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Apr 30, 1995, 7:00:00 AM4/30/95
Remotely related to the recent thread on Claremontisms -- I was trying to
recall most of the common nicknames given to various X-persons. So far
I've got a smattering of a list, and wondered if anyone could help me
remember the rest:

Prof. X -- Chuck (Wolverine), Baldy (Jubilee), "Sir" (Cyclops)
Cyclops -- Cyke (Wolverine), One-Eye (Thunderbird), Fearless (Beast)
Bishop -- B (Iceman), Bish (Jubilee)
Iceman -- Icecube, Snowball, etc. (various)
Storm -- Stormy (Gambit), 'Ro (Forge), Windrider (self)
Quicksilver -- Quickie (Strong Guy), Blur Boy (Polaris, once)
Gambit -- Cajun (Wolverine, Sabretooth)
Wolverine -- Canucklehead (self), Wolvie (Jubilee), Shorty (Sabretooth is
the only one who would dare)
Beast -- Blue, Furball (Jubilee)

None I could recall for Jean, Psylocke, Archangel, and most characters in
the other teams. A hand, anyone?

Blaze ----

It is true that August Mobius was a difficult and opinionated
man. But he was not so rigid that he could only see one side
to every question. -- Michael Stueben

Anita C Nicholson

Apr 30, 1995, 7:00:00 AM4/30/95
Blaze ( wrote:
: Remotely related to the recent thread on Claremontisms -- I was trying to

: recall most of the common nicknames given to various X-persons. So far
: I've got a smattering of a list, and wondered if anyone could help me
: remember the rest:

: Prof. X -- Chuck (Wolverine), Baldy (Jubilee), "Sir" (Cyclops)

My love, Beloved (Lilandra), Chuckie, Charlie? (Wolverine)

: Iceman -- Icecube, Snowball, etc. (various)
Loser [But, I don't think so], Icepop, etc.

: Storm -- Stormy (Gambit), 'Ro (Forge), Windrider (self)
Goddess, Rider of the Storm

: Gambit -- Cajun (Wolverine, Sabretooth)
Remy, Lebeau (various)

: Wolverine -- Canucklehead (self), Wolvie (Jubilee), Shorty (Sabretooth is

: the only one who would dare)

Shorty, Rogue (when she was the X-men's enemy)

********************* Anita C. Nicholson ********************************
A period is like a man, you get one every month,
and its a relief when he goes.
I refuse to fight a battle of wits with an unarmed person. anon.

Justin Herring

Apr 30, 1995, 7:00:00 AM4/30/95
In article <>, (Blaze) wrote:

> Beast -- Blue, Furball (Jubilee)

mama mccoy's little boy

> None I could recall for Jean


Claudine Kaprielian

Apr 30, 1995, 7:00:00 AM4/30/95
-> From: (Blaze)
-> Remotely related to the recent thread on Claremontisms -- I was tryin
-> recall most of the common nicknames given to various X-persons. So f
-> I've got a smattering of a list, and wondered if anyone could help me
-> remember the rest:
-> Quicksilver -- Quickie (Strong Guy), Blur Boy (Polaris, once)

In Avengers, he's being called Petey and Pete, by I think Black
Knight, before he disappeared.

-> None I could recall for Jean, Psylocke, Archangel, and most character
-> the other teams. A hand, anyone?

For Jean, Red and Jeannie (both Wolverine I think). For Archangel,
Wings (Wolverine again- boy he's into nick-names isn't he?) and Blue
(can't remember, but I know I've seen it. Beast calle dhim Blue-skinned
blue-blood once, but I don't think it was meant as a nickname.
They couldn't call Psylocke jusy Psy because she's be confused with
Cyclops and half the Image universe :) Most call her Betts of Betsy.
In X-Force, there's

Warpath- 'Path
Shatterstar- 'Star
see a trend growing?
Cannonball- Guthrie (Cable, and most)
Boomer- Sam (again, not too creative)

That's it for now.

Jane Griffin

May 1, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/1/95
In article <>,
Blaze <> wrote:
>Remotely related to the recent thread on Claremontisms -- I was trying to
>recall most of the common nicknames given to various X-persons. So far

>I've got a smattering of a list, and wondered if anyone could help me
>remember the rest:
>Prof. X -- Chuck (Wolverine), Baldy (Jubilee), "Sir" (Cyclops)
>Cyclops -- Cyke (Wolverine), One-Eye (Thunderbird), Fearless (Beast)
>Bishop -- B (Iceman), Bish (Jubilee)
>Iceman -- Icecube, Snowball, etc. (various)
>Storm -- Stormy (Gambit), 'Ro (Forge), Windrider (self)
>Quicksilver -- Quickie (Strong Guy), Blur Boy (Polaris, once)
>Gambit -- Cajun (Wolverine, Sabretooth)
>Wolverine -- Canucklehead (self), Wolvie (Jubilee), Shorty (Sabretooth is
> the only one who would dare)
>Beast -- Blue, Furball (Jubilee)
>None I could recall for Jean, Psylocke, Archangel, and most characters in

>the other teams. A hand, anyone?
> Blaze ----
Nightcrawler: Elf,(Wolverine) Fuzzy (Kitty, Rogue, etc).

Jane Griffin

Frank P Barletta

May 1, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/1/95
In article <3o18s0$>,

Jane Griffin <> wrote:
>Nightcrawler: Elf,(Wolverine) Fuzzy (Kitty, Rogue, etc).
>Jane Griffin

Colossus -- Petey (Wolverine)
Shadowcat -- Katya (Colossus, Illyana); Katschen (Nightcrawler)
Archangel -- Feathers the Zillionaire (Jubilee called him that in
one issue of Excalibur, though not to his face.)
Warlock -- 'Locke (other New Mutants)

And wasn't Illyana sometimes called Lani or 'Yana?


May 1, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/1/95
In article <3o18s0$>,
(Jane Griffin) wrote:

> In article <>,
> Blaze <> wrote:
> >Remotely related to the recent thread on Claremontisms -- I was trying to
> >recall most of the common nicknames given to various X-persons. So far
> >I've got a smattering of a list, and wondered if anyone could help me
> >remember the rest:
> >
> >Prof. X -- Chuck (Wolverine), Baldy (Jubilee), "Sir" (Cyclops)
> >Cyclops -- Cyke (Wolverine), One-Eye (Thunderbird), Fearless (Beast)
> >Bishop -- B (Iceman), Bish (Jubilee)
> >Iceman -- Icecube, Snowball, etc. (various)
> >Storm -- Stormy (Gambit), 'Ro (Forge), Windrider (self)
> >Quicksilver -- Quickie (Strong Guy), Blur Boy (Polaris, once)
> >Gambit -- Cajun (Wolverine, Sabretooth)
> >Wolverine -- Canucklehead (self), Wolvie (Jubilee), Shorty (Sabretooth is
> > the only one who would dare)
> >Beast -- Blue, Furball (Jubilee)

> Nightcrawler: Elf,(Wolverine) Fuzzy (Kitty, Rogue, etc).

Jean: Red
Wolvie: Gaijin (Japanese enemies)
Colossus: the Russkie (Wolverine, a long time ago)

"Never eat yellow snow"

John K Parkin

May 1, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/1/95

Cyclops -- Slim (original team)
Shadowcat -- Kitten (Storm), Sprite, Ariel (old codenames)
Jubilee -- Jubilation (Wolverine)
Wolverine also called Xavier "Charley" on occasion, and most of the
female members "Darlin'."

Steve Thoemke

May 1, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/1/95
Blaze ( wrote:
: Gambit -- Cajun (Wolverine, Sabretooth)

Gambit -- Gumbo

: None I could recall for Jean

Jean -- Red

The Mutant Page ----

Amy Pemberton

May 1, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/1/95
In article <>,

Gambit in X-ternals (#3, i think) also called Jubilee, "Jubilation" in a
way that not only meant "Shut up.", but also "Cut it out now or you will be

In X-Force, Shatterstar has been frequently called "Shatty" or "Shattybuns".
I think "Shattybuns" was started by Feral, but Boomer used it in the last
issue before AlterX.
Amy Pemberton

Kate the Short

May 1, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/1/95
In article <3o2u53$>, (Frank P Barletta) writes:
> In article <3o18s0$>,

> Colossus -- Petey (Wolverine)
> Shadowcat -- Katya (Colossus, Illyana); Katschen (Nightcrawler)

Kitty's had a plethora of names. Besides the above, there's pun'kin, kitten,
sprite, ariel (okay, so it's a codename).

Warlock was usually 'Lock (no "e" on the end, was there?)

Illyana was 'Yana or Demon Sorceress.

Sunspot was 'Berto, often to not confuse him with Iceman (Bobby). Also

I seem to remember Rahne being called Furball a few times.

You can't forget Slim Summers and Red for Jean. :)

There were also a few nicknames for Lockheed, but they're not coming through
right now...


Kate o. x# 'd9b "$b Exclamation Points
the M' xM" M `8 $f ,8P'X are the
Short R.@!`" X .oR .beITSU' R' d Spice of Life
at ;R"*L :RP'$b " t" :R.d` and the
Valparaiso E `5. $' ?X M: ,!E` , Sorrow
University 'M. '$ "%.d' of the Reader.

Angela M.

May 1, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/1/95
On 1 May 1995, Amy Pemberton wrote:

> John K Parkin <> wrote:

> >Jubilee -- Jubilation (Wolverine)

> Gambit in X-ternals (#3, i think) also called Jubilee, "Jubilation" in a
> way that not only meant "Shut up.", but also "Cut it out now or you will be
> sorry."

Jubilee's whole name is Jubilation Lee, so in all actuality, Jubilee is
actually her nickname.

Angela M. Murray |"Blue canary in the outlet by
Nazareth College of Rochester, NY |the lightswitch, who watches over
Art Education * (|you?" -They Might Be Giants

May 1, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/1/95

>Remotely related to the recent thread on Claremontisms -- I was trying to
> >recall most of the common nicknames given to various X-persons. So far

> >Gambit -- Cajun (Wolverine, Sabretooth)

how about lousy sack of shit, waste of plotline, pathetic portrayal of a real

these are my favorites fro gam-shit

James S Galinski

May 2, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/2/95
In article <3o3k7n$>,
Amy Pemberton <> wrote:
>In article <>,

>John K Parkin <> wrote:
>>On 1 May 1995, Donger wrote:
>>> (Jane Griffin) wrote:
>>Cyclops -- Slim (original team)
>>Shadowcat -- Kitten (Storm), Sprite, Ariel (old codenames)
>>Jubilee -- Jubilation (Wolverine)
>>Wolverine also called Xavier "Charley" on occasion, and most of the
>>female members "Darlin'."
>Gambit in X-ternals (#3, i think) also called Jubilee, "Jubilation" in a
>way that not only meant "Shut up.", but also "Cut it out now or you will be
>In X-Force, Shatterstar has been frequently called "Shatty" or "Shattybuns".
>I think "Shattybuns" was started by Feral, but Boomer used it in the last
>issue before AlterX.

Jubilation is Jubilee's first name. Not a nickname.

How about Warpath calling Sam "Mason-Dixon" in X-Force.

-Grandpa Nate
Keeper of the X-Girlfriends flame
Keeper of the Dr. Sinister flame
Fan of all twelve Nathan Summerses

StarLord .

May 2, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/2/95
In <> John K
Parkin <> writes:
>Jubilee -- Jubilation (Wolverine)
that's her real name. her parents called her that because she was born
just after they emigrated to the u.s., and they were very happy to be
here. of course, that was before mackie started writing... :)

>Wolverine also called Xavier "Charley" on occasion, and most of the

my personal favourite was in unlimited#1: scott trying to call xavier
"charles" for the first time. it had me in stitches.

Fan of everything Scott, except his first wife, and especially his second.

"War, what is it good for?"
"It's good for business."


May 2, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/2/95
In article <> "Blaze" writes:

> Prof. X -- Chuck (Wolverine), Baldy (Jubilee), "Sir" (Cyclops)
> Cyclops -- Cyke (Wolverine), One-Eye (Thunderbird), Fearless (Beast)
> Bishop -- B (Iceman), Bish (Jubilee)
> Iceman -- Icecube, Snowball, etc. (various)
> Storm -- Stormy (Gambit), 'Ro (Forge), Windrider (self)
> Quicksilver -- Quickie (Strong Guy), Blur Boy (Polaris, once)

> Gambit -- Cajun (Wolverine, Sabretooth)

> Wolverine -- Canucklehead (self), Wolvie (Jubilee), Shorty (Sabretooth is
> the only one who would dare)
> Beast -- Blue, Furball (Jubilee)

> None I could recall for Jean, Psylocke, Archangel, and most characters in
> the other teams. A hand, anyone?

Jean - Red, Jeannie (Wolverine).
Nightcrawler - Elf, Fuzzyelf.
Angel - flyboy (Wolverine), Tweetie (Jubilee, I think)

Tom Jansen

May 2, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/2/95
storm--weather witch (most badguys)
Nightcrawler- fuzzy elf (wolvie, et al...)
Beast- "walking ad for Rogain" (jubilee) -not really a nick name, but I
thought it was funny!

Rogue Blue

May 2, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/2/95
Jane adds -

>>Nightcrawler: Elf,(Wolverine) Fuzzy (Kitty, Rogue, etc).

Add to this "Misfit." Wolverine used to call him that a lot during the
time they were teammates.


Frank P Barletta

May 2, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/2/95
In article <>,

Kate the Short <> wrote:
>Warlock was usually 'Lock (no "e" on the end, was there?)
Actually, I'm pretty sure that the letterers on some early New Mutants
issues used to throw an extra "e" on at the end for no apparent reason.
"'Locke" would make a more sensible nickname for Psylocke,though.
And there's another nickname: "Betts" for Psylocke

>There were also a few nicknames for Lockheed, but they're not coming through
>right now...

He's been called "Dragon" and "Lizard".

Amy Pemberton

May 3, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/3/95
In article <>,
Angela M. <> wrote:

>On 1 May 1995, Amy Pemberton wrote:
>> John K Parkin <> wrote:
>> >Jubilee -- Jubilation (Wolverine)

>> Gambit in X-ternals (#3, i think) also called Jubilee, "Jubilation" in a
>> way that not only meant "Shut up.", but also "Cut it out now or you will be
>> sorry."
>Jubilee's whole name is Jubilation Lee, so in all actuality, Jubilee is
>actually her nickname.

True. However, very few people call her that, unless they are irritated with
her. I was thinking of it more as a "nickname" in light of its use as a
synonym for "Shut up".


May 3, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/3/95
In article <>, wrote:

Yikes, musti, is that the complete name of your Universitat? Now I
remember why I gave up on learning Deutsch. ;) Nice to know we're
getting popular in Europe, though.

May 3, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/3/95
In article <> (Blaze) writes:
>From: (Blaze)
>Subject: X-nicknames
>Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 18:13:12 -0500

>Remotely related to the recent thread on Claremontisms -- I was trying to
>recall most of the common nicknames given to various X-persons. So far

>I've got a smattering of a list, and wondered if anyone could help me
>remember the rest:

>Prof. X -- Chuck (Wolverine), Baldy (Jubilee), "Sir" (Cyclops)

>Cyclops -- Cyke (Wolverine), One-Eye (Thunderbird), Fearless (Beast)
>Bishop -- B (Iceman), Bish (Jubilee)
>Iceman -- Icecube, Snowball, etc. (various)
>Storm -- Stormy (Gambit), 'Ro (Forge), Windrider (self)
>Quicksilver -- Quickie (Strong Guy), Blur Boy (Polaris, once)
>Gambit -- Cajun (Wolverine, Sabretooth)
>Wolverine -- Canucklehead (self), Wolvie (Jubilee), Shorty (Sabretooth is
> the only one who would dare)
>Beast -- Blue, Furball (Jubilee)

>None I could recall for Jean, Psylocke, Archangel, and most characters in
>the other teams. A hand, anyone?

Jean- Red (i think Logan)
Cyclops- Slim


Richard A Zdan

May 4, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/4/95
Excerpts from netnews.rec.arts.comics.xbooks: 30-Apr-95 X-nicknames by
> Prof. X -- Chuck (Wolverine), Baldy (Jubilee), "Sir" (Cyclops)
> Cyclops -- Cyke (Wolverine), One-Eye (Thunderbird), Fearless (Beast)
Slim (back in the 60's)

> Bishop -- B (Iceman), Bish (Jubilee)
> Iceman -- Icecube, Snowball, etc. (various)
> Storm -- Stormy (Gambit), 'Ro (Forge), Windrider (self)
> Quicksilver -- Quickie (Strong Guy), Blur Boy (Polaris, once)
> Gambit -- Cajun (Wolverine, Sabretooth)
> Wolverine -- Canucklehead (self), Wolvie (Jubilee), Shorty (Sabretooth is
> the only one who would dare)
> Beast -- Blue, Furball (Jubilee)

Jean Grey - Red (Wolverine)
Nightcrawler - Fuzzy Elf (Kitty)

Rick - who is somtimes called Ravager of Worlds but never to his face

Psykeye: the key that opens the Psylocke

May 4, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/4/95
> In article <> (Blaze) writes:
> >From: (Blaze)
> >Subject: X-nicknames
> >Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 18:13:12 -0500
> >Remotely related to the recent thread on Claremontisms -- I was trying to
> >recall most of the common nicknames given to various X-persons. So far
> >I've got a smattering of a list, and wondered if anyone could help me
> >remember the rest:
> >Prof. X -- Chuck (Wolverine), Baldy (Jubilee), "Sir" (Cyclops)
> >Cyclops -- Cyke (Wolverine), One-Eye (Thunderbird), Fearless (Beast)
> >Bishop -- B (Iceman), Bish (Jubilee)
> >Iceman -- Icecube, Snowball, etc. (various)
> >Storm -- Stormy (Gambit), 'Ro (Forge), Windrider (self)
> >Quicksilver -- Quickie (Strong Guy), Blur Boy (Polaris, once)
> >Gambit -- Cajun (Wolverine, Sabretooth)
> >Wolverine -- Canucklehead (self), Wolvie (Jubilee), Shorty (Sabretooth is
> > the only one who would dare)
> >Beast -- Blue, Furball (Jubilee)
> >None I could recall for Jean, Psylocke, Archangel, and most characters in
> >the other teams. A hand, anyone?
> Jean- Red (i think Logan)
> Cyclops- Slim

Psylocke: 'Locke (wolverine?) MindWitch (enemies)
Dazzler: Lightengale (storm/psylocke) Songbird (Wolverine and others)

Khaatirah Nisaa' Ever notise, that when you've made your mark on the
aka "The Devious One" world, that somebody shows up with an eraser??


Joel Pomerleau

May 5, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/5/95
to wrote:

: In article <> (Blaze) writes:
: >From: (Blaze)
: >Subject: X-nicknames
: >Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 18:13:12 -0500

: >Remotely related to the recent thread on Claremontisms -- I was trying to
: >recall most of the common nicknames given to various X-persons. So far
: >I've got a smattering of a list, and wondered if anyone could help me
: >remember the rest:

: >Prof. X -- Chuck (Wolverine), Baldy (Jubilee), "Sir" (Cyclops)
: >Cyclops -- Cyke (Wolverine), One-Eye (Thunderbird), Fearless (Beast)
: >Bishop -- B (Iceman), Bish (Jubilee)
: >Iceman -- Icecube, Snowball, etc. (various)
: >Storm -- Stormy (Gambit), 'Ro (Forge), Windrider (self)
: >Quicksilver -- Quickie (Strong Guy), Blur Boy (Polaris, once)
: >Gambit -- Cajun (Wolverine, Sabretooth)
: >Wolverine -- Canucklehead (self), Wolvie (Jubilee), Shorty (Sabretooth is
: > the only one who would dare)
: >Beast -- Blue, Furball (Jubilee)

: >None I could recall for Jean, Psylocke, Archangel, and most characters in
: >the other teams. A hand, anyone?

: Jean- Red (i think Logan)
: Cyclops- Slim

Oboy. A nice, insignificant post for me to start the matter of delurking.
Let's see.

Archangel:War : musti
Husk:Country Mouse (Skin)
Skin:City mouse (Husk)
Jubilee:Jubes (various)
-Ho-ho ( member of the Blink fan club-
-"I am the lizard Queen!" -Lisa Simpson -

Nathan Bickel

May 5, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/5/95

>Excerpts from netnews.rec.arts.comics.xbooks: 30-Apr-95 X-nicknames by

>> Prof. X -- Chuck (Wolverine), Baldy (Jubilee), "Sir" (Cyclops)
>> Cyclops -- Cyke (Wolverine), One-Eye (Thunderbird), Fearless (Beast)

>Slim (back in the 60's)

>> Bishop -- B (Iceman), Bish (Jubilee)
>> Iceman -- Icecube, Snowball, etc. (various)
>> Storm -- Stormy (Gambit), 'Ro (Forge), Windrider (self)
>> Quicksilver -- Quickie (Strong Guy), Blur Boy (Polaris, once)
>> Gambit -- Cajun (Wolverine, Sabretooth)
>> Wolverine -- Canucklehead (self), Wolvie (Jubilee), Shorty (Sabretooth is
>> the only one who would dare)
>> Beast -- Blue, Furball (Jubilee)

>Jean Grey - Red (Wolverine)
>Nightcrawler - Fuzzy Elf (Kitty)

>Rick - who is somtimes called Ravager of Worlds but never to his face

Shadowcat - Katya (Colossus), Katchzen (NightCrawler), Kitty (everyone),
Pumpkin (Wolverine), Pryde (Cypher)
-- Ariel, Sprite (old code-names)
Colossus - Pety (Wolverine) little brother (Storm)

Eileen Hsieh-Tsing Voon

May 5, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/5/95
Illyana -- Little Snowflake (Colossus)

Sid Spencer

May 6, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/6/95
ccaan't forget these:

cyclops-- fearless leader (beast) un orielle (gambit in wol 75)
wolvie-- hairy fireplug (mastadon) runt (sabertooth)
shatterstar-- shattybuns (feral)
gambit-- cajun (wolvie) creole (wolvie)

That's all I can tink of.

On 1 May 1995, Frank P Barletta wrote:

> In article <3o18s0$>,

> Jane Griffin <> wrote:
> >Nightcrawler: Elf,(Wolverine) Fuzzy (Kitty, Rogue, etc).
> >

> >Jane Griffin

> Colossus -- Petey (Wolverine)
> Shadowcat -- Katya (Colossus, Illyana); Katschen (Nightcrawler)

Joe Helfrich

May 6, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/6/95
to (Justin Herring) writes:

>> None I could recall for Jean


When was Jean ever called John? Well, I know that Paul did it in the
"Xmen meet Suicide Squid and Paul the Avenger" crossover, but I really
think that was a reference to her clothing and the profeesion he assumed
she was in...?

(Come on folks, once last time before this account closes. :) )


+-----Joe Spellweaver-----+
| "I'm young enough to still see the passionate boy that I used to be/ |
| but I'm old enough to say I've got a good look at the other side." |
+-Internet Submissions Editor, Cantrip Magazine///email for guidelines-+

L'ombre de la Dreche Invisible

May 12, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/12/95
Sid Spencer <> wrote:

>cyclops-- fearless leader (beast) un orielle (gambit in wol 75)

An "ear"?! Are you referring to the One-Eared God? I'm pretty sure
that's drh's territory. Maybe you meant "un oeil?" Or maybe not.

************Official VBFC Head Manager of the Space-Time Continuum************
"Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. What's more, women do phonological
processing with both their right *and* left inferior frontal gyri."
And a hearty Amen to that.


May 12, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/12/95
X-force nicknames:

Feral-Kitty Cat(by Boomer)
Cannonball-Mason Dixon(Boomer &once by Warpath {19})
Rictor-Ric (every one)
Shatterstar-Shatty(Siryn, when drunk)
Warpath-Geronimo(Juggernaut,when in Ireland)
Domino-Patch eye(Caliban)

William S. Kartalopoulos

May 13, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/13/95
In article <> writes:

> Domino-Patch eye(Caliban)

I believe she's also been referred to as Petey the Dog (of Little
Rascals fame).


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