Any opinion is welcomed. Thanks.
Chin Leng.
D "......Where the fear has gone, D Ng Chin Leng D
U there will be nothing . Only I U U
N will remain." - Bene Gesserit rite N Nanyang Technological University N
E E <<Singapore>> E
- This is my sig.
That was possibly the worst crossover in history as we know it. Minds have been
destroyed by attempting to attach some sort of continuity to it. Wolds have
been worlds have been shattered...But after reading all of
those I DID think about burning them all. Unfortunately, my earth-freindly
girlfriend noted that burning all of those polybags would severely impair the
atmospheres health. Currently, they rest in a forgotten closet in my parents
house 500 miles away. R.I.P.
|> It is $24.95!
I would instead, recommend looking around for the individual comic books (If you
__MUST__ have it). You can pick them up in the quarter bins for the most part.
|> Later,
|> Chin Leng.
Jonathan Lupa
It depends on how much of a completist you are. If you don't have any of
the following, they are of better value:
The Uncanny X-Men TPB - Dark Phoenix Saga
From the Ashes
Asgardian Wars
for more $ - Marvel Masterworks Vol 11, 12, or (24?)
actually, buying back issues of Uncanny, X-men Classic, New Mutants 1-54,
X-men 1-7, or X-Factor 60-91, would likely be a better investment of
your time and money.
Even if you don't like Claremont or PAD, you'd do better to get some of
the more recent back issues than X-Cutioner's song.
Chris Siren
The Gray<>
I would not to get it. Th storyline is confusing, as well as
boring. The artwork wasn't all that great, and just dull in general. I kept
expecting something exciting to happen, but nothing did. It in short sucked!
>Chin Leng.
>D "......Where the fear has gone, D Ng Chin Leng D
>U there will be nothing . Only I U U
>N will remain." - Bene Gesserit rite N Nanyang Technological University N
>E E <<Singapore>> E
> - This is my sig.
--Andrew Hill
This is my sig.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | "I have only come here seeking knowledge,
| things they would not teach me of in college."
| -the Police
| "I find your lack of faith...disturbing"
| -Darth Vader
>just a simple question. Should I get the X-cutioner's song TPB that is coming
>out in April? It is solicited in the latest Previews. However, the price is
>one factor that is stopping me from getting it. It is $24.95! If my memory
>serves, it 'prides' itself of having an embossed cover.
The embossed cover is just adding insult to injury. If you're really
interested in seeing a badly paced crossover with wildly jumping artistic
styles, writing groaning under the strain of holding the potboiling plot
in place, and an ultimate resolution that gives you utterly no information
that you didn't have going into it, sure, pick it up. Otherwise, I wouldn't
"Consider yourself undead!
Consider yourself just another big zombie."
--Annie, the Mortuary Musical
David R. Henry - Rogue Fan Club // It's obvious: Kerrigan framed Harding.
Obessa Cantauit. -- Richard Darwin / What was the question? -- Kate Bush
"All you of Earth are IDIOTS!"-P9fOS // Thanks... for the memories.--Rogue * Evolution: Give it some time, it'll grow on ya.
The only *really* good X-books crossover has been Inferno, which
actually made sense, made a difference, and followed on logically
from what was happening in the books anyway.
Paul O'Brien,
The leprechauns recommend "The Day Today", Wednesday, 9pm, BBC2.
I too enjoyed the X-Cutioner's song, but the back issues seem prevelent
enough to me (in this area at least) to be able to pick up cheaply enough
without resorting to a TPB. Personally, I'd rather have the 1st print
issues than a TPB if the price isn't a factor, which I don't see it as
being in this instance..
Inferno was really nice, apart from the fact that Illyana lost her
powers and returned to childhood (bring Magik back!!!).
X-tinction Agenda: The most traumatic with that one was that if
you wanted to follow it you had to read X-Factor.. that had a
REALLY lousy artist at that time.. Ough.. the memories makes me
nauseous.. mind if I throw up?
>Paul O'Brien
Personally, I have found the Inferno to be too difficult to follow. Considering
it crossed over into Uncanny X-Men, X-Factor, New Mutants, X-Terminators, and
supposedly two issues of Excalibur, It was extremely complex.
Now when you add into the mix the ending of the Limbo, Mr. Sinister and the
Marauders, Darkchilde, and Madelyne Pryor stories, it almost becomes
Having never found the Excalibur issues or the complete X-Terminators L.S,
can anyone direct me to a FAQ that explains what really happenned? Of course
eMailing me an original construct would also suffice, but please, don't waste
your time on it. I would just like to know how all of the peices fit together.
I have a good grasp on the Maddy/N'astirh/Sinister plot, but am not familiar
with the S'ym and Illyana story.
Dave Newell
Comments and Criticisms Appreciated
Parody and Imitation Cherished
But, did you realize that David Letterman is an authentic reserve member of the
It all happenned during the Night of the Assistant Editors...
I believe it was Avengers 237, but I doubt it.
Does anyone remember this truly hilarious appearance of Dave, Paul and the Band
in the Marvel Universe?
I know this isn't really Xbooks material but, Beast was there...
>To whomever posted that Wonderful David Letterman story I applaud you!
You and many others. Thanks for the fan mail! Origionally I had the idea
of a brooding Magneto, fresh from the grave, pushing his mutant Agenda
by appearing on the Lettermen show. But I never got around to it.
>But, did you realize that David Letterman is an authentic reserve member of the
>It all happenned during the Night of the Assistant Editors...
>I believe it was Avengers 237, but I doubt it.
No I don't know the issue # but I do own it. Dave saves the day BTW.
(It also was only reserve members of the Avengers)
And for the record, that brilliant capturer of charecter was SCOTT
Maybe one day when I'm in more tangible print with my own charecters...
For my money, XS had its ups and downs.
- Xavier's speech
- Wolverine, Cable, and Bishop eventually stopping fighting and acting
fairly adult
- Warren's "final" confrontation with Apocalypse
- Neither Sinister nor Apocalypse were mindlessly out to destroy the
X-Men (although Stryfe was)
- Rahne confrontation with X-Factor, esp. mopping the floor with Feral
- cool epilogue
- Stryfe was a whiny-ass (as one wag noted, "He really needs to join a
12-step program, like Adult Children of the Atom")
- very "busy" storyline, in that they had to deal with Sinister, Stryfe,
Apocalypse, a techno-organic virus, Dark Riders of the Nasty Boy
Brotherhood Front (or whatever it was called), etc.
- the "surprise / shock" of it all, that Stryfe / Cable was a Summers,
was "telegraphed" way too early
- the Legacy Virus
- "good guys fighting each other" cliche was pure filler
Overall, I conclude that they could have made it shorter and more "to
the point". Issue #1 was pretty good; issue #9 was pretty good; there
was a lot of road in-between, with both good and bad stretches.
ş KingQWK 1.05 # 182 ş Aibohphobia (n.): The fear of palindromes.
Yep, I do. Did you know that the bad guy, Fabian Stankowicz (sp?), is now
one of the Avengers technical design guys? Basically, Cap offered him the
position years ago so that he'd quit being a nuisance with his devices.
He's a trusted member of the team and very much a team player, even if he's
a little eccentric.