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X-movie essentials

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Sep 12, 1994, 7:16:37 AM9/12/94

Nope, its not another X-movie casting thread but what are the essential
things that the X-movie should have. I know that this thread will have no
effect on the decision making process of the movie, but, hey one can wish
can't he (Where's Longshot when you need his luck!!)

Anyway, what are the essential things the X-movie should have ? (Please
omit out the obvious things like the X-mansion. These items should be
background things that affect only the colour of the movie, and prevent
it from being a distortion like that bat-movie.)

Here are my essential items :-

a) The Blackbird ( I like the SR-71 better than the Jim Lee version)

b) Rogue's Stripe

c) The Danger Room

d) The X-men horsing around playing basketball, baseball or whatever

e) Cerebro

f) Xavier's wheelchair

g) Graymalkin lane or greymalkin lane

h) Peter's russian curse words 'Torasavish' or something like that

i) mutant-hating humans and human-hating mutants

and finally,

j) Magneto's totally dorky and impratical helmet

Abbetity abbetity, That's all folks ......... Porky pig


Samuel 'The ham' Shio
National University of Singapore

Christopher B Siren

Sep 13, 1994, 2:23:36 PM9/13/94
In article <350v8l$> (SHIO LING HWEE) writes:
>Anyway, what are the essential things the X-movie should have ? (Please
>omit out the obvious things like the X-mansion. These items should be
>background things that affect only the colour of the movie, and prevent
>it from being a distortion like that bat-movie.)

>Here are my essential items :-


> h) Peter's russian curse words 'Torasavish' or something like that

Just nitpicking here - I don't speak Russian, but 'Tovarish' (sp?) is not
a curse word. I believe it means 'comrade','friend', 'brother', or
something along those lines.

Chris Siren
The Gray<>

Leonard N. Bloksberg

Sep 14, 1994, 10:07:00 AM9/14/94
In Article <350v8l$> " (SHIO LING HWEE)" says:
, but, hey one can wish
> can't he (Where's Longshot when you need his luck!!)
Actually, I'd like the plot of this movie set in Mojoworld! Everything is
done for the ratings!

> Anyway, what are the essential things the X-movie should have >
<snip> list of stuff
k) The Wit and Wisdom of Henry McCoy, both in the person of the Beast and
readings from a copy Bishop *just happens* to have tucked into his uni-
form before coming to our time...
Laine R.

Leonard N. Bloksberg

Sep 14, 1994, 9:57:00 AM9/14/94
In Article <354cl8$r...@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> " (Christopher B Siren)" says:
> In article <350v8l$> (SHIO LING HWEE) writes:
> >Anyway, what are the essential things the X-movie should have ? (Please
> >omit out the obvious things like the X-mansion. These items should be
> >background things that affect only the colour of the movie, and prevent
> >it from being a distortion like that bat-movie.)
> >Here are my essential items :-
> ...

> > h) Peter's russian curse words 'Torasavish' or something like that
> Just nitpicking here - I don't speak Russian, but 'Tovarish' (sp?) is not
> a curse word. I believe it means 'comrade','friend', 'brother', or
> something along those lines.
> Chris Siren
> The Gray<>
'Tovarishch' (spelled as it's supposed to be pronounced, although it's
seldom actually spelled that way here) means 'comrade.' This is 'comrade'
in the specific sense given to it by the Communist movement; the idea was to
eliminate honorifics that might smack of class distinction. The version for
females is 'tovarishcha.' Every now and then you'll hear Peter come out
with 'gospodin,' which is equivalent to 'Mister.'
Laine R.

Kay Green

Sep 14, 1994, 4:33:02 PM9/14/94
Shio Ling Hwee ( writes:

>Here are my essential items :-

> b) Rogue's Stripe
or stripes, depending on when the movie takes place...

> h) Peter's russian curse words 'Torasavish' or something like that

Ummm, getting by on my really shoddy Russian, which is not one of the
languages I know (folks on #comics know more about my language prowess ;)
Tovarish is Russian for "friend", and is not a curse word.
Just thought you might want to know for in the future...

>Samuel 'The ham' Shio
>National University of Singapore

L. K. ("Kay") Green // Internet address: /
FUBAR, big time. // "I thought I had a great idea, but it never really took
off. In fact, it didn't even get on the runway. I guess you could say it
exploded in the hangar." -- Calvin // That's it! I'm outta here...

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