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Batman vs. Spiderman

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Dec 23, 2010, 8:17:10 PM12/23/10
This really isn't one of my DC vs. Marvel things. My favorite DC Hero has
always been Batman and my favorite Marvel Hero has always been Spiderman. I
lean more toward Batman myself, but would like to know which you folks like
better as far as the characters themselves, storylines, allies, villains, etc.


Dec 23, 2010, 8:19:58 PM12/23/10
to wrote:

In a way my response is geared towards why I like DC more then Marvel.

Marvel has way too many radiation powered heros. the One Marvel title I like
with superheros is X-men is an exception. (baring a few refrences in the
silver age that is). for the most part the mutants are born with their powers
which I like better.

so yeah I dont like the whole I got bitten by a radioactive aracnoid and now I
will be a superhero thing.
so personly Im not a big Spider man.
(with apolagies to those of you who are spiderfans. I just state my opinon. to
each his own).

with Batman I like him the same reason most do. he is a human being. thus he
is easy to relate to.
Batman also has one of the best rouges gallery in comic history.

this is also in part because they are all, for the most part, human beings and
easy to relate to.

Now sure I like Superman. Im a huge Superman fan.
but I also like Batman.

He has a tragic moment which we all can relate to. he does things that we all
he has trained himself and built himself up which any man could do.

sure youd have to have billions of dollers to get his equpment but still...

He can be a flawed hero I admit that.
but he is an enduring hero. He is alot older then Spidyman.

so to me its Batman all the way.

again just my opinon guys.


Dec 23, 2010, 8:23:42 PM12/23/10

For me, I will have to say that Batman is better in the area of storylines, allies,
villains and character.

The Storyline, Batman is probably one of the few dark type, almost anti-heroes due
to the setting that the Batman comics and stories are set in. Additionally, Batman
was based off of The Shadow, and The Shadow / Lamount Cranston was a very
Anti-Hero, solving problems usually with the use of a gun. Batman does not use
weapons like guns, but he uses other means to stop and beat an opponent.

For allies, Batman is one who does what he can on his own, and will get help, when
he needs it; although he tends to get help when he does not want it. And Spider-man
does at times put himself into a place where he needs help. What Batman does have
over Spider-man, is that Batman has the JLA/JL to help him, where Spider-man is
just a Backup/Reserve. Although in the current setting of Marvel, I think
Spider-man is wanted, have not read the marvel comics since the World War Hulk and
the Superhero War or whatever it was called.

Villains, is hard, as each has their own rouges gallery; Spider-man's are powered
in one form or another, where as Batman's is not, but a few are and some of
Spider-man's are not, so in a sense, they are equal. But Batman's has more history
and detail, whereas Spider-man's are not detailed to really be enjoyable, except
with an extreme few. Batman has some of the best villains, The Joker, Two-Face,
Clayface, The Riddler, Penguin, Killer Crock, Scarecrow, all have had their
backgrounds expanded upon, although some need to be more detailed and explained.

The character Batman is human, and shows all human emotions, and he does all that
he can, with a moral character that does not like to see people hurt. Spider-man
has the same moral sense, but he also can be an ass and that at times can make it
seem like Spider-man just wants to have fun and not really want to help people.
Batman is mood, says little and gets to the point. And he does not really care what
he says, since he speaks the truth, but he does try to have tact.

For me, I like Spider-man, but I am more of a fan of Batman and he seems to be more
human, not having to use anything special, except for skill that has been working
on making it better.


Dec 23, 2010, 9:43:41 PM12/23/10

For me, it's Batman all the way...he beats Spiderman in all areas and
easily has the best rogues gallery in comics...I'm not particularly
happy with the direction Batman books have taken in recent years but,
still, on the whole, Batman storylines are better...and it doesn't
help that Spiderman has been absolute garbage since that god-awful
retcon royally fucked up his history and status quo...then again,
Batman hasn't been a whole lot better since Morrison started crapping
all over him.

Scott Eiler

Dec 23, 2010, 9:58:41 PM12/23/10
On Dec 23, 6:43 pm, grinningdemon <> wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 20:17:10 -0500, wrote:
> >This really isn't one of my DC vs. Marvel things.  My favorite DC Hero has
> >always been Batman and my favorite Marvel Hero has always been Spiderman.  I
> >lean more toward Batman myself, but would like to know which you folks like
> >better as far as the characters themselves, storylines, allies, villains, etc.
> For me, it's Batman all the way...he beats Spiderman in all areas and
> easily has the best rogues gallery in comics...

We are talking about substantially the same rogues' gallery that
Batman had in the 1960s TV series, plus fellow-travelers like Croc,
Two-Face, Scarecrow, and Mr. Freeze, right? I'm not going to try to
talk you out of your opinion, but I do think you need to drop the word

(After some consideration I prefer the X-Men, because half their
rogues actually turn into X-Men at least temporarily.)


Dec 23, 2010, 10:42:09 PM12/23/10
to a écrit :

I discovered both characters in the 70s, Spider-Man by Lee+Romita and
Batman by O'Neil+Adams. I'd say that Batman is the only DC character
(mainstream) I can relate to while there are many more Marvel heroes
that I fancy for various reasons.
I never liked Robin or anything like a child sidekick. Perhaps because I
was already in my teens when I read Batman. Plus why would a reasonable
adult, let alone a justice knight, accept to put a child in danger ? At
least in Kick-Ass Big Daddy is openly crazy and his daughter's obviously
the artwork of a psychopath.
So in this respect while Peter Parker's a teenager himself, he only puts
himself in danger out of the remorse of his uncle Ben's death.

Then still in the 70s Marvel came with the idea of pairing their own
Batman, ie Daredevil, with an adult hero, the Black Widow, who was also
Murdock's lover. Somehow it made more sense to my young mind. And Gene
Colan's artwork was at least as dark and shadowy as Neal Adams'.

Oh and of course I've read Frank Miller's run, but there too I must
admit I prefer his Daredevil.

Internet is People


Dec 23, 2010, 11:38:47 PM12/23/10
It would depend on how long they've been aware of each other.

If they've met only recently, Spidey may gain the upper hand for a battle
or two (especially if he's convinced that Batman is simply another costumed

However, if Batman has been aware of Spidey's existence for more than a
day, he will likely have some plans (if not a device on his utility belt)
to handle/counter whatever the wall-crawler can throw at him.

I mean, don't get me wrong - Spidey's stronger, a (sarcastic) manipulator,
can use his webbing in a variety of ways and, not unlike Bruce, has some
skill in chemistry but Batman is a highly skilled combatant, an escape
artist and an inventor of a variety of counter measures - if he is allowed
enough time to do research on the wall crawler and his gimmicks (especially
the chemical makeup of his webbing), Spidey's a goner (unless, of course,
they can convince one another that they're on the same side). ^_^U

All the same, I'm basing my opinion on a overall impression of the two
characters. Unless something has happened in the comics (or other medium)
to tip the scales in either of their favors, I intend to stand by my
statements until 'more informed alternatives' appear.

Happy Holidays, everyone. ^_^



Dec 24, 2010, 12:35:01 PM12/24/10
On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 18:58:41 -0800 (PST), Scott Eiler
<> wrote:

>On Dec 23, 6:43 pm, grinningdemon <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 20:17:10 -0500, wrote:
>> >This really isn't one of my DC vs. Marvel things.  My favorite DC Hero has
>> >always been Batman and my favorite Marvel Hero has always been Spiderman.  I
>> >lean more toward Batman myself, but would like to know which you folks like
>> >better as far as the characters themselves, storylines, allies, villains, etc.
>> For me, it's Batman all the way...he beats Spiderman in all areas and
>> easily has the best rogues gallery in comics...
>We are talking about substantially the same rogues' gallery that
>Batman had in the 1960s TV series, plus fellow-travelers like Croc,
>Two-Face, Scarecrow, and Mr. Freeze, right? I'm not going to try to
>talk you out of your opinion, but I do think you need to drop the word

And I think you're nuts to believe anyone else has better
villains...but to each his own...and I'm not saying the versions from
the 60s TV series are the best either...they're terrible (like just
about everything else from that show).

>(After some consideration I prefer the X-Men, because half their
>rogues actually turn into X-Men at least temporarily.)

That actually bugs me a little...I'm all for humanizing villains and
all that but it's taking it too far to have all their villains
switching sides every other day...there's no consistency of
characterization...take Magneto, for instance...sometimes he's a total
psychopath...sometimes he's the noble villain...and sometimes he's a
good's bad writing to keep him going from one extreme to the

Wouter Valentijn

Dec 24, 2010, 2:57:58 PM12/24/10

In the mid '70's I wasn't all that aware of Spidey, so in those days I would
lean towards the Bat.
From 'Superman vs. Spiderman' on I became aware of Spiderman and as years
went by Batman drifted out of view. Mostly because his books weren't
translated for a while and the original language versions were not available
to me.
Tough question.... I have very fond memories of those days when I read
Batman regularly.
Spiderman started out as some sort of spoof on Superman and Batman as an
amalgam I think
Going back to that first x-over between DC and Marvel it was clear Spiderman
was a fan of Superman and Superman only thought, initially, of Spiderman as
a villain. During their first fight he learned the truth about him. I'm sure
Bruce would learn the truth about Spiderman as well and as with Superman
they would become allies.

Okay... when forced to make a choice I would prefer Spiderman from his
inception to the early '90's, because of his character etc. I think he is
more interesting. He has his superpowers, but also his intelligence. And the
way he lives in his private life he seems closer to regular folks. No great
deal of money, no special cave, no butler. He's on his own.
Okay nowadays I've read he's got this Avengers thing so maybe there is more
money, a base of operations and a butler? If so, very unSpidey like.
His supporting characters are nothing short of fantastic. Nice aunt May,
nasty boss J.J., tragic Gwen, hot M.J., hotter Felicia. :-) I got the
feeling more energy and thought went into his supporting cast.
Do specific storylines count? Not so much.

The same goes for Marvel as a whole.
But maybe that's because I mostly read Marvel during my 'wonder years' and
DC destroyed itself in the mid '80's. Marvel in the mid '90's BTW.
Yeah, I'm old. :-)

Wouter Valentijn

Giles: "I'd like to test that theory."
'Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x21: Two To Go.'


Zeb Carter

Dec 24, 2010, 3:06:58 PM12/24/10
I've enjoyed both characters. I'm not a rabid fan of any one company.
Some stories made no sense overall and the mega crossovers only served
to heat things up for a bit and then things went back to normal.

It looks like now, that JQ is wanting to shake up the MU with a death to
rival the death of Superman - one of the Fantastic Four. Will it stick
or not. JQ says it will but time will tell.

Wouter Valentijn

Dec 24, 2010, 3:46:09 PM12/24/10

Nowadays it seems the mega crossover is the normal mode. :-)

> It looks like now, that JQ is wanting to shake up the MU with a death
> to rival the death of Superman - one of the Fantastic Four. Will it
> stick or not. JQ says it will but time will tell.

I don't think a death within the FF could ever rival the death of Superman
and I seriously doubt it will stick.
Chances are that after JQ leaves the next guy (or girl) will change
everything again and JQ's stuff will be retconned.


Dec 24, 2010, 3:51:29 PM12/24/10

One can only hope...for starters, then Spiderman might be worth
reading again.


Dec 24, 2010, 6:57:59 PM12/24/10
On Fri, 24 Dec 2010 20:57:58 +0100, "Wouter Valentijn"
<> wrote:

>Okay... when forced to make a choice I would prefer Spiderman from his
>inception to the early '90's, because of his character etc. I think he is
>more interesting. He has his superpowers, but also his intelligence. And the
>way he lives in his private life he seems closer to regular folks. No great
>deal of money, no special cave, no butler. He's on his own.
>Okay nowadays I've read he's got this Avengers thing so maybe there is more
>money, a base of operations and a butler? If so, very unSpidey like.
>His supporting characters are nothing short of fantastic. Nice aunt May,
>nasty boss J.J., tragic Gwen, hot M.J., hotter Felicia. :-) I got the
>feeling more energy and thought went into his supporting cast.
>Do specific storylines count? Not so much.

Up until recently he was out of a job. We even found out that the
Avengers were willing to pay him but because he wouldn't reveal his
identity to those making out the checks. However, in his own book
he's now in the pay of a company that pays him copious amounts of
money to create whatever he wants. He has access to technology at
least on a par with Bruce's. He's even created his own stealth
version of his costume. IMO, he out shines Bruce in the intellect
department. He may not be a strategist on Bruce's level but he does
okay when using his noggin to defeat villains and has even led the
Avengers against a specific foe. I suspect that Bruce pays others to
develop his tech, with some exceptions. That's not to say the Bruce
is totally dependent on others but considering the array of devices he
employs I doubt that he's got time to design and build it all. Maybe
back in the sixties but not in today's gadget ridden world.



Dec 24, 2010, 6:59:13 PM12/24/10

So have you heard any rumors to the effect of JQ leaving? Or are you
making plans of your own? Right now it looks like he's firmly


Wouter Valentijn

Dec 25, 2010, 1:16:27 AM12/25/10

No, I've not heard any rumors.
But nothing lasts forever.
The people before him never were there for eternity. He won't be either.

Wouter Valentijn

Dec 25, 2010, 1:18:24 AM12/25/10

Spidey's got a good brain, that's for sure.

Scott Eiler

Dec 25, 2010, 12:02:22 PM12/25/10
On Dec 24, 11:57 am, "Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:

> Going back to that first x-over between DC and Marvel it was clear Spiderman
> was a fan of Superman and Superman only thought, initially, of Spiderman as
> a villain. During their first fight he learned the truth about him. I'm sure
> Bruce would learn the truth about Spiderman as well and as with Superman
> they would become allies.

Batman and Spider-Man actually have had a couple of crossovers. I
forget how they met, but after a minimal bit of misunderstanding they
worked well together. Their villains are in about the same league.

Wouter Valentijn

Dec 25, 2010, 4:25:30 PM12/25/10

I only read the two Superman / Spiderman encounters I think.
And Batman had something to do with the Hulk? Been a while.


Dec 25, 2010, 8:05:13 PM12/25/10
On Sat, 25 Dec 2010 22:25:30 +0100, "Wouter Valentijn"
<> wrote:

>Scott Eiler wrote:
>> On Dec 24, 11:57 am, "Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:
>>> Going back to that first x-over between DC and Marvel it was clear
>>> Spiderman was a fan of Superman and Superman only thought,
>>> initially, of Spiderman as a villain. During their first fight he
>>> learned the truth about him. I'm sure Bruce would learn the truth
>>> about Spiderman as well and as with Superman they would become
>>> allies.
>> Batman and Spider-Man actually have had a couple of crossovers. I
>> forget how they met, but after a minimal bit of misunderstanding they
>> worked well together. Their villains are in about the same league.
>I only read the two Superman / Spiderman encounters I think.
>And Batman had something to do with the Hulk? Been a while.

In the 90s there were two Batman/Spiderman crossover books (one each
from DC and Marvel) least one of those was pretty good (I
remember it best for the Mark Bagley art)...they may also have had
some contact in the DC vs. Marvel "event" but that was so lame I don't
remember much...I do remember Batman fighting Cap and Superman vs.
Hulk but that's about it.


Dec 26, 2010, 11:32:55 AM12/26/10
In article <4d158cb4$0$41113$>,
"Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:

He keeps it in a jar by his nightstand.

"Please, I can't die, I've never kissed an Asian woman!"
Shego on "Shat My Dad Says"

Wouter Valentijn

Dec 26, 2010, 3:37:33 PM12/26/10

Ah, one of those later ones.

>I do remember Batman fighting Cap and Superman vs.
> Hulk but that's about it.

Yeah, with Hulk hitting Superman with no effect.

Wouter Valentijn

Dec 26, 2010, 3:38:22 PM12/26/10

To practice for the time he'll get false teeth. :-)


Dec 26, 2010, 7:02:19 PM12/26/10
On Sun, 26 Dec 2010 21:37:33 +0100, "Wouter Valentijn"
<> wrote:

I bet that made Hulk mad. And the madder Hulk get......



Dec 26, 2010, 8:05:00 PM12/26/10
On Sun, 26 Dec 2010 18:02:19 -0600, Lilith <>

The biggest problem with that story is that the winners were all
decided by fan voting...and that the writers bent over backwards to
make sure the losers didn't look weak in the process...which made for
a pretty lame story.

Wouter Valentijn

Dec 27, 2010, 1:59:47 PM12/27/10

The stronger he gets. I know.
That still didn't help. Supes stood his ground.


Dec 27, 2010, 3:17:30 PM12/27/10
In article <4d18e223$0$41114$>,
"Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:

That's because it was the Silver Age Superman, before John Byrne ruined
the character.

Wouter Valentijn

Dec 27, 2010, 3:50:24 PM12/27/10
Anim8rFSK wrote:
> In article <4d18e223$0$41114$>,


>>>>> I do remember Batman fighting Cap and Superman vs.
>>>>> Hulk but that's about it.
>>>> Yeah, with Hulk hitting Superman with no effect.
>>> I bet that made Hulk mad. And the madder Hulk get......
>> The stronger he gets. I know.
>> That still didn't help. Supes stood his ground.
> That's because it was the Silver Age Superman, before John Byrne
> ruined the character.

<deep sigh>


Scott Eiler

Dec 27, 2010, 4:05:45 PM12/27/10
On Dec 27, 12:50 pm, "Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:

> Anim8rFSK wrote:
> >>>>> I do remember Batman fighting Cap and Superman vs.
> >>>>> Hulk but that's about it.
> >>>> Yeah, with Hulk hitting Superman with no effect.
> >>> I bet that made Hulk mad.  And the madder Hulk get......
> >> The stronger he gets. I know.
> >> That still didn't help. Supes stood his ground.
> > That's because it was the Silver Age Superman, before John Byrne
> > ruined the character.
> <deep sigh>
> Yeah....

Well, no (ruination aside). We're talking about 1996, Marvel vs. DC.
Admittedly this was the "Professor" Hulk who tried not to get mad, but
it was also post-Byrne Superman. And it just didn't matter, because
Superman is still the strongest one there is.


Dec 27, 2010, 7:53:12 PM12/27/10
In article
Scott Eiler <> wrote:

Ah. Didn't they fight pre Crisis too?


Dec 27, 2010, 9:18:37 PM12/27/10

I'm sure Captain Marvel would disagree to that.


Dec 28, 2010, 10:39:02 AM12/28/10
On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 17:53:12 -0700, Anim8rFSK <>

I don't think so...the only crossovers I remember from pre-crisis were
Spiderman/Superman, Batman/Hulk, and X-Men/Teen Titans.

Wouter Valentijn

Dec 28, 2010, 2:04:41 PM12/28/10
grinningdemon wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 17:53:12 -0700, Anim8rFSK <>
> wrote:
>> In article
>> <>,
>> Scott Eiler <> wrote:
>>> On Dec 27, 12:50 pm, "Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:
>>>> Anim8rFSK wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I do remember Batman fighting Cap and Superman vs.
>>>>>>>>> Hulk but that's about it.
>>>>>>>> Yeah, with Hulk hitting Superman with no effect.
>>>>>>> I bet that made Hulk mad. And the madder Hulk get......
>>>>>> The stronger he gets. I know.
>>>>>> That still didn't help. Supes stood his ground.
>>>>> That's because it was the Silver Age Superman, before John Byrne
>>>>> ruined the character.
>>>> <deep sigh>
>>>> Yeah....
>>> Well, no (ruination aside). We're talking about 1996, Marvel vs.
>>> DC. Admittedly this was the "Professor" Hulk who tried not to get
>>> mad, but it was also post-Byrne Superman. And it just didn't
>>> matter, because Superman is still the strongest one there is.

I was talking about their pre-Crisis meeting. :-P
Never read the 1996 thing.

>> Ah. Didn't they fight pre Crisis too?
> I don't think so...the only crossovers I remember from pre-crisis were
> Spiderman/Superman, Batman/Hulk, and X-Men/Teen Titans.

Spiderman and Superman met *twice* pre-crisis.

In the first one they fought Doc Ock and Luthor, in the second one they
fought Doom and the Parasite.
In that second one Supes met The Hulk.

And of course, after Superman and Spiderman met for the first time, Superman
met Mohamed Ali! :-)


Dec 28, 2010, 3:10:42 PM12/28/10
In article <4d1a34cb$0$41113$>,
"Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:

He shoots, he scores!


Dec 28, 2010, 3:14:22 PM12/28/10
In article <>,
grinningdemon <> wrote:
Publication date July 1981
"The comic also pits Superman against the Hulk for the first time"


Jan 3, 2011, 10:59:53 PM1/3/11
Lets just say Supes beat Hulk.... and Wolverine beat Lobo....

"Lilith" <> wrote in message

Wouter Valentijn

Jan 4, 2011, 3:37:33 PM1/4/11
Kevin wrote:
> Lets just say Supes beat Hulk.... and Wolverine beat Lobo....

I'm okay with that. :-)


Jan 4, 2011, 3:41:11 PM1/4/11
On Tue, 4 Jan 2011 21:37:33 +0100, "Wouter Valentijn"
<> wrote:

>Kevin wrote:
>> Lets just say Supes beat Hulk.... and Wolverine beat Lobo....
>I'm okay with that. :-)

I'm not...Wolverine's a wuss...and Lobo reforms from a single drop of
his blood.

Then again, I don't really give a shit about either character.


Jan 4, 2011, 8:55:53 PM1/4/11
In article <>,
grinningdemon <> wrote:

> On Tue, 4 Jan 2011 21:37:33 +0100, "Wouter Valentijn"
> <> wrote:
> >Kevin wrote:
> >> Lets just say Supes beat Hulk.... and Wolverine beat Lobo....
> >>
> >
> >I'm okay with that. :-)
> I'm not...Wolverine's a wuss...and Lobo reforms from a single drop of
> his blood.

How small a chuck can Wolverine reform from?

> Then again, I don't really give a shit about either character.

There's that.


Jan 4, 2011, 9:19:57 PM1/4/11
'tis on Fri, 24 Dec 2010 17:57:59 -0600, wrote Lilith thus to essay our thoughts to discern upon
-------- Original Message --------

> On Fri, 24 Dec 2010 20:57:58 +0100, "Wouter Valentijn"
> <> wrote:
>> Do specific storylines count? Not so much.
> Up until recently he was out of a job. We even found out that the
> Avengers were willing to pay him but because he wouldn't reveal his
> identity to those making out the checks. However, in his own book
> he's now in the pay of a company that pays him copious amounts of
> money to create whatever he wants. He has access to technology at
> least on a par with Bruce's. He's even created his own stealth
> version of his costume. IMO, he out shines Bruce in the intellect
> department. He may not be a strategist on Bruce's level but he does
> okay when using his noggin to defeat villains and has even led the
> Avengers against a specific foe. I suspect that Bruce pays others to
> develop his tech, with some exceptions. That's not to say the Bruce
> is totally dependent on others but considering the array of devices he
> employs I doubt that he's got time to design and build it all. Maybe
> back in the sixties but not in today's gadget ridden world.

I keep imagining him like modern software companies, where he just buys out the tech and slaps a bat-shaped logo on it. :D
"... respect, all good works are not done by only good folk. For here, at the end of all things, we shall do what needs to be done."
--till next time, consul -x- <<>>


Jan 4, 2011, 9:26:23 PM1/4/11
On Tue, 04 Jan 2011 18:55:53 -0700, Anim8rFSK <>

>In article <>,
> grinningdemon <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 4 Jan 2011 21:37:33 +0100, "Wouter Valentijn"
>> <> wrote:
>> >Kevin wrote:
>> >> Lets just say Supes beat Hulk.... and Wolverine beat Lobo....
>> >>
>> >
>> >I'm okay with that. :-)
>> I'm not...Wolverine's a wuss...and Lobo reforms from a single drop of
>> his blood.
>How small a chuck can Wolverine reform from?

We've never really seen him cut up in pieces thanks to his adamantium
skeleton (unless you count the Ultimate version that got ripped in
half) but, in Age of Apocalypse, he couldn't even regenerate a lost
hand after Cyclops incinerated it.

Scott Eiler

Jan 4, 2011, 11:20:01 PM1/4/11

After the infamous Stanford Incident, Nitro immolated Wolverine right down to
the skeleton. Wolverine got better. Maybe Wolverine *will* be the Last Earthling.

(signed) Scott Eiler 8{D> -------- ---------

"Egyptians were all about having the maximum amount of glittery
goodness, especially when it came to death."

Read more:


Jan 4, 2011, 11:45:59 PM1/4/11
On Tue, 04 Jan 2011 20:20:01 -0800, Scott Eiler <>

>grinningdemon wrote:
>> On Tue, 04 Jan 2011 18:55:53 -0700, Anim8rFSK <>
>> wrote:
>>> In article <>,
>>> grinningdemon <> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 4 Jan 2011 21:37:33 +0100, "Wouter Valentijn"
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> I'm okay with that. :-)
>>>> I'm not...Wolverine's a wuss...and Lobo reforms from a single drop of
>>>> his blood.
>>> How small a chuck can Wolverine reform from?
>> We've never really seen him cut up in pieces thanks to his adamantium
>> skeleton (unless you count the Ultimate version that got ripped in
>> half) but, in Age of Apocalypse, he couldn't even regenerate a lost
>> hand after Cyclops incinerated it.
>After the infamous Stanford Incident, Nitro immolated Wolverine right down to
>the skeleton. Wolverine got better. Maybe Wolverine *will* be the Last Earthling.

Yeah, I think that was an editorial screw-up that got explained away
in a later storyline as a one-time thing for some stupid reason or
other...most likely because everyone was bitching that he shouldn't
have been able to come back from that...Deadpool is the one with the
healing factor that is so over the top and out there that he can come
back from anything...he's regenerated lost limbs and even survived
being decapitated...Wolverine can't do that.


Jan 4, 2011, 11:51:33 PM1/4/11
In article <>,
grinningdemon <> wrote:

> On Tue, 04 Jan 2011 18:55:53 -0700, Anim8rFSK <>
> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> > grinningdemon <> wrote:
> >
> >> On Tue, 4 Jan 2011 21:37:33 +0100, "Wouter Valentijn"
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >> >Kevin wrote:
> >> >> Lets just say Supes beat Hulk.... and Wolverine beat Lobo....
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >I'm okay with that. :-)
> >>
> >> I'm not...Wolverine's a wuss...and Lobo reforms from a single drop of
> >> his blood.
> >
> >How small a chuck can Wolverine reform from?
> We've never really seen him cut up in pieces thanks to his adamantium
> skeleton (unless you count the Ultimate version that got ripped in
> half) but, in Age of Apocalypse, he couldn't even regenerate a lost
> hand after Cyclops incinerated it.


Among the more extreme depictions of Wolverine's healing factor include
fully healing Among the more extreme depictions of Wolverine's healing
factor include fully healing after being caught near the center of an
atomic explosion[36] and the total regeneration of his soft body tissue,
within a matter of minutes, after having it ]37[incinerated from his


Jan 5, 2011, 10:59:11 PM1/5/11
Other matches:
Storm beat Wonder Woman
Aquaman beat Namor
Flash beat Quicksilver (after QS has a moral dilemna)
Robin beat Jubilee (then they get all kissy faced)
Silver Surfer beat Green Lantern
Thor beat Capt Marvel
Batman "technically beat" Capt America
Oh yeah... Thanos and Darkseid fought and a lot of superheroes from both
sides tried to stop it. Apparently, Thanos and Darkseid punched so hard that
babies woke up screaming in Europe and windows shattered hundreds of miles
away..... yeah.... No winner as the fight was interrupted by reality
starting to bleed blood....

"Kevin" <> wrote in message


Jan 6, 2011, 8:25:59 PM1/6/11
On Tue, 04 Jan 2011 22:45:59 -0600, grinningdemon
<> wrote:

It seems to me that pretty much anyone with a regenerative power can
be taken down by fire. Not just the brief burst of a torch but
something that completely reduces the target to a pile of soot.
Nothing but carbon unattached to any hydrogen or oxygen. Nothing left
that can be called a living cell, mutant or otherwise.

The same thing with zombies. Set them on fire and they won't even
have the brains to drop and roll. Wolverine you'd have to put in an
incinerator for several hours.



Jan 6, 2011, 9:27:08 PM1/6/11
On Thu, 06 Jan 2011 19:25:59 -0600, Lilith <>

I vaguely remember a story where Wolverine himself said the easiest
way to kill him would be drowning...he's heavy and doesn't swim well
thanks to that metal skeleton...and he needs to breathe just like
anyone else...granted, it would take a prolonged drowning to really
put him down for the count but still...and I seem to recall a
storyline in the 90s when Xavier had contengency plans for killing all
the x-men and his plan with wolverine was to cut off his head and keep
it a safe distance from his body.


Jan 6, 2011, 9:30:29 PM1/6/11
On Thu, 06 Jan 2011 20:27:08 -0600, grinningdemon
<> wrote:

Personally, I'm so sick of Wolverine and hate him so much at this
point that I'd love an ongoing series of What If? that was just about
killing Wolverine in new and imaginative ways...THAT would be worth

Scott Eiler

Jan 6, 2011, 10:10:45 PM1/6/11
grinningdemon wrote:

> Personally, I'm so sick of Wolverine and hate him so much at this
> point that I'd love an ongoing series of What If? that was just about
> killing Wolverine in new and imaginative ways...THAT would be worth
> reading.

I'd actually buy that. So would most fanpersons, if it got titled "The Death of


Jan 6, 2011, 10:23:56 PM1/6/11
On Thu, 06 Jan 2011 19:10:45 -0800, Scott Eiler <>

>grinningdemon wrote:

>> Personally, I'm so sick of Wolverine and hate him so much at this
>> point that I'd love an ongoing series of What If? that was just about
>> killing Wolverine in new and imaginative ways...THAT would be worth
>> reading.
>I'd actually buy that. So would most fanpersons, if it got titled "The Death of

Correction...The MANY Deaths of's a best seller waiting
to happen.


Jan 7, 2011, 12:01:10 AM1/7/11

In my head, I'm picturing a cross between a Wyle E. Coyote cartoon and
the claymation Mr. Bill skits from Saturday Night Live...only more
gruesome...I'm reminded of a Wolverine guest appearance in Garth
Ennis' Marvel Knights Punisher series where it was just one
horrifically violent thing after another being done to
could be so fact, Ennis would be the perfect choice to
write it.

Is it wrong that thinking about this makes me giggle like a school


Jan 7, 2011, 2:14:58 AM1/7/11
On Jan 7, 11:25 am, Lilith <> wrote:
> The same thing with zombies.

Zombies at a distance. Up close, chasing/trying to get into the
building you're in, that's a deadly move.

= DUG.

Wouter Valentijn

Jan 7, 2011, 1:52:21 PM1/7/11
grinningdemon wrote:
> On Thu, 06 Jan 2011 20:27:08 -0600, grinningdemon
> <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 06 Jan 2011 19:25:59 -0600, Lilith <>
>> wrote:


> Personally, I'm so sick of Wolverine and hate him so much at this
> point that I'd love an ongoing series of What If? that was just about
> killing Wolverine in new and imaginative ways...THAT would be worth
> reading.

Well, you could always reread 'Days of Future Past' or that first story set
in Limbo. :-)

Wouter Valentijn

Jan 7, 2011, 1:54:35 PM1/7/11

Yes. It would be extremely foolish.


Jan 7, 2011, 3:27:14 PM1/7/11
On Jan 5, 10:59 pm, "Kevin" <> wrote:
> Other matches:
> Storm beat Wonder Woman

Didn't Wonder Woman get ahold of Thor's hammer for this one?

> Aquaman beat Namor

By making a whale crush him, IIRC. Which Namor should be able to shrug

> Flash beat Quicksilver (after QS has a moral dilemna)

I'd be surprised if Flash *wasn't* faster...

> Robin beat Jubilee (then they get all kissy faced)

Makes perfect sense.

> Silver Surfer beat Green Lantern

I'd agree with that.

> Thor beat Capt Marvel a really good matchup! Of course, Supes later beat Thor in
Avengers vs. JLA (tho he did say Thor was the toughest he'd ever
fought, presumably including Doomsday)...

> Batman "technically beat" Capt America

In Avengers vs. JLA, they fought for hours with no clear winner. I
give it Cap, eventually...

> Oh yeah... Thanos and Darkseid fought and a lot of superheroes from both
> sides tried to stop it. Apparently, Thanos and Darkseid punched so hard that
> babies woke up screaming in Europe and windows shattered hundreds of miles
> away..... yeah.... No winner as the fight was interrupted by reality
> starting to bleed blood....

Also a nice matchup. Not sure who I'd give that one to...



Jan 7, 2011, 3:33:16 PM1/7/11
On Dec 27 2010, 1:59 pm, "Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:
> Lilith wrote:
> The stronger he gets. I know.
> That still didn't help. Supes stood his ground.
Yeah, I remember that one. After getting knocked into another city,
Supes comes back and gets seriuos, simply standign there as the Hulk's
increasingly furious blows get strong enough to shatter mountains
(according to the captions). Still, Supes hearing was good enough to
hear the microscopic, ultrasonic drone that Dr. Doom was using to
incite the Hulk to such levels of rage, after which he crushed it and
the Hulk wandered away...Then it was time for Superman to pay a visit
to the Latverian embassy...

Fun story! I had it in one of those oversized formats that seemed
almost as big as I was, at the time. Anyone remember those, or what
they were called (i had Marvel's Battlestar Galactica adaptation like
that, too)?



Jan 8, 2011, 12:41:28 PM1/8/11

"Hand-of-Omega" <> wrote in message

> On Jan 5, 10:59 pm, "Kevin" <> wrote:
>> Other matches:
>> Storm beat Wonder Woman
> Didn't Wonder Woman get ahold of Thor's hammer for this one?

During the Thanos/Darkseid battle, I think Darkseid backhanded Thor and he
dropped Mjornir. Wonder Woman grabbed it and tossed it to Thor, leaving Thor
quite baffled.

>> Aquaman beat Namor
> By making a whale crush him, IIRC. Which Namor should be able to shrug
> off...
>> Flash beat Quicksilver (after QS has a moral dilemna)
> I'd be surprised if Flash *wasn't* faster...
>> Robin beat Jubilee (then they get all kissy faced)
> Makes perfect sense.
>> Silver Surfer beat Green Lantern
> I'd agree with that.

Sadly, that fight was only a page or two :(

Scott Eiler

Jan 8, 2011, 2:52:56 PM1/8/11
Hand-of-Omega wrote:
> On Jan 5, 10:59 pm, "Kevin" <> wrote:

>> Batman "technically beat" Capt America
> In Avengers vs. JLA, they fought for hours with no clear winner. I
> give it Cap, eventually...

That was a good one (Marvel vs. DC, actually), but I also liked the time when
they feinted, fought the fight in their heads, and then went straight to the
team-up (Avengers vs. JLA).


Jan 8, 2011, 6:26:43 PM1/8/11
On Sat, 8 Jan 2011 12:41:28 -0500, "Kevin"
<> wrote:

>"Hand-of-Omega" <> wrote in message
>> On Jan 5, 10:59 pm, "Kevin" <> wrote:
>>> Other matches:
>>> Storm beat Wonder Woman
>> Didn't Wonder Woman get ahold of Thor's hammer for this one?
>During the Thanos/Darkseid battle, I think Darkseid backhanded Thor and he
>dropped Mjornir. Wonder Woman grabbed it and tossed it to Thor, leaving Thor
>quite baffled.
>>> Aquaman beat Namor
>> By making a whale crush him, IIRC. Which Namor should be able to shrug
>> off...
>>> Flash beat Quicksilver (after QS has a moral dilemna)
>> I'd be surprised if Flash *wasn't* faster...
>>> Robin beat Jubilee (then they get all kissy faced)
>> Makes perfect sense.
>>> Silver Surfer beat Green Lantern
>> I'd agree with that.
>Sadly, that fight was only a page or two :(

But there was also a GL/Silver Surfer one-shot back around that time.


Jan 8, 2011, 11:30:39 PM1/8/11
On Jan 8, 6:27 am, Hand-of-Omega <> wrote:
> On Jan 5, 10:59 pm, "Kevin" <> wrote:
> > Other matches:
> > Storm beat Wonder Woman
> Didn't Wonder Woman get ahold of Thor's hammer for this one?

Yes, but when they writers saw the results of the poll, she got rid of

> > Robin beat Jubilee (then they get all kissy faced)
> Makes perfect sense.

They had a relationship later, didn't they?

= DUG.

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