Okay, I'm not going to pile on here...(even though the concept that
the Pattersons could read Therese's mind in a flashback is a little
I'm just wondering what the letters/emails to Liz from the Great
Canadian author would have sounded like...
I'm too tired to give it a whirl, but I know there's someone out there
that could make me spew my Diet Dr. Pepper in the AM.
Oh wait... wrong letter....
Now, the problems Lynn's displaying are believable. Plenty of people
fall more in love with someone's "potential" and it can be a bone of
But I'll be disappointed if Candace doesn't ask the obvious... "Why
did he marry her when he obviously had feelings for you?" In those
older strips dealing with Anthony's engagement, he took Liz to a New
Year's Eve party (where they acted rather snuggly) three weeks into
his engagement, and wistfully thought, "I wish you'd never started
running." And Candace (according to those older strips) knew about
this date ("What are you looking at me like that for?" "It's four in
the morning."), and even was witness to Liz's saying, "He's engaged
but he still loves me. I know he still loves me, and I'm so confused!"
So Candace ought to get to the heart of that issue. At least Deanna,
when she realized she had feelings for another man, broke off her
engagement until she could get her feelings sorted out. It had to have
been a hassle, but it was sure as hell better than the alternative. So
what was keeping Anthony from doing the same?
And once you realize that word of that New Year's Eve date may very
well have gotten back to Therese, her jealousy suddenly seems a whole
lot less unreasonable. How would you feel if you'd found out your
fiance of a few weeks' standing had gone to a New Year's Eve party
with his ex-girlfriend, gazed wistfully at her and acted snuggly the
entire night, stayed out until four in the morning, and then all they
did was pull the "Tee-hee, we're just friends and I don't see what
you're so jealous about" card?
But the way it's being presented, it's more like Candace is asking
"Why did he marry her when he should have known she was nothing but an
evil career-obsessed baby-hating witch?" And the real heart of the
matter--Anthony's pining over Liz, his apparent pressuring of Therese
to have a child (as I've said before, her telling Anthony he'd "won"
speaks volumes)--isn't getting addressed.
And although I commend Lynn for presenting a real-life issue that
divides many couples ("I can change him"), it shouldn't have been left
until now...it would have been better if it had been hinted at all
along. As it is, it just seems like desperate scrambling to get us to
approve of Lizthony.
I realized this morning I must be The Worst Person In The World
because my reaction to the panel in question was, "Actually, he *does*
look like a fool."
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about Partner One dictating
how Partner Two should dress "correctly". People should dress, within
limits, in the manner that makes them happy and comfortable. And if
you couldn't stand how he dressed before the ring was on his finger,
you're plumb insane if you expect to "improve" the way he dresses
But mr. ronniecat and I kind of *rely* on each other to help point out
fashion choices that would inadvertently make us look like, er, fools,
when we got out the door. I thought that was one of the benefits of
having a life partner, for that matter - you're much less likely to
walk out the door for work in the morning with your dress tucked into
the back of your pantyhose...
As for telling him to cut his sandwich in half, that's just pure evil.
"The very deaf, as I am, hear the most astounding things all
round them, which have not, in fact, been said." - Henry Green
* remove mycollar to reply *
* http://www.hearingloss.blogspot.com *
Y.. you.. you don't mind terribly if I just imagine that for a few
minutes, do you ronnie?
> As for telling him to cut his sandwich in half, that's just pure evil.
Well, I have to disagree there.. I mean, the social faux paux of
eating an uncut sammich - ugh! I shudder to think of it.
Man I hate that!
I order a grilled cheese or a BLT, and it's looking great back there and
all of a sudden I see they're going to cut it and I want to yell NOOOOOOO!
but I know the guy I'm yelling at won't figure out that a) I'm yelling at
him and b) why I'm yelling at him in time and I'll just have made a fool of
myself so I have to take the cut sandwich with the cheese dripping out in
two totally unnecessary places.
The same goes for bagels, but at least cream cheese doesn't drip.
But the guy in the background to the right is *clearly* laughing at
Anthony for daring to eat an uncut sandwich...
Replace '???????' with 'hotmail' to e-mail me.
>But mr. ronniecat and I kind of *rely* on each other to help point out
>fashion choices that would inadvertently make us look like, er, fools,
>when we got out the door. I thought that was one of the benefits of
>having a life partner,
Understood; I think the "life partner" part (and the mutual respect,
understanding, and support that implies) has to come first -- that's
what makes the difference between being someone's "better half" and
just being a harpy.
> As for telling him to cut his sandwich in half, that's just pure evil.
I was impressed by the little trick of retroactively turning the
Universally Hated and Mocked Mustache into *Therese's* idea. . .
> As for telling him to cut his sandwich in half, that's just pure evil.
All sandwiches start out cut in half. Horizontally.
Anything beyond that is gratuitous.
Sherwood Harrington
Mayo-on-Mustache, California
> > As for telling him to cut his sandwich in half, that's just pure evil.
> >
> Well, I have to disagree there.. I mean, the social faux paux of
> eating an uncut sammich - ugh! I shudder to think of it.
My aunt would have said that it all gets cut up when you chew it
anyway. At least, I've heard something like that about food
that touches other food, so it seems plausible. Or possible,
which the government has taught me is the same thing.
Mike Beede
I guess that would explain why the 'stache mysteriously disappeared during
the infamous New Year's Party- it was scurrying home to report to Therese.
I don' geddit. Anthony only grew the 'stache for Thèrése; it's pretty
apparent Anthony moved on well before she left, so why did he keep the
'stache? Did he have to wait for Francie to be prematurely verbal? Is
this yet another instance of his hewing to his Inner Milquetoast?
Veronique Chez Sheep
=v= Note that in her thought balloon, Anthony merely resembles
a "fool". This is short of the strip's ultimate insult, "foob,"
which is of course the combination of a "fool" and a "boob".
=v= T.G.C.A. is a regular contributor to this blog:
He is generally writing to April in this venue (it's her real
blog, after all), but at times his words of wisdom, rendered as
deathless prose, of course, is directed towards Lizardbreath.
I think that if Lynn had had Thérèse think: "He looks like a foob
today" in that thought balloon, I would've forgiven L. pretty much
everything else she's done to the strip.
>But the guy in the background to the right is *clearly* laughing at
>Anthony for daring to eat an uncut sandwich...
Naturellement. C'est un restaurant français. Tout le monde français
rit d'Anthony, certainement ! Thérèse le command!
I would have written her and thanked her for turning the operation over
to Ces.
_+_ From the catapult of |If anyone disagrees with any statement I make, I
_|70|___:)=}- J.D. Baldwin |am quite prepared not only to retract it, but also
\ / bal...@panix.com|to deny under oath that I ever made it. -T. Lehrer
> Naturellement. C'est un restaurant français. Tout le monde français
> rit d'Anthony, certainement ! Thérèse le command!
> ronnie
Tish! You spoke French!
>Did he have to wait for Francie to be prematurely verbal?
You know, I took part in the conversation about Francie's impossible
Soon after, I met up with an old friend I hadn't seen in years and she
had a girl who was turning two in a week. This kid can talk in full
sentences, use reasoning, etc. beyond that of what is "expected" of a
two year old. So, I guess it does happen.
If you think you hate me from what I write here, check out my blog on my MySpace page: http://www.myspace.com/bennettron
If you actually think I'm an okay guy, go ahead and add me as your friend if you are active at MySpace.
Well, if Francie is going to be a Patterson (even if by marriage), it has to
be exceptional child.
=v= Well, as long as we're on the subject, has there ever been
an ass in _FBoFW_ more lovingly-rendered than the one we saw on
Théresè in yesterday's second panel? Hooo!
I guess the idea was to show as stark a contrast a possible with
Anthony in his foobish boxers?
=v= As usual, attractive features indicate poor character in
this strip. Bad men have dimples and bad women have asses that
aren't shaped like potatoes. (Foob Satan, presumably, has a
dimpled ass.)
=v= But seriously, her campaign to reform Anthony seems pretty
mild. Girlfriends who've improved my wardrobe and taught me
how to eat in public are the reasons I'm nearly presentable
today! So overall, I think Thërëse rocks. She rocks so hard,
I just had to give her umlauts. Be excellent to each other.
>So overall, I think Thėrėse rocks. She rocks so hard,
>I just had to give her umlauts. Be excellent to each other.
If this were a comment on joshreads, it would be a candidate for COTW.
I'm just sayin'.
> Recklessly refusing to invoke the Fifth Amendment, on Fri, 24 Aug 2007
> 01:33:24 -0700, Jym Dyer <j...@econet.org> wrote:
> >> Okay, I'm not going to pile on here...(even though the concept
> >> that the Pattersons could read Therese's mind in a flashback
> >> is a little freaky)
> >
> >=v= Note that in her thought balloon, Anthony merely resembles
> >a "fool". This is short of the strip's ultimate insult, "foob,"
> >which is of course the combination of a "fool" and a "boob".
> > <_Jym_>
> I think that if Lynn had had Thérèse think: "He looks like a foob
> today" in that thought balloon, I would've forgiven L. pretty much
> everything else she's done to the strip.
That would definitely have been wonderful. I would have forgiven
60% of the stuff. Which is a pretty generous offer, in my opinion.
Mike Beede
Ah, so Therese's parents were manipulating! Gee, not like that'd
happen with the Pattersons . . . except when it does!:
- ReFlex76
- "Let's beat the terrorists with our most powerful weapon . . . hot
girl-on-girl action!"
- "The difference between young and old is the difference between
looking forward to your next birthday, and dreading it!"
- Jesus Christ - The original hippie!
Katana > Chain Saw > Baseball Bat > Hammer
I have a niece who was *reading* at age two. I don't mean she could
spit back memorized words from Dr. Seuss books -- I mean you could
hand her a business card (for example) and she'd do a better-than-
average job of sounding out the names, and the regular words would be
a breeze.
I endorse this post.
> =v= T.G.C.A. is a regular contributor to this blog:
> http://aprilsrealblog.blogspot.com/
> He is generally writing to April in this venue (it's her real
> blog, after all), but at times his words of wisdom, rendered as
> deathless prose, of course, is directed towards Lizardbreath.
And Michael has done some excellent commentary on the current arc this week.
=v= Thank you. It was a comment on joshreads, though I was
personally rooting for recognition of Foob Satan's dimpled ass.
I also wrote a short snippet of an Eminem (excuse me, Éminèm)
parody called "Áss Like Thàt," which inspired someone else to
write a "Báby Got Bàck" parody. None of this tickled Josh's
fancy, COTW-wise.