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Getting a Far Side cartoon!

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Roger Smith

Mar 18, 1997, 8:00:00 AM3/18/97

There is this ONE Far Side cartoon that no one that I have found can
get. I didn't see this in any FAQ anywhere either. Here is a
description of the cartoon:

It is a shot of "John Brown's Body and Fender Shop". There is a man
in the garage with 'wild' eyes and a hammer supposedly working on a
car. In the front of the shop is a water hose in the parking area
with a dog dish(?) by the end. No caption!

Can someone put our minds at rest? Thanks.
Roger Smith, Systems Programmer Analyst
Tulare County Office of Education
Opinions are my own....


Mar 18, 1997, 8:00:00 AM3/18/97

This sounds vaguely familiar. You failed to mention where YOU saw it

Anyway, you might want to check Larson's 10th Anniversary Collection
"Prehistory of the Far Side"; there are a lot of cartoons in there that
never made it to print and aren't in any of the other books of
reprints--i.e. stuff that the syndicate rejected, stuff that Larson
himself decided after drawing not to submit, etc.

Let us know ...


Andrew Raphael

Mar 19, 1997, 8:00:00 AM3/19/97

In article <>

(Roger Smith) writes:
>There is this ONE Far Side cartoon that no one that I have found can get.
>It is a shot of "John Brown's Body and Fender Shop".

I'm a fifth generation Australian, so it's not even my history, but I
got that one. :-)
"John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in his grave ..."
John Brown was executed before the USA Civil War by a Dixie state. He was
a slavery abolitionist of some kind. Look it up in your Funk & Wagnalls.

Now if it was a picture of a man wearing an Akubra, a Drizabone, and doing
office work holding a stock whip, with the caption "He didn't suit the
office, Clancy of the Overflow" then you'd have a right to be confused.
Andrew Raphael <>
"Oh! I see, it's your birthday. It's your big day, and I forgot."

Sharon Fisher

Mar 19, 1997, 8:00:00 AM3/19/97
to (Andrew Raphael) writes:

>In article <>
>(Roger Smith) writes:
>>There is this ONE Far Side cartoon that no one that I have found can get.
>>It is a shot of "John Brown's Body and Fender Shop".

> "John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in his grave ..."

>John Brown was executed before the USA Civil War by a Dixie state. He was
>a slavery abolitionist of some kind. Look it up in your Funk & Wagnalls.

Yep. Plus, he was a pretty wild-eyed guy. Check out the cover of one
of the old Kansas albums (pre Dust in the Wind) for a picture of him.


Mar 19, 1997, 8:00:00 AM3/19/97

My history might not be exactly right here, but John Brown was a radical,
violent abolitionist in the years before the Civil War . . . in Kansas,
maybe? Anyway, he was considered a martyr after his death (not sure of the
circumstances) and immortalized in a song called "John Brown's Body." Thus
the sign (and thus the wild eyes).

Anyone who paid more attention than me in history class who can shed more

Roger Smith

Mar 19, 1997, 8:00:00 AM3/19/97
to (Roger Smith) wrote:

>It is a shot of "John Brown's Body and Fender Shop". There is a man
>in the garage with 'wild' eyes and a hammer supposedly working on a
>car. In the front of the shop is a water hose in the parking area
>with a dog dish(?) by the end. No caption!

A follow-up message:

I was not a real history fan. I found the following web page on Lycos
when I searched for "John Brown Body":

Here is the text of the song:

John Brown's Body

Repeat the first line of each verse three times:

John Brown's body lies a mouldering in his grave,
His soul is marching on!


Glory, glory hallelujah!
Glory, glory hallelujah!
Glory, glory hallelujah!
His soul is marching on.

The stars of Heaven are looking kindly down,
On the grave of old John Brown. (Chorus)

John Brown's knapsack is strapped upon his back,
His soul is marching on. (Chorus)

His pet lambs will meet him on the way,
And they'll go marching on. (Chorus)

They will hang Jeff Davis to a sour apple tree,
As they go marching on. (Chorus)


Thanks for the help. We can all rest better, I think.


Mar 19, 1997, 8:00:00 AM3/19/97

Brian wrote:

> Roger Smith wrote:
> >
> > There is this ONE Far Side cartoon that no one that I have found can
> > get. I didn't see this in any FAQ anywhere either. Here is a
> > description of the cartoon:
> >
> > It is a shot of "John Brown's Body and Fender Shop". There is a man
> > in the garage with 'wild' eyes and a hammer supposedly working on a
> > car. In the front of the shop is a water hose in the parking area
> > with a dog dish(?) by the end. No caption!
> >
> > Can someone put our minds at rest? Thanks.
> > Roger Smith, Systems Programmer Analyst
> > Tulare County Office of Education
> >
> > Opinions are my own....
> This sounds vaguely familiar. You failed to mention where YOU saw it
> though.
> Anyway, you might want to check Larson's 10th Anniversary Collection
> "Prehistory of the Far Side"; there are a lot of cartoons in there that
> never made it to print and aren't in any of the other books of
> reprints--i.e. stuff that the syndicate rejected, stuff that Larson
> himself decided after drawing not to submit, etc.
> Let us know ...
> B~

Oh, you don't "get" it. I thought you meant you couldn't find a copy of
it. Don't I look stupid. Sorry for the confusion.

Anyway, yes, this is a direct reference to the wild-eyed abolitionist
John Brown who brutally murdered several proponents of slavery before he
himself was hung. "John Brown's Body" is a reference to the song.

It may have been clearer if Larson had put the "and Fender Shop" in
smaller print or otherwise offset it from the "John Brown's Body".
(Then again, he may have; I haven't seen this panel in some time).

On the other hand, if Larson's gags had been too obvious, the Far Side
would have been a lot less fun. One thing I miss about Larson is that
he kept his readers thinking.


Mar 20, 1997, 8:00:00 AM3/20/97

In article <>, (MABranch) writes:

>My history might not be exactly right here, but John Brown was a radical,
>violent abolitionist in the years before the Civil War . . . in Kansas,
>maybe? Anyway, he was considered a martyr after his death (not sure of the
>circumstances) and immortalized in a song called "John Brown's Body." Thus
>the sign (and thus the wild eyes).

This has all be discusse before in this group. Please check the archives (at deja news).
Brown led a raid on the USA's army's armory at Harper's Ferry (then Virgina now West Virginia), killing a few citizens. This was part of his plan to lead a slave revolt to overthrow Virgina.
Instead the USA army under Robert E. Lee captured him
and he was duly tried and executed by the United States goverment.

Did AOR put a little birdie picture on their radio? Why muck it up?

Get the freqs in and out without all the cute duckie-buttons and gif-dials.

Thanks and good night,
Mister Know-It-All (It's hyphenated you know)

PS: You defend scancat because you forked out a bunch of money (I hope).

> Ok Mister know it all,
> Let's see you spend the time to write a program
> can you do that?
> and can you take the criticism when people tell you that it sucks?
> and finally can you put your money where your MOUTH is?
> we shall see
> Oh and by the way I'm sorry if you would have to do a little work
> in inputting the frequencies.
> If everything in the hobby was completely automated it would not
> be fun anymore.
> and some of the software does now read Percon,ect data without
> conversion.
> (scancat-wind
Steven Rowe

Mar 20, 1997, 8:00:00 AM3/20/97

In article <>, writes:

>This has all be discussed before in this group. Please check the archives (at

>deja news).
> Brown led a raid on the USA's army's armory at Harper's Ferry (then Virgina
>now West Virginia), killing a few citizens. This was part of his plan to
>lead a slave revolt to overthrow Virgina.
>Instead the USA army under Robert E. Lee captured him
>and he was duly tried and executed by the United States goverment.

Somehow or another, various comments were added to my post. I only wrote the above.

Steven Rowe

Greg Diamond

Mar 22, 1997, 8:00:00 AM3/22/97

In article <>,

Roger Smith <> wrote:
>There is this ONE Far Side cartoon that no one that I have found can
>get. I didn't see this in any FAQ anywhere either. Here is a
>description of the cartoon:
>It is a shot of "John Brown's Body and Fender Shop". There is a man
>in the garage with 'wild' eyes and a hammer supposedly working on a
>car. In the front of the shop is a water hose in the parking area
>with a dog dish(?) by the end. No caption!

It's an elaborate pun, which you may have missed by misidentifying the dog
dish. It's actually a dish for JB's pet mole, Liza, who instead has been
drinking from the (gray-toned) hose. This context should have been clear
from the context of some of Larson's earlier cartoons with this motif.
So, it all should be "John Brown's Body; Liza Mole Drinkin' the Gray,"
which I have to admit is a far distance to travel for a pretty weak pun.
<><><> There is evil: ever around, fundamental,
Greg<> System of government quite incidental;
<>/\<> So why go bananas chasing Nirvanas and failing?
<>\/<> -- Eva, "Waltz for Eva and Che," *Evita*

Message has been deleted

Andrew Raphael

Mar 27, 1997, 8:00:00 AM3/27/97

In article <> writes:

>Bootsy! We are calling you from the world of the living! Are you there
>Bootsy? Give us a sign, Bootsy!

They're holding a seance to contact the woman's dead pet Bootsy?
It's one of the "these people are really stupid" Far Sides.

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