegian.

One of the instructors is always Jack Revely (spelling?) from Scotland.
Last year we also had a instructor from Sweden (Ann Jonsson) who's
representing Australia (together with Paul Wilson).

If you want more details you (or the swede) may email me.


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