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BB frogs

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May 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/22/95
Did anyone notice the Beavis & Butthead frogs in What if?


Husk xxxx

May 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/25/95
You know.. call me crazzzzy.. but I get the impression that ever since
the evil looking frog in Gen NExt #4 (in the pic with Paige's last
stand).. This frog thing is a running gag.
If I ever do set up that Gen X page.. I'm gonna have to have an area
dedicated to the frog. and of course Bob the groundskeeper.

JUMP: teens bb
Topic: Others
Place: bum's bar
Find out why it's the longest lasting spot on Prodigy, and what the
meaning of
life really is.. (okay maybe not)

Eric Anderson

May 31, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/31/95
to (Husk xxxx) wrote:
>You know.. call me crazzzzy.. but I get the impression that ever since
>the evil looking frog in Gen NExt #4 (in the pic with Paige's last
>stand).. This frog thing is a running gag.
> If I ever do set up that Gen X page.. I'm gonna have to have an area
>dedicated to the frog. and of course Bob the groundskeeper.

Actually, the Frog has been in every issue of Gen X so far. There's a
turtle that appears in most of them as well. And a lady bug.

Say.. if someone has more free time than me (which is hard to do) could
you post a brief description of the frog and turtle in every issue?

Husk xxxx

Jun 1, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/1/95
I don't have my issues with me as they are being uhhh.. "prepared" for an
upcoming webpage next year (hey, I'm getting an early start!) but I don't
recall seeing the frog in #2 of Gen Next, Lady bug and Elvis yes.. but no

Skin Rippers Anono Meetin' part II
Doc: "So, Ms. Guthrie, did you say a bug and a rock? are you sure this
isn't some in word deside to say.. be stubborn and yet fragile?"
Husk:"What? All Ah ment was that underneath my skin I change inta stuff.
Where did you say ya came from?"
Doc: "New York City."
Husk and all other SRA members: NEW YORK CITY
lill kid in back: Get a rope!

Maria Szabo

Jun 2, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/2/95
In article <3qlnht$> (Husk xxxx) writes:

>Skin Rippers Anono Meetin' part II
>Doc: "So, Ms. Guthrie, did you say a bug and a rock? are you sure this
>isn't some in word deside to say.. be stubborn and yet fragile?"
>Husk:"What? All Ah ment was that underneath my skin I change inta stuff.
>Where did you say ya came from?"
>Doc: "New York City."
>Husk and all other SRA members: NEW YORK CITY
>lill kid in back: Get a rope!
(same as above until...)
DOC: New York City.
HUSK AND OTHER SRAs: New York City?!!
OL' GEEZER IN BACK: Now that really chaps mah hide....

God, I miss Texas! And Pace Picante Sauce! Thanks--I needed that. :-)

--Maria Szabo
Who wishes she was back home on the range.

Husk xxxx

Jun 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/3/95
I spent about 3 months of my life in Texas. It's nice down there. People
are cool down there. A lill different than up here in NY (the state, not
the city. there is a BIG difference.)

SRA Meetin' part III
Old man in back:Well that's all done. Now what do we do?
Lill kid: rule the world?
Old man: Nah
Lill kid: How about we take on a girl with razor sharp claws with our bare
Old man: Yeah!
Husk: No, did that last week.
Lill kid: Take on Techno Organic beings from another world?
Husk: Last month.
SRA: owwww!
Lill kid: OH YEAH! Well how about we all get drunk!
Husk: No, no.. that's to risky, I've done that before and almost kissed a
guy with
psionic energy all over his face

The Vodkinator

Jun 4, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/4/95
Husk xxxx ( wrote:
: I spent about 3 months of my life in Texas. It's nice down there. People

: are cool down there. A lill different than up here in NY (the state, not
: the city. there is a BIG difference.)
: =bum

Are you *high*?! I'm stuck in Houston right now, which is probably what
Dante had in mind while writing the Inferno. It's certainly hot enough
here to be hell. The only nice thing about Texas is that it allows you
to truly appreciate being anywhere else but here.

Now, by a true stroke of brilliance, this state has passed a concealed
handgun law. As a liberal yankee, I'm feeling *quite* safe. As far as
I'm concerned, that law is going to pave the way for Texan genocide.
Couple that law with the fact that people in Texas drive like near-
sighted bats outta hell without any corrective lenses, and you've got
warfare on your hands.

The people in Texas are generally nicer than other areas of the country,
but seeing as I'm from the Chicago area and have rudeness down to an
art form, it's not much fun for me. And sure, we have the Houston
Rockets, we're "clutch city" and heading for another championship
series, but I'm a Bulls fan. O madness! Is there no safe haven for
me? Am I doomed to this misery? Will the caped crusader and Robin
get out of this dastardly trap alive?

Oh, sorry, got carried away there. Heh.

Jennifer A. Vodvarka -- "The Vodkinator" | Email address:
Grand Inquisitor: Church of Xbooks | VBFC Member and co-root of evil w/ Nyx
Edina: "I mean, why not just have a stupidity tax? Just tax the stupid
people!" Patsy: "Kill them all!" Edina: "Yes!" -- "AbFab" | Save Earth2!

David Zeiger

Jun 4, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/4/95
The Vodkinator ( wrote:
: Are you *high*?! I'm stuck in Houston right now, which is probably what

: Dante had in mind while writing the Inferno. It's certainly hot enough
: here to be hell. The only nice thing about Texas is that it allows you
: to truly appreciate being anywhere else but here.

Well, Vod, that's what you get for going to a hellhole like Houston.

But taking the attributes of Houston and using them to describe what
life is like in Dallas, well, not not even your own flock of Disiples
can dig you out of *that* cardinal sin :-).

: Now, by a true stroke of brilliance, this state has passed a concealed

: handgun law. As a liberal yankee, I'm feeling *quite* safe. As far as
: I'm concerned, that law is going to pave the way for Texan genocide.

Well, I don't want to go too far into politics (after all, such
things *never* happen here :-), but as I recall, Florida passed a
similar bill a couple years ago. Crime has gone down by some
insignifigant amount, and accidental shootings have gone up by a
similar insignifigant number. So it probably won't do anything at
all (unless you happen to be a tourist or something :-).

David Zeiger
"5) $2.50 per issue? Do I get a blowjob with it? What's with the price?"
John William Mills ( on rec.arts.sf.starwars,
discussing why he is not buying the Dark Empire II comic series.

Maria Szabo

Jun 4, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/4/95
In article <> (The Vodkinator) writes:

>Are you *high*?! I'm stuck in Houston right now, which is probably what
>Dante had in mind while writing the Inferno. It's certainly hot enough
>here to be hell. The only nice thing about Texas is that it allows you
>to truly appreciate being anywhere else but here.
Tell you what, Vod. Why don't we switch places? You can come up and
live in here in the Midwest (okay, Louisville isn't Chicago, but you still
have the same whitebread culture (or lack thereof), and I'll go back home
to my beloved Texas, with the warm, pleasant weather, great food,
interesting atmosphere and good lookin' men in tight jeans. But San
Antonio or Austin for me, please.

>Now, by a true stroke of brilliance, this state has passed a concealed
>handgun law. As a liberal yankee, I'm feeling *quite* safe. As far as
>I'm concerned, that law is going to pave the way for Texan genocide.
>Couple that law with the fact that people in Texas drive like near-
>sighted bats outta hell without any corrective lenses, and you've got
>warfare on your hands.
Hey, they needed that law 'cause the other one was stupid. People were
getting arrested for keeping a gun in their purse! And as for the way
we Texans drive, well, Texas is a huge state. You gotta drive like a
bat outta hell to _get_ anywhere.

>The people in Texas are generally nicer than other areas of the country,


>but seeing as I'm from the Chicago area and have rudeness down to an
>art form, it's not much fun for me.

Don't you fret none about that. We Southerners have our own kind of
rudeness, much more subtle (and effective) than that dished out by our
Northern neighbors. Just remember--"How Niiice" is Texan for "F**k
you". Take some time, learn the lingo, you'll grow to appreciate it.
Now, I'm not sayin' you haveta learn to love country music, the Confederate
Flag and the finer points of two-stepping, but your life will be easier if
you could try to endure it with a polite (if somewhat forced) smile.

>Jennifer A. Vodvarka -- "The Vodkinator" |

Ah. So you're the Vodkinator. How Niiice.

Really, I think you'll grow to love it there--I lived in Texas nineteen
years and there is a lot to love about the place. It's a bit of an
adjustment for a Yankee, but well worth it. Good luck.

Robert R. Ramirez

Jun 5, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/5/95
to (David Zeiger) writes:

> The Vodkinator ( wrote:
> : Are you *high*?! I'm stuck in Houston right now, which is probably what

> : Dante had in mind while writing the Inferno. It's certainly hot enough
> : here to be hell. The only nice thing about Texas is that it allows you
> : to truly appreciate being anywhere else but here.

Well, you know what they say... "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of
the kitchen." :)

> Well, Vod, that's what you get for going to a hellhole like Houston.

> ...

> But taking the attributes of Houston and using them to describe what
> life is like in Dallas, well, not not even your own flock of Disiples
> can dig you out of *that* cardinal sin :-).

At least WE have a better basketball team (and last year's NBA title, to
boot!). I don't see Dallas in the playoffs... :)

"The best thing to come out of Dallas is I-45."

HOUSTON ROCKETS -- 1994 (and soon to be 1995) World Champions!!!
Hakeem Olajuwon -- The One True M.V.P.!!!

Alasdair Watson

Jun 5, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/5/95
David Zeiger writes:

> But taking the attributes of Houston and using them to describe what
> life is like in Dallas, well, not not even your own flock of Disiples

> can dig you out of *that* cardinal sin :-). ^
Who're you calling a flock? I'll have you know that we're a herd, we are!

> all (unless you happen to be a tourist or something :-).

There go my plans for a holiday to Texas!

Alasdair Watson - Vietnam : When men were men, and foliage was nervous.

Eric G. Myers

Jun 5, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/5/95
to (Clara K. Showalter) wrote:

> >--Maria Szabo
> >Who wishes she was back home on the range.
> >

> You and me both Maria. Nice ta meet ya friend.
> Clara K. Showalter- giving in to her roots

I'm glad we are not entirely Texas (Houston) bashing here. I too
reside in Houston (along with those other med center mutants).
Guess Vod is no longer working for the comic store that shall remain
nameless (but its a 'legend' in this town is it not?). And like
the Vodkinator, I lived in Chi town for a while (though I'm from
another northern state that shall remain nameless). I can jive with
the gripes about the heat (although everywhere is air conditioned).
The drivers? Hell yes! Turn signal technology has not yet reached
the average Texan. The don't have a clue what that little arm
sticking out of the steering wheel does.

But all in all, this ain't a bad place to live. I have incorporated
the proper use of "y'all" into my lexicon. We do have a world champion
(soon to repeat) basketball team. And what better place to be a fan
of the X-titles. I mean we got the X right in the middle:



Keeper of the flame of the cotton candy in "The X-Men at the Texas
State Fair"

David Zeiger

Jun 5, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/5/95
Robert R. Ramirez ( wrote:
: At least WE have a better basketball team (and last year's NBA title, to

: boot!). I don't see Dallas in the playoffs... :)

And just how many Super Bowl trophies do the Oilers have? Geez, you
couldn't even keep Warren Moon...

For that matter, let's compare pro hockey teams. Oh, wait, Houston
doesn't even *rate* a hockey team, does it? :-)

David Zeiger

Jun 5, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/5/95
Clara K. Showalter ( wrote:
: No argument with the good lookin' men in jeans part. As for the warm
: pleasant weather, I have never thought of 95 degree heat with 90%
: humidity to be "pleasant". Give me a nice arrid plain anyday.

Well, that's what Houston gets for being built on a marsh :-). You
want arid plains, try just about any part of Texas east of El Paso
and West of Austin.

: And why pray tell should anyone carry a gun in their purse?

Because it's inconvenient to keep it in ones hand all the time...

: How much
: snow does Texas get again?

Which part? Amarillo gets quite a bit.

As for Colorado, well, always remember that a pretty good chunk of
Colorado was once a part of Texas. One of these days, we might take it
back :-).

Clara K. Showalter

Jun 5, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/5/95
In article <> (Maria Szabo) writes:

>In article <>
> (The Vodkinator) writes:
>>Are you *high*?! I'm stuck in Houston right now, which is probably what
>>Dante had in mind while writing the Inferno. It's certainly hot enough
>>here to be hell. The only nice thing about Texas is that it allows you
>>to truly appreciate being anywhere else but here.
>Tell you what, Vod. Why don't we switch places? You can come up and
>live in here in the Midwest (okay, Louisville isn't Chicago, but you still
>have the same whitebread culture (or lack thereof), and I'll go back home
>to my beloved Texas, with the warm, pleasant weather, great food,
>interesting atmosphere and good lookin' men in tight jeans. But San
>Antonio or Austin for me, please.

No argument with the good lookin' men in jeans part. As for the warm
pleasant weather, I have never thought of 95 degree heat with 90%
humidity to be "pleasant". Give me a nice arrid plain anyday.

>>Now, by a true stroke of brilliance, this state has passed a concealed
>>handgun law. As a liberal yankee, I'm feeling *quite* safe. As far as
>>I'm concerned, that law is going to pave the way for Texan genocide.
>>Couple that law with the fact that people in Texas drive like near-
>>sighted bats outta hell without any corrective lenses, and you've got
>>warfare on your hands.
>Hey, they needed that law 'cause the other one was stupid. People were
>getting arrested for keeping a gun in their purse! And as for the way
>we Texans drive, well, Texas is a huge state. You gotta drive like a
>bat outta hell to _get_ anywhere.

And why pray tell should anyone carry a gun in their purse?

And now onto my favorite topic, Texas drivers.
I have no problem with how Texans drive in Texas. My problem is when
y'all come up to Colorado and start trying to drive on our beautiful
mountian passes like they are the flatlands of West Texas. It's
even better when there is snow on them. The Texans come up in their
big ole Caddys and start slidin' all over the place. 'Course, 'cause
they're from Texas, they figure they know how to drive on snow. How much

snow does Texas get again?

>>The people in Texas are generally nicer than other areas of the country,

Heck, folks in the West are just plain friendlier than anywhere else.

>>but seeing as I'm from the Chicago area and have rudeness down to an
>>art form, it's not much fun for me.
>Don't you fret none about that. We Southerners have our own kind of
>rudeness, much more subtle (and effective) than that dished out by our
>Northern neighbors. Just remember--"How Niiice" is Texan for "F**k
>you". Take some time, learn the lingo, you'll grow to appreciate it.
>Now, I'm not sayin' you haveta learn to love country music, the Confederate
>Flag and the finer points of two-stepping, but your life will be easier if
>you could try to endure it with a polite (if somewhat forced) smile.

My question is what isn't there to love about country music and

>>Jennifer A. Vodvarka -- "The Vodkinator" |
>Ah. So you're the Vodkinator. How Niiice.

Well now, careful how ya say that friend, 'else ya might stir up a
nest of rattlers right quick. :)

>--Maria Szabo
>Who wishes she was back home on the range.

You and me both Maria. Nice ta meet ya friend.

Clara K. Showalter- giving in to her roots
I'm not quite sure what's going on, but all day through
and all night long, I've been thinking about you.

-Trish Yearwood

Husk xxxx

Jun 5, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/5/95
>Are you *high*?! I'm stuck in Houston right now, which is probably what
>Dante had in mind while writing the Inferno. It's certainly hot enough
>here to be hell. The only nice thing about Texas is that it allows you
>to truly appreciate being anywhere else but here.

Nooo way, Spend a WEEK up here and you'll be crying to go home like our
exchange students.

Robert R. Ramirez

Jun 6, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/6/95
to (David Zeiger) writes:

> Robert R. Ramirez ( wrote:
> : At least WE have a better basketball team (and last year's NBA title, to
> : boot!). I don't see Dallas in the playoffs... :)
> And just how many Super Bowl trophies do the Oilers have? Geez, you
> couldn't even keep Warren Moon...

Damn shame, too. He was a pretty good QB. I did see him on television
at several of the Rockets Playoff games, which just shows you how proud he
is of his home town 'cause it's the best city in Texas. :)

> David Zeiger
> "5) $2.50 per issue? Do I get a blowjob with it? What's with the price?"
> John William Mills ( on rec.arts.sf.starwars,
> discussing why he is not buying the Dark Empire II comic series.

You know, that sounds like a line that could've come straight from that
dorky spectacled guy from _Bachelor Party_ (I think his name was Gary or

Michael Ellis

Jun 6, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/6/95
to (Clara K. Showalter) writes:

>And now onto my favorite topic, Texas drivers.
>I have no problem with how Texans drive in Texas. My problem is when
>y'all come up to Colorado and start trying to drive on our beautiful
>mountian passes like they are the flatlands of West Texas. It's
>even better when there is snow on them. The Texans come up in their
>big ole Caddys and start slidin' all over the place. 'Course, 'cause
>they're from Texas, they figure they know how to drive on snow. How much
>snow does Texas get again?

Texas doesn't get snow. It gets the odd ice storm (although Oklahoma
gets more of them). As a long time Colorado winter driver (hell, I grew
up there) I can say without reservation that all Texans should have their
vehicles revolked at the foothills.

Then again, I used to care around stickers with those red circle and slash
markings overlaid on a Texas state outline and stick them on lift poles
at the ski areas. So.

>>>The people in Texas are generally nicer than other areas of the country,
>Heck, folks in the West are just plain friendlier than anywhere else.

Well, I'll rephrase. People in the midwest are some of the nicest people
you'll ever meet. This includes Texas. Why? Because there's nothing
to DO in the midwest. Not a bloody thing. It's flat. Nothing around but
flat. Nada. There's an old, old poster with 'SKI IOWA': a skier going
down the side of a grain elevator.

So, to keep from going completely nutso (those that aren't already), the
people have to be some of the nicest in the world. (And you get places
like Minneapolis, where I would actually consider living just to be
close to Steven Brust and Emma Bull.)

Colorado's tricky. Eastern Coloradoans aren't much different from, say,
folks who live in Western Kansas. They're nice folks, all in all, if
a little odd. It's when you get to the interesting parts of the state
that you start getting the nutcases, the rude folks, and the true crazies.

I love my state. Where else would you have somewhere like Boulder Colorado,
which most local folks think is a Fount of Communism second only to
Berkeley be home to more than anyone's share of White Aryan Resistance
types? But hey, the weather's *great*. (I want to go BACK!)

Michael K. Ellis

Maria Szabo

Jun 6, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/6/95
In article <> (Michael Ellis) writes:

>>In article <>
>> (Maria Szabo) writes:
>>And now onto my favorite topic, Texas drivers.
>>I have no problem with how Texans drive in Texas. My problem is when
>>y'all come up to Colorado and start trying to drive on our beautiful
>>mountian passes like they are the flatlands of West Texas. It's
>>even better when there is snow on them. The Texans come up in their
>>big ole Caddys and start slidin' all over the place. 'Course, 'cause
>>they're from Texas, they figure they know how to drive on snow. How much
>>snow does Texas get again?
Um, Michael, those were Clara's words in followup to what I was saying.

And you're right about the Midwest--I now live in Kentucky (far away from
my beloved Texas), and unless you are heavily into tobacco farming, horse
racing and coal mining, there is really _not_ a lot to do around here.
(Although Kentucky does make pretty fine whiskey.) Having lived here for
nearly three years, I can understand why the Guthrie siblings keep wanting
to emigrate to New England, even if it is colder than all-git-out up there.
(By the by--there is no Cumberland County in Kentucky. From all indications
however, the Guthrie farm would probably be in far eastern Kentucky, probably
on the West Virginia border. There is a lot of coal mining and poverty over

--Maria Szabo
Who is now curious whether Elisabeth Guthrie will ever show up again....


Jun 7, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/7/95
to (David Zeiger) wrote:

>For that matter, let's compare pro hockey teams. Oh, wait, Houston
>doesn't even *rate* a hockey team, does it? :-)
> David Zeiger

Sssshhhhh! You may give the owner of the Devils ideas, in case
they can't sell beer in Nashville.

Die-hard Devils Fan

David Zeiger

Jun 7, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/7/95
Maria Szabo ( wrote:
: (By the by--there is no Cumberland County in Kentucky. From all indications

: however, the Guthrie farm would probably be in far eastern Kentucky, probably
: on the West Virginia border. There is a lot of coal mining and poverty over
: there.)

It was probably formes shortly after the big earthquake shook things up.
What earthquake? The one that put waterfalls on the Mississippi, of
course :-).

Hopefully, the city of Versailles (which in Kentucky, is pronounced
ver-sales. Honest!) got destroyed in the cataclysm :-).

(yes, I spent a year in Kentucky. Hated it so much, I voluntarily
transfered to a school on Arkansas :-).

Kay Green

Jun 7, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/7/95
Maria Szabo ( writes:

>Tell you what, Vod. Why don't we switch places? You can come up and
>live in here in the Midwest (okay, Louisville isn't Chicago, but you still

helLO...did someone just mention my impending vacation destination?
[back checks]
You did! Great Scot. I mean, I know what I'll be doing in Louisville, but
what are YOU doing there? And, are you saying there's anything bad I
should know about Louisville now? Hmm...?

>Don't you fret none about that. We Southerners have our own kind of
>rudeness, much more subtle (and effective) than that dished out by our
>Northern neighbors. Just remember--"How Niiice" is Texan for "F**k

You also have weird sayings like "It's the shit." What the HECK is that
supposed to mean? I mean, if you're going to have a saying, at least
make it mean something...

>Take some time, learn the lingo, you'll grow to appreciate it.
>Now, I'm not sayin' you haveta learn to love country music, the Confederate
>Flag and the finer points of two-stepping,

I have two out of I win anything for that?

>>Jennifer A. Vodvarka -- "The Vodkinator" |

>--Maria Szabo

Kay, venturing into the heart of Southernese country...
L. K. Green // President, Men in Favor of Kentucky Women on Pool Tables
I'm a deadly sin, don't ya know. / Black, Black, Black is the color of my
true love's hair... // // "I should have known,
when you took me to that place where your horses run wild" FUBAR no more.

Kay Green

Jun 7, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/7/95
Clara Keanu Showalter ( writes:

>>>The people in Texas are generally nicer than other areas of the country,
>Heck, folks in the West are just plain friendlier than anywhere else.

You've obviously never met a French Canadian then. We can be VERY friendly.

>My question is what isn't there to love about country music and

Billy Jerk Cyrus?

>Clara K. Showalter- giving in to her roots
>I'm not quite sure what's going on, but all day through
>and all night long, I've been thinking about you.
> -Trish Yearwood

"Once upon a time I was falling in love,
Now I'm just falling apart."


Mike 'Hrivy' Friedman

Jun 8, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/8/95
In article <3r4voc$>,

Kay Green <> wrote:
>You did! Great Scot. I mean, I know what I'll be doing in Louisville, but
>what are YOU doing there? And, are you saying there's anything bad I
>should know about Louisville now? Hmm...?

It's in Kentucky. 'Nuff said.

>You also have weird sayings like "It's the shit." What the HECK is that
>supposed to mean? I mean, if you're going to have a saying, at least
>make it mean something...

Kay. It's "It's da shit." At least get it right if you are going to
be saying it.

>>Take some time, learn the lingo, you'll grow to appreciate it.
>>Now, I'm not sayin' you haveta learn to love country music, the Confederate
>>Flag and the finer points of two-stepping,
>I have two out of I win anything for that?

No. If you like country music, you just suck. That isn't southern, it
is hick. I'm in the south and I hatehatehatehatehate country music. Ick!

>Kay, venturing into the heart of Southernese country...

Don't piss us off. :)

Michael Friedman | "It's always funny until someone gets hurt | and then it's just hilarious." | -- Faith No More, "Ricochet"

Maria Szabo

Jun 8, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/8/95
In article <3r4voc$> (Kay Green) writes:

>helLO...did someone just mention my impending vacation destination?
>[back checks]
>You did! Great Scot. I mean, I know what I'll be doing in Louisville, but
>what are YOU doing there? And, are you saying there's anything bad I
>should know about Louisville now? Hmm...?
You're going to vacation in LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY? .....WHY??? Personally,
if I were taking a vacation in America, I would choose someplace cool, like
say, Colorado, or Texas, or California. :-)

Seriously, there are some things to see here. Go to the horse races at
Churchill Downs (where the Derby is run). Visit the Early Times Distillery
(I think they still have tours). Yawn at the wonder of the Louisville's
floating fountain in the Ohio River. Kentucky Derby museum's is okay, too.
Check out Old Louisville, St. James Court and the Highlands for nifty
Victorian houses (blocks 'n' blocks of them). When will you be coming down?

>>Take some time, learn the lingo, you'll grow to appreciate it.
>>Now, I'm not sayin' you haveta learn to love country music, the Confederate
>>Flag and the finer points of two-stepping,
>I have two out of I win anything for that?
Yeah. A box of Col. Saunder's best. With a rendition of "Dixie" you get
a shot of Maker's Mark.

>Kay, venturing into the heart of Southernese country...
>L. K. Green // President, Men in Favor of Kentucky Women on Pool Tables

Weeeelll...there are lots of women here, and lots of pool tables, but
you'd have to do some fast talking to get the two together.

--Maria Szabo
Who wouldn't mind visiting Canada again

Flensing Impetus

Jun 9, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/9/95
Clara K. Showalter <> wrote:

>Heck, folks in the West are just plain friendlier than anywhere else.


>My question is what isn't there to love about country music and

>two-stepping? ^^^^^

Uh, Clara? You misspelled "is."

>>>Jennifer A. Vodvarka -- "The Vodkinator" |

>>Ah. So you're the Vodkinator. How Niiice.
>Well now, careful how ya say that friend, 'else ya might stir up a
>nest of rattlers right quick. :)

Hi. I'm one of those ratlers Clara was speaking of. Aren't I intimidating?

Graeme MacD.
***************Official Magik Fan Club Lord High Genetic Engineer***************
From the list of "25 Thoughts To Get You Through Almost Any Crisis"....
#11: "Anything worth fighting for is worth fighting dirty for."
**************He Who Is In Charge of Keeping the Club's Genes Pure**************

Kay Green

Jun 9, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/9/95
A displaced Hawaiian ( proses:

>Kay Green <> wrote:
>>You did! Great Scot. I mean, I know what I'll be doing in Louisville, but
>>what are YOU doing there? And, are you saying there's anything bad I
>>should know about Louisville now? Hmm...?

>It's in Kentucky. 'Nuff said.

How is that different from it being in Georgia? :-)

>>You also have weird sayings like "It's the shit." What the HECK is that
>>supposed to mean? I mean, if you're going to have a saying, at least
>>make it mean something...
>Kay. It's "It's da shit." At least get it right if you are going to
>be saying it.

No, it's _the_ shit. I've heard it used that way by two different people,
both of whom are bigger and stronger than you. :-)
And I never said I'd be saying it...since I still have no idea what it's
supposed to mean, if anything.

>>>Now, I'm not sayin' you haveta learn to love country music, the Confederate
>>>Flag and the finer points of two-stepping,
>>I have two out of I win anything for that?

>No. If you like country music, you just suck. That isn't southern, it

>is hick. I'm in the south and I hatehatehatehatehate country music. Ick!

Oh Claaaara...Mike here says that country music sucks... I hurt him, you
patch him, deal? Be careful Mike, or I'll be forced to call up SD and
for a long-distance beating. :-)

>>Kay, venturing into the heart of Southernese country...

>Don't piss us off. :)

Come and get me.


L. K. Green // President, Men in Favor of Kentucky Women on Pool Tables

Jane Griffin

Jun 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/10/95
In article <>,

Maria Szabo <> wrote:
>In article <3r4voc$>
> (Kay Green) writes:
>You're going to vacation in LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY? .....WHY??? Personally,
>if I were taking a vacation in America, I would choose someplace cool, like
>say, Colorado, or Texas, or California. :-)

Kentucky itself has nothing to do with Kay going there. :)

>>Kay, venturing into the heart of Southernese country...

>>L. K. Green // President, Men in Favor of Kentucky Women on Pool Tables

>Weeeelll...there are lots of women here, and lots of pool tables, but
>you'd have to do some fast talking to get the two together.
>--Maria Szabo
>Who wouldn't mind visiting Canada again

I don't think that will be such a problem. :) Have fun, Kay. :)

Jane Griffin

Maria Szabo

Jun 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/12/95
In article <> (Flensing Impetus) writes:
>>>>Jennifer A. Vodvarka -- "The Vodkinator" |
>>>Ah. So you're the Vodkinator. How Niiice.
>>Well now, careful how ya say that friend, 'else ya might stir up a
>>nest of rattlers right quick. :)
>Hi. I'm one of those ratlers Clara was speaking of. Aren't I intimidating?
>Graeme MacD.

Oh, yeeeah. I'm reeeal intimidated. How Niiice. ;-) (I'll be a lady
and not comment on the snake reference (snicker)).

--Maria Szabo
Who once stepped on a rattler (really!) and is hard to intimidate

Kay Green

Jun 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/12/95
Maria Szabo ( writes:

> (Kay Green) writes:
>You're going to vacation in LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY? .....WHY??? Personally,
>if I were taking a vacation in America, I would choose someplace cool, like
>say, Colorado, or Texas, or California. :-)

Been there, done that. This time I'm looking for some peace and quiet.

>Visit the Early Times Distillery (I think they still have tours).

Do they give free samples? :-)

>>I have two out of I win anything for that?

>Yeah. A box of Col. Saunder's best. With a rendition of "Dixie" you get
>a shot of Maker's Mark.

Gimme the lyrics and I'll try my best. (earplugs available upon request)

>>Kay, venturing into the heart of Southernese country...
>>L. K. Green // President, Men in Favor of Kentucky Women on Pool Tables

>Weeeelll...there are lots of women here, and lots of pool tables, but
>you'd have to do some fast talking to get the two together.

Weeeelll...putting Frenchmen and pool tables together is dangerous in
itself. Adding Kentucky women to the mix could make things...explosive.

>--Maria Szabo
>Who wouldn't mind visiting Canada again

Depends. What part of Canada did you visit the first time?


L. K. Green // President, Men in Favor of Kentucky Women on Pool Tables

Kay Green

Jun 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/12/95
Jane Griffin, demonstrating yet another reason why I like her so much, writes:

>Maria Szabo <> wrote:
>>You're going to vacation in LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY? .....WHY??? Personally,
>>if I were taking a vacation in America, I would choose someplace cool, like
>>say, Colorado, or Texas, or California. :-)

>Kentucky itself has nothing to do with Kay going there. :)

Now that's not true Jane. I'm sure Kentucky has many fine, upstanding
qualities that will endear it to me. And I'm sure, eventually, I may
even see some of them, if I ever come up for air. Woo!

>I don't think that will be such a problem. :) Have fun, Kay. :)

Now what, exactly, are you insinuating here, Jane? Hmm???

>Jane Griffin

"It would seem that Psylocke is more skilled at penetration than
Professor X."
--Martin Phipps

Maria Szabo

Jun 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/15/95
In article <3riefj$> (Kay Green) writes:

>>>I have two out of I win anything for that?
>>Yeah. A box of Col. Saunder's best. With a rendition of "Dixie" you get
>>a shot of Maker's Mark.
>Gimme the lyrics and I'll try my best. (earplugs available upon request)
Oh, c'mon! You didn't learn the lyrics for "Dixie" in elementary school?
You know--starts out "Oh, ah wish ah waaas in the Land of Cotton, ol' times
there are not forgotten...." What do they teach ya'll in Canada? Sheesh!

>>>L. K. Green // President, Men in Favor of Kentucky Women on Pool Tables

>>Weeeelll...there are lots of women here, and lots of pool tables, but
>>you'd have to do some fast talking to get the two together.
>Weeeelll...putting Frenchmen and pool tables together is dangerous in
>itself. Adding Kentucky women to the mix could make things...explosive.
I ain't touching that one w/ a ten-foot pole.

>>Who wouldn't mind visiting Canada again
>Depends. What part of Canada did you visit the first time?
Went up to Hamilton, Ontario for an event last autumn. Quiet, lots of
farmland, very nice people. Strange looking money. Everything was expensive.
Actually heard a guy say "beauty"--'bout fell out of my seat laughing. No
really, the dude sounded like one of the McKenzie brothers. Had to lengthen
my drawl to compensate.

Not sure if Early Times Distillery gives out free samples, but is more
than willing to check.

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